Studies in The Effects of Human Resource Management

Studies in The Effects of Human Resource Management Order Instructions: For this paper, the writer will have to pay close attention to all details of the assignment as it will be a continues assignment which will carry forward for 8 weeks.

Studies in The Effects of Human Resource Management
Studies in The Effects of Human Resource Management

The details of the assignment will be send via email for the remainder of the 7 weeks. It is important that the writer try to stay consistent in all sections of the papers as the revolve.

Selecting Your Small-Scale Project Subject

Throughout the 8 weeks of this course (in separate but interrelated assignments), you will complete a small-scale research project by conducting a qualitative interview study. This project will give you first-hand experience with conducting qualitative research and, if performed appropriately, could also contribute to your own doctoral study.

For this Assignment:
• Select two or more interviewees and a topic for your small-scale qualitative project. You are free to choose the topic for your interview. Consider choosing a topic related to your proposed doctoral study, because the course exercises may assist you to move forward with your own doctoral study. Bear in mind that this interview project will also be the basis for subsequent assignments in this course.
In two paragraphs, summarize the process by which you selected your topic and your interviewees, and provide a brief rationale for why you have chosen this topic and detailed information identifying why interviewees are appropriate (2 participants or more).

Studies in The Effects of Human Resource Management Sample Answer

Doctoral Studies

The doctoral study I chose to research on is The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Employee Performance. The process I used in selecting this topic is mainly qualitative. The issue is important to my doctoral studies since my career path majorly encompass management career path. It is the career path development process that makes me chose this topic to get information about how HRM practices can perfect employee productivity (Doody & Noonan, 2013, p 28). My ideal job will be to start my own business: be a manager of my own business. Thus, the topic will be indispensable in helping me move forward with my doctoral studies. The topic has passed preliminary testing whereby I have tried to ask students and lectures on the same topic.

To investigate the topic, I will use qualitative research (interview) to execute it. Eight interviewees will be interrogated in the interview. Three of the respondents will be managers/CEO (chief executive officers) of any companies and five employees (Doody & Noonan, 2013, p.31). The sample of the eight participants will be randomly selected from the various enterprises in the region. The importance of selecting the three CEOs is that I will be able to consolidate information about how HRM practices ease the operations and duties of the top management. Furthermore, having the five employees in the sample will establish the consequent implications of HRM practices on the performance of workers (Doody & Noonan, 2013, p.32). Altogether, I will be able to establish the relationship between employers and employees as far as HRM practices are concerned. The responses from both parties will be used to test the hypothesis regarding the respective topic.

Studies in The Effects of Human Resource Management Reference

Doody, O., & Noonan, M. (2013). Preparing And Conducting Interview. Nurse Researcher,         20(5), pp.28-32.

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