Review the Learning Resources for this week in preparation to complete this Assignment.
Reflect on the basic function and structure of the neuron in relation to the central nervous system.
Reflect on the inter-connectedness between neurons and the central nervous system, including the pathway and distribution of electrical impulses.
Reflect on how neurons communicate with each other and review the concept of neuroplasticity.
In 4 or 5 sentences, describe the anatomy of the basic unit of the nervous system, the neuron. Include each part of the neuron and a general overview of electrical impulse conduction, the pathway it travels, and the net result at the termination of the impulse. Be specific and provide examples.
Answer the following (listing is acceptable for these questions):
What are the major components that make up the subcortical structures?
Which component plays a role in learning, memory, and addiction?
What are the two key neurotransmitters located in the nigra striatal region of the brain that play a major role in motor control?
In 3 or 4 sentences, explain how glia cells function in the central nervous system. Be specific and provide examples.
The synapse is an area between two neurons that allows for chemical communication. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain what part of the neurons are communicating with each other and in which direction does this communication occur? Be specific.
In 3–5 sentences, explain the concept of “neuroplasticity.” Be specific and provide examples.
Camprodon, J. A., & Roffman, J. L. (2016). Psychiatric neuroscience: Incorporating pathophysiology into clinical case formulation. In T. A. Stern, M. Favo, T. E. Wilens, & J. F. Rosenbaum. (Eds.), Massachusetts General Hospital psychopharmacology and neurotherapeutics (pp. 1–19). Elsevier.
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Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge what is the public’s perception and knowledge about dental hygiene?
Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge
Write the literature review paper and turn in a rough draft What are the public’s perception and knowledge about dental hygiene?
Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge Abstract
This study focuses on dental hygiene and public perception. Dental hygiene is considered one of several dental auxiliary professions that provide help or assistance to a supervising dentist.
The scope of tental hygienists practice also varies and usually depends on the overall healthcare system. Because of these, perception of dental hygiene varies within the population. In this paper, media coverage of the dental hygiene, perception, trust and respect for the profession will be analyzed.
To assess perception and misperceptions about the profession of dental hygiene, a survey that contains qualitative and quantitative questions will be proposed.
Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge Literature Review
The focus of this paper is to assess brief history of the dental hygiene, media coverage of the field, and overall perception of the population and other entities.
History: Though the field of dentistry can be traced back to as far as 2600 BC to the Egyptians the rapid progression of the profession in the 19th century lead to the need for proper oral hygiene in maintaining individuals oral health, leading to the birth of the Dental Hygiene field1.
In 1839 an article titled ìDental Hygieneî that discussed the need of a dentist to give proper oral hygiene to restorative and surgical procedures was published in the American Journal of Dental Science.
In 1901 Alfred C Fones, has developed his own impact prophylaxes system however could not found enough time for prophylaxis appointment in addition to restorative and surgical appointments and therefore sleeked employment of an assistant2.
The need for an assistant plus the complexity of the dental field over the past decades leads to the establishment of the Dental Hygiene.
How do the media present the profession of dental hygiene to the public? Media coverage of dental hygiene: Media plays an important role in driving the perception of the population.
Dentistry has long been negatively portrayed in the media, though many people thought that their dental experiences were positive and enjoyable. Dental hygienist, while not frequently portrayed in the media as dentists, has not also received good coverage.
For instance, in the TV series Reba, the main characterís husband cheated on his wave and married a blonde women whoís dental hygienist3.
Dental hygienist are also usually portrayed as a female, which is more consistent with the general demographic of dental hygienists. Ann Battrell, in a 2009 study, described the average dental hygienist s a female in her forties employed in private practice setting4. What is the level of respect and confidence for the career?
Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge Perceptions
Based on a study by Hanna Baer, the general public has an overall correct perception of where dental hygienists fit into the field of dentistry though there is a confusion that dental hygienist and dental assistants are whether or not assisting the dentist with restorative and surgical duties is within the scope of practice of a dental hygienist5.
However, dental hygienists and dental assistants are not thought to be synonymous titles. Within the same study, Hannah Baer showed that trust and respect for the profession has been impacted by categories including age, the type of dental insurance coverage, with individuals with private insurance showing higher trust and respect for the profession. With in the Dental Hygienists, recent graduates at perceived themselves competent in managing oral and dental health problems6. Another survey assessing the perception of general dentists about dental hygienists showed that the importance dentists placed on dental hygienists’ clinical and overall contributions is correlated with the services that the dental hygienist have provided, with older dentist allowing a dental hygienist to provide more services7.
Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge Methods
A survey will be distributed to about 100 individuals at Care-Point Dental to ask individuals, who have received the service of a dental hygienist, about their perceptions of dental hygiene, their trust level about the profession, comparison to dental assistants. Data will be analyzed with statistical software. There two significant categories of research methods, qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Qualitative research process involves the exploitation of qualitative data to develop an understanding and explanation of a study. Examples of these methods include interviews, data, and observation. Majority of studies in social sciences engage designs such as observations, interviews, and personal experiences during data collection. The method facilitates the achievement of various objectives such as description, interpretation, verification, and evaluation of a phenomenon.
Dental Hygiene Public Perception and Knowledge Reference
1. ADA. History of Dentistry Timeline. 2016. 2 March 2016 history-of-dentistry-timeline>. 2. Alfred C. Fones, DDS. “The Origin and History of the Dental Hygienists.” J Dent Hygiene 87.Supplemental Issue (2013): 58-62. 3. Gibson, Allison M., creator. “Seasons 1-7.” Reba. The WB. 2001-2007. Television. 4. Battrell, Ann. The U.S. Oral Health Workforce in the Coming Decade: Workshop Summary . Institute of Medicine , 2009 ? 5. Hannah Baer? ìPublic Perceptions of the Profession of Dental Hygiene.î Thesis. The Ohio State University. 2016. 6. Gaunkar, R. B., Basavarajappa, P., Raheel, S. A., & Kujan, O. B. (2016). Perception of Dental Public Health Competency among recent graduates. Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, 6(Suppl 2), S137-42. 7. Mishler, Samantha K, Marita R Inglehart, Martha J McComas, Carol Anne Murdoch-Kinch and Janet S Kinney. American Dental Hygienists’ Association February 2018, 92 (1) 30-39;
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Take medication safely ( preventing medication errors)
. Select a Speak Up brochure developed by The Joint Commission. Follow this link to the proper
2. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique
and include current nursing or healthcare research to support your critique.
a. The length of the paper is to be no greater than three pages, double spaced, excluding title
page and reference page. Extra pages will not be read and will not count toward your grade.
3. This assignment will be graded on quality of information presented, use of citations, and use of
Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required component
6. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the
review as Level 1 headers (upper- and lowercase, bold, centered).
a. Introduction
b. Summary of Brochure
c. Evaluation of Brochure
d. Conclusion
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Morphine effects, adverse effects, and contraindications
Morphine effects, adverse effects, and contraindications
Always review the assigned readings for the week before developing your discussion. Always include references in at the end of your discussion. Do not copy and post as it is in your text book, paraphrase in your own words to indicate that you understood what you read.
Write a discussion to explain;
1. Sumatriptan including its side effects, adverse effects, and contraindications
2. Morphine including its side effects, adverse effects, and contraindications
3. Quetiapine including its side effects, adverse effects, and contraindications
Richard A. Lehne (2013). Pharmacology for Nursing care (8th ed.). ISBN: 978143773586
Chapter 28-Opioid analgesics & antagonists
Company that you chose for Project 1. Site structure diagram (blueprint) showing layout and relationship between pages.
Company that you chose for Project
2. Wireframe for main page
The diagrams will be about pharmacy
I put examples about two types of diagrams. It’s proposal development season: all the graduate students who started earlier this fall are starting to come up with project ideas. If you’re one of those students, here’s some advice to help you out.
In order to decide what to do, you need to know–and I mean really know–why it’s worth doing. You need to run your ideas by smart, broadminded, thoughtful, critical people who won’t take for granted that even your most basic choices (like framing of the issue and choice of study system) are good ones.
Health Professional Pharmacists Code of Ethics Read the article in the required reading, “The Medicine Shoppe v. Loretta Lynch, et al.: Pharmacists and prescribing physicians are equally liable” as well as the Pharmacists Code of Ethics at the following link:
Discuss the following:
Identify and discuss the duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist toward a patient.
Health Professional Pharmacists Code of Ethics
Based upon your research and assessment of the case, did the pharmacist perform the required duties and uphold patient rights?
Is the pharmacy at fault? Why or why not?
What impact can a pharmacist’s actions have on patients and community?
What precautions can be taken to ensure these types of incidents by allied professionals don’t happen to others? Should there be more regulations in place?
Profit Marginalization of Big Pharmaceutical Companies There is everything wrong with big pharmaceutical companies as they prove to have only their profits and social wellness is marginalized Students will be expected to submit a 5 page ‘Formal Paper’ (this is five pages excluding the cover page and bibliography).
Profit Marginalization of Big Pharmaceutical Companies
You will need to connect your
thoughts to the course material, text/courseware and other academic literature.
Profit Marginalization of Big Pharmaceutical Companies Conclusions
Remember that the paper is to discuss your topic and draw some insightful
You must submit at least six to eight peer reviewed references used in the formal paper (texts or journal articles only and properly referenced APA style).
The paper will be marked on content (analytical depth, coverage/breadth, and range of sources – 50%) structure (organization, logic, flow – 20%) and style
(APA style, spelling, grammar – 30%) This rubric will be discussed in tutorials and a copy will be available on Avenue.
The paper is to be submitted on the due date as specified in the course outline in the manner noted by your tutorial leader (i.e. handed into them during
their office hours or handed into the main office at a specific time). The paper is to have a cover page with the title of the assignment (Formal Paper), the
title of your topic, course name and number, instructor’s name, tutorial leader’s name, your name, your
student number and the date.
Doctor of Pharmacy Personal Application Essay Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals.
Doctor of Pharmacy Personal Application Essay
Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.
Do NOT personalize your essay for a particular pharmacy degree institution. You can NOT make any edits to your Personal Essay after you have e-submitted your completed application to PharmCAS.
You are encouraged to compose your essay in a text-only word processor (e.g., Notepad), review your essay for errors, then cut and paste the final version
into the text box above. Click the Save button and then return to the Personal Essay to review the formatting of your text. You are limited to approximately 1 page (4500 characters, including spaces). Some formatting characters used in programs like Word (angled quotes, accents, special characters) will not display properly. Take care to review your final text and to make the necessary corrections to the format.
Each pharmacy school reserves the right to require additional essay responses as part of the supplemental application process. Please be aware that your admission essay may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin for Admissions for the detection of plagiarism duplication and other potential violations of the applicant code of conduct. All submitted essays and other materials will be included as source documents in the Turnitin for Admissions reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such documents.
Generic Strategy Report on Teva Pharmaceuticalok write a report that provides an assessment of the (i) corporation’s generic strategy (ii) challenges arising from intense rivalry within the industry, and
(iii) indicate where Teva needs to emphasize its strategic activity “generics vs biosimilars”.
Generic Strategy Report on Teva Pharmaceuticalok
“also use headings as Internal analysis of TEVA, and analysis of Teva within the same Pharmaceutical industries, and analysis under the headings of Political effects, economic effects and other global issues which can be covered in Global analysis discussion of TEVA.
Assessment objectives: USE THIS concept.
1. Evaluate and discuss the theoretical concepts and principles of strategic management, including the analysis, formulation, and implementation of strategies
2. Critically apply the tools and techniques of strategic management to a variety of organizations
3. Critically analyze strategic programs at different levels, such as the corporate, strategic business unit (SBU) and functional levels.
Mechanism on Long Term Depression LTD Induction Write a review of the literature in a specific area of interest in science, the topic is Mechanism on Long Term Depression (LTD) Induction.
Mechanism on Long Term Depression LTD Induction
The literature review serves several purposes. For the writer, it forces an in-depth reading of the science that has already been established. Not only does
the writer read everything done on that topic, but he or she synthesizes the existing science, gaining insight into what is known and what still has to be
done. The review serves the same purpose for the reader, but it has the benefit that someone else has already done the legwork. Reviews are sometimes written
at a slightly more general level of discourse so that readers in related fields can see the state of scientific investigation in a highly specialized topic.
The “literature” in a well-developed subfield within a mature science may run to hundreds of sources, and so reviews typically incorporate a considerable
amount of published work.
You will write your own much shorter and more focused literature review. Choose the topic as stated above. This tightly-focused topic will greatly narrow the
field for you as you gather sources. You might start with one report that you find interesting and useful, then try working backward, using the source
articles in the “References” page. As much as you can, you should write your review at the level of discourse of the scientists who have written your source
material. This can be challenging, particularly if you are still struggling to understand the field. So choose your articles well.
You must include five primary sources. For this assignment, use peer-reviewed journal articles only, and do not use someone else’s literature review as a
source. The sources should be very recent, no more five years old.
Your review should conform to this format:
1. Title: make it quite specific and indicative that this is a review.
2. Abstract.
3. Introduction: briefly introduce the subject, explain your rationale and/or purpose, and announce the main point or central question.
4. Body: summarize, synthesize, and critique each source article. Include some comparison and contrast to show the relationship of these separate pieces of
5. Conclusion: briefly summarize the current state of knowledge, and suggest directions for future research.
6. References: include a References page and parenthetical citations.