Mental health care and screenings in public school system

Mental health care and screenings in public school system
Mental health care and screenings in public school system

Mental health care and screenings in public school system

Order Instructions:

Planning Your Visit Guidelines
Graded Assignment 2
The purpose of this assignment is to: (a) identify and articulate a plan for a legislative/policy making visit (CO #2); (b) deliver a message and ask/recommendations (CO #2, 3), and (c) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner. (CO #3)
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
(CO #2) Employ strategies to affect the development, implementation, and consequences of policies at the institutional, local, national, and international levels. (PO 4, 8, 10)

(CO #3) Communicate with policymakers to advocate for effective policies that affect nurses and nursing, consumers, or the health care system. (PO 2, 3,10)

(CO #4) Analyze the historical, ethical, and political contexts of health care policy and the consequences of policy implementation. (PO 6, 10)

(CO #5) Advocate for institutional, local, national, and international policies that influence health care and its consumers and nurses and their nursing practice. (PO 2, 10)

TOTAL POINTS: 175 points
Assignment Criteria for Presentation
1. Introduce your chosen policy issue, the current status, and an overview of your plan for a legislative visit.
2. Articulate key strategies involved in your plan, message, and recommendations under each of the Planning Your Visit Ungraded Worksheet 2 sections using headings in your paper.
3. Provide an analysis of empirical evidence supporting your approach strategies including plan, message, and follow-up.
4. Provide specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing.
5. Provide concluding statements summarizing the content.
6. Paper will be five (5) pages, excluding title and reference pages, and in APA format 6th edition.
Following completion of Planning Your Visit Ungraded Worksheet 2, develop a plan for visiting your policymaker, including the message/ask, and the recommendation(s) you will deliver. Include a minimum of five (5) classic references or current references (published within the past 5 years) that support your plan, the message, recommendations, and follow-up.

Category Points % Description
Introduction and Conclusion 35 20 Introduction clearly introduces your policy-priority issue. Concluding statements summarize content.
Key Strategies 40 22 Articulate key strategies involved in your plan, message, and recommendations under each of the Planning Your Visit Ungraded Worksheet 2 sections using headings in your paper.

Empirical Evidence 35 20 Provide an analysis of empirical evidence supporting your approach strategies including plan, message, and follow-up.

Specific Examples 35 20 Provide specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing.

APA Format 15 9 Text, title page, and references are consistent with APA format 6th edition.
Writing Quality 15 9 Rules of grammar, word usage, sentence and paragraph format, and punctuation are followed. Paper length appropriate.
Total 175 100
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Assignment Criteria A
Outstanding or highest level of performance B
Very good or high level of performance C
Competent or satisfactory level of performance F
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance
Possible Points = 145 Points

Introduction and Conclusion
35–32 Points 31–29 Points 28–27 Points 26–0 Points

  • Introduction clearly introduces your policy-priority issue, current status, and overview of plan for legislative visit. Concluding statements summarizing content have no inaccuracy.
  • Introduction of your policy-priority issue, current status, and overview of plan for legislative visit has rare inaccuracy. Concluding statements lack occasional important element or specificity.
  • Introduction of your policy-priority issue, current status, and overview of plan for legislative visit lacks occasional important element or specificity.
  • Concluding statements lack occasional important element or specificity. Introduction of your policy-priority issue, current status, and overview of legislative visit has multiple instances of inaccuracies or is lacking content. Concluding statements have multiple instances of inaccuracies or lacks content.

Key Strategies 40–37 Points 36–34 Points 33–30 Points 29–0 Points

  • Identification of all key strategies of your policy-priority issue plan, ask, and recommendations are clearly analyzed and fully articulated.
  • Identification of key points of your policy-priority issue plan, ask, and recommendations has rare inaccuracy or lack of detail/clarity. Identification of key points of your policy-priority issue plan, ask, and recommendations lacks occasional important elements or specificity.
  • Identification of key points of your policy-priority issue plan, ask, and recommendations has multiple instances of inaccuracies, lacks content or clarity.

Empirical Evidence 35–32 Points 31–29 Points 28–27 Points 26–0 Points

  • Empirical evidence supporting your approach strategies to your policy-priority issue has no inaccuracy and is clearly articulated.
  • Empirical evidence supporting your approach strategies to your policy-priority issue lacks occasional important elements or specificity.
  • Empirical evidence supporting your approach strategies to your policy-priority issue has multiple instances of inaccuracies or lacks detail/articulation.
  • Empirical evidence supporting your approach strategies to your policy-priority issue is missing.

Specific Examples 35–32 Points 31–29 Points 28–27 Points 26–0 Points

  • Provides specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing and has no inaccuracy and is clearly articulated.
  • Provides specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing and lacks occasional important elements or specificity and/or lacks clarity.
  • Provides specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing and has multiple instances of inaccuracies and/or lacks clarity.
  • No specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing.

Points Points Points Points
Content Subtotal _____of points
Possible Points = 30 Points
APA Format: 15–14 Points 13 Points 12–11 Points 10–0 Points
Text, title page, and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format. There are 1–2 APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s). There are 3–4 APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s). There are 5 or more APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s).

Writing Quality. 15–14 Points 13 Points 12–11 Points 10–0 Points

  • Paper is appropriate in length. References include the minimum of five (5) scholarly references, excluding the course text. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work.
  • Paper is short or long in length and/or contains fewer than 5 but more than 1 scholarly reference, excluding course text, or references utilized are not scholarly. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work with1–2 exceptions.
  • Paper is short or long in length and contains only 1 scholarly reference. Additional references are not scholarly.
  • Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work with 3–4 exceptions.
  • Paper is two or more pages short or long in length and does not contain scholarly references.
  • References utilized are not scholarly. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are not followed with 5 or more errors.

Format Subtotal _____of points
Total Points _____of points


Mental health care and screenings in public school system

In healthcare setting, there are various policy issues aimed at providing solutions to various healthcare problems. This discussion focuses on policy on mental health care and screenings in public school system. Many children in schools suffer from mental diseases such as autism, memory loss and this impact on their studies in schools.  Coming up with a policy on screenings of students with such problems will help to promote their healthy living as well as improve their learning outcomes. This paper therefore provides a plan and strategies in addressing these problems in schools.

Mental health is one of the challenges that many schools experience across the world.  Out of the 450,000 youths in schools, around 47 percent of them elementary and middle school suffer from emotional disturbance and other mental problems (Atkins, Hoagwood, Kutash, & Seidman, 2010). 73 percent of students in secondary school as well suffer from this problem while only 20 percent have the opportunity to access to appropriate services (Atkins, Hoagwood, Kutash, & Seidman, 2010).

The current status of the mental health care and screenings in public school systems is that twenty five percent of children experience a mental health disorder annually. Other than that forty percent of adolescents meet lifetime diagnostic criteria for multiple mental health disorders according to Stiffman et al., (2011), mental health disorders can greatly affect children and adolescents’ functioning in multiple domains, including at school, in the home, with friends and in communities (Stiffman et al., 2011).

Given the high prevalence of mental health disorders among children and adolescents,

Schools have developed programs to meet students’ mental health needs. These students mental

Health (SMH) programs can range from universal to highly target. Universal programs are designed to increase awareness of and sensitivity to mental health issues in students. For example, by supporting students coping with stress and encouraging student help-seeking behaviors. The more-targeted programs are designed to provide staff or faculty skills to identify and respond to specific mental health issues or populations (e.g., suicide prevention, substance use).

Before making a visit to the policy maker (superintendent) it is important to have a good plan on the same. In this case, I will have to come up with a draft on the major aspects that are required to discuss with the policy maker. As part of my preparation, I will be forced to carry out a survey and as well read various literature studies on the topic/policy issue to acquaint myself with the information about the same. This will enable me to have a clear understanding of the problem and make the argument credible and persuasive.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and articulate a plan for a policymaking and legislative visit while exploring strategies to affect the development, implementation, and consequences of policies at the institutional, local, national, and international levels. The paper also seeks to create strategies to communicate with policy makers to advocate for effective policies that affect nurses and nursing, consumers, or the health care system. An attempt to analyze the historical, ethical, and political contexts of health care policy and the consequences of policy implementation will also be made. Arguments made in the paper will advocate for institutional, local, national, and international policies that influence health care and its consumers and nurses and their nursing practice.

Evaluating the diverse array of SMH programs is critical to improving their effectiveness. Health care professionals for children and adolescents must educate key stakeholders about the extent of these problems and work together with them to increase access to mental health resources. School-based programs offer the promise of improving access to diagnosis of and treatment for the mental health problems of children and adolescents. Pediatric health care professionals, educators, and mental health specialists should work in collaboration to develop and implement effective school-based mental health services.

The plan must have key strategies that indicate clearly how the policy will be implemented and its implications on the society. I will have to review works done by others in this area. This will enable me to gain a deeper understanding of what has been found in the field and the gaps (Keeton, Soleimanpour & Brindis, 2012). I will therefore use this knowledge to build a strong case by focusing more on these gaps to provide an insightful solution to the problem at hand.  I will also abreast myself to understand how the policies are legislated before they are adapted.  Therefore, one of the strategies is to make sure that the policy addresses salient aspects that have not been addressed by the current legal systems. I will as well base my arguments on evidence-based research to enhance its adaptability. The policy maker need to be motivated and satisfied that indeed the policy is workable and credible.

Communication is also very critical strategy in this process (Keeton, Soleimanpour & Brindis, 2012).  Being able to communicate effectively is important in influencing the policy makers to buy into ones idea. I therefore, will establish rapport with the policy makers through appropriate communication skills. The messages conveyed must be positive to influence the whims of the policy maker. Example of the messages I will send will manifest my level of professionalism and attention to detail. They will also provide positivity about the policy to influence its adoption.  The recommendations of the policy will also play a critical role in determining whether the policy makers will supported it or not recommendation  will be clear and precise (Keeton, Soleimanpour & Brindis, 2012). They will also be based on the evidence-based research.

The approach strategies including plan, the messages, recommendation and follow up will be based on empirical evidence. Planning is important as it allows one to be ready and understanding the scope of the project. Planning allows the researcher to estimate the resources required, time required human resources requirements among many other aspects. It therefore helps to provide an overview of the project and whether it will be successful or not hence if worth implementation or not (Keeton, Soleimanpour & Brindis, 2012). The messages must as well be appropriate to trigger positive outcome. The medium of communicating is also essential. Using face to face is one of the methods of relaying communication. It is effective because, people can observe the emotions and gestures of the parties when communicating hence enhancing understanding. Follow up is also critical in any communication process. It allows one to determine whether the process was successful or not (Happell et al., 2013). For instance, in these initiatives, follow up is critical to ensure whether the policy makers will have approved the same or not.  It will also allow the policy makers to provide recommendations on areas that require further amendments to refine the policy

Importance of a successful visit and follow up to nursing is exemplified through various outcomes. A nurse will often feel good and successful when policies proposed by them go through.  A successful visit by the nurse is evident through the negotiations and the final decisions reached by the policy maker. Managing to convince the policy maker about the viability of this policy will be one of the indications of success of the policy (Rutten, Gelius, & Abu-Omar, 2010). A nurse gets gratification from positive feedback from the policy makers and this increases their level of commitment in rendering better quality services.

It is therefore important for nurse to participate in policymaking. They have an opportunity to help contribute positively in promotion of health through evidenced based research.  Strategic planning is also very important to ensure that the policy maker responds positively on the policy. The messages and recommendations must indicate professionalism. It is also important to follow up to ensure that the project recommendations are acted upon. Nurses are gratified and feel good when they help to change the society though their initiatives.  Mental healthcare and screening is school system is a policy that will impact positively on the lives of many students with various mental problems. This will promote their learning and will allow them to receive appropriate training. Children in schools that are mistreated and discriminated against because of this mental status will also be able to learn in conducive environment. Specialist training services can be provided to such children to help them achieve their dreams. Some of the conditions are not worse and if assistance is accordance, the lives of these children can be transformed.


Atkins, M., Hoagwood, K., Kutash, K., &Seidman, E.  (2010).  Toward the integration of education and mental health in schools.  Administrative Policy Mental Health, 37(1-2). 40-47.  doi: 10.1007/s10488-010-0299-7.

Happell, B et al., (2013). Screening physical health? Yes! But…: nurses’ views on physical health screening in mental health care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(5/16): 2286-229.

Keeton, V., Soleimanpour, S., & Brindis, C. (2012). School-Based Health Centers in an Era of     Health Care Reform: Building on History. In School Based Health Centers in an Era of  Health Care Reform: Building on History, Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. July 2012 42(6):132-156.

Rutten, A., Gelius, P., & Abu-Omar, K.  (2010).  Policy development and implementation in health promotion – from theory to practice: The adept model.  Health Promotion International, 26(3).  322-329.  doi: 10.1093/heapro/daq080

Stiffman, A.R., Stelk, W., Horwitz, S.M., Evans, M.E., Outlaw, F.H., & Atkins, M.  (2010).  A   public health approach to children’s mental health services: Possible Solutions to current service inadequacies.  Administrative Policy Mental Health, 37(1-2).  120-124.  doi: 10.1007/s/10488-009-0259-2.

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Mental Health Promotion in Australia

Mental Health Promotion in Australia
Mental Health Promotion in Australia

Mental Health Promotion in Australia

Order Instructions:

Godefa One Man’s Story’


In ‘Godefa One Man’s Story’ you are introduced to many of the issues facing people who have been forced to leave their country because they are at risk of, or have experienced, persecution. Godefa believes that nurses have a critical role in supporting refugees who are resettled in Australia.

Critically discuss the key components of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in relation to the mental health of refugees and what impact you as a nurse can have on improving the mental health and well-being of refugees and their families.

Unit Learning Outcomes assessed:

ULO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of contemporary mental health issues -in particular by exploring mental health issues related to refugees

ULO2: Evaluate social, political, environmental, and economic factors in relation to mental health – by considering the factors that contribute to poor mental health in this population group

ULO3: Relate primary health care philosophy, principles, and strategies to promote mental health – by considering refugee health in the context of the Ottawa Charter

Graduate Learning Outcomes assessed:

GLO1: Discipline Specific Knowledge and Capabilities – by apply mental health theory to nursing practice and considering the role of nurses in supporting and improving the mental health of refugees

GLO2: Communication – by demonstrating the ability to communicate ideas and knowledge through writing

GLO4: Critical Thinking – through evaluation of information and critique of key ideas from the literature and mental health promotion theory as it applies to refugees

GLO6: Self-management – by demonstrating the capacity to work independently to research, prepare and submit this assignment by the due date

GLO8: Global citizenship – by engaging with ideas about refugee populations, a global health issue, and role of nurses in improving the mental health of refugees.

Key aspect of the topics:
*Refugee mental health – and the impact of social and political context
*Ottawa Charter – As a framework for promoting mental health of refugee
*Impact nurses can have on improving mental health of refugees.

PS: Settings of mental health promotion in Australia

It needs Harvard referencing and Australian context.


Mental Health Promotion in Australia

In ‘Godefa One Man’s Story’, there is an introduction to a majority of the issues faced by people who are forced to desert their country since they are vulnerable to or have undergone through persecution. Godefa supports the idea that nurses possess a critical obligation in supporting refugees that have resettled in Australia. The pre-arrival experiences that refugees in Australia experience have key implications on their long-term mental and physical health. The refugees flee from persecution in their mother countries. They may have been subjected to torture and suffered trauma due to conflict and war.  Usually, the time the refugees have been in flight as well as in the countries of 1st asylum often equate to prolonged insecurity and displacement, which frequently requires the refugees to spend many years moving in refugee camps or between places with no or limited access to healthcare and proper nutrition. As a result, there are unresolved health challenges that only aggravate the mental well-being. After arrival in Australia, the process for resettlement is often extremely stressfully with crucial negative compounding impacts. This has a great consequence on the refugees’ mental wellbeing and health status.

Mental health issues related to refugees

A majority of the newly arrived refugees Australia in have no friendship and family networks. Moreover, they experience isolation in the new communities. This brings about negative mental health impacts and exacerbates the pre-existing mental health concerns (Fazel, 2012; p266). The damaging effect of prolonged separation from their families on the mental health is a great issue of concern. Often, the mental health issues that are associated with refugees never manifest immediately. On the contrary, they become apparent later after the initial settlement. This implies that former refugees may require mental health services in addition to trauma and torture counseling well after the eligibility for such services (Schweitzer et al, 2011; p299-300). The difficulties and limitations the refugee entrants face when accessing mental health assistance is the same as those experienced in the general health services.

A majority of the refugees in Australia are on the bridging visas while waiting for the protection applications to be processed. Only a few have been under detention. This group also suffers vital social stressors including unemployment, poverty, isolation from the family, social dislocation, and the anxieties of a new life in strange communities where there are considerable cultural and language differences  (Watkins, 2012; p126-128). This is compounded by the fact that the refuges have had a history of witnessing or experiencing severe trauma, persecution, and torture. This makes refugees very vulnerable to suffering from mental health challenges.

The protracted refugee determination procedure is usually very distressing and difficult for the refugees. Evidence indicated that this procedure greatly contributes to post-traumatic stress disorder directly. This is particularly for people who had their claims rejected repeatedly. Usually, refugees present with major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorders. There are also features of irritability, fluctuating mood, poor attention and concentration, overwhelming powerlessness and hopelessness feelings, and recurrent intensive thoughts regarding the determination process (Kirmayer et al, 2011; p959). Some refugees develop psychotic and dissociative symptoms. Some refugees may become too obsessed with refugee application process and not be able to focus on anything else outside this process.

Social, political, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to poor mental health among refugees

An individual’s capacity to flourish and develop is influenced deeply by the immediate social surroundings. This also includes the opportunity to positively engage with colleagues, friends, and family members, as well as earn a life for the families and themselves. The socio-economic circumstances the refugees find themselves in have a great role. Lost or restricted opportunities to acquire income or education are particularly pertinent socio-economic factors. A majority of the refugees undergo through a discrepancy between the social status before and after migration. This mostly leads to poverty. Many of them have also lost a lot of assets when forced to fled from the host country. Many also lose significant documents certifying their credentials, training, and education. This is a huge barrier for employment. Racism and discrimination from the prospective employers is a very common barrier to employment.

Foreign-trained professionals often have challenges having their skills accredited. They have to undergo through costly recertification and time-consuming processes. The challenges involved in learning the new language create barriers to employment. There may also be limited quality and accessibility to ESL programs (English as a second language. As a result of this, sustained unemployment and underemployment periods are common among the refugees. There is usually a tendency for the refugees to blame themselves when they cannot acquire a job that matches what they had in their country of origin. Often this leads to feelings of humiliation, helplessness, inferiority, despair, anger, and nostalgia that negatively impacts on their mental health.

The political system in Australia does not have solid strategies for preventing refugees’ isolation and offering social support.  Many of the refugees separate from their family and friends during the migration process. They also experience the absence of similar ethno-cultural communities as was in the host country. Considering that there are inadequate language skills, forming friendships becomes difficult. Racism and unfriendly reception from Australians can create barriers that hinder support networks. The seniors and women have a heightened isolation risk since they are most likely unemployed and have to spend more time at home compared to men (work) and children (school). These factors are great contributors to the refugees’ mental health problems.

The wider geopolitical and socio-cultural environment in which the refugees find themselves in Australia affects the community’s, household’s, and individual’s mental health status. This also includes the level of access to the basic services and commodities (rule of law, essential health services, and water); practices and attitudes; and exposure to the predominating cultural beliefs. There is also a challenge of economic and social policies that are created at the national level. For instance, the global financial crisis has crucial mental health impacts such as increasing harmful alcohol use and suicide rates.  Gender or social conflict or inequity and discrimination are some of the adverse structural mental well-being determinants.

It is worth noting that these factors interact with each other in dynamic ways. Therefore, they can either be against or for the refugees’ mental health state. Addressing the issues that refugees face in Australia should, therefore, involve identifying and addressing the multifaceted factors.

Primary healthcare strategies, principles, and philosophy of the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion in relation to refugees’ mental health

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion encompasses of five principal health promotion strategies; creating supportive environments; building healthy public policy; strengthening community action; developing personal skills; and reorienting services towards prevention, promotion, and early intervention (Potvin and Jones, 2011 244-245). Promoting mental health encompasses of enhancing the capacity of the communities and individuals so that they can have control in their lives as well as better their mental health. When promoting mental health, there is use of strategies that promote supportive environments as well as individual resilience. This is usually accomplished while demonstrating respect for equity, culture, interconnections, social justice, and personal dignity.

Mental health promotion and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion share common elements. There is a keen focus on enhancing the refugees’ well-being as opposed to illness. Second, the population is addressed as a whole, with an inclusion of people that are experiencing risk conditions in their everyday life context (Correa-Velez et al, 2010; p1403). Another commonality is that both are oriented towards acting on the health determinants including housing and income. There is also a focus on broadening the focus so that there is inclusion of protective factors as opposed to simply focusing on the risk conditions and factors. The two approaches also encompass of a wide array of strategies including education, communication, organizational change, policy development, local activities, and community development. The population’s competencies are also reinforced and acknowledged. Finally, the social and health fields in addition to medical services are encompassed. This is usually founded on the fact that the social arena has a great contribution to the health status of refugees in Australia (Vasey and Manderson, 2012; p50). In this regard, promoting the health status of the refugees should encompass addressing the social factors that influence the health.

The Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion advocates for strengthening community action. This process has at its heart communities’ empowerment, their control and ownership of their personal destinies and endeavors. Community development focuses on the existing material and human resources in a community with the intention of enhancing social and self-help support, as well as developing flexible systems that can promote health matters’ direction and public participation.  If mental health has to be promoted among the refugees in Australia, it is important to have this responsibility shared among community groups, individuals, governments, health service institutions, and health professionals. All relevant stakeholders have to work together towards a healthcare system that addresses all the needs of refugees. The reorientation of health services should also be accompanied by a stronger attention to research and changes in professional training and education. This should lead to attitude change as well as a transformation in health services’ organization, that concentrates on the complete needs of refugees as whole persons.

The charter emphasizes that the principal resources and conditions for health are equity, social justice, sustainable resources, a stable ecosystem, income, food, education, shelter, and peace. Therefore, improving the mental health of refugees should have a secure foundation in the mentioned basic prerequisites. Three major components for health promotion are advocate, enable, and mediate. More significantly, health promotion should go past health care. Policy-makers from all sectors as well as all levels should be included. They should be aware of the impacts their decisions have and acknowledge the huge role they have in promoting health.

Role of nurses in improving and supporting refugees’ mental health

When nurses engage in interventions aimed at improving and supporting the mental health for refugees, their ultimate goal should be reducing inequities, decreasing risk factors, and increasing protective and resilience factors. Nurses should have a keen interest on strengthening the ability of the mentally-handicapped refugees, families, and communities to cope with the everyday life occurrences (Savic et al, 2013; p 390). This should encompass of increasing community or individual resilience; increasing the coping skills; improving the feelings of satisfaction and quality of life; enhancing self-esteem; enhancing a sense of belonging and well-being; strengthening the sense of identity and social supports; and strengthening the balance between psychological, spiritual, emotional, social, and physical health.

Nurses should involve mental health promotion strategies that minimize the factors that place the refugees at risk of diminished mental health. According to Happel et al (2011; p 707) this can be achieved through eliminating or reducing distress and stress; depression; anxiety; sense of helplessness; social exclusion, violence, and abuse; problematic substance abuse; and suicidal attempts’ history or suicidal ideation.

Nurses also have the role of reducing inequities as well as the subsequent impacts on mental health. These inequities are often based on poverty, age, gender, mental or physical disability, employment status, race, geographic location, sexual orientation, and cultural or ethnic background. Nurses can reduce inequities through implementing equity and diversity policies. Nurses can also offer regular equity and diversity training as well as evaluation of the results. Transitional programs can also be created for identified refugee groups. This involves tailoring programs so that they are made more responsive and inclusive to marginalized populations. Nurses also have a great responsibility in promoting anti-stigma campaigns or initiatives that can greatly address the system barriers that the refugees face, including discrimination and racism (Stone, 2012; p8).


Correa-Velez, I., Gifford, S. M., & Barnett, A. G. 2010. Longing to belong: social inclusion and wellbeing among youth with refugee backgrounds in the first three years in Melbourne, Australia. Social science & medicine, 71(8), 1399-1408.

Fazel, M., Reed, R. V., Panter-Brick, C., & Stein, A.2012. Mental health of displaced and refugee children resettled in high-income countries: risk and protective factors. The Lancet, 379(9812), 266-282.

Happell, B., PLATANIA‐PHUNG, C., Gray, R., Hardy, S., Lambert, T., McAllister, M., & Davies, C. 2011. A role for mental health nursing in the physical health care of consumers with severe mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 18(8), 706-711.

Kirmayer, L. J., Narasiah, L., Munoz, M., Rashid, M., Ryder, A. G., Guzder, J., … & Pottie, K. 2011. Common mental health problems in immigrants and refugees: general approach in primary care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(12), E959-E967.

Potvin, L., & Jones, C. M. 2011. Twenty-five years after the Ottawa charter: The critical role of health promotion for public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique, 244-248.

Savic, M., Chur‐Hansen, A., Mahmood, M. A., & Moore, V. 2013. Separation from family and its impact on the mental health of Sudanese refugees in Australia: a qualitative study. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 37(4), 383-388.

Schweitzer, R. D., Brough, M., Vromans, L., & Asic-Kobe, M. 2011. Mental health of newly arrived Burmese refugees in Australia: contributions of pre-migration and post-migration experience. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(4), 299-307.

Stone, T. 2012. Mental Health and Illness in Australia: Some Contemporary Facts and Figures. Journal of Nursing Science 29(4), 7-9.

Vasey, K., & Manderson, L. 2012. Regionalizing immigration, health and inequality: Iraqi refugees in Australia. Administrative Sciences, 2(1), 47-62.

Watkins, P. G., Razee, H., & Richters, J. 2012. ‘I’m Telling You… The Language Barrier is the Most, the Biggest Challenge’: Barriers to Education among Karen Refugee Women in Australia. Australian Journal of Education, 56(2), 126-141.

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Mental Illness in the movie project paper

Mental Illness in the movie project
Mental Illness in the movie project

Mental Illness in the movie project

This assignment requires to write an essay on representation of mental illness and people with mental illness found in the popular media. for this assignment will need to describe how the media portrays mental illness and people with mental illness through language, images and news.Also need to provide example of the ways in which mental illnesses are characterised in media. To do this you should analyse television and radio program, movie, magazines, photographic media, newspaper items, or may fine it helpful to identify media representations of a particular form or aspect of mental illness, such as depression, schizophrenia or attempted suicide, and search for sources around these.The important things to remember is to focus on the media representations of these illnesses rather than the illness will also need to provide academic evidence from peer-reviewed research through the essay to support the points the points you make and the example you provide.

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Evidence Based Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health

Evidence Based Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health
Evidence Based Practice in      Psychiatric Mental Health

Evidence Based Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health Research

1.what psychiatric disorder is discussed in the article? 2. The major research findings reported in the
article and explain the student interpretation of how the findings of research study relate to nursing care of client with psychiatric mental health
alterations my teacher ask for 350 word count if you cant do 350 that fine I just add in other 200 words of how I felt about study I would have to send you
copy of case study and name of case study is an adult survivor of child sexual abuse and her breastfeeding experience :a case study the writer is Cheryl
Tatano Beck,CNM, FAAN.

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Affective and Organic Disorders Paper

Affective and Organic Disorders
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Affective and Organic Disorders: Developing Mental Health Nursing Practice

Write a case study which identifies an individual with an organic or affective disorder and provide a brief rationale for their choice.

Identify the signs, symptoms and causes of affective or organic disorders in relation to the individual identified.

Draw on clinical and theoretical research evidence to discuss nursing assessment and evaluation of person-centered recovery-oriented nursing interventions
which address the individual’s biological, psychological and social needs.

Discuss the role of the mental health nurse in the context of working in partnership across family, organisational, ethical, legal, cultural and professional boundaries.

I HAVE CHOSEN AN AFFECTIVE DISORDER(DEPRESSION),I would like this case study to be on depression.
I would like my references to be from 6years ago to date.
references should include, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence(NICE) guidelines, Department of health(DOH) and Nursing and Midwifery Council(NMC).

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Mental health- Phobias and Panic Disorder

Mental health- Phobias and Panic Disorder
Mental health- Phobias and Panic Disorder

Mental health– Phobias and Panic Disorder

Essay Question:
Are Phobias and Panic Disorder best conceptualised as psychological or biological disorders?

Instructions: please follow it and try to do 1500 words.
This essay component aims to assess the following module learning outcomes:
• Articulate an awareness of a range of aetiological theories & empirical evidence accounting for the origins of mental illness
• Articulate a coherent understanding of mental health difficulties which recognises the multifactorial nature of their aetiology
• Utilise knowledge of evidence pertaining to relevant theory to articulate an evaluation of the status and viability of current mental health concepts
• Articulate a critical awareness of the ways in which mental health difficulties have been conceptualised in the past and in the present;
• Articulate a critical awareness of mental health classification systems and of the social, cultural and linguistic contexts in which such partitioning of
mental life has arisen
please include at least 5 relevant studies to the essay.

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