Thomas Jefferson a Figure of Supreme National Importance

Thomas Jefferson a Figure of Supreme National Importance Instructions are posted under additional files. No style.

Thomas Jefferson a Figure of Supreme National Importance
Thomas Jefferson a Figure of Supreme National Importance

Instructions for Test Three

Please read all these instructions carefully regarding Test Three.

  1. The take-home exam is worth 100 points.
  2. All papers should be minimum 5 and no more than 7 pages. My recommendation would be to do as much as possible to get your ideas across. The minimum of five pages does not include a Works Cited page or a title page (in other words, these pages do not count towards the paper’s length).
  3. Papers should include your name, have page numbers on each page and be stapled.
  4. Papers should be single-spaced, typed in 12-point font, with one-inch margins on the top, bottom, left and right sides.

All papers are due no later than Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at class time.  A hard copy must be submitted to me; no electronic copy will be accepted. Your paper must also be submitted through Safe Assign, in addition to turning in a hard copy.

If there is any evidence of plagiarism, then the paper will receive a zero and an academic integrity grievance will be initiated.  All papers should be written in as best grammar and spelling possible. Your essay will be graded on your understanding of the material, clarity of thought, and expression of ideas, as well as grammar and spelling.

Take Home Test Assignment

Thomas Jefferson was a figure of supreme national importance in the birth of the American nation.  Discuss Jefferson’s life, political offices that he held, issues he influenced and what is legacy is to the United States.

You must use a minimum of four sources, not including the textbook.  These may be internet sites (some of which are available on Blackboard), books, articles, etc. Cite your sources, either with an in-text citation or with footnotes or endnotes.  A bibliography should go at the end with a list of all your sources. Failure to follow instructions outlined above will result in reduction of your final grade.

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