Give insights into your experience and thinking about the topic and the event
Relates your practice or experience to your understanding of what you learned or experienced. (the experiences, you can make it up in a reasonable way)
Demonstrates your ability to link coursework to the topic
Give insights with examples as to how you can build on this experience
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Social Work Practice II Reflective Writing Assignment This assignment offers each student the opportunity to complete a short reflective writing assignment of 450-500 words (approximately 2 pages) in a free writing style on one of three experiential options:
Social Work Practice II Reflective Writing Assignment
The first option is to answer the following question:
Why does macro social work practice matter?
Use the knowledge you gained in the course to address this issue and specifically how you anticipate using this knowledge in your future social work practice. Please give one example of a macro practice you learned in class that you believe is critical to the success of a social worker, whether he/she pursues macro practice or clinical practice.
To earn full credit for this assignment, it must
Be submitted on time.
Be well written.
Address all the prompts in one of the three options.
Demonstrate the ability to think critically about macro practice and how it has influenced your knowledge of social work practice.
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Ask several questions about issues with your writing, for example, “How can I make my writing more concise?,”or “I’m having issues with run-on sentences and need help,” or “Can we brainstorm about a conclusion for this piece?”
Write a brief reflection about this experience, what you gained from working with this fellow writer, and how it has affected your writing for this project.
Create an “Addendum” at the end of the final draft after the References list. Include the statement of purpose, interactor analysis and TWR. Save final draft as PDF.
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“Essential skills are the skills that people need for work, learning and life. They are used in the community and the workplace, in different forms and at different levels of complexity.” Government of Canada
Essential skills include numeracy, working with others and continuous learning. This assignment requires you to write an 800 to 1,000 word exploration reflection and plan for ONE of the following three options aligned to an essential skill:
Option One: Money
Option Two: Health
Option Three: Leadership and Purpose
There are four steps to this assignment:
1. Review your Discovery Wheel from Week Two for the essential skill option you have chosen (e.g., Money, Health, or Leadership and Purpose). Based on the review of your Discovery Wheel, determine two key goals you would like to achieve in the chosen essential skill area over the next year.
2. Conduct secondary research for the essential skill you have chosen aligned to the two goals you would like to achieve over the next year using six sources from the following:
Introduction – This should identify the essential skill option chosen, provide a brief recap of your review of your Discovery Wheel and name the two goals you have selected for the essential skill option chosen. Your introduction should also provide the reason you are focusing on the essential skill you have chosen and the reason for the two goals you have identified. Finally, your introduction should include a brief overview of the rest of your assignment. (150 – 200 words)
Key Findings – Highlight the key findings from your research from the six sources selected in Step 2 above. Be sure to demonstrate how your selected sources support your planned development toward to two goals you have identified for the essential skill option chosen. (550 – 650 words)
Conclusions and One-Year Plan – Provide your overall conclusions and your one-year plan aligned to the essential skill option you have selected and the two goals you have identified for the essential skill option chosen. (100 – 150 words)
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What Would Jesus Buy on YouTube Reflection Paper Watch What Would Jesus Buy on YouTube (link below) and write a one-page reflection on what you think of Reverend Billyís method of activism?
What Would Jesus Buy on YouTube Reflection Paper
Envision yourself engaging in ìguerilla theatreî style protests. What would you protest and what kind of ìcharacterî or ìpersonaî would you embody? What kind of ìceremonyî would you engage in (Billy performs sermons, exorcisms, etc. what would your character do?)
This is a REFLECTION PAPER not a research paper so it should cover the reflection of the video NOT a summary of the video.
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When and where was the event?
Who organized it? Who spoke or took part?
What did you learn from this event that helped you understand the culture and history of our Indigenous people better and how do you feel about the idea that these cultural practices were banned and made illegal at one time in our history and our First Peoples were punished if they took part in them? Network at these events. Talk to people and think about what you hear.
Pow Wows: What were some of the dances and what did you think about the regalia (the dress), the singing and dancing?
Did you visit the craftspeople? Did you buy anything and talk to the artists? What was your overall reflection of this event and how did it help you understand the history and culture even more? Remember dancing, drumming and singing were outlawed in Canada at one time and the culture was taken away. Did you meet anyone who shared their stories with you? Did you take part in a smudging?
Protocol: What they are wearing is not a costume. It is called regalia and the Pow Wow is not about religion. It is about the cultural practice and spirituality and is always very closely connected to the importance of the natural environment, the land. Please read the Protocol for going to a Pow Wow posted below. Also, look at the Protocol information at the bottom of the assignment box.
Cultural talk or workshop: Learn about the smudging posted into Course Information before you go.
The cultural participation mark is worth 20% so make sure you do something early in the semester.
Cultural reflection
This ceremony is spiritual and is a universal ceremony found around the world. It is similar to other cultures in the use of herbs, smoke and ritual cleansing of the spirit. It creates positive energy. It is important however to remember that if you do smudge that no pictures are taken as that is considered inappropriate in aboriginal culture. This is a sacred ceremony and one to be respected.
On site we would have a smudging ceremony about the third week of the semester and every semester all the class has taken part without hesitation and come out of it feeling very calm, peaceful and restored. The medicines are not narcotic or dangerous but simply herbs and wild sweet grass which grows around the country.. One of them is organic tobacco which is not smoked, nor are the sacred medicines but in fact create a smoke that you just wash over yourself to cleanse your soul and create positive energy and call in the spirits of your ancestors. Ancestors are very sacred and treated with great respect in the indigenous community.
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Each student is expected to maintain a journal on their learnings. The individual reflection consists of two parts. First, each student is required to share a picture (at least A4 size) andprovide a brief explanation about WHY that picture best represents the subject they are studying.
Students are required to share the picture in the last lecture after the final quiz. Three highlights of explanation, less than 80 characters each, should be listed under the picture.
Students can choose to focus their reflection on one or more specific concepts, theories or issues raised in any of the lectures. You can also reflect on your own experience of interpersonal interaction in this course and group project. The reflection paper can be up to 800 words excluding references if there are any.
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This essay will critically review, evaluate and reflect the experiences of a students work placement at Burton Borough School based in Newport. This was in the role as a Physical Education (PE) teacher.
Different Teacher Communication Styles
This placement experience demonstrated that teaching is a complicated and challenging activity (Naveed, Aftab, Hashmi, Ali, & Junaid, 2019), and plays a significant role in developing a studentís motivation to learn (Varga, 2017). Several studies have highlighted the importance of language and communication in relation to studentsí learning (Lin, Durbin, & Rancer, 2017; Naveed et al., 2019), and their own method of delivery (Charles & Senter, 2005). Research suggests that effective teacher communication behaviour not only creates a good educational atmosphere, but also creates a harmonious relationship between teachers and students (Zhao, 2019). During placement observations of three teachers took place and they all communicated differently.
PE teacher 1 was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, passionate, approachable, displayed empathy (Rogers, 2015), and was firm and fair. He never raised his tone of voice or was aggressive towards the students. This reflected his personality and resulted in the students having a good rapport and a mutual respect with him (Kyriacou, 1997). He demonstrated that he truly cared about their feelings and education, and he also continuously added humour within the classroom. This looked a very effective method of delivery (Gentry, Steenbergen-Hu, & Choi, 2011).
PE teachers 2 and 3 showed identical teaching communication styles, demonstrating good knowledge and energy for the students to learn. They also taught with heavier discipline and continuously reminded students of the schools Behaviour Policy. On one occasion before the trampoline lesson started, students were made aware of the importance of safety considerations when using the trampoline and the possible consequences. This was a positive start from a safety aspect, and for behaviour management this could have been seen as a Proactive strategy to discourage any potential disruption to the lesson (see Heikonen, Toom, Pylt, Pietarinen, & Soini, 2017). A student was not being supportive to his fellow student and was putting him at risk of injury. The placement teacher raised the concern with the student using the divergent technique (see Mosston & Ashworth, 1986) where students solve problems without assistance from the teacher. The student was asked the question, ìwhat would happen if the student fell off the trampoline and fell onto you with that metal sticking outî. The student answered correctly and understood why his behaviour was not acceptable. PE teacher 2 noticed this, asked what had happened with a raised tone, and then sent him immediately to the corner of the room for the poor behaviour. That student played no more part in the PE lesson. It appeared that the punishment given was harsh and increased the students embarrassment. Varga (2017) agrees and states students should be allowed to keep their dignity and should not be communicated to in a belittling manner during discipline. Nevertheless, if this particular student didnít like trampoline they would have seen this as a positive to be allowed to successfully avoid it (Little, & Akin-Little, 2008).
Teachers have different personalities (Naveed et al., 2019), and their teaching styles are related to their individual personality traits. These stern and disciplined actions were related to their individual personality (Zafarghandi, Salehi, & Sabet, 2016).
Effective Lesson Planning
Teacher success is critical to student success and they need to be committed to the learning and development of all students, yet teachers are challenged daily to meet their students’ diverse learning and behavioural needs (Nagro, Fraser, & Hooks, 2019). Lesson planning was a particular stand-out and is a fundamental component (Waring, 1999). It is a vital task all teachers must undertake. Proctor, Entwistle, Judge, and McKenzie-Murdoch, (2005) suggests that ‘No planning can take place without a clear idea, on the part of the teacher, of what the children in the class are going to learn’. Teachers should always plan for progression across the ability range (Kendall-Seatter, 2005).
The lessons were devised considering the national curriculum and planned with great detail, they were based on whether the activity would enable individual and group participation. The planning made sure the teacher who was delivering the lesson knew exactly what the lesson objectives were. The lessons always began with an evaluation of the previous lesson, were well structured, and catered for the different abilities. One example, in a badminton lesson where the aims were to improve the students rally. The teacher had planned the lesson ensuring the students with lower abilities were grouped together, and they had an easier progression to that of the more experienced students. Haynes, Fletcher, and Miller (2008) state that this would not be ideal for student progress because mixed ability classes appear to be more beneficial for lower-ability students. Yet Lentillon-Kaestner, and Patelli (2016) disagrees, they say ability-based groups make sense for individualised learning, especially for lower-ability students.
Behaviour Management
PE classes play a crucial role in adolescent behaviour (Park, Chiu, & Won, 2017), so beginning the lesson on a positive note plays an important role in effective instruction (Cook, Fiat, Larson, Daikos, Slemrod, Holland, and Renshaw 2018). Behaviour management is recognised as one of the most vital skills that a teacher can possess, this is because without control of the children effective learning cannot take place…
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Discussion Questions and Reflection Paper 3 You are required to select one chapter from the course textbook and prepare an essay. You cannot write this essay on chapter 1.
Discussion Questions and Reflection Paper
The essay should include the following: (1) Summary of the reading (no more than 1 paragraph; (2) a critical analysis of the reading (which may include quotes with proper citations in APA format); (3) at least one discussion question and (4) a reflection of how the question and the overall analysis fit into the context of the class, and society. Reflection Papers should be typed in 12- point Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1” margins. They should be a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 3 pages in length (about 750 words). All outside sources need to be cited in-text and in an additional reference section, in APA format. The reference section/page will not be counted in the length requirements of the paper.
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