Imagine that you want to open a sports bar or some other business. You have identified a location and now want to arrange for financing. In order to do this, you need a business plan. In your business plan, you will have to define your concept for your planned sports bar or other identified business. Please begin this process here by creating a detailed OUTLINE for your sports bar or other business concept. Please use MLA format for your outline. If you need assistance with MLA format, please consult the Purdue Owl website ; then, on the left side, click on the MLA format link; then, in the search box, type in MLA outline format, hit the search button, and MLA outline guidelines will be shown.
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Review the six Resources: Practical Strategies for Teachers and Caregivers above. Complete the following activity about the six Resources listed above to demonstrate your understanding from the CSEFEL (Center for Social and Emotional Learning) website (
Design a brochure for your school site staff and/or parents highlighting each of the six areas of support.
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Case Study Starwood Hotels & Resorts Brings Aloft to India
Your work should be 4-6 pages in length and must be submitted via Turnitin in addition to a hard copy at the beginning of class on the due date.
In addition to the posted rubric below, please refer to pages 582-586 in the course textbook, Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (Second ed, 2015, Evans). These pages provide excellent direction as you prepare a case study analysis.
Use at least three (3) quality references Note: Wikipedia and other related websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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Past and current trends in the hospitality industry
Past and current trends in the hospitality industry
In this assignment, students will demonstrate their understanding of past and current trends in the hospitality industry from a managerial perspective. Students will choose an establishment from the text, work experience, or one from internet research you have conducted (e.g., Ritz Carlton, Intercontinental Hotels, or MGM) and assess how it has progressed in this new era of hospitality. The focus should be on the organizational structure, service, marketing strategy, human resources practices, and merger (if any) with gaming entertainment, event planning, or restaurant (including food and beverage) operations. This assignment will help students understand what it takes to be successful in this service industry. Students will evaluate the hospitality industry as a whole and the departments that comprise it.
Identify and explain the type of establishment, the hospitality services it offers (e.g., hotel, restaurant, or casino), and the unique aspects of the establishment that distinguishes it from competitors.
Evaluate the current organizational structure.
Suggest improvements to the organizational structure, or, if necessary, an alternate organizational structure. Explain your suggestions and the reasoning behind them.
Discuss any efforts this organization has made to address environmental issues in its operations and give suggestions for improvement in this area.
Describe how globalization has affected this establishment. Recommend improvements to address the challenges and opportunities associated with globalization.
Define the establishment’s marketing strategy and determine if it is effective. Provide recommendations for improvement
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library, in addition to the textbook.
Must document all sources in APA style, Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style
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Provide specific examples. In 1991 there was no way of foreseeing the impact that social media would have on the industry. Presently, 2.3 billion people are active on social media, and that number increases daily. Companies should no longer debate having a social media presence but rather HOW to utilize the various platforms to increase the experience for your guests and value for your hotels.
Future Hospitality Managers Executive Summaries Executive summaries complete a report, whether an analytical report, memo, or major project. Executive summaries are the parts of the report that are read first.
Future Hospitality Managers Executive Summaries
Readers may not even get to the detail in your report. They read the executive summaries to see if the rest of the report is worth reading.
What should be included in the RHM 421 Executive Summary?
The Executive Summary activity for RHM 421 Hospitality Law should include the following information about the law or act being explored (listed below):
What type of law is being discussed with regard to this topic, if any (common, statutory, case, etc.)?
What does this topic require or prohibit?
Who or what is covered and who or what does this topic not cover?
What liability does the topic impose for violations?
What are the major issues that have arisen as a result of this topic? How have they been resolved?
Include a brief discussion of how this topic impacts the hospitality industry, and why it may be important for future hospitality managers to be knowledgeable about this topic and its requirements.
Normally, the executive summary (double-spaced) will run about one to one and a half pages. Be sure your executive summary lists the name of the course, your name, and your CWID in the top left corner of the first page.
Using Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application, format the executive summary using 1″ margins and 12-point Times New Roman font; the document should be double-spaced and a maximum of 1 1/2 pages in length.
Save the summary as “yourname_executive_summary2.” Upload the final document as an attachment to the Module 5 Executive Summary 2 Assignment.
Select one of the following topics to explore to complete an executive summary. It must be a different topic from the one you submitted in Module 4 (Americans with Disabilities Act.)
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
Records and posters required under FLSA, OSHA, FMLA, EEOC
Assignment 04, Parts A, B, & C: Lodging Operations
(This assignment relates to Chapter 5, “Lodging Operations,” of our text, Exploring the Hospitality Industry, 3rd ed. by John R. Walker.)
The purpose of these assignments is to explain functions and departments of a hotel; role, hotel general manager; management structure; hotel departments; property management systems; revenue managements; reservations; communications PBX or CBX; guest services; concierge; housekeeping; security/loss prevention; food and beverage management; kitchen; hotel restaurants; bars; stewarding department; catering department; room service/in-room dining; sustainable lodging operations; trends, and career information.
By the end of this reading, you should be able to do the following: (1) outline the duties and responsibilities of key executives and department heads, (2) draw an organizational chart of rooms, food and beverage divisions of a hotel, and identify executive committee members, (3) describe main functions of hotel departments, (4) explain property management systems and discuss revenue management, (5) calculate occupancy percentages, average daily rates, and actual percentage of potential room revenue, and (6) list the duties and responsibilities of a food and beverage director and other department heads.
Part B, DUE: 11:59 PM, Monday, February 11, 2019
1. After completing this reading assignment, which contains very valuable information for professional career planning, please identify one career position in the hotel industry that especially appeals to you.
2. Your attainment of this position you identified above may represent a
long-term goal, so you have to start your strategic planning now, to ensure
that you are prepared to attain the position you seek. Please define “Strategic
Planning.” (You may consult an outside source to do this.) Then name and explain
five (5) steps that you will take now to begin to prepare yourself to secure the
professional position to which you aspire. Please post this information
(the career position to which you aspire, definition of “Strategic Planning,”
and your 5 strategic steps that you will take now) in the appropriate FORUM under
DISCUSSIONS for this assignment.
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Articles should be chosen from the following journals:
• Annals of Tourism Research
• International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
• Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
• Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
Students are asked to critique one article. Includes full citation of the article you choose in APA Format. Do not simply summarize the articles. Rather, briefly introduce what the author is trying to hypothesize or describe. Note what you feel was done exceptionally well with the article, what you feel is lacking and what you may have done differently in order for the article to have been more to your liking.
Article should relate to entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism management
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The specific assignment is for you to complete and submit an original paper answering the following questions/prompts:
Prepare an introductory section about the selected company detailing size, locations (number, international, domestic, etc.), type of company, main competitors, place in the market (leading the segment, trailing, etc.). Identify the company’s stated mission and values. Most companies publish this on their websites and they could be called Mission Statement, Values Statement, Vision Statement, Credo or possibly even something else. This is difficult to write in a limited number of words and time should be devoted to refining this paragraph until the student is certain that all of these items are included.
In a second section you should review the company’s social responsibility (CSR) strategy; mention briefly all of the company’s current CSR initiatives. In this same paragraph, you should identify the cause, or various causes being addressed by the company’s current CSR activities. Use vocabulary from the textbook and other class readings to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the concepts and your ability to identify them within a hospitality or tourism company.
Select one initiative to describe in more detail in a third section. Here you should analyze the one selected initiative in terms of strengths, weaknesses, benefits, concerns, and keys to success
In a 4th section you should provide your personal evaluation of whether or not the initiative is strategically aligned with the company’s mission and business values.anything you might have done differently if you were running the company and support your statements with specific reasoning.
Include a References (bibliography) section at the end which should mention all sources of information that you have used to prepare your Case Study. If you obtained the information from a website, you should include the URL and indicate the date you accessed the information. For help from FIU Libraries on this topic go to: You may submit your references in any of the styles mentioned. I prefer APA only because that’s what I use in my work but if you are already accustomed to one of the other styles that are perfectly acceptable.
Label (put a heading at the beginning of) each section which should be a minimum of one paragraph and a maximum of one page each.
Even though you will have collected a lot of interesting information about your company and its cause(s) do not submit more than what I’ve described above. Please just cover in this assignment exactly what I’m asking for and save the researched information. Save everything you don’t use because some of this material will become the foundation of your CSR Plan where you will go into detail on CSR initiatives as a part of your recommendation to the company for its 2019 CSR Strategic Plan.
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Job Satisfaction Goals and Objectives Please answer the following 3 questions. Be thorough in your response, answering all parts to the questions. Provide examples whenever appropriate.
Job Satisfaction Goals and Objectives
Please cite (APA format) anything that comes from your text or other outside source. Include a reference page in APA format for all references.
1. Why do you think job satisfaction has been increasing in recent years? Explain why respectful treatment is more important to employees than pay or benefits. What can a leader do to increase employee job satisfaction by allowing followers to use their skills and abilities at work (give a specific example)?
2. In addition to the goals and objectives of an influence attempt, what are other ethical concerns regarding the use of political skills in organizations? Develop an example of a leader taking political skills too far and being seen as dishonest or not genuine.
3. Why would allowing followers to participate in setting their own goals make a difference? Provide an example.