C Ridgeway and T Kricheli Katz Review Questions

C Ridgeway and T Kricheli Katz Review Questions How do most people categorize others? What are the primary categories according to the authors?

C Ridgeway and T Kricheli Katz
C Ridgeway and T Kricheli Katz
  1. How do categories such as race, gender, and class shape our judgments and behaviors? Give an example.
  2. How is the ìclassî category perceived differently from the categories of ìraceî and ìsexî?
  3. Why does it matter what race, sex and class are ìhegemonic beliefsî (accepted by most people)?
  4. Waters
  5. What are some reasons whites may choose to identify with a particular ethnicity? What purpose does belonging to a particular ethnicity serve?
  6. How does the freedom to include or exclude ancestries differ for whites and people of color?
  7. How do ìoptional ethnicitiesî differ from ethnicities that result from exclusion and oppression?
  8. What are some advantages or disadvantages to each of these ethnicities?

Froyum, Carissa M., K. Bloch, T. Taylor, Creating and Contesting Social Inequalities, Oxford University Press, New York, 2017

Ï C.L. Ridgeway & T. Kricheli-Katz, Intersecting Cultural Beliefs in Social

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