The Language of Ageism Summary Overview

The Language of Ageism Summary Overview

Gendron.T.L, Welleford.E. A, Inker.J, and White J.T (2016) The Language of Ageism: Why We Need to Use Words Carefully. The Gerontologist, Vol. 56, No. 6, 997ñ1006

The Language of Ageism Summary Overview Summary of content

Assume the readers are not familiar with the material you are writing about, so begin the review with an overview or summary of the article. This should include:

The Language of Ageism Summary Overview
The Language of Ageism Summary Overview

A brief description of what the article is about and what the author wanted to achieve.

If it is a research paper, include brief details about the method used to collect data.

Identify the main points – keep to the author’s presentation.

Include a closing paragraph that describes the author’s conclusions (or key findings if research) and in what way the author highlights the significance of them

The Language of Ageism Summary Overview Critique of Article

This is where you get to give your informed opinion. There is no complete list of elements that make up a critique but the following questions can be used as guidelines for you to develop your own critique.

Who is the intended audience? (e.g. general reader, student, professional)

Does the article provide a useful introduction to someone new to the field or is the information presented useful for someone already familiar with the area?

Are the arguments presented well-supported?

Does the evidence stand up to scrutiny?

Two key items that you MUST address however are:

Is the main argument/hypothesis part of the current body of knowledge or is it a new idea? (e.g. Is it building on existing research? Do others support the ideas/evidence presented? Does it go over ground covered elsewhere in the same or different way?)

The Language of Ageism Summary Overview

What is the relevance of the argument/findings presented in the article? (Does it add to the body of knowledge? Does it have a practical application? Has it identified gaps in understanding? etc etc)

Helpful hints: Be sure to support what you say!

If you are making judgments about clarity, style, structure, etc. it is not enough just to make a statement such as “the article is difficult to follow” ñ say why and, where appropriate, provide a brief example from the paper to illustrate your evaluation.

The Language of Ageism Summary Overview

To address the two mandatory key items you need to place the article within the body of knowledge it addresses to present a balanced evaluation, so examine relevant literature (e.g. search electronic databases) to assist you to consider points such as current debates in the area, is it a new idea, different approach, etc.

It is expected that you will demonstrate an understanding of the literature relevant to the key concept/theme within the paper.

Finally – please use the appropriate APA referencing style when using the research literature in any assessment.

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