Distinction between Moral and Natural Evil

The distinction between Moral and Natural Evil The paper should be 5-7 pages long (approx. 2500 words) long.

Distinction between Moral and Natural Evil
Distinction between Moral and Natural Evil

Do you believe that the atheist is successful in showing that the existence of evil is incompatible with the existence of God? Why (not)? Support your view with reasons.

In your essay, you must address all of the following points:

Distinction between Moral and Natural Evil

(a) Carefully and methodically (but in your words) explain how the atheist argues that God does not exist because evil exists. Be sure to explain the positions of theism, atheism, and agnosticism. Be sure to explain how the various qualities attributed to God in the Judeo-Christian tradition bear on the problem.

(b) State your thesis (answer to the title question).

(c) Explain the distinction between moral and natural evil. Give some examples.

(d) Carefully explain the free will defense. Make sure that you say what type of evil the defense is concerned with. Take care to explain why a world with free beings in it, who might cause evil, is better than a world with unfree beings who always do good. You should explain the philosophical objections that have been raised against the free will defense (among them Mackie’s argument).

Distinction between Moral and Natural Evil

You should also evaluate them. Do you think that they are good objections? Do they undermine the free will defense?

(e) Carefully explain the soul-making defense. Make sure that you say what type of evil defense is concerned with. What philosophical objections have been raised against the soul-making defense? Do you think that they are good objections? Do they undermine the soul-making defense?

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