1) Wessinger, Catherine (2000), How the Millennium Comes Violently:
2) Trompf, Gary (2012), ‘The history and end time in new religions’, in Hammer,
3) https://wrldrels.org/2016/10/08/peoples-temple/ The slim young man with the Clark Kent glasses mingled easily at the conference of abortion providers. By day, he sat quietly in his company’s booth, under a sign festooned with a burbling lab flask. By night, he schmoozed with presenters at the swanky hotel bar.
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Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group The student will be required to develop a terrorist group analysis paper.
Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group
The paper should focus on the group’s ideology and the roles of cultural, social, and personal identity in terrorism. This paper may also reflect on the organizational motives, operational targeting, and actions. The intent for this research is to focus on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the group’s current status.
Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group and Terrorist Group Analysis Guide:
Identify a specific terrorist organization and, if applicable, its umbrella organization and known affiliates. Is the organization a successor of a past organization or movement?
Identify the terrorist organization’s core ideology: What does the organization profess and what are its stated or implied goals? Are these goals political, religious, and economic or a combination?
Identify the roles of cultural, social, and personal identity within the group’s framework.
Identify the key players, political affiliates, and status on the U.S. Department of States lists of designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations and ties to State Sponsors.
Answer the question: Has the organization achieved its stated objectives?
Identify the current status of the organization.
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Why Sexual Violence Is Used In Armed Conflict An Example to think about might be the sexual abuses committed by United Nations peacekeepers abusing the very civilians that they are meant to protect.
Why Sexual Violence Is Used In Armed Conflict
It would be good to include examples such as that in order to discuss war-time sexual violence more holistically and come to a more critical argument. For doing so it would also be beneficial to engage more directly with theories of gender, in particular questions surrounding militarised masculinity. The case study should be Bosnia-Herzegovina
Some References to understand the topic
Whitworth, Sandra. (2004). Men, Militarism, and UN Peacekeeping: A Gendered Analysis. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Hanley Lopes: Militarized Masculinity in Peacekeeping Operations: An Obstacle to Gender Mainstreaming
Paul Hitage: Peacekeepers, Masculinities and Sexual Exploitation.Cockburn, C., and D. Hubic. 2002.
Enloe, C. 1989. Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics. London: Pandora Press.
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The paper will examine the methodology, ideology and activities of one currently active international terrorist group (you choose).
PAPER INSTRUCTIONS: You will analyze its origins, its purpose, its structure, its successes and failures, as well as future prospects in order to assess the groups ideological goals and military capabilities. Are their ideological goals realistic given their resources? What threat does the organization pose?
Spelling and grammar matter, as does the clarity and organization of your writing through a well articulated thesis.
The paper must have a title page and a bibliography. All pages except the title page must be numbered. The title and bibliography do not count toward the page limit!!!!!!!!!
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Right Wing US Terrorists with Muslim Connections Why do right-wing U.S. terrorists (skinheads, neo-Nazis, and the like) not get the same attention by the media and law enforcement agencies as terrorists with Muslim connections?
Right Wing US Terrorists with Muslim Connections
He seems to have been a classic “lone wolf”. As far as police can tell, the man who murdered 50 worshippers, and critically wounded nine more, at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 15th was not part of any organization. The 28-year-old Australian, Brenton Tarrant, claimed to have developed his violent beliefs on his own, surfing the internet and visiting Europe. He bought his weapons himself. He honed his skills at a suburban shooting-range.
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Spring 2019 Response Paper #3 Overview The purpose of this paper is to make connections between psychological theories presented in class and the behavior of actual terrorist groups.This paper is due in the D2L Assignments tab on Friday, March 29 by 11:00 am. No late papers will be accepted. Writing Your Paper 1. Read the article“The Terrorists in their Own Words: Interviews with 35 Incarcerated Middle Eastern Terrorists” by Postet al. (2003). You can find a PDF of this article in the Readings section of the Content tab in D2L.2. Write a paper that addresses the following:
o Part 1: Summary of Post et al. (2003) article§Briefly summarize the Post et al. (2003) article.§In your opinion, what were the most noteworthy results in the article, and why?
o Part 2: The Self & Self-Concept§Briefly explain the ideas proposed by Kruglanski et al. (2013) in the article “Terrorism –A (Self) Love Story”(presented in class, available on D2L as a PDF). Specifically, how do the authors suggest that a quest for significance could result in terrorist activity?§Describe how some of the statements made by terrorists in the Post et al. (2003) article could be seen as evidence for the model proposed by Kruglanski et al. (2013). Be sure to make specific reference(s) to quotes from terrorists (from the Post et al. article, on pages 177-183).
o Part 3: Culture & Social Identity-Briefly describe the basic concepts of structural symbolic interactionism, as described by Arena & Arrigo (2005) in their article “Social Psychology, Terrorism, and Identity”(presented in class, available on D2L as a PDF). Specifically, according to this identity-formation model, what types of influences might make a person more likely to join a terrorist group?§Describe how some of the statements made by terrorists in the Post et al. (2003) article could be seen as evidence for the model proposed by Arena & Arrigo (2005). Be sure to make specific reference(s) to quotes from terrorists (from the Post et al. article, on pages 177-183).
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In this assignment, you will identify and select a historical or present-day terrorist group to describe and develop a group profile of. In 2–3 pages, address the following:
Identify and select a present-day or historical terrorist group. Identify the group’s underlying motivation, purpose, and objectives.
Develop the group’s profile by crafting a background and discussion on how your selected group was established, how it evolved, and how it ceased to exist, as applicable. If the group is still operating, outline how and why it continues to exist.
Develop and explore some potential counterterrorism or mitigative options. For a historical group, outline how the group was dealt with to the point that it no longer served as an influencing factor.
Use of terrorism against society/United States efforts towards homeland security
You may choose any two of the following questions to answer. The responses should be no less than one page for each question.
What is the difference between domestic and international terrorism? Which is the greater threat and why?
How prevalent is the problem of school shootings and is it any worse than it was for previous generations? What efforts have been taken by schools local law enforcement to prevent and effectively respond to school shootings?
Does the responsibility for the prevention of and response to terrorism rest solely with the government? What actions have been/can be taken by the private sector to aid in these efforts? What actions have been/can be taken by private citizens to aid in these efforts. What policies and/or laws have already been implemented to build a sense of collaboration in these efforts?
Has the United States’ view towards domestic terrorism and international terrorism changed since 9/11? Has it evolved? How have the responsibilities and efforts of local law enforcement changed since 9/11 in an effort to combat terrorism? Why have these changes come about?
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Investigating the consequences of the European Commission’s new list for third countries that have deficiencies on its money laundry and terrorism financing strategies. The case of Saudi Arabia and the efforts made to comply with FATE recommendations
Money laundry and terrorism financing strategies
Money Laundry and Terrorism Financing are the most critical organized crimes that affecting the economic worldwide. They cost around 2% to 5% of the global GDP that is almost equal to $800 billion – $2 trillion (UNODC, 2019). However, there are huge efforts have been made by various regulatory bodies, professional organizations, and non-profit organizations such as the Financial Action Task Forces “FATF”, Banking supervision committee “BASEL” and the European union.
Money laundry and terrorism financing strategies
The European Union “EU” has introduced various regulations to fight ageist the Money laundry and Terrorism financing. The European commission, which is responsible for proposing legislations within the EU, adopts a new list for third countries that have deficiencies on its money laundry and terrorism financing strategies.
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been recently included on this list as high risk country that poses higher risk to the European financial system (European Commission, 2019).
Despite, there is no sanction involved; the reputational damage will heavily affect Saudi financial institutions. However, as per the regulations, European banks will be required to perform addition due diligence on Saudi banks’ Euros’ transactions and the kingdom will be subject for close monitoring until proper regulatory controls are being introduced.
One of the major issues that have been discussed in details by various parties including the European Union and FATF, as part of recommended controls to fight against money laundry and terrorism financing, is the identification of the ultimate beneficiary owner. The Saudi government has made huge efforts to enhance the national capabilities to combat financial crimes through updating existing legislations and enhancing the enforcement.
Various activities have been emphasized that must performed by financial institutions at the time of on-boarding clients to identify the true identity of the account’s beneficiary through additional due diligence according to the risk associated with client.
This research aims to investigate the consequences of the European Commission’s new list for third countries that have deficiencies on its money laundry and terrorism financing strategies considering the case of Saudi Arabia and the efforts made to comply with FATE recommendations to identify the ultimate beneficiary owner.
Research questions:
What is the European commission list for third countries and how does it affect listed counties?