Evolution of Entertainment TV Essay Paper

Evolution of Entertainment TV Pursue a paper on the evolution of entertainment news from its beginnings in the 80s with ET to the launch and evolution of E to the role that TMZ and sites like Buzzfeed and HuffPost play in the digital space.

Evolution of Entertainment TV Essay Paper
Evolution of Entertainment TV Essay Paper

You may have examples of other platforms and podcasts that complicate that landscape further particularly for younger viewers.

And the role social media plays in all of thisóby the time almost daily shows air the stories have been released via Twitter, IG or Snap, and often from celebrities themselves.

Is today’s entertainment news viewer expecting different things from shows and talent than earlier generations didóand what does the future forecast?  Your challenge will be to find credible resources and articles that address thisóbut I put this in your court as an opportunity to do a deeper dive into a field that you aspire to be in.

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