Interventions to Address the Behavioral Factors

Interventions to Address the Behavioral Factors Order Instructions: use case study- Recommend interventions to address the behavioral and psychosocial factors with a primary focus on psycho-social interventions, including any identified protective factors which could reduce presenting concerns.

Interventions to Address the Behavioral Factors
Interventions to Address the Behavioral Factors

Describe step by step nursing interventions to address behavioral, psychological and emotional responses seen in the patient and their family and links them to research evidence. Acknowledge the benefit of and incorporates pre-existing protective factors.

Interventions to Address the Behavioral Factors Sample Answer


Ellen Simpson is a former shop attendant that lives her alone since her husband passed away, and her children live away from her residence. There are several psycho-social, behavioral, and physical parameters that should be considered and utilized in ensuring that Ellen gets better in both the short and long-term interventions used for her case.

Cognitive behavior therapy could be one of the successful interventions that could be used in Ellen’s psychological case to positively contribute to her cardiac health. The nurse would discuss with the patient why she was experiencing depression, and the importance of interacting with her relatives and members of her community as a means of sharing any issues that she could be facing (Alun et al., 2015: Montilla, Roberto & Hector, 2016).

A formal psychosocial convention should be put in place to manage Ellen’s psychosocial state so that she feels that she is part of the community. Psycho-educational mechanisms should be utilized in Ellen’s case so that she can understand how she can improve her health status. An intervention team including a physician and nurse could meet with her to discuss the issues that stress her, and how they can be handled. Ellen’s children or a loved one that can be therefore for her on a consistent and constant basis can be asked to be present at the intervention so that a discussion is made on how the challenges can be handled (not just by Ellen alone). Ellen should feel that she has a support system that would ensure she stayed encouraged throughout.

As a behavioral intervention, a cardiac case-patient could enroll in an exercise program where her peers attend, so that she could feel like part of a community, and also get to interact with people outside the confines of her home (Hall, Murphy & Scanlon, 2016).

Interventions to Address the Behavioral Factors References

Alun, J., LeGrande, M., Higgins, R., Rogerson, M. & Murphy, B. (2015). Psychosocial Assessment Practice within Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Survey of cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinators in Australia. Heart, Lung, and Circulation. 1-8. Australia: Elsevier.

Hall, C., Murphy, M. & Scanlon, A. (2016). Cardiac rehabilitation in the Acute care setting: Integrative review. Australian Critical Care. 327:1-9. Australia: Elsevier.

Montilla, P.I., Roberto, M. & Hector, B. (2016). Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Geriatric Patients. Heart, Lung, and Circulation. 1-7.

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