Eight Rights Organizational Culture Essay Paper

Eight Rights Organizational Culture Essay Paper

Eight Rights Organizational Culture Essay Paper
Eight Rights Organizational Culture Essay Paper

1. Of the 8 rights that corporations have afforded consumers in regard to their responsibilities and duties toward them, which two do you, think are the most important? Why do you think that?

  1. Why is Organizational Culture so important to supporting ethical activities and curtailing unethical actions? How often have you heard somebody — a new CEO, a journalist, a management consultant, a leadership guru, a fellow employee — talk about the urgent need to change the culture? They want to make it world-class. To dispense with all the nonsense and negativity that annoys employees and stops good intentions from growing into progress.

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How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper Contain citations from at least 5 PUBLISHED scholarly articles, include the cover and reference not over 1000 words

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper
How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper

Assignment:  Final How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper

Using their annotated bibliography, students will prepare a research paper by the end of the description .  The paper will be an essay (up to 1000 words) on a research topic related to the course.

Your final term paper should be up to 1000 words long including cover page and reference list.  It should:

  1. Have a clear purpose and research question
  2. Include an introduction and a conclusion
  3. Contain citations from at least 5 PUBLISHED scholarly articles
  4. Include APA citations and reference list
  5. Follow APA format

Essays longer than 1000 words WILL NOT be accepted. A second chance will be given to the author to shorten the length, but a 10% score will be deducted.

Your final research paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word document ONLY. You have access to Microsoft Office 365 with your York account for free.


How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper Evaluation Rubric

Task Achievement (TA): (20%)

Ï whether a research question (essay topic) related to the topic of the course is selected.

Ï whether the research question is academically answered by providing proofs and evidence (possibly citations) from at least 5 published (in the past 15 years) scholarly studies.

Organization (Org): (30%)

Ï whether the essay includes a cover page, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and reference list.

Ï whether the essay sticks to (up to) 1000-word limit (including cover page and reference list).

Ï whether the APA style is followed.

Grammatical and Lexical Range and Accuracy (GLRA): (30%)

Ï whether the citations are appropriately paraphrased and/or summarized from the main sources (published scholarly studies).

Ï whether appropriate, accurate, and varied grammatical sentences are used.

Ï whether appropriate, accurate, and varied vocabulary (word form and word choice) are used in the annotations.

How Multiculturalism Affect Canada Research Paper Coherence and Cohesion: (20%)

Ï whether ideas at the idea level (coherence) and ideas at the sentence level (cohesion) are connected to each other.

Essays longer than 1000 words WILL NOT be accepted. A second chance will be given to the author to shorten the length, but a 10% score will be deducted.

Your final research paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word document ONLY. You have access to Microsoft Office 365 with your York account for free.


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Marriage of choice in the US vs arranged marriage in India

Marriage of choice in the US vs arranged marriage in India
Marriage of choice in the US vs arranged              marriage in India

Marriage of choice in the US vs arranged marriage in India

Gt assignment Marriage of choice in the US vs arranged marriage in India

The goal of Part 1 is for you to explore and gain an understanding of how and why people from different countries and cultures experience a particular topic/issue that is a shared part of the human experience and to understand how your own experiences compare to theirs. The goal of Part 2 is for you to gain experience in finding relevant peer-reviewed journal articles, critically examining the research methodology, and applying the research findings to your knowledge of different human experiences around the world.



Part 2 Article Analysis (30 Points)
Part 2 -Section 1 (Relevance of Context): 250-400 words
Every research study is influenced by context. Some examples of contextual influences include where the research occurred, where the researchers were employed, the year in which research occurred, and what was going on locally, regionally, globally, culturally, and/or environmentally at the time. Thoroughly and carefully identify the contextual influences that may have contributed to the authors’ choice of topic, the participants they chose, and the type of research they conducted. This information will not be found directly in the article. You will need to consider the information provided in the article and make relevant inferences as to the contextual influences. This could include outside research.

1) What influenced the researchers to study this particular topic? What was going on culturally or globally that might have influenced their choice of research topic?
2) Prior to this research study, what was known about this topic? Include findings from previous research (this information is found at the beginning of the article).
3) How do you think what was previously known about this topic and findings from previous research influenced the research design and choice of participants in this study?
[Enter your text here]

Part 2 – Section 2 (Explain an Issue): 250-400 words
Summarize the topic, problem, issue, or research question being analyzed. Explain the topic clearly and comprehensively, delivering all information necessary for full understanding.

1) Who were the participants? How did the researchers collect their participants?
2) How did the researchers go about studying the topic? Describe the procedure for participants.
3) What were their variables and how did they measure their variables? Include the names of the measures used.
[Enter your text here]

Part 2 – Section 3 (Identify Assumptions): 250-400 words
Identify the hypothesis stated in the article. Consider how the researcher’s assumptions influenced the choice of research and the research design. Consider your own assumptions about the topic and the research. Evaluate the validity of both your own and the researcher’s assumptions. Fully and thoroughly answer all questions listed below in the assignment template.

1) What did the researchers expect to find? (This may be labeled hypothesis).
2) What assumptions do you think the researchers made? These are not stated.
3) How did the researcher’s assumptions impact the research?
4) What assumptions did you make while reading the research?
[Enter your text here]

Part 2 – Section 4 (Understand Implications and Make Conclusions): 250-400 words
Describe the outcome of the research and the researcher’s conclusions. Consider the weaknesses and limitations of the research and explain where research should go from here. Evaluate the practical implications of this research to an average person and to a professional. Fully and thoroughly answer all questions listed below in the assignment template.

1) What were the results (findings) of the study? What did the authors conclude about their study?
2) What are some directions for future research? If you were going to study this topic, what would you do differently?
3) What practical implications do you see? What impact do the findings of this research have for the average person and for professionals (i.e., medical, mental health, education, criminal justice, etc.)?
4. How do the findings of this study relate back to the country/culture you investigated for Part 1?
[Enter your text here]

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Economic and cultural changes under globalization

Economic and cultural changes under globalization
Economic and cultural changes under globalization

Economic and cultural changes under globalization

The Major Essay enables you to demonstrate your capacity to analyse economic and cultural changes under globalization. You will use concepts and themes discussed in this course to analyse the impact of economic and cultural changes under globalization, in line with the set questions, below. Please use case study/ies or practical examples to demonstrate your analysis wherever possible.

Please assemble an independent social analysis of the set questions based on your application of readings and research undertaken.

The essay should be 2,500 words.

The major essay focuses on economic and cultural changes under globalisation, and should be set out as follows:

1. Introduction – approx. 200 words
2. Globalization – Provide a discussion and outline of globalisation – approx. 500 words
3. Economic changes under globalisation – How does economic globalisation affect people (families, workers, consumers, industries) globally and in Australia? Illustrate with example/s. – approx. 800 words
4. Cultural changes under globalisation – Has globalisation and the associated global changes brought gains, losses and/or challenges in the promotion of human rights around the world and in Australia? Illustrate with example/s. – approx. 800 words
5. Conclusion – approx. 200 words

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Transnational media on cultural hybridization

Transnational media on cultural hybridization
Transnational media on cultural hybridization

Transnational media on cultural hybridization

Influence of transnational media on cultural hybridization discussion post

Discuss the influence of transnational media on cultural hybridization? Give 3 examples.

Please read and refer to the PDF attached when answering the question.

No need to cite anything, this is a discussion post.

Globalization of Culture through the Media
Marwan M. Kraidy University of Pennsylvania, kraidy@asc.upenn.edu, 2002

The received view about the globalization of culture is one where the entire world has been molded in the image of Western, mainly American, culture. In popular and professional discourses alike, the popularity of Big Macs, Baywatch, and MTV are touted as unmistakable signs of the fulfillment of Marshall McLuhan’s prophecy of the Global Village. The globalization of culture is often chiefly imputed to international mass media. After all, contemporary media technologies such as satellite television and the Internet have created a steady flow of transnational images that connect audiences worldwide. Without global media, according to the conventional wisdom, how would teenagers in India, Turkey, and Argentina embrace a Western lifestyle of Nike shoes, Coca-Cola, and rock music? Hence, the putatively strong influence of the mass media on the globalization of culture.
The role of the mass media in the globalization of culture is a contested issue in international communication theory and research. Early theories of media influence, commonly referred to as “magic bullet” or “hypodermic needle” theories, believed that
the mass media had powerful effects over audiences. Since then, the debate about media influence has undergone an ebb and flow that has prevented any resolution or agreement among researchers as to the level, scope, and implications of media influence. Nevertheless, key theoretical formulations in international communication clung to a belief in powerful media effects on cultures and communities. At the same time, a body of literature questioning the scope and level of influence of transnational media has emerged. Whereas some scholars within that tradition questioned cultural imperialism without providing conceptual alternatives, others have drawn on an interdisciplinary literature from across the social sciences and humanities to develop theoretical alternatives to cultural imperialism.

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Cultural Reflection Assignment Available

Cultural Reflection
Cultural Reflection

Cultural Reflection

When and where was the event?
Who organized it? Who spoke or took part?
What did you learn from this event that helped you understand the culture and history of our Indigenous people better and how do you feel about the idea that these cultural practices were banned and made illegal at one time in our history and our First Peoples were punished if they took part in them? Network at these events. Talk to people and think about what you hear.

Pow Wows: What were some of the dances and what did you think about the regalia (the dress), the singing and dancing?
Did you visit the craftspeople? Did you buy anything and talk to the artists? What was your overall reflection of this event and how did it help you understand the history and culture even more? Remember dancing, drumming and singing were outlawed in Canada at one time and the culture was taken away. Did you meet anyone who shared their stories with you? Did you take part in a smudging?

Protocol: What they are wearing is not a costume. It is called regalia and the Pow Wow is not about religion. It is about the cultural practice and spirituality and is always very closely connected to the importance of the natural environment, the land. Please read the Protocol for going to a Pow Wow posted below. Also, look at the Protocol information at the bottom of the assignment box.

Cultural talk or workshop: Learn about the smudging posted into Course Information before you go.
The cultural participation mark is worth 20% so make sure you do something early in the semester.

Cultural reflection

This ceremony is spiritual and is a universal ceremony found around the world. It is similar to other cultures in the use of herbs, smoke and ritual cleansing of the spirit. It creates positive energy. It is important however to remember that if you do smudge that no pictures are taken as that is considered inappropriate in aboriginal culture. This is a sacred ceremony and one to be respected.
On site we would have a smudging ceremony about the third week of the semester and every semester all the class has taken part without hesitation and come out of it feeling very calm, peaceful and restored. The medicines are not narcotic or dangerous but simply herbs and wild sweet grass which grows around the country.. One of them is organic tobacco which is not smoked, nor are the sacred medicines but in fact create a smoke that you just wash over yourself to cleanse your soul and create positive energy and call in the spirits of your ancestors. Ancestors are very sacred and treated with great respect in the indigenous community.

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Cultural Competence Complete Reflection Paper

Cultural Competence Complete Reflection Paper Cultural Competence Complete a reflection paper on how you will implement care to patients of a different culture– Choice 3 cultures from the list below and respond to the questions below:

Cultural Competence Complete Reflection Paper
Cultural Competence Complete Reflection Paper

Native American

Chasidic Judaism


Middle Eastern




African American



  1. What did you learn of value about the 3 different cultures you have chosen?
  2. How will it affect your future practice?
  3. Explain how you located the information (list sources- must be within the last 5 years, what search terms did you use, what websites you investigated, and what organizations did you contact?

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Positive Effects of Candies Multiculturalism on Minorities

Positive Effects of Candies Multiculturalism on Minorities You MUST write the argumentative essay base on the outline I provide.

Positive Effects of Candies Multiculturalism on Minorities
Positive Effects of Candies Multiculturalism on Minorities

What you should use:

One academic book/2 academic journal articles/1-2 semi academic (you research based on library workshop guide)

You must complete essay worksheets I give you for every reading to record important information about each reading. You then use them in your essay. ALL ESSAY SHEETS TO SUBMIT WITH ESSAY. COUNTS TOWARD YOUR MARK.

Have an argumentative title

Have a clear thesis statement that gives your main point and argument.

Use transition words and reporting verbs for organization

Type double-spaced

Use correct punctuation

Give 8-12 short in-text citations as quotation & paraphrases in APA

Remember: this is Process-writing and you need to take all the steps to be able to compose a qualified essay. You are not supposed to get help except from me, Writing Centre Tutors or OLC tutors or Library ESL corner. You should keep a copy of your external sources and your notes in case I ask you to present them to support the originality of your work.

Positive Effects of Candies Multiculturalism on Minorities Steps to take:

  1. Start to think about the topic and all the readings and discussions we have had
  2. Have a rough outline of your essay in mind or paper (we will have outlining session in class)
  3. Select parts of the readings that you like to use as support/example/ evidence to support your main idea,
  4. Mark them in your textbook and essay worksheets
  5. Choose and learn the specific vocabulary/terms you need to use in essay
  6. Know about how to make a simple quotation and paraphrase with citation in APA. I will teach this.

Until then, we will work on different parts of essay writing and you have the chance to practice writing some parts of it in class.

Mid-term writing assignment gives you the chance to write some parts of the essay and receive feedback from me.

Writing Centre (Ross South 5th floor) provides tutoring on all parts of assignments. Visit it online and register.

This is a general topic and you can discuss any part of it in essay as long as it is argumentative. Make sure you mark the key words in topic to use in title and thesis statement.

An argumentative essay defends and supports one side (ex. negative side) but also refers to the opposite ideas.


Discuss and argue the effects of Canada’s multiculturalism on minorities: does it have negative effects for example on their identity; does it lead to stereotypes and isolation; or

does it have positive impact to strengthen their understanding of self and others?

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Organizational Culture and Communication

Organizational Culture and Communication Choose an organization (i.e. company, charity, a government body, educational institution, etc.) to discuss in the context of organizational culture (Chapter 11) and communication.

Organizational Culture and Communication
Organizational Culture and Communication

The paper should be divided into four or five parts (as described below) with the length of the paper more or less equally divided by each part.

Part 1

Describe the organization you are choosing to discuss and briefly explain why you chose it.

Part 2

Provide a detailed analysis of the organizationís culture.

Part 3

Explain how the organizationís culture reflects on the internal communication (with and between employees). Please cite and analyze at least one specific example and tie it back to your analysis in Part

2 (feel free to cite more than one example).

Part 4

Explain how the organizationís culture reflects on external communication (with the public and clientele). Please cite and analyze at least one specific example and tie it back to your analysis in Part 2

(feel free to cite more than one example).

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Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation

Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation
Culturally Adapted Family                Treatment Presentation

Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation

Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation
Resource: Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations from the Writing Center.
Select one ethnic or cultural group as the focus of this paper.
Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation describing how substance use disorder family-centered therapy can be adapted to meet the needs of the ethnic or cultural group you selected.

Include the following in your presentation:
1. A title slide
2. A description of how substance use disorder family-centered therapy can be adapted to meet the needs of the selected group.

3. Integrate the concepts of family structure or process, treatment outcome predictors, and basic counseling skills.

4. A reference slide with a minimum of two scholarly references in addition to the Cultural Issues section of CSAT TIP #34 and Chapter 8 (minimum of four total references).

Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation

5. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50 words.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This assignment meets the following NASAC Standards:
6) Appreciate the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment and recovery process.

Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation

10) Describe a variety of helping strategies for reducing the negative effects of substance abuse and dependency.

Culturally Adapted Family Treatment Presentation

95) Understand the characteristics and dynamics of families, couples, and intimate dyads affected by addiction.

96) Be familiar with and appropriately use models of diagnosis and intervention for families, couples, and intimate dyads, including extended, kinship, or tribal family structures.

97) Facilitate the engagement of selected members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed in the treatment and recovery process.
98) Help members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed understand the interaction between their system and addiction.

99) Help families, couples, and intimate dyads adopt strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery and maintain healthy relationships.
104) Describe how addiction affects families and significant/concerned others.

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