The Future of Nursing Leading Change

The Future of Nursing Leading Change Order Instructions: 1. Read the synopsis of the IOM Report, “The Future of Nursing” at
What does this report do for the image of nursing?
2. Access the following websites to examine the image of nursing as it is being portrayed by professional organizations in the media: ANA press releases at click on The Patient Promise ( and view the video ;
View: Sigma Theta Tau International, The Nursing Honor Society at
How is nursing viewed? Do you think that the strategy behind these websites promotes a positive image for nursing?
3. Go to the website of the American Assembly of Men in Nursing at
How does this website portray nursing? Compare and Contrast with the ANA or Sigma Website
4. How do the above websites compare to the media’s portrayal of nursing in shows such as Scrubs, ER, Nurse Jackie, Grey’s Anatomy, Chicago MD, Code Black or others?
• Are Nurses as Characters on television and or in movies portrayed to have professional competence? (cite examples)
• Identify what television show and Nurse you are examining?
• If other health care providers are included in the program what differences are seen in their personality traits as compared with the nurse character? See page 43 (Black, 2017)

5. What can you do as a nursing student to promote a positive image for nursing? (refer to the literature)

The Future of Nursing Leading Change Sample Answer

The image of the nursing profession is viewed in different ways by different people, groups or organizations. The image of nursing changes and evolves with time. The IOM report gives a crucial analysis above the nursing profession. The report helps create the image of nursing as an autonomous, evolving and intellectual profession that requires focus and high level of commitment. Through the report, they enhance the perception that nursing is a top profession and important in nature thus they help promote it. Through the IOM challenges faced by the nurses are identified where recommendations are made to rebrand and shape the image of nursing and their future for the better (Vallina, 2012). The report also helps identify and promote nursing as the diversified profession by emphasizing on the need of recruiting men into the workforce. In accordance to ANA, Nursing is viewed as a dynamic profession with standards of practice and a well-established code of ethics. Nurses are recognized for expertise in various areas of clinical specialty. ANA views the images of nurses as caring and competent people with quality academic credentials.

The patient promise website views nurses as vital role models who shape the perspectives of others, especially in a work environment. The nurses are thus required to ensure they fulfill their promise of leadership to others.  The Sigma website view nursing as a promising profession thus encourages people to join the profession since the career offers many opportunities. These sites have effectively helped in the promotion of a positive nursing image. These websites and broadcast media are used by organizations to explain the many good opportunities found in the nursing career. The websites have also branded nursing as a diversified profession and effectively raised the visibility of nurses of different roles, gender or ethnic background (Vallina, 2012). The promotional materials for the public as advocated by the websites have efficiently created a positive image for nursing.

The American Assembly for Men in Nursing views the nursing profession as a female dominated field where the men are faced with barriers hindering them from pursuing the career. The male nurse is faced by the misperception that identifies nursing as not appropriate for them. The nursing field is portrayed as consisting of under presentations and lack of diversity.  The AAMN compares with the ANA website since both advocate for the diversity of the nursing field and eliminating the perception that one gender should dominate it (Vallina, 2012). Both sites are working towards shaping the image of nursing positively. AMMN has concentrated on the recruitment of men and diversifies nursing regarding gender thus contrasting with ANA and Sigma which considers all factors affecting diversity such as age, race, and gender.

There is a huge difference between the way the nursing profession is portrayed in the shows and the media. The television shows have overshadowed the nursing profession creating a negative perception to the viewers. While the websites have promoted a positive perception, the shows have undermined the profession and misrepresented it. The websites portray nurses as vital to the success of health organizations while the shows brand them as invisible to the extent that physicians are performing their roles. One of the characters known as Nurse Olivia in Grey’s Anatomy TV show does not professional competencies of nurses. The character concentrates on STDs and lover affairs which creates a negative perception that nursing is based on sex scandals. The weakened authority of nurses is created and the importance of the profession undercut. The inclusion of another health care providers would lead to an improvement in the performance of tasks and the creation of a better perception. Another healthcare provider to fit in the place of the character would ensure the ethical standards and regulations are adhered to thus not portraying the profession as full of unethical people not concentrating on the improvement of patient’s health (Vallina, 2012). The healthcare provider would also ensure a better presentation of the profession rather than represent nurses as people concentrating on the unnecessary thing while at work.

There are various ways that I can use to help in the promotion of the nursing image as a nursing student. Involvement in the forums that allow for personal interactions with the public would help in advocacy of nursing as a profession thus creating a positive image. Such initiatives would help educate people about the profession eliminating misconceptions. Effective communication and positive appearance while participating in public community activities creates a professional image of nursing. Exhibiting good practices and been a good example creates a positive image. In a nutshell, all nurses should ensure they adhere to recommended practices to promote the positive image of the nursing profession.

The Future of Nursing Leading Change Reference

Vallina, J. (2012). Teaching IOM’s new edition released with companion student volume. American Nurse, 44(4), 14.

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