Reflection on Practice Project Assignment

Reflection on Practice
Reflection on Practice

Reflection on Practice

This is a project which I am doing after my internship. I already started it and I received a feedback from a tutor. The project should be complete and be perfectly followed by project outline and corrected from the comments of my tutor. In attached documents you will find
1. STARTED project which have to be complete
2. Project outline where there is a explanations of what should be done
3. A feedback from a tutor, where all comments should be taken and applied by a writer
You can “invent some of info” like imagine interview results or any other things. Also you may change some of the sentences or abstracts or anything you think should be changed. Please highlight if possible the text that you change in Yellow. You can delete info that you think is irrelevant.
The word limit is stated in Project outline. part of a paper is corrections and there are bit which are not written yet. Please do not exceed Limit stated in Project outline. Number of references may vary from 1 to how many you think are needed to be done

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Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility

Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility
Project Charter for the St. Dismas             Assistance Living Facility

Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility

Order Instructions:
Scope statement and work breakdown structure (WBS) for this project.
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Richard Cordor:
Project scope statement and a work breakdown structure. Develop a project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility Case Study. You should develop a Scope statement and work breakdown structure (WBS) for this project. Include the standared title page, introduction, scope statement, WBS and conclusions. That is the instruction.


Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility

Purpose of Project Charter

The purpose of this project charter is to develop a project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility Case Study.

The project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project charter documents and tracks the necessary information required by decision maker(s) to approve the project for funding. The project charter should include the needs, scope, justification, and resource commitment as well as the project’s sponsor(s) decision to proceed or not to proceed with the project.  It is created during the Initiating Phase of the project.

The intended audience of the project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project charter is the project sponsor and senior leadership.

Project and Product Overview:

The living facility that is intended for development is for St. Dismas church. The facility is to provide residence for the church leaders who have been renting living premises for a very long time. This has been too expensive for the church. The living facility is intended to commence being constructed as soon as possible when the funds are made available. The facility is intended to be put up within the church compound and will take a period of 18 months. The total amount expected for the project is $1.5M


The facility will be very useful for both church members and church leaders.  St. Dismas church has a total population of 300,000 church members who need spiritual nourishment from their leaders. The leaders and the spiritual providers therefore are required to be within the church premises so that they can be accessed by the church members so easily. Therefore, development of this living facility will have so much impact to St. Dismas church members and the society as a whole.



The objectives of the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project are as follows:

  • To construct a five storey building for accommodation of the church leaders
  • To furnish the living facility with all the necessary furniture
  • To buy more land for further development

High-Level Requirements

The following table presents the requirements that the project’s product, service or result must meet in order for the project objectives to be satisfied.

Requirement I Requirement Description
Land ownership The land is present. However, the builder and house design are selected separately.
Construction and design requirements All works and practices in relation to the construction must be completed:

(Schwalbe, 2009).

Major Deliverables

The following table presents the major deliverables that the project’s product, service or result must meet in order for the project objectives to be satisfied.

Major Deliverable I Deliverable Description
Issuance of required permits   This are very necessary since no construction can take       a place without them
Contractor’s scope of work and Schedule of Values    This is the definition of the worl plan
Subcontractor and Material Suppliers This involves the delivery of all the builing materials.

(Heldman, 2011).


The project work will not include construction of pavements and the block fence. In addition, it is not automatic that the contractor’s contract will be renewed in case of any other form of construction.



The designing of the project would take a period of two month, construction work until its completion a total of 16 month from December 2014 to 2016 March.

Assumptions, Constraints and Risks


The living houses are being constructed to provide accommodation to the church leaders. The assumption is that the church leaders are having challenges in getting accommodation.


There might be time constraints especially in finishing the construction within the scheduled time. This is due to changes in weather patterns which are unpredictable.


The approval of the construction by the government authorities might delay the project work. A possible mitigation strategy would be to schedule requirement sessions with the partners as early as possible.

Project Organization

Roles and Responsibilities

This section describes the key roles supporting the project.

Project Role Project Responsibilities
Project Sponsor Person responsible for acting as the project’s champion and providing direction and support to the team.
Government Monitor Government employee who provides the interface between the project team and the project sponsor.
Contracting Officer Person who has the authority to enter into, terminate, or change a contractual agreement on behalf of the Government.
Project Officer A program representative responsible for coordinating with acquisition officials on projects for which contract support is contemplated.
Project Manager (This could include a Contractor Project Manager or an FTE Project Manager) Person who performs the day-to-day management of the project and has specific accountability for managing the project within the approved constraints of scope.
Business Steward Person in management, often the Branch Chief or Division Director, who is responsible for the project in its entirety.
Technical Steward Person who is responsible for the technical day-to-day aspects of the system including the details of system development.
Security Steward Person who is responsible for playing the lead role for maintaining the project’s information security.

(Anderson & Forest Products Laboratory 2002).

Stakeholders (Internal and External)

The stakeholders are the church members and other related churches.

Project Charter approval

The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the project charter and authorize and fund the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project.  Changes to this project charter will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives.


Signature: Date:
Print Name:


This project charter will provide a comprehensive guideline towards implementing the above named project work.


Anderson, L. O., & Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.). (2002). Wood-frame house construction. New York ; Hong Kong: Books for Buisiness.

Heldman, K. (2011). Project management jumpstart. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Schwalbe, K. (2009). Introduction to project management. Boston, Mass: Course Technology.

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Statistics project Assignment Available

Statistics project
Statistics project

Statistics project

Order Instructions:

For this project you are to conduct an Experiment. You will need to provide a detailed description
of your project, highlighting how the data were obtained, the variables used (including units), and
your objective. Your project needs to be typed and plots can be made using any software of your
choice. Only one project (with each member’s name) per group needs to be submitted. After
providing the description, please answer in detail the four questions below. Your project should
include all the observations used.
1. (25%) State your experiment’s objective in terms of the Null and Alternative Hypotheses.
2. (25%) Test your Null hypothesis at the 5% level of significance. Make sure to check that all the
conditions/assumptions have been met.
3. (25%) Construct a 90% confidence interval for the parameter of your null hypothesis.
4. (25%) What is the probability that you observe a value of 0 that is 1 standard deviation greater
than your estimated value (based on your sample) of the parameter.


Statistics project


Following the recent trend on the global systolic blood pressure, it became imperative to conduct an experiment with an aim of identifying the factors that cause blood pressure. As a result, an experiment was conducted to identify whether age in years and weight in pounds are significant predictors of an individual’s systolic blood pressure. It is notable that it was important to use data collected from secondary sources because of the difficulties involved in collecting data for some variables. Simply put, it is difficult to collect data on the systolic blood pressure (manually) of individuals because of the instruments used in measuring the same variable. It is undeniable that only professionals in the health and medical industry have the capacity to collect data on systolic blood pressure. It follows that data used for the upcoming analysis was retrieved from (, n.p). This paper uses multiple regression analysis to identify whether age in years and weights in pounds are significant predictors of an individual’s systolic blood pressure.

State your experiment’s objective in terms of the Null and Alternative Hypotheses

In order to complete the experiment successfully, the null and alternative hypotheses were used. In simple terms:

H0: Age in Years and weight in pounds are not significant predictors of systolic blood pressure.


H1: Age in Years and weight in pounds are significant predictors of systolic blood pressure.

Test your Null hypothesis at the 5% level of significance. Make sure to check that all the
conditions/assumptions have been met.

It is crucial to point out that the following assumptions were made.

Assumption 1:  for i=1, 2…N. this assumption could be understood as the expectation

for the error terms or deviations is assumed to be zero.

Assumption 2:  for i=1, 2…N. That is, the variance of the error terms is constant.

This assumption is termed as homoscedasticity, or homogeneity of variances.

Assumption 3: . This could be explained as the error terms have a normal                                                 distribution with mean zero and variance.

Assumption 4:   There is a linear relationship between the independent variable and the

independent variables.

The following graphs were used to check for the assumptions made in the analysis.

Assumption 1 and 2

It can be seen that the number of observations are balanced in both graphs i.e. the number of observations above and below tend to balance. This implies that taking the average of the error terms will almost be equal to zero (Montgomery, 78). It is also evident the distance from the line Zero does not have any outliers in both graphs. This is an indication that the data has a constant variance.

Assumption 3

The normal probibility plot above clearly indicates that both age in years and weight in pounds follows a normal distribution (Montgomery, 78). Thus the third assumption is fullfilled.

Assumption 4

The plots indicate that both age in years and the weight in pounds have a linear relationship with systolic blood pressure (Montgomery, 79). This is highlighted by the reality that the observations fit on a straight line.

Construct a 90% confidence interval for the parameter of your null hypothesis.

The null hypothesis for the 90 percent confidence interval is that the y intercept minus the coefficient for age minus the coefficient for weight is equal to zero  at α=0.10. The following output was obtained after running a multiple linear regression on age and weight on the systolic blood pressure.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.988356
R Square 0.976847
Adjusted R Square 0.971059
Standard Error 2.318211
Observations 11
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 1813.916 906.9581 168.7646 2.87357E-07
Residual 8 42.99282 5.374103
Total 10 1856.909


  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 90.0% Upper 90.0%
Intercept 30.9941 11.9438 2.5950 0.0319 8.7841 53.2041
Age in Years 0.8614 0.2482 3.4702 0.0084 0.3998 1.3230
Weight in Pounds 0.3349 0.1307 2.5627 0.0335 0.0919 0.5778

What is the probability that you observe a value of zero that is one standard deviation greater than your estimated value (based on your sample) of the parameter.

From the output above it is clear that the probability of observing zero for age in years is 0.0084. The probability of observing zero for the y intercept is 0.0319 and for weight in pounds is 0.0919. Considering, the level of significance of all the variables, it is evident to conclude that both age and weight are significant predictors of systolic blood pressure. This owes to the reality that both variables have p values, which are less than 0.05.

In conclusion, this paper uses multiple linear regression analysis to identify whether age in years and weights in pounds are significant predictors of an individual’s systolic blood pressure. It is evident that both age and weight are significant predictors of systolic blood pressure.

Works Cited

Montgomery, Douglas C. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 Print.

Systolic Blood Pressure Data. (n.d). Web. 9 June 2014.

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Statistics project Writing Service Available

Statistics project
Statistics project

Statistics project

Order Instructions:

Using any data of interest to your group, compile a data set comprised of one predictor and one
response variable with at least 20 observations (data points), and answer the questions below.
Your project needs to be typed and plots can be made using any software of your choice. Only one
project (with each member’s name) per group needs to be submitted. Your project should include
all the observations used.

Provide a brief description of your project. Make sure to identify the predictor and response
variables, as well as discussing the objective of your regression model.

1. (20%) All your answers must be in the order in which the questions are asked, otherwise you will be
deducted 20%. Note: Even if only one answer is out of order you will still be deducted 20%.

2. (15%) For your predictor and response variables:
(a) compute the range and IQR.
(b) make a histogram of your data.
(c) make a boxplot of your data.

3. (25%) Make a scatterplot of your data and describe the:
(a) Direction
(b) Form
(c) Strength
(d) Correlation
(g) Outliers

4. (40%) Based on your data, construct a linear regression model of your response variable as a function
of your predictor variable following the steps below:
(a) Compute ¯x and ¯y
(b) Compute sx and sy
(c) Compute r
(d) Compute a and b
(e) Construct the respective Least Squares line and plot it over your scatter plot.
(f) Compute the respective R2 and interpret your results.
(g) For your model, compute and plot the residuals vs x. Describe what you observe from
this plot.
(h) Are there any outliers? If so, are they high leverage and/or influential.
(i) Based on your model, make 3 predictions for your response variable (i.e., use 3 different
values of x that are not in your data, and compute the respective y value


Statistics project

Question One

The data below was obtained from an organization that wanted to estimate the cost of leasing a building given the contract value for constructing the building. It follows that the contract value was the predictor variable while the estimated cost is the response variable.

Estimated cost Contract value
85,000 310,000 100,000 360,000
70,000 305,000 120,000 370,000
110,000 180,000 150,000 200,000
90,000 170,000 80,000 250,000
130,000 160,000 180,000 300,000
160,000 110,000 190,000 160,000
160,000 150,000 200,000 210,000
280,000 180,000 350,000 230,000
130,000 175,000 180,000 250,000
320,000 180,000 380,000 270,000

 Question Two

  • compute the range and IQR.


Constructed value           =380,000-80,000


Estimated cost                  = 320,000-70,000


Quartile Range

Constructed value           = 300000- 175000


Estimated cost                  = 197500- 125000

= 72500

(b) Make a histogram of your data.


(c) make a boxplot of your data.


Question Three

(a) Direction

The direction of a relationship tells whether the values on two variables go up

and down together. The nature of the plot indicates direction. If two variables have a positive direction, then as the values on one variable go up, so do the values on the other variable. The data used has a positive direction because the points of the scatter plots run from the lower left to the upper right. This implies that as the vales of the contract value go up so does the value of the estimated cost and vice versa.

(b) Form

The shape of the plot could explain the form of the scatter plot. This is because there are instances where the plot has a curved shape. In other instances, the plot could have a straight line plot. If there is a linear relationship, then the plot will appear to swarm or cloud in a generally straight and consistent form. The plot above indicates that the data points are straight and consistent. I.e. there is a linear relationship between the estimated cost and the contract value.

  • Strength

The strength of the relationship between variables is determined by how close the plotted points are from one another. Closely placed points indicate a strong relationship between the variables. In this case, the points are neither close nor far from each other. Therefore, there is a moderate relationship between the variables.

  • Correlation

The correlation between two variables measures the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. The strength and direction of the variables have already been established in the previous paragraphs. Therefore, we conclude that there is a moderate positive relationship between the variables.

(g) Outliers

The extreme points in a scatter plot identify outliers. In this case, there are four outliers. The box plot has also demonstrated this.

Question Four

(a) Compute ¯x and ¯y

Mean for estimated cost is given by the sum of all the observations divided by the number of observations.

¯x            = 3,455,000/20


The mean for the contract value is given by the sum of all the observations divided by the number of observations.

¯y            =4,530,000/20


  • Compute sx and sy

The standard deviation of the variables is given by taking the square root of the sum of all the deviations from the mean and dividing by the number of observations less by one.

The standard deviation for the estimated cost is

Sd           = (107,323,750,000/19) ^1/2

= 75157.2912

The standard deviation for the contract value is

Sd           = (209,836,250,000/19) ^1/2

= 105090.4998

  • Compute r

The correlation coefficient is given by the following formula.

Estimated cost (Y) Contract value (X) XY X2 Y2
85,000 100,000 8500000000 7,225,000,000 10,000,000,000
70,000 120,000 8400000000 4,900,000,000 14,400,000,000
110,000 150,000 16500000000 12,100,000,000 22,500,000,000
90,000 80,000 7200000000 8,100,000,000 6,400,000,000
130,000 180,000 23400000000 16,900,000,000 32,400,000,000
160,000 190,000 30400000000 25,600,000,000 36,100,000,000
160,000 200,000 32000000000 25,600,000,000 40,000,000,000
280,000 350,000 98000000000 78,400,000,000 122,500,000,000
130,000 180,000 23400000000 16,900,000,000 32,400,000,000
320,000 380,000 121600000000 102,400,000,000 144,400,000,000
310,000 360,000 111600000000 96,100,000,000 129,600,000,000
305,000 370,000 112850000000 93,025,000,000 136,900,000,000
180,000 200,000 36000000000 32,400,000,000 40,000,000,000
170,000 250,000 42500000000 28,900,000,000 62,500,000,000
160,000 300,000 48000000000 25,600,000,000 90,000,000,000
110,000 160,000 17600000000 12,100,000,000 25,600,000,000
150,000 210,000 31500000000 22,500,000,000 44,100,000,000
180,000 230,000 41400000000 32,400,000,000 52,900,000,000
175,000 250,000 43750000000 30,625,000,000 62,500,000,000
180,000 270,000 48600000000 32,400,000,000 72,900,000,000
3,455,000 4,530,000 903,200,000,000 704,175,000,000 1,178,100,000,000

= 0.94439147

Compute a and b

a              = -6958.173

b             = 0.793

(e) Construct the respective Least Squares line and plot it over your scatter plot.

Estimated Cost = -6958.173 + 0.793 contract value

(f) Compute the respective R2 and interpret your results.

= 0.89187525

This implies that 89 percent of the variation in expected cost is explained by the variation in the contract value.

(g) For your model, compute and plot the residuals vs. x. Describe what you observe from this plot.

The residual plot above indicates that the data has a constant and independent variance because the plots are consistent regardless of the contract value. It is also clear that the data follows a normal distribution form the normal probability plot below.

(h) Are there any outliers? If so, are they high leverage and/or influential?

There are outliers in the data but they are neither high leveraged or influential.

Based on your model, make 3 predictions for your response variable

Using the following equation Estimated Cost = -6958.173 + 0.793 contract value

The predicted value for three values is indicated in the table below.

Contract Value 276000 302000 144000
Predicte Estimated Cost 212023.9716 232652.7243 107293.3807

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Consultancy Project Essay Assignment

Consultancy Project
Consultancy Project

Consultancy Project

Imaging you are management consultant and you have A client who owns coffee/restaurant, the business name is (coffee and restaurant Casablanca) your Client is looking a way to improve his revenue, so his AIM IS TO IMPROVE REVENUE and you have only one objective to achieve your client Aim, the objective is to
1- Use both (six sigma and lean approach to improve the efficiency of the restaurant, so illustrate to your client that you can increase the coffee and
restaurant revenue by being more efficient by using six sigma and lean approach for efficiency, so do this in two A4 pages
2- Advise your client on the key responsibilities 9( economic, legal, moral) do this in 1 A4 page

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Management Project Term Paper Available

Management Project
Management Project

Management Project

Decision Making After gathering information from journals, websites, case-studies and textbooks apply decision-making techniques to the decision of opening a new plant in the USA to serve North-American customers.

You should communicate your decision-making process to senior management and explain the rationale of your decision.

Please refer to page 5 of this assessment booklet for individual module learning outcomes relevant to this assessment.

Supply Chain Management
Based upon your decision to expand into North America or maintain existing manufacturing facilities consider the following:
• What impact will your decision have on the supply chain of JLR?
• How greater levels of efficiency can be obtained in existing or new facilities in regards to production.
• Why supplier relationships would be considered important.
• Discussions around the importance of quality.
Please refer to page 5 of this assessment booklet for individual module learning outcomes relevant to this assessment.

Regardless of whether or not you have decided to extend JLR operations to the US market;
Analyse the possible uses and applications of EC that may be open to JLR as they begin a new venture. Your answer should:
• Discuss how and why JLR could benefit from implementing a B2B EC strategy?
• Discuss potential opportunities that may exist in the online retailing environment for JLR as well as any challenges they may face whilst pursuing an
online retailing strategy?
• Analyse current consumer behaviour in relation to JLR and their products and discuss how JLR could satisfy consumer preferences within the EC world?
• Discuss the difficulties posed by fraud in the EC world and potential measures that JLR may take to over come them?
Please refer to page 5 of this assessment booklet for individual module learning outcomes relevant to this assessment.

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