Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review Order Instructions: In examining different approaches to the evaluation of a literature review within the context of a specific research topic, objectives and research questions, Examining similarities and differences in your critical evaluations of the content of the reviewed article

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review
Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review

• Identifying lessons from the reviewed articles and how these could be applied to your own research project.

• Proposing ways in which additional research might be conducted on the same or similar topics

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review Sample Answer


Topic Review

Literature review forms a critical part of any research paper written. The aim of this article is to look at the approaches used by authors in two articles covering the topic of managing the human resource. The articles under review include one by Debi and Pawan entitled ‘human resource management in Indian SMEs: The role played by indigenous realities’ (Budhwar and Saini, 2008). The subsequent research titled ‘the relationship between organizational commitment and Human resource management practices: A field study’ by Sendogdu, Kocabacak, and Guven (Şendoğdu, Kocabacak, and Güven, 2013). The two articles look at the area of human resource management and involve looking at different practices adopted by corporates in the business sector.

The research topic identified in both articles is quite elaborate and unique to the objective of every study. Debi and Pawan have made their research focus on small and medium enterprises within the business environment of India. They narrowed down the topic to a particular set of a population of study by looking at the indigenous realities. The theme chosen by Debi and Pawan is clear and presents an overall view of the reader of the contents of the study. On the other hand, the second article topic by Sendogdu and the two colleagues looks at a field study which already highlights the study design adopted in the research. The subject looks at a wider scope which entails practices adopted by human resource management departments (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The topic has narrowed down to the Konya province in Turkey, a particular set of a population for study, but has not identified one practice within human resource management to avoid vagueness.

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review Objectives Review

The study on human resource management practices and organizational commitment made clear its overall aim and objectives. The study examined the relationship between the two variables, which is organizational commitment and HRM practices, and highlighted the context (Şendoğdu, Kocabacak, and Güven, 2013). The context was that of behavior and attitude, interaction facilitation, manufacturing alongside human resource fit, incentives and team activities to achieve organization objectives (Chaudhuri, 2010).

The second article by Debi and Pawan discusses the various practices within the context of SMEs and look at the practices adopted by such businesses. The paper looks at the approaches and issues in the management of people in small businesses. The objectives in both articles are clear and well addressed in the research.

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review Lessons

The items are well analyzed and result in coherence with relevant literature reviewed. The approaches adopted by both articles involve the use of theory and related literature which reflects upon their study topics in detail. The limitations of both issues have been identified and acknowledged by the authors (Chang, Yu, and Lu, 2015). The article focusing on HRM practices in Konya city in Turkey recognizes limited sample size when it focuses on one industrialized province while there are several developed cities which could improve the reliability of their collected data. I would use this lesson in research to ensure that the validity of my conclusions is high since choosing a larger sample improves data reliability. The accuracy and use of a precise topic will help readers to have a quick comprehension of the study.

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review Recommendations

In conclusion, the two articles have been well analyzed but still, have more room for improvement. The authors should have avoided more of generalizations in their studies and used proved facts (Paillé et al., 2013). Generalizations tend to create a bias which reduces the quality of research done. Several studies should be conducted on the various practices that are adopted by different business environments and how it influences the organization.

Different Approaches to Evaluation of Literature Review References

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong’s Handbook of human resource management practice, 13th edition. London: Kogan Page.

Chang, Y., Yu, H. and Lu, H. (2015). Persuasive messages, popularity cohesion, and message diffusion in social media marketing. Journal of Business Research, 68(4), pp.777-782.

Chaudhuri, K. (2010). Human resource management. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House.

Paillé, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O. and Jin, J. (2013). The Impact of Human Resource Management on Environmental Performance: An Employee-Level Study. J Bus Ethics, 121(3), pp.451-466.

Saini, D. and Budhwar, P. (2008). Managing the human resource in Indian SMEs: The role of indigenous realities. Journal of World Business, 43(4), pp.417-434.

Şendoğdu, A., Kocabacak, A. and Güven, Ş. (2013). The Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Commitment: A Field Study. Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, 99, pp.818-827.

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