Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University

Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University Order Instructions: Question: 1. Clarkson University’s DPT program utilizes a problem based learning (PBL) curriculum format.

Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University
Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University

Read the article on PBL by Wood, and write an essay describing whether you feel that PBL would be an effective learning environment for you, and why. You can access the article for free at Enter “PMC1125189” into the search. [Wood DF. Problem based learning. British Medical Journal. 2003 Feb 8;326(7384):328?30.]

2. Do you feel personal circumstances have limited your ability to participate in extracurricular or volunteerism? If yes please explain.

Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University Instruction

Each question should be separated, one question per one question.

1. In number 1 question, please take a look the the article and respond the question listed. it should present specific examples in detail. And how the PBL apply to physical therapy school. Also, the school provide additional information below which should consider and include in essay. The philosophy behind problem based learning (PBL) is simple: the best way to learn a new concept is to experience it firsthand. At Clarkson, we introduce Doctor of Physical Therapy students to a wide variety of clinical scenarios, some involving “paper patients” and some with real clients. Textbook knowledge is important, but the goal of PBL is to stimulate the development of real-world problem-solving skills. Students are trained to ask three questions: “What do I know?” “What don’t I know?” and “How will I find the answer?”

Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University and Students in a PBL learning environment:

Know where to find answers, by listening closely to the patient and by searching peer-reviewed journals for the latest and best information.

Ask more and better questions. Their mental framework is higher-level and contextual and reflects better preparation. PBL students can easily frame questions to clarify clinical dilemmas.

Develop lifelong learning skills that allow them to seek answers independently.

Expect and integrate ongoing feedback to improve their professional skills.

Practice evaluation and intervention strategies to experience what patients experience and develop competency under the capable supervision of physical therapists.

See the patient in a broader context and consider the economic and cultural issues that influence intervention and care.

2. I would attach one essay, and then refer to essay to write about number 2 question. It also present septic and detail examples to support ideas.
You can create any story which possibly can happen in clinical environment as physical therapy setting. Also this essay should be unique and exceptional one.

Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University Sample Answer

Clarkson University, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Question 1: Is PBL an Effective Learning Environment for you?

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is critical since it contributes to learners thinking actively as they read and are taught content. Therefore, the learners have their ideas about a topic at hand, based on their experiences in the field. Problem-Based Learning is important in physical therapy because it promotes thinking beyond the theoretical content in handling patients’ cases. Teamwork is promoted because therapists have to work with their professional colleagues to ensure positive patient outcomes. The Clarkson University, PBL program ensures that the Doctor of Physical Therapy course learners create a rapport so that there is a group spirit. A teamwork spirit is critical in contributing to the generation of evidence-based ideas in solving patient problems. The Doctor of Physical Therapy at Clarkson University will assist me in gaining the competencies I require to be an exceptional physical therapist.

The Doctor of Physical Therapy at Clarkson University PBL based program guides learners in asking some questions when handling different patient cases. The learner asks “what do I know, what don’t I know, and how will I find answers?” A qualified therapist should possess knowledge on handling the three questions in addressing patient cases. The physical therapist effectively handles the three questions through asking well-framed, clinically relevant concerns to the patients. Through conducting research on vast physical therapy cases, therapists can integrate the information given by the patients in solving physical therapy cases.

The course is also a stepping stone to gaining specific awareness on tactics to intervene and understand patients’ experiences so as to formulate stable plans for patients’ recovery. Through the three questions, physical therapists can also synchronize patient cultures and economic situation in formulating recovery plans. The course content and my experience five years ago will be of great assistance towards attaining a professional physical therapist qualification from Clarkson University. I was involved in a motor vehicle accident that resulted in an injury to my shoulder. My recovery time assisted me in understanding the kinds of physical and mental challenges that patients go through. After my recovery, I made a decision to attain professional skills that would assist individuals that suffer physical dysfunction like I had experienced. The problem-based learning offered at Clarkson University is the best method that I can use in the attaining skills that I need in becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I would thrive through the program because it allows learners to set specific goals and emboldens them to be accountable for their professional decisions.

Question 2: Do you Feel Personal Circumstances have limited your Ability to Participate In Extracurricular or Volunteerism? If Yes, Please Explain

My personal circumstances have limited my ability to participate in volunteerism. I enjoy volunteerism since it contributed to my interest in physical therapy. I was volunteering as an acupuncturist at the time that I met a physical therapist who motivated me to enroll for the doctor of physical therapy (DPT) course. The physical therapist had a specialty in orthopedics, and had through knowledge of the musculoskeletal system. After graduating from acupuncture school, I enrolled to a doctor of physical therapy program. Combining the two fields, acupuncture, and physical therapy was a great idea because the two areas work in sync to giving desirable patient outcomes. I had to stop volunteering for physical therapy because of the extended hours of study and research that I had to invest in the course. I also had to ensure I worked in a paid capacity to support myself economically. Therefore, I cannot continue to volunteer while I study and work.

Doctor of Physical Therapy in Clarkson University Works Cited

Wood, Diana F. “Problem Based Learning What Is Problem-Based Learning ?” Bmj 326.February (2003): 328–330. Web.

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