Jefferys and Rich Critical Analysis Questions your responses must include your critical analysis of the theories we are studying in the context of these questions.
You can include personal vignettes of your experiences as they relate to these questions; however, they must be presented in order to illustrate points or theories you are referencing.
Please directly quote on the reading. Maria Mies’ Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale is a foundational text for understanding the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism.
Her task, as noted above, is to uncover the relationship between the exploitation of women, capitalist accumulation, and subordination of colonies.
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Common Case and Rubric Analysis Paper Using the rubric , create your written analysis paper in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx file type).
The format is a maximum of three pages long, single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and appropriately titled headings for paragraphs.
The inclusion of an Appendix (maximum of additional two pages) is optional. Points will be deducted for failing to adhere to any of these formatting requirements…
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Nash Equilibria Analysis Essay Paper A local law firm has hired G&B consulting to help determine a business strategy.
There is a competing firm in the area and recently the two firms have begun talks in regards to a merger. The merger would mean there are more shared resources than either had before individually. There would also be less competition for both companies. Both would be able to operate more efficiently, however, it would take a strong commitment from both sides for the merger to be successful. The law firm that has hired you wants to know their optimum strategy in this situation.
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A B Design Graph and Analysis Click Data Summary Table to view the table.
This data summary table shows a child’s duration of crying in minutes during baseline and treatment phases. Develop a graph from the data summary table to show the effects of the intervention on this child’s duration of crying. Be sure all six components of a graph (see pages 45–57 in the Behavior Modification text) are included.
In your paper, include a brief visual analysis within and between conditions (see pages 150–155 in your Applied Behavior Analysis text); limitations, if any, of this design in proving that the behavior modification procedures caused the behavior change; and recommendations to improve the treatment design, if necessary.
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Research a specific company of your choice and identify some of the managerial decisions that were made over time and in response to changes in its market or competitive environment.
Use the Ashford University Library and web-based sources for your research. At least three external scholarly sources must be used in addition to the textbook.
Address all of the following areas:
Describe the company and provide a brief history of its operations. Find or use graphs to illustrate its financial performance over the years.
Describe any sources of risk or uncertainty in its operations. Do the financial reports indicate risky or uncertain activities or changes to the economic environment that ultimately appear to have affected the companyís financial outcomes? Be specific.
Are there any government regulations that have affected this companyís operations domestically or abroad? Explain.
Describe the inputs that are used in this companyís production function and identify any challenges to securing these inputs.
Determine if the company has introduced new products in existing markets or created new markets over time. What is the impact on its finances?
Determine if the price of its products increased or declined over time and analyze the reasons for price fluctuations. Study the demand elasticity for its products and discuss the availability of close substitutes for its products. How does that affect pricing decisions?
Analyze the company’s profitability. Identify the economy or industry influences on its costs, operations, and profitability.
Describe the competitive environment in which the firm operates the distribution of market power and the strategic behavior of the firm and its competitors.
Apply your knowledge of the theory of this company’s market structure. How does the company make pricing and production decisions? Is your observation supported by the theoretical models? Refer to the financial reports for illustration.
Describe any non-price competitive strategies that the company might be engaging in. Provide specific examples.
Managerial Decision Making Research and Analysis
Evaluate if the company made any mistakes in its decisions over time, and recommend any changes or improvements for future operations. Refer to the financial reports when making specific observations or recommendations..
Use economic language and demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and theories of this course.
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Measuring Efficiency in Analysis of Georgia Hospitals This is a fine-tuning of a prospectus (not a proposal) for DHA capstone.
The prospectus needs enhancing: Keywords, refined research questions and possibly title, new framework, replace a couple the articles to fit the study.
Remember the HHI measures market concentration, which is the inverse of competition. Low scores on the HHI Cite a paper that uses HHI in hospital markets.
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Rhetorical Analysis of a Political Advertisement Write a 1000 word rhetorical analysis on a political ad (any group or movement) of your choice. Send a picture or kink of the ad to me when submitting your assignment.
Use three outside sources (CSN databases) to support your analysis. Use the steps below:
Select an advertisement: This should be a visual advertisement, the kind found in a newspaper, magazine, billboard, or online. The ad can contain both an image and text.
Rhetorical Analysis of a Political Advertisement
Analyze the advertisement: Write a paper in which you analyze the rhetorical techniques the advertiser uses. In your analysis, you may consider any of the following:
*What is the rhetorical situation? Where does the ad appear? When will the audience see it? Have recent events in the news or community affected the content? How do the rhetorical choices made by the advertisers reflect this context?
*Who is the target audience? What does this audience value? What is their socioeconomic status?
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Better Breathers Club within the ALA SWOT Analysis Please complete the SWOT analysis in files and answer the questions pertaining to the Better Breathers Club within the ALA
A SWOT analysis can help to identify internal and external factors that can help or hinder organization or program success. A SWOT analysis organizes the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of an organization or program.
The identification of weaknesses and threats indicates factors that have a negative impact on the organization or program and need to be addressed. Strengths and opportunities are factors that have a positive impact on the organization or program and should be maintained.
For this assignment, you will complete a SWOT analysis for your practicum site/organization or program using the “SWOT Analysis” template provided
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Public Affairs Data Analysis and Applied Statistics Your research question should be raised from public affairs, administration, and policy.
The dataset should be ready for use to examine your particular research question.
The dataset should also meet all the requirements indicated in the syllabus (e.g., at least 50 observations and at least 5 variables, at least 2 interval variables and 1 categorical variable). Data analysis is not required for this assignment.
Public Affairs Data Analysis and Applied Statistics
Submit your research question (in a Word file) AND a complete dataset (in an Excel file) that you will use for the applied essay
You are required to write a 5-7 page (double-spaced, NO MORE THAN 7 pages please) essay to demonstrate how you apply the statistics that you learn from this course to real-world inquiries in public affairs and administration.
You should prepare a quantitative dataset using online sources for data analysis. Your dataset should contain AT LEAST 50 observations and AT LEAST 5 variables (at least two variables with interval level measurement and at least one variable with categorical measurement).
You should use basic descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum) to summarize the interval level variables and use frequency distribution to summarize the categorical variables.
You are also required to use three (3) inferential analysis techniques one of them must be multivariate linear regression (no simple linear regression please) to test meaningful hypotheses. The dependent variable in the linear regression model should be measured at the interval level.
Public Affairs Data Analysis and Applied Statistics
I would suggest you organize your essay by answering the following questions successively:
1) What are your research question and hypotheses? Please make sure that (a) your research question is from public affairs/administration field, (b) each of your hypotheses should propose an impact of one independent variable on the dependent variable, and (c) each of your hypotheses sounds reasonable.
2) Describe the data set you are using: What are your observations, and how many valid observations in your dataset? Where do you get the data? (Please provide the online link.)
Public Affairs Data Analysis and Applied Statistics
When and who (or which organization) originally collected the data? How were the data collected (through in-person interview, phone survey, mail survey, or it is census data, or through some other approach)?
3) How is each of the variables (including the dependent variable) in your hypotheses measured? What is the measurement unit if the variable is measured at the interval level?
If you recode any variable or generated any new variable, how do you do that? Please note: measurement tells about what the variable is about and what the values mean. For example, city level educational attainment is measured by the percent of citizens with a BA or BS degree or higher out of the total population of 25 or older. Its measurement unit is percent.
Public Affairs Data Analysis and Applied Statistics
4) Use basic descriptive statistics to summarize at least two interval-level variables, and use frequency distribution to summarize at least one categorical level variable. You may create a nice table or chart to help you report the descriptive statistics.
5) Which inferential techniques (including multivariate linear regression) do you use to test each of your hypotheses? For each technique, why do you think it is appropriate? Please make sure you specify your dependent variable and independent variables in your inferential analyses.
Public Affairs Data Analysis and Applied Statistics
6) Please interpret the analysis results and report whether the hypothesis is supported. In correlation analysis, please (a) interpret the correlation coefficient and then (b) use the t-test result to show the significance of the relationship. If you apply contingency table with chi-square test, please (a) use the column percent to report the specific relationship, and
(b) Use chi-square test to show whether the relationship is significant. If you use group
mean comparison with t-test, please (a) compare the sample means first, and then (b) use t-test result to report whether the difference is significant or not.
7) When you interpret the results of the multivariate linear regression (as a more comprehensive inferential analysis technique), please (a) explain each of the partial coefficients, (b) the significance of the partial coefficients, and (c) also report the model fit statistics.
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