Business Memorandum and Effective Communication

Business Memorandum and Effective Communication 1.  BUSINESS MEMORANDUM (‘MEMO’) ASSIGNMENTS

Business Memorandum and Effective Communication
Business Memorandum and Effective Communication

Memo #1 – Review the case study “Working as a Cross-Cultural Team” in your textbook (Pg. 60-61).  In a memo to me, explain how the team demonstrated characteristics that successful teams share.

Business Memorandum and Effective Communication

Before you write your memo, review some of the characteristics that successful teams share (See Pg. 51-58).  Write on the assumption of being the manager of the team (an outsider who observed the team dynamics).  Your memo subject-line is succinct, short, and clear – identifying the given task.  Effective report subject-lines are approximately one line/one sentence long.

Business Memorandum and Effective Communication

After the introductory paragraph, for each ensuing paragraph — underline your topic sentence.  Preferably begin each paragraph with a topic sentence.  In addition, you may use sub-headings as well.  You need not to have sub-headings, but you must have topic sentences.  Review the additional reading material on topic sentences in the Course Materials folder.  Do not quote entire sections of the case-study as evidence.

Business Memorandum and Effective Communication

Prepare Memo #1 as a report in and of itself.  In other words, begin the body of your report below the memo heading.  Memo #1 will be two pages.  This is an individual assignment.


Please follow these directions in completing ALL written assignments.

  1. All assignments MUST be TYPED on 8 1/2 x 11 paper format, using Times Roman 12 point font-size, and 1” margin spaces along borders. Camera shots or scanned copies are not acceptable.
  2. Remember to use single space within paragraphs and double space between paragraphs. Use sub-headings as necessary.
  3. Follow appropriate professional format for memorandums, letters, and reports. See the textbook for samples.
  4. Use your real name in all assignments.
  5. Save your work in editable Word files with the correct labels. First name (underscore) Last name (underscore) Memo#1 For e.g. John_Doe_Memo#1. Business memos are formal documents most businesses use to communicate.

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