Programming using the Java language

Programming using the Java language This course provides an introduction to programming using the Java language. It covers an overview of the Java Virtual Machine. This course focuses on algorithm design, problem-solving strategies and program design.

Programming using the Java language
Programming using the Java language

Topics covered include variables, types, expressions and control structures. Additional topics are standard input/output; file input/output; file streams; single and multi dimensional arrays; searching; sorting; and recursion and its relation to iteration. This course also introduces object-oriented programming concepts such as classes and objects; syntax of class definitions; methods and parameter passing. F,S (No prerequisite course, Offered in the fall and spring)

Programming using the Java language Essay Questions

Write Short Answer / Essay Questions about what do you learned on the Computer Science class?

  1. What did you learn and why?
  2. What did you enjoy and why?
  3. What are you most likely to remember and why?
  4. What did you find most challenging and why?
  5. What was your favorite assignment and why?
  6. What was your favorite group project and why?
  7. What are some ways we could improve the class project?
  8. What are some ways we could improve the overall course?
  9. What are some ways we could improve the exams?
  10. What are some ways we could improve the assignments?

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