How Policy Change in US Has Affected Opioid Crisis
The paper must be at least 9 pages long including an abstract, with 12-pt font double-spaced, and 1 inch margins all around. The paper should demonstrate that the student has read widely and critically in the relevant field. The student has a chance to present his/her point of view through a well-structured and compelling paper while properly citing others’ ideas. The paper’s references section should include at least 5 reliable, current, and professional sources.
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Special educational needs and disability (SEND) Historical Development of SEND ELECTRONIC INTERACTIVE TIMELINE (POWERPOINT 9 SLIDES).
An electronic interactive timeline which identifies how the models and discourses surrounding the nature of send have been mapped to legislation and policy since Warnock report?(1,5oo words).
Explore how legislation, policy and terminology have underpinned current practice surrounding (send) on PowerPoint 9 slides the first slide must be blank second slide a line timeline listing all the act- starting from Mary Warnock report (1978)1981 education act1998 education act sen code of practice Sen code of practice (1994) green paper> ofsted
The last slide is send code of practice (cop 2015) consider the main acts/ reports/policies that have impacted special educational needs and disability in England with sources of reference including journal/ articles uk books e.g warnock report right model education as conceiver integration is replaced with the term inclusion integration inclusion individualism link all the acts. In the powerpoint you can include bullet points and later on explain alle.g send code of practice age (0 -25) the timeline should reflect in your case study.
Compare all the acts , outlooks changes different acts discourses how do we know it in the local authority key policies and how equality act link/ make it relevant and evidence to back it……. Child to be safe case for change uk government.
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College Policy on Academic Integrity and Dishonesty Before you even begin working on this paper, you need to read, understand, and agree to follow college policy on academic integrity. Find it here:
College Policy on Academic Integrity and Dishonesty
If you violate college or course policy, as outlined in the syllabus, Gaston College Student Code of Conduct, or this assignment description you WILL receive a score of 0 for the assignment and a referral to the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Gaston College. This includes any and all offenders (both those who copied and those who were copied from). I have a zero tolerance policy on academic dishonesty. You will be submitting this paper to Blackboard via software that compares it to other student papers, online sources, and journals.
College Policy on Academic Integrity and Dishonesty Goals
To become familiar with finding and reading primary literature.
To practice writing scientifically.
To enhance knowledge about research methodology.
To better understand animal biodiversity and life history.
Between 3-4 FULL pages in length (just because you have a few words on the 3rd page does not mean it is 3 pages long). Use 12pt Times New Roman font, normal (1î) margins, one space between words and sentences, no blank lines between paragraphs, left-justified and indentation on the first line of paragraphs, 1.5 line spacing.
Use in text citations according to the citation guide located in Blackboard (right below where you downloaded this document). You must cite EVERY single time that you use information that is not straight from your head or common knowledge. This means that you may have several sentences in a row with a citation. That is OKAY! Do it.
In science you never, ever, ever use quotations. You must paraphrase or describe information from your sources, but never quote it. Likewise, you should have no more than 3 words in a row the same as your source. If you copy a significant string of words straight from your source you have plagiarized (see academic dishonesty section above). Paraphrase!
Avoid slang, casual language, and fluffy words. Do not ever mention your feelings or emotions in the paper. Use your sources as an example of what to do. You will never read a peer-reviewed article that speaks in passive, fluffy language. I know your English class wants you to be descriptive and poetic, but that kind of writing has no place in science. Be concise, specific, and scientific. Make statements, back them up with research/evidence, and then move on.
What NOT to do: ìI really like elephants so I decided to write this paper on how elephants find water in the African savannah. Elephants are super cool because they can smell water up to three miles away.î
What TO do: ìAlthough elephants have a keen sense of smell, as evidenced by their ability to sense water up to 3 miles away (Smith et al. 2012), they pale in comparison to catfish, which can detect some chemicals at 0.1ppb (Jones & Johnson 2011).î
Include a ìWorks Citedî at the end of your paper. Use the citation guide found on Blackboard for help citing and creating a works cited. This is NOT MLA or APA format. When you publish in biological journals you always use the style of the journal, not the humanities/social sciences formats (MLA/APA), and unfortunately these vary by journal. The citation guide Iíve provided to you is a generalized style. This part of your paper does not count toward your length requirement.
There are two major checkpoints for this paper, though you should be working on it throughout. (CHECK DUE DATES ON COURSE SCHEDULE).
Choose a species, find 3 peer-reviewed (primary research) articles on your topic, create an outline, and send all documents to instructor for approval prior to writing.
Choose a EUKARYOTIC species for your paper. This species should be something that interests you and is well researched. If you choose an obscure animal that scientists have not researched much, you will struggle in finding enough articles to fuel your paper.
Find 3 peer-reviewed research articles that involve your species as the study organism. The trick here is finding resources that are peer-reviewed. Read this: ( Your best option for finding articles is on Google scholar. ( Be sure to use the articles where a link to the full document is available. In the picture below, the ones with a link to the right of the listing are ones with the full document available. Click on the link to the right of the article to download it. I will not accept any sources that you do not have the full document for.
Create a basic, informal outline for your paper. This outline should include a working title, a very brief (2 sentences) summary of each article you plan to use, and the major arguments (along with evidence to back up these arguments) that you plan to make.
Submit your outline and a PDF of all three of your articles to the appropriate Blackboard link by the due date listed on the course schedule. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.
Name each document as follows (using your own last name, ex. Mays):
lastname BIO 112 SP2017 Term Paper Outline
lastname BIO 112 SP2017 Term Paper Article1
lastname BIO 112 SP2017 Term Paper Article2
lastname BIO 112 SP2017 Term Paper Article3
Hereís an example of one using my last name:
Mays BIO 112 SP2017 Term Paper Outline
I will respond in Blackboard to approve your outline and articles and give feedback. Please look for feedback before proceeding to the writing portion of your assignment. You do NOT have to wait until the due date to get startedóif you want to submit it early and receive feedback faster, just send me an email to let me know youíre early and ready to proceed.
Writing, working with the Gaston College Writing Center, editing, submitting to Blackboard.
After receiving approval of your outline, you may begin writing your paper. Please follow the style guide above.
Once you have completed a rough draft, you must submit it to the Gaston College Writing Center ( at least once. The writing center will inform me when students have received help. I would suggest saving documentation of your interaction with them as evidence in the case of any disputes.
Make any necessary changes to polish your draft. Ensure that your paper meets the style requirements outlined in the ìStyleî section above.
Submit (upload) the final draft to the Blackboard link on the course homepage by the due date found on the course schedule.
Name each document as follows (using your own last name, ex. Mays):
lastname BIO 112 SP2017 Term Paper Final
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In the first policy brief, you identified a policy problem and framed it as a government failure. You provided a brief background on the topic, symptoms of the public problem, and noted the point(s) of government failure. It is now time to consider policy alternatives that will address these points of failure.
When completing a policy analysis, it is helpful to consider possible policy alternatives
in considerable depth before preparing a full draft. Looking ahead to alternatives often helps a policy analyst to refine the policy goals and evaluative criteria used in the analysis. It also helps an analyst anticipate the sort of information that will be useful for predicting the consequences of alternative policies.
To complete this brief, you will write a two-to-three-page double-spaced paper focusing in detail on one policy alternative for your policy memo.
First, identify and briefly describe at least two policy alternatives for your policy problem. This should not include the status quo.
Second, clearly specify one of your policy alternatives in terms of all its essential elements.
Questions to consider: what the alternative is, how it differs from current policy, has it been implemented ñ partially or fully ñ in other places, etc.
Third, briefly outline what you believe to be the major effects ñ both short and long-term ñ of the alternative specified in part 2, including the use of resources required to implement the policy.
Questions to consider: if it has been implemented elsewhere, did it work; would it address your goals in relation to your policy problem; roughly how much it would cost; is it technically feasible, etc.
Fourth, note what additional information you need to complete your policy memo.
Your brief should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. Please include your name on the top of your first page and include page numbers. All references should be properly cited using APA, Chicago, or MLA format
Affirmative Action
An affirmative action and college admission is a policy problem that is clearly identified and recognized in the class textbook issues for Debate in American Public Policy. To clearly define affirmative action it is the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously. This was brought about by the emergence of the civil rights movement in the 1960ís and focuses on gender, race, and discrimination all along education and other working places. Nowadays, the main concern on college campuses is that the government may come down on them for their efforts to maintain diversity on their campuses (106)
Policy Alternatives to Affirmative Action
The debate over affirmative actions in colleges is creating serious tension. There has been validation that the Trump administration worries supporters of this kind of discrimination. Statements have been made about the challenges that have been left unresolved regarding affirmative action within college universities and the White House as well. Legal action has been taken by the Justice Department is the Civil Rights Division to sue universities who practice affirmative action. (105) while the issues with universities exhibiting reverse-racism are being reflected on the US Supreme Court’s decisions; most of these actions are brought by college officials. Although there have been lawsuits regarding Asian-Americans and whites being held to higher standards than other ethnic group’s records show that African-American enrollment has risen by 15.5 percentage points between 1980 and 2015.î (106) On balance, it is advisable to remove all forms of affirmative action from colleges and base them exclusively on the pure knowledge of the applicant.
To begin with, the disadvantages that face African-Americans is that discriminations favor them on the fault on the criteria that every existing Caucasian person is well established and every black person is said to be poor because of their skin color. According to the Hoover Institution, it is evident that they support the claim that the policy helps students from the middle and upper class with different backgrounds less than the fortunate students. This will neither support the demerit towards the discriminations actions that was intended nor will they equally favor the claims of the poor people that were the applicants.
However, not all the claims are to be protected, and that is why some are negatively impacted by it. According to Princeton University, they found that some of the universities have a few disadvantages in comparing the students that are equal to 50 points. It states that not all Asian-Americans are required to have higher scores than that of minority students but they do indeed need to perform better to be at an equivalent level to be accepted to their schools. This also hinders the effectiveness of the points as one tool which is to evaluate a candidate for their acceptance.
Affirmative Failure in U.S.A was a term that was first used by the Executive Order issued by President Lyndon Johnson. The Executive Order called in the federal government to take discrimination which will ensure that the candidate is employed and treated well in the workforce without any consideration of the housing hood and the nation. The President also expanded the Executive order in 1967 to protect women from been discriminated. In the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S came up with a heated debate in which they oppose the discrimination action which was to start with and be designed so that it could give access to economics and African-Americans. The most educated and advanced financially, are among the blacks, like the white people whereby they got the benefit. For those who remained, were the poor, thus making the affirmative actions stays the same in most societies.
Policy Alternatives to Affirmative Action
Thus, due to the widespread hatred, most of the parts that had discrimination were outspoken during the era of President Reagan. As of today, about 26 percent of the population in the U.S is uneducated. They are decreasing each advancement and widespread with homeless people and having poverty among the black population. Therefore, affirmative action could not affect the characteristics of the society as much. The doubt system that is based on the groups, cannot give money to the poor students to travel to the colleges and schools, buy their books and even create a study room for them. Poverty is said to exist even in the higher groups and even to those people that are qualified to get and receive the benefits.
In Conclusion, Affirmative action has hindered and affected most colleges in many ways. To way with discrimination, they should solve some of the problems in schools to deal with poverty and reverse-racism. Colleges like Harvard University should evaluate their unjustness on non-minority students such as Asian-Americans and Caucasians.
Policy Alternatives to Affirmative Action Citations
Issues for Debate in American Public Policy: Selections from CQ Researcher. SAGE/CQ Press, 2019.
List two policy alternatives to “Affirmative Action” which is what my first policy brief was about.
Here are possible alternatives:
Top 10%
Grades and test scores only
Class-based affirmative action
– You are picking two policy alternatives but then only focusing on one of them (All of this is listed in the instructions I have attached)
– Argue the merits of selecting and using their plan
– Read the first policy brief I wrote to see what it was about
– I have attached the instructions (PLEASE FOLLOW THEM THOROUGHLY)
Policy Brief 2
Please type your brief and submit your assignment via Canvas, preferably as a
Microsoft Word Document. Don’t forget to review writing a Policy Memo prior to completing your assignment.
In the first policy brief, you identified a policy problem and framed it as a government failure. You provided a brief background on the topic, symptoms of the public problem, and noted the point(s) of government failure. It is now time to consider policy alternatives that will address these points of failure.
When completing a policy analysis, it is helpful to consider possible policy alternatives
in considerable depth before preparing a full draft. Looking ahead to alternatives often helps a policy analyst to refine the policy goals and evaluative criteria used in the analysis. It also helps an analyst anticipate the sort of information that will be useful for predicting the consequences of alternative policies.
To complete this brief, you will write a two-to-three-page double-spaced paper focusing in detail on one policy alternative for your policy memo.
First, identify and briefly describe at least two policy alternatives for your policy problem. This should not include the status quo.
Second, clearly specify one of your policy alternatives in terms of all its essential elements.
Questions to consider: what the alternative is, how it differs from current policy, has it been implemented ñ partially or fully ñ in other places, etc.
Third, briefly outline what you believe to be the major effects ñ both short and long-term ñ of the alternative specified in part 2, including the use of resources required to implement the policy.
Questions to consider: if it has been implemented elsewhere, did it work; would it address your goals in relation to your policy problem; roughly how much it would cost; is it technically feasible, etc.
Fourth, note what additional information you need to complete your policy memo.
Your brief should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. Please include your name on the top of your first page and include page numbers. All references should be properly cited using APA, Chicago, or MLA format
Affirmative Action
Policy Alternatives to Affirmative Action and College Admission
An affirmative action and college admission is a policy problem that is clearly identified and recognized in the class textbook issues for Debate in American Public Policy. To clearly define affirmative action it is the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously. This was brought about by the emergence of the civil rights movement in the 1960ís and focuses on gender, race, and discrimination all along education and other working places. Nowadays, the main concern on college campuses is that the government may come down on them for their efforts to maintain diversity on their campuses (106)
The debate over affirmative actions in colleges is creating serious tension. There has been validation that the Trump administration worries supporters of this kind of discrimination. Statements have been made about the challenges that have been left unresolved regarding affirmative action within college universities and the White House as well. Legal action has been taken by the Justice Department is the Civil Rights Division to sue universities who practice affirmative action. (105) while the issues with universities exhibiting reverse-racism are being reflected on the US Supreme Court’s decisions; most of these actions are brought by college officials. Although there have been lawsuits regarding Asian-Americans and whites being held to higher standards than other ethnic group’s records show that African-American enrollment has risen by 15.5 percentage points between 1980 and 2015.î (106) On balance, it is advisable to remove all forms of affirmative action from colleges and base them exclusively on the pure knowledge of the applicant.
To begin with, the disadvantages that face African-Americans is that discriminations favor them on the fault on the criteria that every existing Caucasian person is well established and every black person is said to be poor because of their skin color. According to the Hoover Institution, it is evident that they support the claim that the policy helps students from the middle and upper class with different backgrounds less than the fortunate students. This will neither support the demerit towards the discriminations actions that was intended nor will they equally favor the claims of the poor people that were the applicants…
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Is the intellectual property system fair to all people?
Is the intellectual property system fair to all people?
Students should answer the response question below,
Is the intellectual property system fair to all people? Why or why not? What changes are
required to make the system more fair?
The 6-page does not include the title page and the bibliography page.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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This assignment focuses on attempting to persuade your audience (your classmates) regarding a specific course of action that should be taken on a significant societal or community issue. You must not only convince your audience that this issue is relevant in society (the so what? that has framed all of our papers thus far), but also advocate for a specific, well-reasoned (utilizing inductive and/or deductive reasoning) feasible, and actionable solution to the issue.
Specifically, this paper should do the following
State and describe what the problem is, in explicit detail.
Describe why the problem is important to the audience: How does (or will) it affect them, someone close to them, or some aspect of society they should care about.
Present a solution (or solutions) to the problem
Describe how the solution is feasible (i.e. grounded in reality)
Describe how the solution is actionable (how can the audience, or other empowered agencies, act on the solution)
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the solution presented
Be supported with well-documented, valid sources of evidence (8 minimum)
In addition to the above, it is expected that the lessons paper #1 (clearly stating the issue and its relevance) and paper #2 (utilizing evidence that passes the tests, presenting key arguments surrounding the issues, recognizing fallacies in counterarguments) be incorporated.
/10 States and describes a relevant societal problem in thorough, explicit detail
/10 Presents a valid, logically sound case as to how the audience is affected by the issue.
/12 Presents and describes, in great detail, a feasible and actionable solution (or solutions)
/10 Presents a clear analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution
/8 All Key arguments follow utilize proper forms of reasoning and are devoid of major fallacies
/8 All Key arguments and claims are supported clearly with properly referenced and vetted evidence.
/8 A clear, concise, and strong thesis is present in the introduction of the paper as a proposition of policy.
/5 Contains clear topic sentences and paragraph structure.
/5 Major points are connected together by clear transitions and/or section headings
/5 Utilizes language that is clear, yet engaging (makes use of appropriate stylistic tools in language)
/8 Each source (minimum of 8) follows APA format in regards to in-text citations.
/5 Paper is free of major grammatical and formatting errors.
/5 Reference page is designed according to APA standards.
Total: /100
Please note the following:
Drastically exceeding the word count (400 words or more) may result in a 5-10% deduction from your final score.
While excessive grammatical errors (more than 10) will not prompt a rewrite of your essay, it will result in a minimal 10% deduction from the final grade.
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This assignment addresses how both monetary and fiscal policies have been used during the so-called Great Recession, which began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, to the present to moderate the business cycle.
Assignment Steps
Create a minimum 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, including detailed speaker notes or voiceover, in which you analyze your choice of one the following markets or industries:
The housing market
Financial markets
Commodity and stock markets
An industry of your choice, such as the automobile industry, the airline industry, retail trade, or any other major industry that suffered heavy losses during the Great Recession
Your analysis will extend from the beginning of the Great Recession, which was December 2007, to the present and should include the following:
An Excel workbook with the following datasets:
One dataset related to the U.S. housing industry such as housing starts, the FHFA housing price index, or another dataset of your choice related to the housing market.
One dataset related to personal or household income or to personal or household saving.
One dataset related to the labor market such as the unemployment rate, initial claims for unemployment insurance, or another dataset of your choice related to the U.S. labor force.
One dataset related to production and business activity within the market or industry you choose to analyze.
Find your datasets by using different internet data sources, including, but not limited to, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s FRED site, U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, and The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Using data results analyze the economic and sociological forces that drove the market equilibrium to unsustainable heights, commonly referred to as “bubbles,” and the shocks that brought the markets back down.
Discuss specific changes in supply and demand within the markets and/or industries you chose to analyze.
Examine prior government policies and legislation that might have exacerbated the impact of the shocks. Also, discuss government actions/regulations that might be undertaken, and/or have been undertaken, to moderate the effects of extreme economic fluctuations.
Evaluate the actions of the federal government (fiscal policy) and the Federal Reserve (monetary policy) to restore the economy and foster economic growth. Base your evaluation on information available at Internet sources such as, but not limited to, the Fed’s The Economy Crisis and Response website as well as other appropriate sources found on the Internet and in the University Library. Be sure you address the effectiveness of those counter-cyclical policies.
Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources and economic data not including the course text. Submit the data results in a separate Microsoft Excel file.
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Drafting Employee Handbook Policies Issue: Solar Co. Inc., a solar panel manufacturing and installation company, has recently encountered several legal issues related to harassment allegations by employees, mistakenly classifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees, and internal disputes related to employees posting sensitive company information on their personal social media accounts outside of work.
Drafting Employee Handbook Policies Issue
Solution: To prevent these issues from happening in the future, Solar Co. is in the process of updating its employee handbook, and the CEO has asked you to draft several pieces of material for inclusion in the handbook with each piece containing at least 175 words. The information needed in the request is identified below:
A policy related to the prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination including specific action items that will be required of employees and management.
A policy that helps ensures workers are properly classified by including specific action items that will be required of employees and management.
A policy related to employee use of social media such as guidelines related to appropriate content and identification of Solar Co. in any posts including specific action items that will be required of employees and management.
Be sure to include explanations and justifications for each of your policies to help the CEO understand why each one is necessary.
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Policy on Societal or Community Issue Assignment This assignment focuses on attempting to persuade your audience (your classmates) regarding a specific course of action that should be taken on a significant societal or community issue.
Policy on Societal or Community Issue Assignment
You must not only convince your audience that this issue is relevant in society (the “so what?” that has framed all of our papers thus far), but also advocate for a specific, well-reasoned (utilizing inductive and/or deductive reasoning) feasible, and actionable solution to the issue.
Specifically, this paper should do the following
State and describe what the problem is, in explicit detail.
Describe why the problem is important to the audience: How does (or will) it affect them, someone close to them, or some aspect of society they should care about.
Present a solution (or solutions) to the problem
Describe how the solution is feasible (i.e. grounded in reality)
Describe how the solution is actionable (how can the audience, or other empowered agencies, act on the solution)
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the solution presented
Be supported with well-documented, valid sources of evidence (8 minimum)
In addition to the above, it is expected that the lessons paper #1 (clearly stating the issue and its relevance) and paper #2 (utilizing evidence that passes the tests, presenting key arguments surrounding the issues, recognizing fallacies in counterarguments) be incorporated.
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Corporate Strategy or a Future Policy Rollout For this essay, use the same company you previously used, and analyze how the company has implemented a corporate strategy or a future policy rollout. Consider strategy development and the implementation phase. In your essay, address the following questions.
What are the stages of a corporation’s life cycle? How can a corporation’s life cycle be extended? What stage is your company in?
What is strategy implementation? What questions must strategy makers consider to begin the implementation process?
It is important to assess s
Corporate Strategy or a Future Policy Rollout
compatibility when implementing a new strategy. Do you think that culture follows strategy, or does strategy follow culture? In your response, use your company to illustrate your points. Justify your answer.
What is Six Sigma? Why would a company want to implement it?
Your essay should be two to three pages in length, double-spaced, and in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
The title and reference pages do not count towards the minimum page length. To complete this assignment, a minimum of two reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced
. At least one reference must come from the CSU Online Library. Use APA style guidelines.
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