Computer and right click on your hard drive
Computer and right click on your hard drive
1: Explore your computer and right click on your hard drive. Select Properties and then click on the Security tab. What groups and/or users are listed?
2: Click on each of the groups and/or users located in your search to answer Question 1. What permissions do they have? Do you notice any differences in permissions? What are they and why do you think there are differences?
3. Next, click on the Advanced button. In the Permissions tab, what groups and/or users have inherited permissions? What permissions did they inherit? Where did they inherit them from? If no permissions are inherited, why?
Computer and right click on your hard drive
4. The answer to this question can be found in the Effective Permission tab (after you click the Advanced button in the Properties window) or help files. If an administrator wants to repair or change permissions on a file, he or she must do what first?
5. Review the security log in the Event Viewer on your system and write a brief description of what the log contains. The Event Viewer is located under Administrative Tools in the Control Panel.
6. Review the password policy on your PC. What did you find? Were you surprised by any of the security settings? The Password Policy can be found under Local Security Policy under Administrative Tools in the Control Panel.
Computer and right click on your hard drive
7. Locate your User Account Control (UAC) Settings on your PC. What is your current setting?
8. Were you surprised by the UAC setting? Why or why not?
9. Using the operating system help files on your PC, explain what happens when the UAC setting is Always Notify. What happens to your PC, what must you do and what is this state (of your PC) called?
10. After reviewing the security settings in this lab, have your thoughts
on Windows security changed? If so, how? If not, why not?
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