Choose ONE of the following articles: Brahic or Wong
Sample organization for the Critical Thinking Writing:
Title of the Article
Briefly state the main idea of this article.
List and discuss three important facts that the author uses to support the main idea.
Make connections! What information or ideas discussed in this article are also discussed in your textbook or other readings you have done or videos you have watched? List the textbook chapters and page numbers if your reference is a reading source.Can you connect/compare this to your own experiences? Try to find another article/film in the media that deals with this same topic.
* Do not skip question #4. It is important for developing and honing your critical thinking sensibilities.
* Do not just give a chapter and page numbers. Write at least a paragraph for each connection.
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Anthropologists Viewpoint on Cultural Relativism 1. Why do anthropologists use the viewpoint of cultural relativism to understand cultures that are different from their own?
Anthropologists Viewpoint on Cultural Relativism
What are two explanations for why virtually all human cultures have a taboo against incest?
Please describe Darwin’s version of natural selection.
Explain 19th Century cultural evolution. Franz Boas, (born July 9, 1858, Minden, Westphalia, Prussia [Germany]—died December 22, 1942, New York, New York, U.S.), German-born American anthropologist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the founder of the relativistic, culture-centered school of American anthropology that became dominant in the 20th century. During his tenure at Columbia University in New York City (1899–1942), he developed one of the foremost departments of anthropology in the United States.
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Lucy the Oldest Human Ancestor Research Paper According to Dr. Donald Johanson, Lucy was one of the greatest paleoanthropological finds of the 20th century.
Lucy the Oldest Human Ancestor Research Paper
According to Johanson, Lucy represented the missing link between apes and humans. She was our oldest human ancestor, the ape who walked upright.
Lucy the Oldest Human Ancestor Research Paper
But is Dr. Johanson correct in his assumptions? It will be your task to make that determination. For this assignment, please use separate sections, clearly labeled, to argue your case.
They should contain the following information: An introduction with a clearly stated thesis statement
Next, you should discuss Dr. Johanson’s discovery of an ancient looking knee joint.1n 1973, one year before he found Lucy and discuss the evidence he used to indicate that its owner walked upright.
Lucy the Oldest Human Ancestor Research Paper
Following this, you should speak about Dr. Johanson’s discovery of Lucy’s remains a year later, you should discuss Dr. Johanson’s analysis of Lucy’s original environment and what evidence he used to accomplish this.
Since Dr. Johanson bases his case for Lucy’s inclusion into the human family primarily on her bipedal ability, in a separate section, you should discuss the evidence he uses to support
The evidence should include Lucy’s knee joint making sure you connect this evidence with the evidence of the first knee joint Johanson found. Following this, you should discuss the evidence of Lucy’s pelvis and the footprints found by Mary Leakey at Laetoli in East Africa.
Finally, you should address the question of why Lucy walked upright. Dr. Johanson has two suggestions, the changing environment, and Lucy’s social structure.
These factors of changing the environment and social structure should be discussed thoroughly. Most of the information comes from the video and represents Dr. Johanson’s analysis.
The different pieces of evidence should be discussed separately, not in the same paragraph, making sure that each paragraph is connected by proper transitional links. In fact, the entire paper should be a logically connected story using proper transitions throughout the entire paper.
Lucy the Oldest Human Ancestor Research Paper
You should have a separate section where you either agree or disagree with Dr. Johanson’s conclusion including the justifications for your choice.
Here you should look for biased conclusions, raising questions about methodology, critique anything dealing with Dr. Johanson’s interpretations of the evidence and his conclusions.
One important factor to note: What might Dr. Johanson have found that would lend more credence to the classification of Lucy as the oldest most complete bipedal human ancestor?
Finally, you should have a coherent conclusion. Here you might discuss why discoveries such as Dr. Johanson’s are important to the scientific community or you might discuss the importance of such an exercise like this for you personally.
These are just some suggestions. There are many other approaches you might take when developing your conclusion.
Sources required:
(Book) Lucy, the beginning of humankind. By Donald Johanson and Maitland A Edey
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This assignment’s purpose is to research a topic further than just googling; to be able to academically research. The sources you use need to be academic. What I mean by academic is that they should be peer-reviewed academic journals (see below). Further, your formatting should be exactly what I am asking for.
First and foremost, you will be heavily graded on whether or not your sources are academic. For each non-academic source, I will deduct up to 30% off your grade. Since you need three sources, you stand to fail this assignment rather quickly if you don’t have valid sources.
What are acceptable sources? All fields in science have peer-reviewed publications, usually in the form of journals. This is how research and conclusions are presented. Peer-reviewed means they have gone through a rigorous process and any conclusions presented have to include what methods were used as well as background and analysis. The supplemental reading I have provided in class has all been from such sources.
And this will give you possible links to all anthropology journals.
You are more than welcome to bring in publications from other disciplines.
Do not pay for any publication. Any journal (above included) you need will be available through the SDSU library for free.
Common misconceptions about acceptable sources: 1. It ends in a .edu. This does not make it an academic source. I suggest you look at who wrote what you are reading and see if they have published. 2. The Smithsonian, National Geographic are also not allowed. Again, look at who wrote the article or whose research the article is referencing.
In-text citation: This is a concept that eludes most people. If you are using an idea that is not common knowledge you need to provide an in-text citation (see style guide and assignment). When you are paraphrasing one of your sources, you need to cite. When you quote, you need to cite. When in doubt, cite. Not citing is called plagiarism.
Frequently asked questions about sources:
Once I have my academic sources can I use other non-academic ones? – Yes, you may, but do not rely too heavily on them for the content of your paper or your grade will suffer.
Can I use our textbook or lecture notes? – Yes, but same as above, do not make them your primary sources.
How about if I find an academic book? – This is a gray area. Some books are acceptable, some are not. You can email me with the book information if you want to double and make sure it’s a valid source.
Citing and quoting: Your paper should be in your own words (remember to still cite). You are welcome to use quotes, but do not make your paper quote-heavy. Your paper should not be a bunch of quotes tied together.
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Discussion #4: Doing Fieldwork: Culture Shock and the Ethnographic Method
Anthropologists often encounter culture shock when they enter the field. They must overcome culture shock and/or ethnocentric tendencies to learn about the culture they are studying.
1.When have you felt culture shock? What was the setting? Were you able to overcome it? If so, how? If not, did you maintain ethnocentric views on the situation? How does that make you feel now?
2. After reading the articles on the Yanomamo and the Kalahari San people, explain how the anthropologists’ come to understand the cultural settings they are studying? What surprised you from each example?
3.Respond to a classmate’s post.
“Between 800-1000 words. Students are expected to compare and contrast the two articles “The Dusky Maiden and the Postwar American Imperium” and Sewel “History, Synchrony, and Culture: Reflections of the Work of Clifford Geertz”
We need to compare/contrast the articles and think about what the authors are saying, and the dilemmas they are responding to, and what that means for our understanding of the world around us.
Students will write a brief comparative paper (4-5 pages, double-spaced) that explores a topic of their choice through an analysis of two scholarly journal articles. The paper should include a discussion of the main arguments of both articles, the methods used to collect data, the most significant evidence and examples raised, and the conclusions of each article. More importantly, your paper must also provide a critical comparative analysis.
Some possible questions to consider in your paper are:
When were the articles published? Why might this be significant when comparing their methods, findings, and conclusions?
How did the choice of approach to research shape the findings and conclusions? How do the approaches, or methods, used in each article compare?
Do you think anything was missing from the analysis provided in the articles? When the articles are considered together, do they present specific or representative conclusions?
How do these articles connect with other course material and the broader themes in the course?
Are theories reinforced or contradicted? How does the information provided in your articles allow for a deeper understanding and stronger critical analysis of theories and research that has been previously discussed in the course?
These questions are suggestions only. Keep in mind that the more original your analysis and ideas, the better. You must not use any sources beyond your two chosen articles and any assigned course materials.
You can choose any topic of your choice that falls within the scope of the course. Your comparison may consider articles that explore different time periods, different communities, different geographic locations, or other approaches to the same general topic.
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Discuss what an impure public good is, the types of externalities associated with impure public goods, the technology of public good supply (best shot, weakest link, etc.), and the types of economic incentives (positive and negative) that are created for impure public goods with different technologies of public good supply. Healthy ocean ecosystems are needed to sustain people and livelihoods and to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Using the ocean sustainably requires overcoming many formidable challenges: overfishing, climate change, ocean acidification, and pollution.
*Below is the brief requirement.I attached the specific requirement and simple(IMPORTANT!) which is a PPT in addition files. I also attached ALL of the readings of this class, which you can choose from. Please follow the instruction.
*Please send me a brief outline of what topic you will use and what citations you will use by Dec 6, 11 pm Before you officially start.
There is no formal final paper for this course. Instead, you will prepare an annotated bibliography, including a well-developed thesis statement (a.k.a. “primary argument” or “main claim”) followed by a minimum of 5 annotated citations to support that statement.
Must be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date format
At least three must be articles or books/excerpts we have read for this class
At least two must be scholarly sources you have found on your own using JSTOR, Ebsco, or another approved scholarly search engine
The minimum number of citations is 5; the maximum is 10
Under each citation, give a brief (2-3 complete sentences) description of the reference being cited and explain how/why it works to support your thesis statement/main claim/primary argument. Remember, even though this is not a full paper, you are still expected to write your annotations in a scholarly, academic register appropriate to a 200-level university student!
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Anthropologists Studying Nature of Evolution and Change Purpose: The primary goal of this exercise is for the student to further examine evolution from the perspective of two subfields in anthropology.
Anthropologists Studying Nature of Evolution and Change
The all-encompassing nature of evolution will be illustrated, and students will have the opportunity to explore the holistic nature of anthropology. Description: Anthropologists study many different aspects of humanity in order to fully understand the diversity of the human species. One of these aspects concerns our development as a species, both physically and culturally. For the assignment, the student will first discuss and investigate evolution as viewed by physical anthropology, and then the student will investigate and discuss evolution from one other subfield – cultural, linguistic, or archaeological. Directions: In a 4-6 page written assignment, answer the following questions. 1) Define evolution using the course materials. 2) Define physical anthropology.
Anthropologists Studying Nature of Evolution and Change Discussion
Discuss some of the general ways physical anthropologists investigate evolution. 3), find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which physical anthropologists are studying evolution (e.g. the Human Genome Project). Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution. Conduct original research; do not use the genome project because that example is given in class. Be sure to cite your source. 4) Choose and define a second subfield of anthropology (cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, or archaeology). 5) Discuss some of the general ways an anthropologist in this second subfield investigates evolution. *Remember, evolution can apply to both physical and societal changes, so things like language and customs can evolve just as much as bodies and brains can. 6) find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which anthropologists in this second subfield are studying evolution.
Anthropologists Studying Nature of Evolution and Change Research Project
Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution. For example, an archaeologist may look at how tools have changed through time, and what has caused that change (conducts your own original research, do not use this example). Be sure to cite your source. 8) Discuss how the study of evolution between physical anthropology and your chosen subfield compares and contrasts. 9) Conclude by discussing and reflecting on one new piece of information you learned about evolution.