Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy

Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy Order Instructions: How does the lack of identification of employer goals impact organizational strategy?

Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy
Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy

How can line managers overcome these pitfalls?

Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy Sample Answer


Lack of Identification of Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy

In every organization, goals, and objectives have to be set either by the employer or jointly through a collaborative process involving the employer and the employees. Either way, organizational goals provide important blueprints that determine the course of action of employees and employers, and aids in designing and preparing for future changes (Ovidiu-Iliuta, 2014). Owing to the crucial nature of these goals and objectives, it becomes imperative that every employer has to ensure that SMART goals and objectives are instituted, to guide the operations of the organization, and bring order. However, what would happen if these goals were not set? It is on this backdrop that this paper develops a solid argument behind the impact of lack of identification of employer goals on organizational strategy.

As aforementioned, organizational goals provide a blueprint that defines the course of action of an organization. Basically, this course of action is what is referred to as strategy. An organizational strategy refers to a contingent of activities and plans outlined to pursue a given objective and to take care of the future. Drawing from this definition, it is clear that employer goals and organizational strategy go hand in hand, and must be used in tandem to ensure organizational success. According to Farndale, Pai, Sparrow, and Scullion (2014), organizational goals serve four major roles: they facilitate planning, provide direction and guidance, assist in employee motivation, and contribute in performance evaluation and control.

Lack of identification of goals would hamper adequate planning in an organization. Since the business world is a rapidly changing platform, it is imperative that organizations come up with plans for the future, for instance, how to compete fairly, how to keep up with the ever-changing consumer preferences, and how to cope up with technological advancements, among others (Ovidiu-Iliuta, 2014). Without the institution of proper plans, it would mean that the organization would be caught off-guard when such crucial changes occur.

Additionally, as earlier identified, goals are important motivators for employees. Working with a known target makes operations easier, achievable, and motivating. However, in a case where the targets are not well designated, employees would not work hard enough, since they are not driven by any pressure to achieve. In line with this, employers also usually tend to align organizational goals with their own and use these as their performance indicators (Ovidiu-Iliuta, 2014). It is important to appraise highly performing employees since this would impact heavily on their motivation to work and be retained within the organization. Performance appraisal is only possible if there are set goals that act as indicators of good work.

As line managers, overcoming pitfalls caused by lack of identification of goals calls for solid leadership abilities. Most importantly, line managers need to be collaborative and involve employees in goal-setting, so that they feel part of the organization. One contingent approach would be to set specific short-term goals for teams, and ensure that these goals are met at the end of the specified time (Effects of wellbeing strategies not measured, a report finds, 2013). While these might act as ephemeral solutions to the above pitfalls, it is important that the line managers come together to set long-term goals for the entire organization, based on its culture and objectives. This process should be collaborative and must involve all employees so that they embrace the goals, and become part of the organization. Still, fostering teamwork in such a scenario is a great way to get the goals to be met satisfactorily.

Employer Goals on Organizational Strategy References

Effects of wellbeing strategies not measured, the report finds. (2013). Occupational Health65(5), 7.

Farndale, E., Pai, A., Sparrow, P., & Scullion, H. (2014). Balancing individual and organizational goals in global talent management: A mutual-benefits perspective. Journal Of World Business49(Talent Management), 204-214.

Ovidiu-Iliuta, D. (2014). The link between organizational culture and performance management practices: A case of its companies from Romania. Annals Of The University Of Oradea, Economic Science Series,23(1), 1156-1163.

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