Communication, Culture, and Representation

Communication, Culture, and Representation
Communication, Culture, and Representation

Communication, Culture, and Representation

Over the course of our quarter together, we have looked at and analyzed many signs in the form
of print advertisements as examples of complex systems of signification at work: the “Mammy”
citrus fruit sign, for example, or the poster for Pall Mall cigarettes. For your final project, you are
going to show your understanding of these systems of signification by developing your own print
advertisement for an already existing object (see page 3).

Rather than applying a semiotic analysis to someone else’s advertisement, you will be building
your own advertisement from the ground up in order to demonstrate what a semiotic approach
to representation makes possible. Your use of semiotics should be drawn largely from the
second half of our course—that is, from the material in Chandler’s book after the midterm (i.e.
Chapter 3 forward).
Although creating the advertisement is the centerpiece of the project, the goal of the project is to
situate the advertisement within a larger framework that explains and justifies your choices and
demonstrates your understanding of semiotics. In order to do this, you will produce a structured
proposal that incorporates five distinct sections:
1) Introduction
2) Justification
3) Audience
4) The Final Advertisement
5) Reflection
Here is what each section of the proposal should contain:
1) Introduction (@ 300 words): Provide a detailed textual description and brief
assessment of the object that could be used to explain it to anyone. It should be
meaningful to someone who is unfamiliar with it, or someone who is visually impaired, or
someone who is not from your community or have your cultural background. A good
Introduction will set the tone for the sections that follow.
2) Justification (@ 300 words): Provide a solid, thorough discussion of and justification for
the semiotic concepts that inform your approach to creating an advertisement for this
object. Consider the following questions (these are suggestive and not meant to be proscriptive):
*What rhetorical devices are you using to create your advertisement, and why?
How are you using them? To what end?
*Which master tropes are you using to structure your advertisement, and how are
you using them?
*How are you engaging with concepts such as denotation and connotation?
Literal and figurative language? Realism? Why and how are these important for your
3) Audience (@ 300 words): Provide a detailed description of the audience or audiences
for which the advertisement is intended and your what you are hoping your
advertisement communicates to them. You might also consider: to what degree does
your advertisement leave open possibilities of interpretation that you cannot account for
or control for?
4) The Final Advertisement: This section is entirely up to you, but it should incorporate
visual and textual information about your object and any other elements you believe will
demonstrate the semiotic concepts you have chosen to put your advertisement together.
5) Reflection (@ 300 words): Provide a thoughtful, reflective statement about what you
have learned from this course about semiotics, what has been the most useful and why,
and how this knowledge has enabled you to put this advertisement together. How, for
example, did creating this advertisement take you back to our very first discussions of
the problems of representation?

Phase One: Initial Proposal for Final Project (due March 5 @ 12:00pm):
1) Choose of one the three objects featured on page 3 of this prompt and make this your
semiotic object. Do not choose more than one object.
2) A draft (@ 300 words) of your proposed approach that combines the “Introduction” and
“Justification” sections of the final proposal.
3) A draft of the advertisement, incorporating visual and textual information (this can be
preliminary and basic, with the “finished” version appearing with the final version of the
project proposal).

Phase Two: Final Project (due March 19 @ 2:30pm)
All completed projects should be approximately 1250-1500 words (not including
endnotes/bibliography), typed, double-spaced, and using no larger than 12-point font.
Quotations from Chandler or any other sources must use citations in the appropriate format.
Any relevant images or audio/visual materials should be inserted (as jpegs or as hyperlinks to
online clips) into your final document.
All completed projects – which will incorporate all five sections of the proposal as well as the
final advertisement – should be emailed to your TA ONLY in PDF format (that is, not as Word or
Pages documents, or as large multimedia files) no later than Tuesday, March 19, by 2:30pm.
Do not use TurnItIn. You will not need to turn in a hard copy.
Projects submitted after the 2:30pm deadline will not be accepted. We do not offer incompletes
for the quarter except under extraordinary circumstances. If you have questions, please ask.
Your semiotic objects await on the next page…
Final Project: Existing Objects for Print Advertisement (choose one)
1) Perfume
2) Car
3) Shoe

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Persuasive Campaign for Online Education

Persuasive Campaign for Online Education
Persuasive Campaign for Online Education

Persuasive Campaign for Online Education

Persuasive Campaign for Online Education
Design a persuasive campaign aimed at promoting online education. Design an advertising campaign aimed at promoting online education. The draft should provide a preliminary description of the following items:

The campaign’s central message or slogan
The target audience for the campaign
The medium used to promote the campaign
The intended persuasion outcome for the campaign

The draft must be 1000 – 1500 words in length.
You must use at least three scholarly resources to support your claims and sub-claims.

We can write this or a similar paper for you! Simply fill the order form!

Cartoons & Sales Pitches Assignment

Cartoons & Sales Pitches
Cartoons & Sales Pitches

Cartoons & Sales Pitches

We decided to make a video and write a part of it. (the second file I upload) please finish the rest part of it

Cartoons & Sales Pitches

You have been assigned to a group, and your group must work together to produce something that will help to protect children. Children grow up with cartoons and fantasy. We take them to Disneyland and introduce them to Mickey Mouse, we sit them in front of a television to keep them occupied while we try to get work done, we teach them to read by giving them comic books, and we let them play video games where fictional characters save the planet. Kids are surrounded by fantasy, and we hope it will help them to dream big. But advertisers know that kids reside in their own fantasy worlds, and some advertisers take advantage of this by using cartoon characters, avatars, and other aspects of fantasy to sell products to those young and impressionable consumers.


Your group must design instructional material (poster, brochure, video, or any other form of ad) targeted at the parents of grade school students. It must teach them about the fact that cartoon characters and other appeals derived from children’s entertainment are being used to reach kids, and young children might not fully understand where entertainment ends and advertising begins, nor might they understand the true nature of advertising. You should provide examples that will help parents understand. Remember, it is supposed to speak to parents. It must be capable of teaching them about these dangers of advertising, and provide some direction for how parents should protect their children.


There is no way you can do everything in the context of this assignment, so you are only required to cover what you consider the most important issues. Any issue that clearly affects children’s advertising literacy can be used. The choices are yours.


While you must teach parents about the dangers of cartoon/fantasy based advertising, you must do so without demonizing advertising. Don’t make them feel that advertising is inherently bad or evil.


The format is largely up to you, as well. It can be a film, a website, a research paper, an advertisement, a piece of art, or anything that will effectively communicate the lesson you have chosen to teach. It must be in a form that you can deposit in the assignment Folder on D2L as a single item per group (i.e., don’t give me multiple files). If you are using something like a promotional product, since you cant slip most products into a virtual mailbox, do a drawing or clip some art that will help you explain to us what you envision. If you have questions about the approach you have in mind, please don’t hesitate to ask me or the TA. Remember that we can only give you a grade based on what you’ve communicated clearly to us. However, you must clearly list your GROUP NUMBER and the names of each GROUP MEMBER on the submission.

Grading Criteria

The group project will be scored on 1) potential effectiveness as an instructional piece, 2) the probability that it could really be used (i.e., is it realistic for use), 3) the amount of thought that went into it, 4) the amount of work that went into it, 5) the originality of the work, 6) the clarity (i.e., is it easy to understand and follow, and whether you provided any supporting information to convince us of what you are trying to achieve with your concept), and 7) how polished it is (i.e., does it need more work to be presentable?). And, of course, woven through all those criteria is whether or not you followed directions. Each student’s grade will be adjusted based on their peer evaluations, so it is possible to receive a grade that is higher or lower than the group project score. Failure to submit a properly completed peer evaluation by the deadline will result in a loss of points.

Cartoons & Sales Pitches

You have been assigned to a group, and your group must work together to produce something that will help to protect children. Children grow up with cartoons and fantasy. We take them to Disneyland and introduce them to Mickey Mouse, we sit them in front of a television to keep them occupied while we try to get work done, we teach them to read by giving them comic books, and we let them play video games where fictional characters save the planet. Kids are surrounded by fantasy, and we hope it will help them to dream big. But advertisers know that kids reside in their own fantasy worlds, and some advertisers take advantage of this by using cartoon characters, avatars, and other aspects of fantasy to sell products to those young and impressionable consumers.


Your group must design instructional material (poster, brochure, video, or any other form of ad) targeted at the parents of grade school students. It must teach them about the fact that cartoon characters and other appeals derived from children’s entertainment are being used to reach kids, and young children might not fully understand where entertainment ends and advertising begins, nor might they understand the true nature of advertising. You should provide examples that will help parents understand. Remember, it is supposed to speak to parents. It must be capable of teaching them about these dangers of advertising, and provide some direction for how parents should protect their children.


There is no way you can do everything in the context of this assignment, so you are only required to cover what you consider the most important issues. Any issue that clearly affects children’s advertising literacy can be used. The choices are yours.


While you must teach parents about the dangers of cartoon/fantasy based advertising, you must do so without demonizing advertising. Don’t make them feel that advertising is inherently bad or evil.


The format is largely up to you, as well. It can be a film, a website, a research paper, an advertisement, a piece of art, or anything that will effectively communicate the lesson you have chosen to teach. It must be in a form that you can deposit in the Assignment Folder on D2L as a single item per group (i.e., don’t give me multiple files). If you are using something like a promotional product, since you can’t slip most products into a virtual mailbox, do a drawing or clip some art that will help you explain to us what you envision. If you have questions about the approach you have in mind, please don’t hesitate to ask me or the TA. Remember that we can only give you a grade based on what you’ve communicated clearly to us. However, you must clearly list your GROUP NUMBER and the names of each GROUP MEMBER on the submission.

Grading Criteria

The group project will be scored on 1) potential effectiveness as an instructional piece, 2) the probability that it could really be used (i.e., is it realistic for use), 3) the amount of thought that went into it, 4) the amount of work that went into it, 5) the originality of the work, 6) the clarity (i.e., is it easy to understand and follow, and whether you provided any supporting information to convince us of what you are trying to achieve with your concept), and 7) how polished it is (i.e., does it need more work to be presentable?). And, of course, woven through all those criteria is whether or not you followed directions. Each student’s grade will be adjusted based on their peer evaluations, so it is possible to receive a grade that is higher or lower than the group project score. Failure to submit a properly completed peer evaluation by the deadline will result in a loss of points.

Important Note: this assignment is worth 20% of your grade, and 20% of the grade of each of your teammates. If there are 5 people in your team that means all together (20% x 5) this assignment is equal to one person’s total effort for the class, for an entire semester. Since a 3-credit class is supposed to take about 150 hours of your time during the semester, look at your project before you hand it in and ask yourselves whether it looks like 150 hours went into it. I don’t really expect quite that much effort put into it, but keep in mind that some projects look closer to that standard than others. When grading these assignments, we look at how much work appears to have gone into them! Here’s WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER: If other groups seem to have done twice as much work, you can expect that your score will be less than theirs.

Final Caution

Of course, scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated. After all, this is a class that is about ethics and honesty, so be sure that you don’t copy someone else work.

Peer Evaluation

You must evaluate your fellow team members. You are expected to do so fairly, but that does not mean giving them a better grade than they deserve. You are my eyes and ears in your group. You might not like the way I require you to distribute scores, but there is a reason why it is done this way, and it still leaves you a lot of flexibility. The Peer Evaluations are due 4 weekdays after the deadline of the project, also by noon.


The project must be deposited in the D2L dropbox no later than Noon on February 28. [Note, it can be deposited at any time prior to that.]

Using info from:

Beginning of Video:
Kids ages and what they know

Middle of Video:
Show examples and techniques they use to target kids

End of Video:
Strategies to spot it

Where does entertainment ends and advertising begin? For kids, it can be hard to tell.
In this video, we will cover how advertising affects children at different ages, examples of advertisements using cartoon characters and children entertainment to reach kids, and techniques to help your children find the difference.
In short, this video will teach advertising literacy.

(part 1)
Until children are 3 years old, they cant tell the difference between advertisements and actual programs.

From ages 3-6, children can tell the difference from ads and programs. However, they don’t understand that ads are trying to sell something and tend to think of advertisements as entertaining or announcements.

At age 7-11, children can understand that ads are trying to sell something, and often time can remember advertising messages. They can recognize some advertising techniques such as overstating how good products are. However, they might not always understand that products aren’t as good as they say they are or fully understand what the advertisements are doing.

(part 2)
Here are a few examples of advertising literacy:

(part 3)
Some strategies are…

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Touch Screen Digital Advertising Is Everywhere

Touch Screen Digital Advertising Is Everywhere
Touch Screen Digital Advertising Is                       Everywhere

Touch Screen Digital Advertising Is Everywhere

Touch screen dynamic advertising is among us, and we have all come into contact with these systems either in the fuel station, shopping hub or even printing holiday photos off.

Touch screen technology in factories.

In a meals factory, engaging solutions is necessary to keep up with the frequent stream of goods coming down the conveyor belt, this is why some industrial computers are equipped with a touch panel so that the operator can just touch the display and enter the right data, this information then can be analyzed by the office personnel while the manufacturing area floor concentrate on the finished goods.

The challenge with a touch panel computer on a production floor is that they are expensive to invest in, usually costing many thousand dollars per site. But the return on investment is made as the user does not have to take off gloves as these are from time to time used in deep freeze places when a batch run of a product is accomplished.

A less expensive solution is to use a computer enclosure, or a computer enclosure these can be supplied with an interactive panel that connects to the USB port on the pc inside the housing and then when the components is installed the system can be jotted down as it is entirely NEMA 4X or IP65 (European standard).

Interactive technology in marketing.

Now in some retail boutiques, they are using some leading-edge forms of dynamic advertising that have a touch screen. Some solutions even have an LCD enclosure that is installed with an interactive panel, just like the factory application the USB cable from the panel links to the display and another cable connects to the media player, so that when someone touches the screen the media player opens up marketing content that is applicable to the area of the display the probable buyer touched.

Without being engaging, dynamic advertising does tend to lack the influence other solutions that do interact have, this can range from an LCD enclosure fitted with an interactive or touch display to a floor standing touch screen kiosk.


There are several situations in which interactive touch screen kiosks are suitable and can be used to extensively. For instance, if you run a hotel, interactive touch screen kiosks are perfect for letting people sign themselves in. Interactive touch screen kiosks have been for a long time been used to allow people to collect their pre-ordered tickets at cinemas and even book tickets in advance. Additionally, the transport industry is also increasingly making a killing out of these kiosks as they allow people to access information and even book tickets for buses, trains, coaches and more. Stores are now using kiosks to enable people to access their goods and buy.

The vital point to note is ‘touch-screen,’ for a number of reasons. For the elderly or the technophobes, who want to buy something you may be put off by lots of buttons or an uncomfortable mouse. You are as well unlikely to use the keys if you have some form of disability. Touchscreens are however spontaneous to use that you may not need to have any background in technology to operate and benefit from them.

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Complete the Lopes Write Worksheet

Complete the Lopes Write Worksheet APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Complete the Lopes Write Worksheet
Complete the Lopes Write Worksheet

Turnitin Questions

Write a 100 – 150-word response to each of the questions below.

  1. List and describe two benefits of checking your Turnitin score before submitting your assignment.
  2. A student receives a 35% similarity rate on their Turnitin score. What does this mean and what should that student do before they submit their assignment? Hospitalization, despite its duration, is likely to result in emotional, social, and academic costs to school-age children and adolescents. Developing adequate psychoeducational activities and assuring inpatients’ own class teachers’ collaboration, allows for the enhancement of their personal and emotional competencies and the maintenance of a connection with school and academic life.

Job Specification or Advertisement for a Job You Want

Job Specification or Advertisement for a Job You Want You will find a job specification or advertisement for a job that you want. It can be whatever job you’d like I don’t mind.

Job Specification or Advertisement for a Job You Want
Job Specification or Advertisement for a Job You Want

Word count also obviously doesn’t matter to me much with an assignment like this either.
Closely read the specification for keywords and phrases and also save or link it in the resume itself, because my professor will want to also see whichever advertisement you choose to work with in order to evaluate how you craft application documents.
Create a résumé / c.v. using the most appropriate format (education, experience, skills-based, etc.) Again you have free range to make up whatever you’d like for these portions as long as it’s even remotely believable.
Create a cover letter for this position following the forms and conventions of the field to which you are applying.
You will be assessed on:
1. Your ability to adequately discern the essential and desired criteria for the position
2. How well you make the case that you are the best candidate for the position
3. Your ability to write in clear and concise English using proper grammar, tone, register, vocabulary, and syntax.

Dominos Case study Essay Assignment

Dominos Case study
Dominos Case study

Dominos Case study

  1. Select three (3) key points from the case and expand upon each of these points. What challenge is Domino’s management facing?
  2. There are a variety of promotion techniques Dominos could utilize to enhance their market share within the pizza category. If you were a Marketing Manager for Dominos which two (2) promotional techniques would you recommend to senior management? What is the rationale behind your recommendations?
  3. The authors discuss a variety of mobile advertising platforms. Discuss two (2) mobile advertising platforms used by Dominos. How successful have these two (2) platforms been for Dominos? Provide two (2) recommendations to improve the success level.

400 words per question for a total of 1200 words…3 scholarly sources  / references..

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Paid Advertising Strategy Assignment

Paid Advertising Strategy
         Paid Advertising Strategy

Paid Advertising Strategy

It’s time to develop a paid advertising strategy for your campaign. All paid advertising will be sending traffic back to your microsite that you created earlier in the semester.
In your strategy you should have sections covering the following:

A brief 50 – 100 word overview of the strategy including what channels you’ll target and the desired outcomes.

List three goals for the paid advertising campaign. For example:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase email subscriber list
  • Generate qualified leads
  • Channels

Identify three channels you’ll use for paid advertising and explain why you’ve selected these channels.
This could be Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, etc…

For your selected channels identify your targeting methods. For Facebook, LinkedIn etc this could be demographics, interest, location, etc… for search this will be specific keywords.

Create one sample advertisement concept per channel. For example on sample Google Adwords ad, describe one YouTube advertisement and one sample Facebook advertisement or promoted post.
Describe what landing pages will be created for the advertisements.

Identify a budget for your paid media. You’ll have to do some research and see if your brand publishes their total advertising / marketing budget or if you can find a similar brand or industry that has. Use this chart for assistance.

Identify how you’ll measure and gauge success of the efforts.

Must be at least 500 words
Must be client ready, nicely formatted and formal in language.
There should be enough information and detail that the brand would  understand exactly what you’re planning to do, we should be able to take your strategy and actually start a paid media campaign based on it.

We can write this or a similar paper for you! Simply fill the order form!

Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment

Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment Situation Analysis – Bayer Aspirin

Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment
Bayer Aspirin Situation Analysis and Brand Assessment
  1. Brand assessment (Junior)
  • Research the total sales and market share trends of your brand, if possible
  • Assess your brand’s current use of the 4Ps: Product developments, Place/distribution, Pricing, and Promotion
  • Describe your brand’s differentiating features and benefits, if any, vs. your competitors
  • Describe consumer perceptions of your brand
  • How would loyal consumers and nonusers of your brand describe it?
  • How is the brand really perceived by consumers vs. how the brand wants to be perceived?
  1. SWOT analysis- Everyone
  • Internal to the company and your brand: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • External to the company and your brand: Opportunities and Threats
  1. Brand marketing key issues and objectives (given #1-3)- Everyone
  • Identify 4-5 key issues facing your brand or problems the company needs to address for future marketing success.
  • Create 4-5 SMART brand objectives for your marketing plan to achieve given the brand’s key issues.

Advertisement that uses Math in the Real World

An advertisement that uses Math in the Real World It’s not hard to find interesting examples of math in the real world because math is everywhere. Including advertising.

Advertisement that uses Math in the Real World
Advertisement that uses Math in the Real World

Whether an airline is touting the amount you will save flying with them or a toothpaste company is informing you that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend their product, using math is one-way advertisers try to get you to buy their product or service.

For this final discussion, and find an advertisement that uses math. Provide the link to the advertisement and explain how the advertisement uses math. Do you think this is an effective way to promote their product? Why or why not?