The Concept of Organizational Politics and Behavior 4 Questions each has to be around 500 words +/- 10% ~2000 total
The Concept of Organizational Politics and Behavior
Describe and discuss equity theory and explain how a manager might apply it in the workplace. Give specific examples to illustrate your answer.
Discuss in detail the concept of organizational politics. What constitutes political behavior, why and how does it occur in organizations, and how do people use politics for their own benefit? Give specific examples to support your answer.
Do men and women lead differently? Compare and contrast men’s and women’s leadership characteristics and styles, and their general effectiveness in the workplace. Give specific details to support your answer.
Discuss in detail the four ethical decision criteria and relate them to issues and decisions about corporate social responsibility. Give specific examples to support your answer.
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African Continent Political and Economic Failures Please use APA style and add a title page and references.
African Continent Political and Economic Failures
Use the attached documents for information.
Answer the following:
a) In what ways can the continent reverse previous post-colonial political failures, and what are the major impediments to that?
b) In what ways can the continent reverse previous post-colonial economic failures, and what are the major impediments to that? Jasmine is a POLITICAL FAILURES. Jasmine
b is ECONOMIC FAILURES. There has been a chronic failure among economists to explain the growth in Africa. The methods and analytical angles they have used to explain relative failure in Africa were conceived in the 1990s, but these were unsuitable for explaining the growth in the 1960s or growth since the 2000s.
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Facebook Campaigning of a Dutch Political Party I am looking for somebody to write the first paragraph of the introduction of my Research Proposal.
Facebook Campaigning of a Dutch Political Party
The first paragraph should clarify what the report is about and what this research is aiming for: researching social media campaign on Facebook of Dutch political party GroenLinks.
This first paragraph of the introduction needs a strong focus on Dutch politics.
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Evaluate Israeli Government and Politics Please sufficiently answer the 6 attached questions from a Pro-Israel point of view.
Evaluate Israeli Government and Politics
Homework # 001
Question 1: Explain the meaning of David Easton’s political system and its use as a standard to evaluate Israeli government and politics. Use any on-line resources.
Evaluate Israeli Government and Politics
Question 2: What logistical and practical issues make direct democracy difficult, if not impossible, in a large society such as Israeli? Given the opportunity, do you think you would be able ñ or willing ñ to participate directly in governing your town, state, or nation?
Question 3: Carl Schmitt was a German legal theorist whose book, The Concept of the Political, came to have an enormous influence on both the anti-liberal left and the anti-liberal right.
Schmitt posited the specific political distinction Ö can be reduced to that between friend and enemy.
The most important part of Schmitt’s attack on classical liberalism (max Weber) was his insistence that liberals were wrong about social harmony, wrong that exchange was a moral alternative to conquest, wrong that debate could replace combat, wrong that toleration could replace animosity, and wrong that a peaceful world was even possible.
What do you think Schmitt would say about Israeli-Palestinian conflict? just your opinion]
Israeli Politics; TAU, Spring 2019, Klauber
Evaluate Israeli Government and Politics Question 4
Describe the primacy of national security in Israel and its effects on Israeli society and politics. In your answer, refer to Carl Schmitt notion of emergency. In your opinion, does Israel abuse its emergency powers?
Question 5: It has been asserted that Israel’s presence in the territories violated UN Security
Council Resolution 242 of 1967, one of the cornerstones of the peace process. This allegation ignores both the language and the original intent of 242.
The framers of this resolution realized that the pre-1967 borders were indefensible and deliberately chose to use the term withdrawal “from territories” (and not “from all the territories” as the Palestinians claim) in order to indicate the need to change any future borders.
What is the status of the territories? Israel’s presence in the territory is often incorrectly referred to as an “occupation.” However, under international law, occupation occurs in territories that have been taken from a recognized sovereign.
The Jordanian rule over the West Bank and the Egyptian rule over the Gaza Strip following 1948 resulted from a war of aggression aimed at destroying the newly established Jewish State. Their attacks plainly violated UN General Assembly Resolution 181 from 1947 (also known as the Partition Plan).
Evaluate Israeli Government and Politics
Accordingly, the Egyptian and Jordanian seizures of the territories were never recognized by the international community.
As neither territory had a prior legitimate sovereign, under international law, these areas could not be considered as occupied and their most accurate description would be that of disputed territories. In your opinion, are these territories occupied or settled?
Evaluate Israeli Government and Politics Question 6
The State of Israel was established with the goal of providing a homeland for every Jew in which they could live as free and equal citizens without fear of discrimination on the basis of their religious beliefs or ethnic background.
The need for a homeland for the Jewish people was apparent after centuries of unequal treatment and persecution. It was recognized by the international community in 1922, when the League of Nations adopted the Mandate to Administer Palestine and in 1947 when the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (the Partition Plan).
The Law of Return (1950), which states “every Jew has the right to immigrate to the country,” thereby fulfilled both the will of the international community and the goal of the Zionist movement. What is the Palestinian claim against the Law of Return (1950)?
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Essays should be structured as follows: (grading rubric on p. 3)
Political Participation and Nationalism Essays Introduction
1) Introduction: In your opinion is the United States a) a thriving democracy, b) in the transition from democracy to authoritarianism, or c) already fascist. Use at least 2 specific points from the lecture and readings to justify your opinion.
2) Choose one of the following based on your opinion in the introduction:
If you chose already fascist, explain the difference between fascist government,
Fascist ideology and fascist tactics. Then list 3 specific fascist tactics, explain what they are in general, and give an example in practice to demonstrate how they evidence the? Fascist United States.
Political Participation and Nationalism Essays
If you chose in transition, explain changes in 2 forms of institutional political participation and 2 forms of non-institutional political participation that have changed during the transition and/or describe inequalities and problems with participation (e.g. voter suppression).
If you chose thriving democracy, explain 2 forms of institutional political participation and 2 forms of noninstitutionalized political participation that evidence a thriving American democracy.
3) Which theoretical framework on political participation in general (Ch 6) and voting and elections in particular (Ch 7) informs your opinion about where the US falls on the spectrum from democracy to fascism? You may also draw on the Arendt and Gessen readings here.
Political Participation and Nationalism Essays
4) Describe the imagined community of America. Then, choose one of the following, based on which one best flows from the previous paragraphs and helps to justify your assertion from the introduction:
a) What is gendered or muscular nationalism and how does its presence or absence in the US support your opinion on where the US falls on the spectrum of democracy to fascism?
b) Explain and give an example of the myth-symbol complex in the development of white nationalism in the United States and explain how this either fosters the transition to fascism or shows that even with the rise in white supremacist violence, the US is still more democratic than fascist overall.
c) Using the lecture (and ideally contrast it to the recommended reading by Emma Goldman,) explain the differences between patriotism and nationalism and explore how they play out in the US and its location on a spectrum from thriving democracy to fascist state.
5) Conclusion: Sum up. How do concepts from political sociology help you to more systematically and rigorously argue your position?
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Political Events between the 1920s and the 1960s that you believe was a turning point for the nation.
Political Events between the 1920s and the 1960s
As you read, the political actions of policymakers of the United States charted the nation’s course through the prosperity of the 1920s, the great economic decline of the 1930s, the industrial rebirth spurred on by mobilization in during World War II, and a rebound to financial affluence in the 1950s and 1960s. Although there were many struggles for the United States to achieve growth, the Presidents and political parties pushed legislation to move America forwards in terms of economic and social health.
Political Events between the 1920s and the 1960s
For this essay, choose one political event between the 1920s and the 1960s that you believe was a turning point for the nation. The political turning point must demonstrate that without legislative action, the country would suffer economic or social decline. Think about how certain groups benefited or lost some power due to this change in policy. You must be able to develop a strong argument, write a clear thesis, and support your work with citations and analysis from primary and secondary sources. YOU MUST USE ONE OF THE SOURCES ATTACHED BELOW. TWO ARE PREFERRED. PLEASE AVOID OUTSIDE SOURCES.
Political Events between the 1920s and the 1960s
Examples of political events include Big Business Policies of the 1920s, parts of the New Deal, the GI Bill, the Red Scare/McCarthyism, Policies against Communism, Promotion of Minorities, Brown vs. The Board of Education, etc.
To receive a high grade, students must:
Carefully analyze and describe primary sources using specifics and details
Sources from the Weekly Discussion boards are encouraged
Use at least one supporting source below is required
Developing a thesis that links directly to the sources chosen
Analyzing the evidence to produce arguments and ideas unique to the writing
Respect to Spelling, Grammar, Citations
Political Events between the 1920s and the 1960s Paper Organization
The paper must include an introduction, several distinct body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
The introduction must address the time, place, and topic you are writing about. Your introduction should include a thesis statement that states your argument for the essay, and an overview of how you will organize your thoughts and sources.
The body paragraphs should organize around the main idea included the topic sentence. The following sentences should refer to evidence to support that main idea.
The conclusion should summarize the essayís ideas and suggest connections to course themes.
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Politically engaged literature in the early twentieth century
Politically engaged literature in the early twentieth century
Social movements such as feminism, Socialism, and communism in early 20th century U.S. spawned a variety of literature. Analyze the development of politically engaged literature at this time, making specific references to the major aesthetic and thematic proccupations of the primary works you choose to write about.
Will need creditable sources. I have found 2. I will post library link will need to find 2 more sources.
Politically Engaged Literature in Early Twentieth Century Social movements such as feminism, Socialism, and communism in early 20th century U.S. spawned a variety of literature.
Politically Engaged Literature in Early Twentieth Century
Analyze the development of politically engaged literature at this time, making specific references to the major aesthetic and thematic preoccupations of the primary works you choose to write about.
How is the media, biased, more towards progressive liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access?
(1) How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Explain your response.
(2) Find two or more examples of media bias (video clip, article, images) and attach to your Dropbox submission. Explain in detail how these example/s represent media bias and the impact that it has on public opinion. As part of your research and examination of media bias include recent polling data results showing the public’s confidence in the objectivity or fairness of the media. Provide an Internet citation for each polling source discussed.
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