The Sanlu Group Corporate Social Responsibility

The Sanlu Group Corporate Social Responsibility In early 2008 there were many reports of children experiencing acute urinary problems and kidney failures after consuming dairy products from the Sanlu Group who are a well-known Chinese dairy products manufacturer.

The Sanlu Group Corporate Social Responsibility
The Sanlu Group Corporate Social Responsibility

The source of the problem was discovered to be a melamine contamination of milk in Sanlu?s products and formulas. Melamine, an organic base, was added to the milk in order to cause it to appear to have higher protein content.
Initially, Sanlu began compensating suffering families with reimbursements in cash and dairy product credit to hush threats of lawsuit and bad publicity.
However, many families refused the offers of bribery and joined groups to lobby for governmental punishment of Sanlu?s action. Unfortunately, with the
preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympics, the government instead forced the media to silence the scandal until the conclusion of the international event.
Meanwhile, Sanlu began suffering the repercussions of massive recalls, shareholder write-offs, and customer complaints. In late January of 2009, Sanlu?s
executives and those found responsible for the melamine contamination were finally put on trial. However, the delays in addressing the issue and cover-ups by the Chinese government have caused an international uproar.
BLOG 9: Conduct a stakeholder analysis and discuss the effects of the scandal on Sanlu?s primary and secondary stakeholders as well as suggest a solution for
minimizing the damage.
Qs 1. Who are the Primary Stakeholders and Secondary Stakeholders in the above case?
Qs 2. Who do you think is the most important stakeholder and Why?
Qs 3. Write a letter to the most important stakeholder to apologize and thus try to control the damage to the brand?s reputation.
Qs 4. What can you do to ensure continued stakeholder engagement after this disastrous happening?

Genetically Modified Food and Environment

Genetically Modified Food and Environment What is the research paper about?
• Your paper will be about a topic of controversy that is current, for which you can find up-to-date articles in periodical publications.

Genetically Modified Food and Environment
Genetically Modified Food and Environment

You will work with a group to find shared resources on the Internet and in the library databases, but your papers must be your own.

Genetically Modified Food and Environment Essay Guidelines

• Your essay should inform the reader about the differing viewpoints on your topic while persuading the reader that your viewpoint has more value than
opposing views.
• Your thesis should be a clear, specific statement expressing your point of view. You cannot be “neutral”.
How long does the research paper have to be?
Your final draft, double-spaced, in a plain 12 pt. font, should be approximately 5 pages (not including the Cover Page or References page). Be sure to
consult your textbook, and the OWL ( for correct APA style and formatting.
How many sources do I need?
• Your “References” page must contain 5 sources from different publications, at least one chosen by the instructor.
• You will share resources and ideas with students who have the same topic as you.
• Your paper will also include some sort of chart or graphic that adds visual support to your thesis.
When is the paper due?

Genetically Modified Food and Environment Requirements

? You must submit an annotated bibliography to SafeAssignment for each of the first 5 sources you intend to use in your paper.
? No topic or group changes after the first week. You may only change groups or topics with my permission.
My rough thesis is genetically modified food will bad for the environment. (please be specific when write the essay)
Links of 5 Resources that I must use:
NOTE: (just pick one chart from the no.5 link because this is a visual resource)
please follow this outline:
1. Introduction
a). hook
b). background
c). Thesis statement
2. Supporting Idea 1
a) topic sentence for the first reason
b) at least two of the following
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
3. Supporting Idea 2
a) topic sentence for the second reason
b) at least two of the following
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
4. Supporting Idea 3
a) topic sentence for the third reason
b) at least two of the following
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
5. Opposing point(s) of view + refutation
a). topic sentence explaining the opposing point of view
b). evidence,statistics,etc. that might be used to support the opposing point of view
c). Explain why these might be true BUT…
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
6. Conclusion
a). restate your thesis and review main argument
b). Conclude with a suggestion, a question for further research, a warning or a relevant and memorable quote

Impact of GMO Foods on the United States Economy

Impact of GMO Foods on the United States Economy A 4-5 page research paper using primary and secondary sources for my American History Class.

Impact of GMO Foods on the United States Economy
Impact of GMO Foods on the United States Economy

At least one must be a primary source and at least one must be a secondary source. You must use at least one academic article found through JSTOR. Paper needs a list of works consulted and citations. The paper should have a clear thesis in the first paragraph, a presentation of evidence in the body paragraphs and a strong conclusion. If possible please include something that has to do with the experience of the bracero program which provided temporary workers from Mexico between 1942 and 1964.

Impact of GMO Foods on the United States Economy Paper Format

This paper can either be in APA or MLA, just consistent with one format. Paper should also talk about if farmers benefiting or not from GMO in addition to consumers. How does it affect the economy?
Is it good or bad? How does it affect humans? Do consumers really refuse to buy genetically modified food? These types of questions should be what this paper is based on. Genetically modified crops in the US, etc..

Research Paper on Sustainability and Overfishing

Research Paper on Sustainability and Overfishing Do some research on Fish study.

Research Paper on Sustainability and Overfishing
Research Paper on Sustainability and Overfishing

Please see the attachment for the details. NOTE: you may NOT have to write the last two hundred words that discuss what you have learned about sustainability and overfishing. One of the world’s fastest-growing food production industries, aquaculture, is harming the marine environment and people’s lives with intensive fish farms. Fish farming was promoted to contribute to meeting the rising demand for food. But it has brought its own problems. It has increased the competition for marine space in some cases by displacing local fisher people, contributed to aquatic pollution, and added to the over-exploitation of wild fish stocks which are needed to make the feed used by fish farms.

Agri Chem Case Analysis Research Paper

Agri Chem Case Analysis
Agri Chem Case Analysis

Agri Chem Case Analysis

Order Instructions:

kindly use the attached


Agri Chem Case Analysis


Agri Chem faces a challenge of reduced natural gas supply, following a notification from Enerco, that gas supplies were being rapidly depleted, thus leading to rationing of natural gas. Based on the priorities that Enerco gives from the Federal Power Commission, it is notable that Agri Chem will be significantly affected the rationing. In providing details on rationing, Enerco did not provide proportions for rationing. Agri Chem must determine its usage pattern to determine how best to maximize profits under the circumstances. The problem is to determine which of Agri Chem’s complexes would be least affected by a gas curtailment.


The rationing of natural gas is expected to have a significant impact on Agri-Chem, given the high level of usage. Agri Chem mostly utilizes natural gas for the second and third priority, which comprise the commercial use as a raw material source and industrial use as a broiler fuel. This was likely to lead to ‘rolling brownouts’ due to natural gas curtailments. The fact that Enerco does not provide guidelines on the manner in which natural gas will be allocated based on products gives Agri Chem an opportunity to determine its own proportions in a bid to ensure that profitability is maximized under the conditions. While Agri Chem had an allocation of 90,000 ´ 103 cubic feet per day based on its contract with Enerco, this would be reduced by 20% to 40% following the curtailment. This would greatly affect Agri Chem, which utilizes natural gas as broiler fuel except for ammonia production which required natural gas as a raw material.

The situation at hand presents a complex scenario in which the company’s productivity is likely to be curtailed by the rationing of natural gas, given that Agri Chem considerably depends on natural gas for production purposes. This calls for a solution to optimize gas usage under the current circumstances, which essentially calls for a formula for gas usage to ensure that the company’s profits are maximized under the circumstances. Agri Chem has an advantage in that Enerco does not provide proportions for gas allocation and hence the company has the liverty to determine its capacities as deemed appropriate. Determining the product that would be least affected by the curtailment of natural gas helps the company to establish how well it can be utilized to provide optimal results for the company.  Linear programming provides a simple solution for this complex situation, such that Agri Chem can determine how best to approach the problem presented by the gas shortage.


The main objective is to determine, based on Agri Chem’s complexities, the product that will be least affected by the gas curtailment. The solution involves creation of a linear programming equation that bases its calculation on the contribution, current capacity, production rate and natural gas usage, provided in the table of financial and operation data on page 6. This is optimized using linear programming, putting the possible constraints (20% and 40%) into consideration, to determine the product that would be least affected by the natural gas curtailment. Linear programming is considered effective in obtaining solutions for optimal use of resources and profit maximization because it makes use of simple formulas to determine solutions under different constraints (Haidar, 2015). It is therefore effective in making decisions on complex issues affecting organizations, such as the gas allocation dilemma faced by Agri Chem. In this case, two constraints are present. The process begins by determining the new constraints, representing the expected impact when gas supply is reduced by 20% or 40%. Using excel, calculations are made to determine the new quantities. Using these constraints, it is possible to determine the number of tons that can be produced per day to maximize profits as indicated on the calculations on page 7. The gas constraints are developed with reference to the possible changes, from 85,680,000 cu. ft. per day, which Agri Chem utilizes, once the curtailment is done. This is shown on page 7. The results indicate that Caustic Soda would be the least affected by the gas curtailment. This is because the company can operate optimally with Caustic Soda being produced at low levels; 423.2 tons/day when curtailment is 20% and zero tons/day when curtailment is at 40%. Profitability can then be calculated based on the quantities determined.


The current situation at Agri-Chem calls for an effective measure to determine the utilization of the natural gas supplies under the constraints.

  • Linear programming is an effective optimization technique, suitable for complex problem solving, such as in the case of Agri Chem.
  • Through the use of linear programming, Agri Chem can maximize its profits by assessing the gas proportions needed for the company and how this can be allocated to ensure optimal use of the available natural gas.
  • This solution provides guidance for Agri Chem on the utilization of natural gas, such that it can be effectively allocated for optimal results and loss reduction.
  • Linear programming gives better outcomes due to its simplicity and definite formula – single and straightforward, thus promoting accuracy.
  • The calculation of optimal levels for profitability helps in promoting decision making e.g. in the case of Agri Chem where the company determines the complexities that are least affected by natural gas rationing.
  • The solution provides a basis for determining the result of different scenarios – in this case the company can determine the profit optimization at 20% and 40% curtailment.


The problem presented in this case involves a situation in which Agri Chem’s production is affected by the curtailment of gas supply due to the effects of a heat wave. Enerco provides that Agri Chem’s supply may be affected by 20% to 40%. This calls on Agri Chem to come up with a formula that will optimize the situation, to ensure that it maintains sustainable profitability under the circumstances. A linear programming solution in which constraints are developed at the curtailment proportions provides that, caustic soda would be least affected by the gas curtailment, at the point of optimal profitability.

Question: Which of Agri-Chem’s complexes would be least affected by a gas curtailment?

Financial and Operational Data

Contribution    Capacity    Production Rate  Natural Gas Usage

Product                              ($/Ton)      (Tons/Day)  (% of Capacity)  (1,000 Cu.Ft./Ton)

Ammonia                             $80              1,500                  80                           8

Ammonium phosphate        $120              600                   90                          10

Ammonium nitrate              $140              700                   70                          12

Urea                                    $140              200                   80                          12

Hydrofluoric acid                $90               800                   70                           7

Chlorine                               $70              1,500                  80                          18

Caustic soda                         $60              1,600                  80                          20

Vinyl chloride monomer      $90              1,400                  60                          14


Let X1 = ammonia ; X2 = ammonium phosphate ; X3 = ammonium nitrate ; X4 = urea ; X5 = hydrofluoric acid ; X6 = chlorine ; X7 = caustic soda ; X8 = Vinyl chloride monomer

Agri Chem’s current natural gas usage = (1,200 × 8 + 540 × 10 + 490 × 12 + …) = 85,680,000 cu. ft. per day

At 20% curtailment, availability is 0.8 x 85,680 = 68,554,000 cu. ft. per day

Therefore, gas constraint = 8X1 + 10X2 + 12X3 + 12X4 + 7X5 + 18X6 + 20X7 + 14X8 ≤ 68,544

Using Excel, the following solution is obtained.

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
Tons/day 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 433.2 840


At 40% curtailment, availability is 0.6 × 85,680 = 51,408,000 cu. ft. per day

Constraint: 8X1 + 10X2 + 12X3 + 12X4 + 7X5 + 18X6 + 20X7 + 14X7 ≤ 51,408

Excel calculation results in the following:

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
Tons/day 1,200.00 540.00 490.00 160.00 560.00 718.22 0.00 840.00


Haidar, A. D. (2015). Construction Program Management – Decision Making and Optimization

Techniques. London: Springer

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Financial Reporting and Management Accounting

Financial Reporting and Management Accounting Order Instructions: Part B A friend has asked you for some advice: ‘My small business now makes a profit; I am only too aware of this, as I now face a big tax bill each year, when my tax accountant has prepared my annual accounts.

Financial Reporting and Management Accounting
Financial Reporting and Management Accounting

However, I don’t feel much better off personally, so this is not quite what I had expected when I took the risk of resigning my job and setting up my own firm. The accountant is now trying to persuade me to pay her even higher fees, by letting her prepare monthly “management accounts” for me. She says that I would also benefit from something called CVP analysis on my various product lines. I know that you are now doing an MSc. What does she mean here, and is this likely to be worth my paying her for?’
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:

•What is the difference between financial reporting and management accounting?

•What are the benefits and potential problems associated with cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis?

•What advice would you give your friend?


1) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

3) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

4) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

5) copy percentage must be 10% or less.

Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Financial Reporting and Management Accounting Sample Answer


The need to maintain comprehensive financial records is fundamental for any organization whose objective is to create successful business. In this regard, it would be a wise decision to invest in management financing; which will help to effectively monitor the business’ progress, forecast future business environment and make effective decisions.

It is important to understand that management accounting differs from financial accounting and that each plays a different role in the organization. While financial accounts are generally prepared for the external audience, management accounts are meant for internal stakeholders and are specifically developed for the management to track specific areas of the business for specific periods.  Management accounting helps managers in making accurate decisions through detailed reports that address specific financial issues which may be based both on the past and projected data (Fotache et al, 2010, p. 46-47).

While financial accounting focuses on reporting profitability, managerial accounting is mostly concerned with identifying underlying problems and how they can be fixed to promote profitability (McCrary, 2010, p. 24). In essence, financial accounting is only concerned with the outcome of the company’s system for profit generation while managerial accounting is concerned with identifying any bottle necks and certain measures to counter them in order to promote profitability (Jurus, 2014, p. 76). Unlike financial accounting which only calls for the preparation of accounts for an ended financial period, managerial accounting helps the management to assess the situation at the organization more frequently and thus make the correct decisions as deemed necessary (Fotache et al, 2010, p. 47-48). Lastly, unlike financial accounting which must be compliant with set financial standards, managerial accounting is meant for internal consumption and therefore does not need to comply with any standards.

Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is utilized in determining the impact that changes in costs and volume of products and services on the operating income of the company. Horngren, Datar and Rajan (2012, p. 87) note that CVP plays a significant role in decision making by providing answers to practical questions necessary for business analysis; hence the need for businesses to invest in CVP.

In order to make the decision on whether to conduct CVP, a business owner must be familiar with various benefits and problems; which are explained as follows. The first advantage is that CVP analysis is highly detailed and thus reflects the exact position of the company. Managers can thus use information including the costs required for producing a certain amount of product to make accurate budget projections to ensure the desired amount of profits is achieved (Horngren, Datar and Rajan, 2012, p. 128) . Secondly, profit planning can be achieved through using CVP to identify the most profitable combination between cost, volume and selling price. Finally, CVP is useful in price determination through analyzing fixed and variable costs (McCrary, 2010, p. 96)

A major limitation of CVP is that information obtained is largely estimated. This is despite using specific data and paying much attention to detail. Horngren, Datar and Rajan (2012, p. 132) note that it is better at answering hypothetical questions rather than providing actual answers. The second limitation is that CVP is not as effective when it comes to multiple products. Analysis has to be performed on each single product and this is usually a challenge for businesses with multiple products especially where each product has different variable cost ratios.

Based on the above information, I would advise that you allow the accountant to prepare management accounts as well as undertake CVP analysis. It is better to spend additional cash in developing financial information that will be useful in assessing the financial position of the company and making effective decisions; than to make losses or lose the business due to factors that would have been addressed through actions such as management accounting.

Financial Reporting and Management Accounting Reference List

Fotache, G, Fotache, M, Bucşă, R, & Ocneanu, L 2011, ‘The Changing Role of Managerial Accounting in Decision Making Process Research on Managing Costs’, Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 14, 2, pp. 45-55, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 19 June 2015. Retrieved from

Horngren, C.T., Datar, S.M., & Rajan, M. (2012). Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 14th edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc

Juras, A 2014, ‘Strategic Management Accounting — What Is the Current State of the Concept?’, Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 17, 2, pp. 76-83, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 19 June 2015. Retrieved from

McCrary, SA 2010, Mastering Financial Accounting Essentials : The Critical Nuts And Bolts, Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost, viewed 19 June 2015. Retrieved from

Cattle Inspection Research Paper Assignment

Cattle Inspection
Cattle Inspection

Cattle Inspection

Order Instructions:

For this assignment, you need to review chapter 11 in the text.

Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2012), Organizational behavior (1.1 ed.). Nyack, NY: Flat World Knowledge.

In addition, you need to read chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Accounting in a Nutshell.

Please refer to the bottom of page 287 in Accounting in a Nutshell. Read Self Test Question 4. I would like you to use the information from this question to respond to the following:

•What decision making model would you use to make this decision?
•Are any of the decision-making traps discussed in our text in danger of clouding your judgement?
•Would any of the tools and techniques for making better decisions assist us in this decision?
•What is your final decision and why?
Please be aware that I am not asking you to provide the calculations for this problem. While I would like you to understand how the problem is solved, the solutions are at the end of the section, so you should have the accurate information to make your final decision. The point of this paper is for you to apply the decision making techniques to the area of managerial accounting. In addition, use the above bullets as a guide for your paper…I do not want to see these listed as individual sections within your paper.

This paper should include 3-5 pages of content with an additional cover and reference page. This is a total of 5-7 pages.

Your paper should be written in proper APA format. This link will take you to the section of the APUS library that can assist you with your formatting

Supporting Materials (1 KB)


Cattle Inspection

Effective management requires that leaders adopt suitable models that are in line with their short and long-term goals (Walker, 2009). The consideration of this aspect is often significant when it comes to the making of decision affecting organization’s operations. Since leaders are always involved in the establishment of decisions that possess significant impacts on their firms, they should ensure that they comprehend the various decision-making frameworks alongside what it required for efficient decision-making (Bauer & Erdogan, 2012). One of the significant aspects that should be taken into consideration during decision-making is critical thinking.

Pareto Analysis and SWOT Analysis

Taking into consideration the issue facing BSE Veterinary Services, rational decision-making should be adopted in this organization. This BSE’s management is faced with the problem of selecting a suitable method that can be employed in the realization of maximum gains within the shortest time possible. The firm is required to increase its output to 18,000 laboratory tests so that it can manage to respond effectively to the increasing the demands resulting from the problems experienced with the beef herd. However, the firm’s current output is 12,000 laboratory tests. As such, the organization requires the addition of another shift on its schedule to address this problem. Being that this problem will impact significantly on the organization’s resources, its management should employ a rational-decision making model using tools such as SWOT analysis to accomplish its objectives. Rational decision making takes into consideration the aspect of following a rational four-step pattern when making decisions (Bauer & Erdogan, 2012). These steps include identification of a problem, generation of solutions, selection of solutions and implementation and evaluation of the solution. This framework is founded on the cognitive assessment of cons and pros. Moreover, it is structured around choosing the most sensible and logical alternative, which can yield the required outcomes. As such, it involves a detailed evaluation of options and a comparative analysis of benefits of each alternative with the aim of picking the most appropriate one.

Some factors that might lead to the clouding of efficient decision-making in relation to the problem facing BSE are unrealistic search for silver-bullet remedies, failure to consider options in an explicit manner and failure to embrace opportunity cost. Searching for silver-bullet may involve looking for complex alternative with minimal effects/results (Walker, 2009). Moreover, the firm’s management may fail to focus on various solutions that can impact positively on the decision-making process, thereby leading to an inefficient decision-making process. The failure to consider the aspect of opportunity may arise from the company’s management disregarding the costs involved in other alternatives, which might be inexpensive.

As a decision-making technique, the SWOT analysis can be employed in making appropriate decisions concerning the problem facing BSE. SWOT analysis takes into consideration aspects of weaknesses and strengths associated with an organization alongside the threats and opportunities to which the firm is exposed. These four aspects are often drawn in 2-by-2 matrix with the aim of making the model read like a series of disadvantages and advantages. This framework is often employed together with other models in handling management issues facing organizations (Bauer & Erdogan, 2012). Focusing on BSE’s weaknesses and strengths in relation to its assets, inventories, staff, financial position and equipment will help the firm’s management in identifying suitable measures of handling the problems. On the other hand, focusing on the opportunities and threats to which the company is exposed will help the management in adopting efficient strategies of addressing the problem. For instance, the company’s management can decide whether to employ new workers or outsource the contract. Besides, the firm’s management can also decide whether to increase its inventories or not.

BSE’s management can also employing feasibility study in determining the level of profitability associated with the new demand or undertaking. For example, the company’s management can decide to perform a study on the effect of increasing the prices of its services on the level of demand or profits. Furthermore, the Pareto Analysis can also be employed in solving the company’s problem. This model often operates on the principle of 80:20, when organizations need to initiate several changes (Walker, 2009). This framework is vital in pointing out areas where initial alterations/changes should be made to be enable firms obtain maximum benefits/gains as early as possible.

Apart from increasing the firm’s output to 18,000 laboratory tests, the firm can also focus on increasing the prices of its services in order to raise its profit margins. Taking into consideration the fact that the demand for the veterinary services is high, the firm’s management should employ the principle of demand and supply in its operations. Increasing the prices of the firm’s services will help the firm realize its objectives in an easier way than when it focuses on increasing its outputs. Therefore, BSE’s management should embrace the idea of increasing the prices of its services or charges/fees of laboratory tests.

In conclusion, selecting an appropriate solution for problems experienced by a company is significant in ensuring that its objectives are met in an effective manner. Therefore, leaders should ensure that they employ decision-making models that are in line with their goals and resource capabilities.


Bauer, T & Erdogan, B. (2012). Organization Behavior. Nyack, New York: Flat World Knowledge.

Walker, J. (2009). Accounting in a Nutshell : Accounting for the Non-specialist. Amsterdam: Elsevier/CIMA.

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