The Americas Guidebook Entry to Attract Visitors Imagine that you are from Teotihuacan, Tenochtitlan, OR Cuzco at its height.
The Americas Guidebook Entry to Attract Visitors
Write a guidebook entry to attract visitors to your chosen city. Steer away from misleading characterizations of pre-Columbian societies and ritual sacrifice. Give us a brief introduction to the city (include a hypothetical date) and highlight some of your city’s attractions. Tell potential visitors what they can do, what they can see, and what they can learn about the culture. Use the sources below (not outside sources) and your textbook to gather information. Please cite your sources in the text of your guidebook entry AND at the bottom of your post in a bibliography.
The Americas Guidebook Entry to Attract Visitors Sources for Teotihuacan:
ìTenochtitlan,î (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Hilbrunn Timeline of Art History)
You will take on the role of Project Manager (PM) of a fictitious team, with the remit to choose ONE project scope on behalf of the Department of Tourism of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to enhance their tourism, aviation and hospitality services.
Project Scopes for the Department of Tourism (TRNC) are:
Target a new Turkish market;
Promote winter tourism to the 60+ year old market (of a specific country of your choice); (do not choose UK or China )
Target the 2nd/3rd generation of North Cypriots living in the UK;.
Propose ONE new sustainable type of accommodation.
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Ï the challenges in managing heritage tourism in destinations
Ï and contain references to the academic literature on heritage tourism management. Some general points on your coursework assessments
The mark for your essay will be based on:
Ï evidence of research and investigation including referencing (20%)
Challenges in Managing Heritage Tourism Destinations
Ï content including choice of appropriate definition and criteria for choice (50%)
Ï quality of the presentation (10%)
Ï quality of conclusion (20%).
Your essay should follow the standard essay layout (you do not need to use these as sub-headings):
Ï introduction (what is the question about)
Ï argument (what is your answer to the question)
Ï conclusion (your overall synthesis and answer)
Ï reference list (full list of sources used).
Please write the essay in 3rd person English i.e. no use of ‘I think that’ or ‘you can see that’ ó rather ‘it is thought that’ or ‘the author has established’. Ensure you spell-check and grammar-check your work in advance of submission.
Challenges in Managing Heritage Tourism Destinations
Answers must be word processed. Length should be as stated in the assessment statement as excessive length will be penalized. Always clearly label the question and sub-questions that you are dealing with. References, contents page and appendices do not count within the word limit.
Your essay should be fully referenced minimum 10 textbook or journal reference sources). Failure to accurately reference essays could result in the charge of plagiarism.
“While marketing is important, recreation, leisure and tourism industries require more planning, management, and policies which transcend the concerns of marketers”. As a manager of an imaginary leisure and tourism company, critically examine the relevance of this statement in the light of development of a tourist package for a couple who intend to have their honey moon in the Caribbean. (In your discussion, identify a romantic tourist attraction that will be suitable for the couple, plan for their domestic or international travel arrangements, boarding and lodging, a range of activities, services and entertainments, safety and security precautions, health information, cost outlay and financial resource planning for their trip and stay at the destination.
The following structure and guidelines are required:
i) An overview of the topic (theme), noting the emergence of the issue, extent or
severity in a particular context (eg country). In other words, in this section, you are
defining and describing the issue and briefly introducing the major implications.
ii) STATEMENT OF AIM: As part of the introduction, state what you are setting out
to accomplish in your paper, in one sentence. Pay attention to the words you use. For
example, if you are going to “analyze and evaluate” an issue, a descriptive essay will
not fulfill the stated intentions.
i) Describe and assess the main issues noting a) major components, trends and
relationships and b) pertinent aspects of the socio-economic, political,
cultural, regulatory, biophysical environments etc.
ii) Present statistical evidence to illustrate the major components, trends and
relationships. All illustrations (tables, maps, graphs) must be referred to in the text.
At least 2 illustrations are required.
i) Discuss aspects of these issues that are related to your topic (eg. economic,
environmental, marketing, transportation, historical, religious, romantic, regulation,
safety, security, health, conflicts, planning, management etc.). Discuss these issues
in relation to the roles and responsibilities of individuals, partners, organizations,
businesses, communities, government agencies etc.). The issues can be analyzed
at any level (scale) of your choice (eg individual, household, local, community,
national, international or global levels). Evaluate processes, policies, initiatives, management approaches, agreements and how they influence the decision making processes of individual tourists, business managers, planners etc and how these
decisions affect human welfare, economy and the environment etc.).
ii) Assess the effectiveness or efficiency of policies and management approaches.
Examine their effects on individual or group tourism experience (satisfaction or dissatisfaction, self-actualization or lower self-esteem, achievements or challenges cultural preservation or alteration, environmental conservation or degradation,
poverty alleviation or deprivation, inclusive or exclusive, employment or unemployment etc.).
iii) For each of the points under the broad components of the essay, describe what the
issue is by providing trends, characteristics or nature, be it positive or negative.
Explain how it occurs or happens (process, mechanism or approach), and highlight
the reasons why the issue occurs (rationale etc.), and examine the outcomes, effects,
implications or results.
iv) Is the leisure, recreation or tourism experience or activity successful or a failure,
why or why not? Explain potential obstacles and how to overcome them. BE
i) Recommend and defend viable solutions for managing the negative repercussions of
that tourism, recreation or leisure business, activity or experience. Also, offer
recommendations or alternative approaches where necessary. The preferred
solutions should be based on the issues raised in sections (2-3) above.
ii) Provide a summary of the key findings of the paper before the concluding remarks.
1. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, times new roman and 12-point font.
2. The length of the paper must be 6 pages of text, excluding illustrations and
3. At least 2 illustrations are required (e.g. tables, graphs, maps, diagrams). Each
illustration must be referenced, properly labeled and referred to in the text.
4. Include a title and use sub-headings to organize the essay.
5. Use correct grammar, spelling, sentences, tenses, vocabulary, paragraph
construction and punctuation. All pages must be numbered.
6. Indicate in LARGE TYPE on the title page of your paper, the number and complete
text of the question you are answering, the course number, instructor’s name, your
name and student number. Staple, do not bind your essay.
You must reference/cite all quotes, ideas, and illustrations that are not your own using both in-text citations and a bibliography. In-text citations appear directly in the essay to support your argument and indicate information sources. The scientific method is required (e.g. Smith 2010; Harris and Jones 2017, p. 3). In the bibliography section, lists in full reference all of the information sources you referenced within the text. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style for the bibliography at the end of the essay.
You must have a minimum of 6 references. Use journal articles, books, government publications, agency reports, technical reports (United Nations or World Bank, World Food and Agriculture Organization etc). Only 2 Internet sources are required. An Internet source may include, for example, “facts” listed on the Statistics Canada website). DO NOT USE Wikipedia, blocs, or web links that have no date of publication and agency or individual names associated with the piece, paper, or report. You are allowed to use e-books, electronic journals, government documents and research reports. You are required to use recent references and publications as much as possible (eg. 2010 to 2018). You may use one older article only if it refers to historical or past activities, events or decisions.
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Critically assess the growth and impact of adventures tourism on two selected tourism destinations.
1. Table of contents
2. Aim and objectives
3. Discussion
4. Conclusion
5. Reference list at the end (APA style be used, used references marked on the particular slides as well.)
The writer can choose two interesting destinations of which literature can be easily found, that is why I did not provided two specific ones in advance.
Pictures, tables, models can be added to the slides.
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How globalization affects tourists or hospitality businesses
How globalization affects tourists or hospitality businesses
Introduction 2. Give the descriptive meaning: who? What? When? Where?) 3. Focus on dialectic approach (thesis-antithesis-synthesis = on the one hand… On the other hand) 4. Select country of preference (I chose Philippines) 5. Form a research question to examine 6. Make an evaluation (so what? Why does it matter?) 7. Make an additional evaluation of your preferred country compared to the rest of the world 8. Summarize 9. Include a list of references and sources using the HARVARD REFERENCE SYSTEM HRS
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The specific assignment is for you to complete and submit an original paper answering the following questions/prompts:
Prepare an introductory section about the selected company detailing size, locations (number, international, domestic, etc.), type of company, main competitors, place in the market (leading the segment, trailing, etc.). Identify the company’s stated mission and values. Most companies publish this on their websites and they could be called Mission Statement, Values Statement, Vision Statement, Credo or possibly even something else. This is difficult to write in a limited number of words and time should be devoted to refining this paragraph until the student is certain that all of these items are included.
In a second section you should review the company’s social responsibility (CSR) strategy; mention briefly all of the company’s current CSR initiatives. In this same paragraph, you should identify the cause, or various causes being addressed by the company’s current CSR activities. Use vocabulary from the textbook and other class readings to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the concepts and your ability to identify them within a hospitality or tourism company.
Select one initiative to describe in more detail in a third section. Here you should analyze the one selected initiative in terms of strengths, weaknesses, benefits, concerns, and keys to success
In a 4th section you should provide your personal evaluation of whether or not the initiative is strategically aligned with the company’s mission and business values.anything you might have done differently if you were running the company and support your statements with specific reasoning.
Include a References (bibliography) section at the end which should mention all sources of information that you have used to prepare your Case Study. If you obtained the information from a website, you should include the URL and indicate the date you accessed the information. For help from FIU Libraries on this topic go to: You may submit your references in any of the styles mentioned. I prefer APA only because that’s what I use in my work but if you are already accustomed to one of the other styles that are perfectly acceptable.
Label (put a heading at the beginning of) each section which should be a minimum of one paragraph and a maximum of one page each.
Even though you will have collected a lot of interesting information about your company and its cause(s) do not submit more than what I’ve described above. Please just cover in this assignment exactly what I’m asking for and save the researched information. Save everything you don’t use because some of this material will become the foundation of your CSR Plan where you will go into detail on CSR initiatives as a part of your recommendation to the company for its 2019 CSR Strategic Plan.
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This end of semester final self-reflective topical question effectively relates to course learning outcomes 1 to 8. This means that students are required to reflect on how the topics of the question, its context and the answer to the question have impacted their learning and future learning approach. To that end, students are requested to engage their answer to the question with their own understanding and appreciation of the topic so it effectively addresses ALL THE LEARNING OUTCOMES set for this course and particularly integrates critical analysis and reflection. Simply put, you should ensure throughout your answer that you effectively connect each and every learning outcome for the course. For example, ask yourself a question related to CLO 1 such as: Do I identify the key elements of travel, tourism and events sectors in my answer? Etc.
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International Hospitality as a Business Environment Issue
Please discuss how international hospitality is a political, social and economic issue. Choose one country and discuss how it endeavors to encourage hospitality development while at the same time dealing with each one of these issues. Be sure to use specific examples in your discussion.
Expectation: It is expected that your answer will be approximately 500-750 words in length (one page to one and one-half pages, single-spaced, 12 point font) and will use a minimum of 3 cited sources from either refereed or reliable industry trade publications. Please be sure to use in-text citations and include a reference list at the end of the question.
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