Create an EHR and PHR Using Practice Fusion part 1 Using Practice Fusion ( .) create an electronic health record for yourself. You may use fictitious data. Upload three screenshots of your record in a PowerPoint.
Create an EHR and PHR Using Practice Fusion
Because she said to create for yourself so please but my name: Abeer Shawi the others data just add any info be creative
Please find attached an example of an EHR screenshot from Practice Fusion. This is only one screenshot. Be creative. Use fictitious information. Hope this helps.please do it in separated power point
Part 2
Using WebMD ( ) create a PHR for yourself. You may use fictitious data. Upload three screen shots of your record with data entered. Must submit in a PowerPoint.
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Introduction to Statistics and Visual Presentations of Data and Diversity
Locate a visual presentation of data in a newspaper, magazine, or internet article, and, if possible, attach it to your post, or give us a link to it so that we may find it. Outline what is being represented in the information, and then determine whether any visual displays are being used to mislead the viewer. Argue your point for thinking this, and if there are abuses, what could be done to correct them?
Introduction to Statistics and Visual Presentations of Data Required
Chapters 1 & 2 in Essentials of Modern Business Statistics: With Microsoft Office Excel Ajiboye, B. A. & Bankole, O. M. (2013). User Survey of 24-Hour Library Service during Examination Periods at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Journal of Access Services, 10:172–185. doi: 10.1080/15367967.2013.819550
Ferreira, M., Almeida, R. R., & Luiz, R. (2013). A new indicator for the measurement of change with ordinal scores. Quality of Life Research, 22(8), 1999-2003. doi: 10.1007/s11136-012-0288-2
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Public Affairs Applied Statistics Research Proposal Your research question should be raised from public affairs, administration, and policy.
Public Affairs Applied Statistics Research Proposal
The dataset should be ready for use to examine your particular research question.
The dataset should also meet all the requirements indicated in the syllabus (e.g., at least 50 observations and at least 5 variables, at least 2 interval variables and 1 categorical variable). Data analysis is not required for this assignment.
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Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale Surveys Measure Discussion One of the most efficient ways to operationally define a dependent variable (the variable that is expected to change as a result of the independent variable) is to use an established and validated survey measure.
For this week’s Discussion Post, research and choose an existing survey that your Research Team could use to measure your dependent variable. Click the Library tab on the left-hand navigation bar to access PCC’s online database. If you need a refresher, review chapter two of your text
Go to the website given in the assignment outline when retrieving the census tract number, please make sure to use my postal code M1V3M2 to get the information.
Present data in comparative table and graph form. See assignment outline for more details.
GEO 151 Location, Location, Location
Major Assignment (25%) – Winter 2019 – Prof. Daniel
Your Locality
As we have observed often in class, land uses and landscapes vary significantly by location within the city. In this exercise you are to consider your own location – your neighbourhood – in the city and compare it to a contrasting location.
In the first part of the assignment you have already evaluated the neighbourhood you live in without the benefit of formal data. In the second and third parts you evaluate your neighbourhood (census tract) with the benefit of census and National Household Survey (NHS) data and compare it to benchmarks and another neighbourhood (census tract).
Part Two: Census data retrieval and presentation
Go to the Statistics Canada website: and review your understanding of the concept of census tract – you can find a formal definition at the website and also find criteria for identifying the boundaries of census tracts.
Notice you have three tab options: Place name, Postal code and Geographic code; select Postal code. Type in your home postal code (e.g. M5B2K3 is the campus postal code) and select the census tract number under Census tracts (CT) (e.g. the CT in the vicinity of the campus is 5350034.02).
This will give you your home CT and also a benchmark for comparison (such as the Toronto CMA). Study the census data. If you think you do not live in the Toronto CMA speak to Prof. Daniel. (If the above link does not work to identify your CT use a different web browser.)
Note you also have a tab option to Map the areas; do this and you will see the boundaries of your home census tract. Copy the image of the map (right click > copy image or save image as) and use it on the title page of your assignment (right click on title page > paste; or Insert > Picture).
Note that you have an option tab of Related data; if you select this you will see an option to retrieve NHS data for your CT.
Also note that you have the option to download the data in CSV format to open in an Excel spread sheet. You might want to do this to construct graphs (see below).
Collect data for your home CT and the Toronto CMA on the following themes:
From the Census Data
– Population change and density
– Age composition (also calculate each age group as a percentage of total population)
– Median or average age of the population
– Predominant dwelling types (e.g. single detached, apartments?)
– Average number of persons in private households (household size), persons in private households – living alone (one-person households).
– Main mother tongue groups
– Immigrant and non-immigrant population
– Movers over last five years
– Visible minority population; identify notable visible minorities if relevant
From the National Household Survey (remember you can select the Related data tab to access this):
– Median household income (for all private households)
Note: For the NHS you will have to retrieve the CMA data separately because it does not automatically come up for comparison when you retrieve your CT data.
Comparative data. In most cases it will be useful to compare your areas using proportional (percentage) data as well as the actual numbers.
Obviously in most cases you will be looking at vastly larger raw numbers for the CMA (with a population of approx. 2.7 m) compared to your home CT (average approx. 4,000) so it is sensible to compute and compare percentage data (exceptions include median income).
For example, if we compare the downtown CT 034 to the CMA we can see the CT had only 1,725 one-person households compared to 470,615 for the CMA, but one-person households as a proportion of total households is 56.4% for the CT compared to only 23.7% for the CMA.
Take care to use the appropriate total number to calculate the proportions. In the example above, it is sensible to use the total number of private households to calculate the % of one-person households. Age groups are sensibly calculated as a percentage of total population. More guidance will be given on this in class.
A helpful hint: each time a row of data is indented in the data table it is a subset of an earlier number.
Presenting the data. In most cases above you can present the data in comparative table and graph form. Where possible present the graphs for the two areas together to enable more direct comparison. Give your tables and graphs table and figure numbers and refer to these numbers in your discussion.
If you can access “figures” as you retrieve the data at the StatCan website these will not be adequate; you need to create your own. More guidance on graphing will be given in class.
Part Three: Questions and analysis
1. Using the variables you have collected for your CT, provide a comprehensive description of your area. In your description be sure to draw from the actual data in the tables and graphs and use the CMA as a comparative benchmark. Do some of the characteristics appear to be associated with each other?
2. Compare the characteristics of your neighbourhood as you perceived them in Assignment One above with your CT description. How do they differ? Which do you think is best to define your neighbourhood?
3. Where are the census data weak in describing your neighbourhood relative to your description in Assignment One?
4. Does the geographical location of your CT within the city appear to influence its characteristics? In what ways?
5. Explore the data for the CT’s below. Select one that you think contrasts your home CT. Compare your CT and this second CT in the characteristics where you think the differences are most apparent.
Use the relevant data for the second CT and your home CT in the comparison (you can present the selected comparative variables in table form but it is not necessary to graph them; use percentage data where appropriate). Does the relative location of the CTs within the city account for any differences you observe?
(Remember you can map the CT. You can also use a GeoSearch interactive map option to manipulate the map – e.g. zoom in and out.)
Second CT choices; select one: 5350130.00; 5350065.00; 5350401.19.
Length: The written component of the assignment must not be more than six pages, double spaced, 12 point font, with regular margins (these latter constraints did not apply to Part One).
Do not place essential material such as graphs and tables in appendices; incorporate them as effectively as possible in the text of the assignment (as soon after their first mention as possible).
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Statistical Terminology and Theoretical Probability Analysis 1 Assignment 4
NOTE: Show your work in the problems.
Statistical Terminology and Theoretical Probability
In families with four children, you’re interested in the probabilities for the different possible numbers of girls in a family.
Using theoretical probability (assume girls and boys are equally likely), compile a five-column table with the headings “0” through “4,” for the five possible numbers of girl children in a four-child family. Then, using “G” for girls and “B” for boys, list under each heading the various birth-order ways of achieving that number of girls in a family.
Statistical Terminology and Theoretical Probability
Then, use your table to calculate the following probabilities:
The probability of 1 girl
The probability of 2 girls
The probability of 4 girls
The probability the third child born is a girl
As pictured in Figure 6.11 of your textbook, a roulette wheel has 38 numbers: 18 odd black numbers from 1 to 35, 18 even red numbers from 2 to 36, and the two green numbers 0 and 00. Using theoretical probability, calculate the following:
The probability of spinning a number greater than 30
The probability of spinning a red number less than 10
The probability of spinning an even black number
The expected total of green numbers in 57,000 spins
In a nationwide polls of 1,500 randomly selected U.S. residents, 77% said that they liked pizza. In a poll of 1,500 randomly selected U.S. residents one month later, 75% responded that they liked pizza.
Does the polling evidence support the claim that pizza declined in popularity over the month between polls? Explain why or why not.
Using statistical terminology, precisely identify the population parameter the two polls were attempting to measure. How does a parameter differ from a statistic?
Statistical Terminology and Theoretical Probability
Based on the two polls, what would you say to someone who guessed that the population parameter the polls are trying to measure is really only 50%?
Eleven people have eleven different favorite numbers from 2 to 12. They all agree to participate in a 10,000-roll dice
game where they bet $1 on their favorite number for each roll of two standard (fair) dice. A donor kicks in an extra dollar every round, so the payoff if your number comes up is $12.
Assuming everyone bets on all 10,000 rounds, what is the expected value for a person who has number 7? (Show your calculations.)
Assuming everyone bets on all 10,000 rounds, what is the expected value for a person who has number 2? (Show your calculations.)
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-How should a crisis worker act? / School crisis response
-Intervention / Prevention programs
-Other considerations in the management of patients affected by a school crisis (including but not limited to management of behaviors, family considerations, challenges in the care of patients affected by a crisis in schools.
Examine evidence-based practice guidelines/research, nursing theories that support the identification of clinical problems, implementation of nursing skills in the care of adults with addiction.
The group project research paper must have a minimum of 2000 words / 4 pages single spaced (Times New Roman, Size 12), and 5 references about that topic (4 of them must be research articles). The criteria exposed in your paperwork must be exclusively based on the peer-reviewed article, and I will be very fussy in confirming the reliability of your statements. A formal paper using APA format according to the Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.)
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Compute the mean and the weighted mean for the following data. Show your work.
Grade Earned
If the professor asked you if you would like the mean grade or the weighted mean grade, which would you choose.
Probability Quantitative Variable Data Set
Why? What weighted category made the greatest impact?
Question 2
If P(A) = 0.45, P(B) = 0.49, and P(A ? B) = 0.85, then P(B | A) =
Question 3 – You must show the fractions you multiplied to earn credit. You may also include other math if you choose a different method.
Seven vitamin and five sugar tablets identical in appearance are in a box. One tablet is taken at random and given to Person
A tablet is then selected and given to Person B. What is the probability that
Person A was given a vitamin tablet?
Person B was given a sugar tablet given that Person A was given a vitamin tablet? neither was given vitamin tablets?
both were given vitamin tablets?
Person A was given a sugar tablet and Person B was given a vitamin tablet?
Person A was given a vitamin tablet and Person B was given a sugar tablet?
exactly one person was given a vitamin tablet?
Question 4
The following information regarding the ten richest Americans was reported in a recent issue of Forbes.
How does the textbook define “element?” Name the elements in the above data set.
How does the textbook define “variable?” Name the variables in this data set.
How does the textbook define “observation?” Name TWO observations in this data set.
Explain why rank, even though it is a number, is NOT a quantitative variable.
Which variables are quantitative?
Question 5
A sample of the ages of 10 employees of a company is shown below.
20 30 30 30 50
30 30 30 20 40
What is a dot plot?
If this set of data were going to be used to make a dot plot, what variable would be on the x axis? Why? What variable would be on the y axis? Why?
If you were going to make a dot plot, what would the title be? Remember that titles show relationships between both variables.
Using a method of your choosing, construct a dot plot for the above data which includes a proper title and axis label
Develop a scatter diagram and draw a trend line through the points. Remember everything that was said about titles, axes labels etc. in the previous question.
What kind of relationship exists between stock price and time (negative, positive, or no relation)? How do you know?
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Statistics Analysis Portfolio Essay Paper The local manager of a restaurant chain hired you to perform a statistical analysis on a number of customers in each day and different time periods.
Statistics Analysis Portfolio Essay Paper
Your analysis will help them to decide how to allocate their resources. You started your job by recording the number of customers in each day in different time periods.
Each cell represents the average number of customers for 5 weeks of study. The data of your observations is recorded in the “Restaurant” excel file.
This file is in D2L. After reviewing your data, the manager assigned you some tasks. In another word, each lab assignment is a request made by the manager and you should follow the manager exactly and provide a report to get paid after reviewing your report. You should follow the following guidelines:
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Part 4 – Conclusion/Recommendations. The data from developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) guideline studies present a number of challenges for statistical design and analysis. The importance of specifying the planned statistical analyses a priori cannot be overestimated. A review of datasets submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency revealed several inadequate approaches, including issues of Type I error control, power considerations, and ignoring gender, time, and litter allocation as factors in the analyses.
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