Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research

Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research Order Instructions: The writer will read the article and offer constructive feedbacks using peer review articles to support the facts.

Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research
Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research

The writer will use the APA 6th edition why completing this paper. It is important for the writer to not just indicate I agree, but to offer constructive criticism why giving alternative suggestions where necessary.

Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research Sample Answer

Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research

Constructive Criticism

The author of this material clearly denotes in his/her introduction the need for organizations to realize the need for achieving a competitive edge that the inclusion of an efficient continual process in encouraging and improving the performance and innovativeness of employees within an organization (Chronéer, & Backlund, 2015).  However, it is significant to ensure that the introductory part of this article needs to have no references as well as the conclusion. On the other hand, the author has not provided a conclusion, to sum up, the entire article and provide a recommendation on the way forward for the organization in enhancing its performance.

The author of the material gives a clear and precise need for cultural diversity within an organization. It is however essential to gives a depiction of how diversity can be managed and initiated within an organization, and the manner in which an organization can invest in this element in achieving its competitive advantage (Odoardi, Montani, Boudrias, & Battistelli, 2015).

On the other hand, it is also appropriate that the roles of the leaders and the management are detailed in initiating diversity within the organization (Menke, 2013). The manner in which this element if also viewed within the organization plays a significant role in ensuring the process of inclusion within different employees in an organization.

In recommending affirmative action’s that need to be employed in this article, it is imperative for the author of this material to ensure that appropriate definitions are provided where relevant to enable the readers of the article to have ease in understanding the intent and the provisions of the article. On the other hand, the inclusion of examples in the article would add meat in the paper, a factor that need to be considered.

Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research References

Chronéer, D., & Backlund, F. (2015). A Holistic View on Learning in Project-Based Organizations. Project Management Journal, 46(3), 61-74. doi:10.1002/pmj.21503

Menke, M. M. (2013). Making R&D portfolio management more effective. Research Technology Management, 56(5), 34-44. Retrieved from

Odoardi, C., Montani, F.,  Boudrias, J., & Battistelli, A. (2015). Linking managerial practices and leadership style to innovative work behavior, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36, 545 – 569.doi:10.1108/LODJ-10-2013-0131

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