Jazz Genre and Culture Film Review

Jazz Genre and Culture Film Review Write a film review of a film related to the Jazz genre and culture discussed in class.

Jazz Genre and Culture Film Review
Jazz Genre and Culture Film Review

Select one of the films that appear in the list below. These films are available on Kanopy, Folkstreams, and Netflix. Make sure to watch the entire film (possibly more than once) while taking notes.

Your review should be of 2-3 pages and should include the following elements:

Contextual and background information about the film and its making, i.e., research the film and use citations when presenting the information.

Summary of the plot, story, or information presented by the film as you understood it while watching the film.

Analysis of the film’s presentation of musical cultures, styles, practices, and history based on class discussions and additional research as needed (with citations).

Your informed criticism of the film.

Make sure to provide correct citations of your references as explained in class. Use one of the following citation protocols: MLA, APA, Chicago or IEEE. Submit your review as a Word, Pages or PDF document on Blackboard.

Jazz Movie List

On Netflix:

Chasing Trane

Net King Cole: Afraid of the Dark

I Called Him Morgan

On Kanopy:

Strange Fruit: The Biography of a Song

Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns, The History of Jazz Music in America, Episode 1: Gumbo

On Folkstreams

This Cat Can Play Anything (1977)


Jazz Parades (1990)


The Cradle is Rocking (1968)


Til the Butcher Cuts Him Down (1971)


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