Human Resource Management and Talent Potential

Human Resource Management and Talent Potential Answer each question in 700-800 words. Total for assignment should not exceed 3,200 words, excluding references, charts or tables. Be sure to provide adequate references. Each answer is worth 5 marks.

Human Resource Management and Talent Potential
Human Resource Management and Talent Potential

Under the term HRM, people often use the words ‘ Talent Management “. There is a concept called the Talent Management Cycle.
This includes ‘ Attracting, Selecting, Developing and Motivating the talent. Assuming this is done adequately, Talent
Retention should become more effective.

Human Resource Management and Talent Potential Q1.

Elaborate on the definitions of talent.
What really is, and is not Talent. Give some examples of how you can assess
talent in employees.
Differentiate between talent and talent potential. How would you assess talent potential?
Give an analysis of the differences between Talent and Competence. How do you measure each? What is their relationship?
Identify at least three (3) strategies for talent retention.
The following two HRM processes are critical to organizational success; Selection and Assessment.
Answer each question in 700-800 words. Total for assignment should not exceed 3,200 words, excluding references, charts or tables
. Be sure to provide adequate references. Each answer is worth 5 marks
1. Matching personality traits (especially aptitudes/talents, motivated drives/patterns, and temperament ) should form the
core in screening and assessing people for jobs, as well in placement and/as promotions.
2. How would you assess such traits for :
a. Recruitment purposes ( eg: screening applications or listing them in
recruitment adverts )
b. During the interview process
3. How would you validate which traits are actually needed in a specific job?
4. How would you verify that these traits exist in a job applicant? List some ways of doing this?

Human Resource Management and Talent Potential Case Analysis

1. Read the article from HBR, on succession planning. While the article itself is not one real case alone, it contains examples of cases around poor and effective HR planning, especially on P & G, regarding the succession plans for CEO’s.
2. Think of your own culture, both nationally and of local organizations (corporate culture) and do a comparative analysis of
‘Best Practices’ in succession planning. For example, how well and how far in advance do local organizations plan for successions
or are CEO appointments sometimes political?
Then, when this is so how effective are these political appointees? How should organizations assess the potential leadership talent
of future CEO’s.
3. In about 3000 words, give your analysis of, and your key learnings from this article including your comments on the above questions
concerning cultural influences on H.R. planning and succession schemes.
4. Give reference from additional articles or books on HR Planning. You may extract relevant short passages or quotes, but
ensure correct indentations and references to them. Type in 12 points, Times New Roman, and in 1.5 spacing.
Attached is the case analysis

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