Case Study Fruit Tree Nursery FTN

Case Study Fruit Tree Nursery FTN Fruit Tree Nursery (FTN) grows peach and apple trees in containers for its customers. This past year, FTN grew 3,000 peach trees and 7,000 apple trees at a cost of $100,000.

Case Study Fruit Tree Nursery FTN
Case Study Fruit Tree Nursery FTN

FTN can sell peach trees for $20 each and apple trees for $11 each.
Allocate joint costs to each product using the physical quantities method, and calculate the profit or loss for each product.
Allocate joint costs to each product using the relative sales value method, and calculate the profit or loss for each product.
Assume peach trees can be processed further by allowing them to grow for another few months. The additional processing cost is $4 per tree, and customers are willing to pay $23 for the larger trees. Should FTN process the peach trees further? Explain.

Osmosis and the Simple Diffusion

Osmosis and the Simple Diffusion
Osmosis and the Simple Diffusion

Osmosis and the Simple Diffusion.Lab report about osmosis and simple diffusion based on data collected from lab project.

Two labs need to be combined into one report. Must include attached data. Osmosis and diffusion play essential, but distinct roles in the human body. Diffusion sees molecules in an area of high concentration move to areas with a lower concentration, while osmosis refers to the process by which water, or other solvents, moves through a semipermeable membrane, leaving other bits of matter in its wake. For example, oxygen diffuses into red blood cells, and salt placed outside a cell will draw out the cell’s water through osmosis, dehydrating it.

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Changes in Memory in Late Adulthood Memory

Changes in Memory in Late Adulthood Memory Identify and explain changes in memory in late adulthood.

Changes in Memory in Late Adulthood Memory
Changes in Memory in Late Adulthood Memory

Provide examples to illustrate the differences between memories functioning at earlier stages with functioning in old age.
Your paper should be 1-2 typed pages and incorporate at least one supplementary scholarly source (peer-reviewed source from an online database or book) to supplement your learning. Be sure to cite in APA format. Younger adults recall more information from episodic memory tasks than do older adults. Because longitudinal studies are rare and often incompatible, the extent of actual late-life memory change is not well established. We assemble two different longitudinal samples of normal older adults, each of which is tested twice at a 3-year interval, using a large battery of episodic memory indicators.

Biotechnology and Xenotransplantation

Biotechnology and Xenotransplantation Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) refers to a family of genes similar in DNA sequences (Mittal, 2018). CRISPR sequences are mostly found in prokaryotic organisms like archaea and bacteria.

Biotechnology and Xenotransplantation
Biotechnology and Xenotransplantation

The chains are derived from the DNA of viruses that have infected the prokaryote. The sequences are vital to the immune systems of the prokaryote. Cas9 (an enzyme) identifies and cleaves DNA strands that match a particular CRISPR sequence. The CRISPR-Cas9 technology manipulates Cas9 ability to identify CRISPR DNA sequence to edit genomes. The CRISPR-Cas9 technology employs addition, removing and altering some sections of a DNA sequence. It is simple and precise in the genetic modification which makes it appropriate to use in xenotransplantation. The primary challenge in xenotransplantation has been the rejection of the organs by the recipient’s immune system. The application of the CRISPR technology allows scientists to develop organs from other animals that can mimic the RNA sequences of the recipient. The developed RNA only binds to the targeted region of the genes. The Cas9 used can track the location of the RNA where it cuts the DNA strand across. The recipient’s body then tries to repair the damaged region. The repair mechanism is then used by scientists to cause the change in particular or multiple genes in the target tissue.

Biotechnology and Xenotransplantation Research Team

According to George Church and a team of researchers from Harvard University, the CRISPR-Cas9 technology enables researchers to make many changes at the same time to inactivate the virus that has remained in pig genes (Marcus, 2016). The technology has therefore been used by scientists to develop a breed of pigs whose immune system does not reject human organs. The primary challenge that the researchers face at the moment is matching genotype sequences to make retroviruses inactive to allow transplants. The selection of pigs is inspired by the fact that pig organs such as kidneys are relatively close to those of human beings regarding attributes such as weight. The ability of the Caspr-Cas9 to enable scientists to rear genetically modified pigs from which human beings can get organs through transplants. Hypothetically, according to researchers such as Dr Tector of the University of Alabama, the technology will be a reliable source of organs that are currently inadequate for the available patients.
CRISPR-Cas9 causes a special kind of mutation that prevents the recipient’s body from destroying the foreign organs introduced. Early experiments of offering human beings organs from animals failed because the researchers at that time did not develop a mechanism of preventing rejection of the organs by the non-human primates on which they conducted the experiments (Mittal, 2018). The technology also eliminates the need for patients who receive organs from animals from taking drugs to suppress their immune systems since this makes them vulnerable to many illnesses. The critical concern before the experiment can be authorised to be conducted on human beings is to ensure that scientists are aware of all the retroviruses that exist to avoid unforeseen cases of rejection that may lead to severe losses such as the death of the patients. The uncertainty of the consequences of applying the method in planting animal organs on human beings limits the technology to terminally-ill patients who have no other alternativE

Biotechnology and Xenotransplantation References

Mittal, R. D. (2018). Gene Editing in Clinical Practice.
Marcus, Amy Dockser. (2016, December 1). Genetically Modified Pigs Could Ease Organ Shortage. Retrieved from
What is CRISPR-Cas9? (2017, February 17). Retrieved from

Biotechnology Final Paper Assignment

Biotechnology Final Paper Assignment Assignment 4: BIOTECHNOLOGY PAPER
In this assignment, you will integrate new material written specifically for Assignment 4, with appropriately-edited material from Assignments 1, 2, 3, to form a coherent final paper.

Biotechnology Final Paper Assignment
Biotechnology Final Paper Assignment

Please organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements:
Introduction. Introduce your biotechnology using appropriately-edited excerpts from Assignments 1 and 2. Explain what the technology accomplishes, as well as your interest in it.
Biological basis. Using appropriately edited material from Assignment 2, provide a full and complete description of exactly how the technology works, as well as the key biological principles that underlie the technology.
Social and ethical implications. Using appropriately-edited material from Assignment 3, provide an analysis of the social and ethical implications of your chosen biotechnology. Use an honest-broker, even-handed approach, without disclosing your personal opinion..
Personal viewpoint. In this section, use what you’ve presented in the previous sections of your paper to explain and justify your opinion about the technology. This will provide a final summation and conclusion. [Note: do not bring up new issues in this section. Instead, refer to issues you’ve covered. If you think of new issues, then add them to one of the earlier sections]
Use at least 4 quality resources in this assignment. You must have a reference section which contains an SWS reference to all of your sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in SWS format) to your references in the body of the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with your in-text citations.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Double-space your paper. Use standard margins and fonts. Also, follow any additional formatting instructions provided by your instructor.
Objectives evaluated by this assessment:
Categorize a wide range of organisms, from single-celled to multi-celled organisms.
Describe how organisms acquire and utilize both energy and material.
Describe the cell cycle, cell reproduction and control.
Investigate DNA and gene expression as well as technologies based on our understanding of them.
Discuss interactions between organisms in ecosystems.
The Wall Street Journal published the article, and Genetically Modified Pigs Could Ease Organ Shortage; Researchers breed animals whose organs may be compatible with humans!, which illuminates that the most genetically modified animals in coexistence have been created to assist halt a shortage of organs for transplant (Marcus, 2016). Doctor Trevor denotes that the dire lack of organs has prompted various researchers to take into account a unique solution. The scholars are breeding genetically modified pigs whose organs could be aligned for human transplant.
Scholars have been attempting for many years to make the animal to human transplants effective, a process referred to as xenotransplantation. Pigs are an undoubtedly auspicious source of organs. They generate large litters. Organs constituting of the liver and kidney are equivalent in size to those of the human beings.
Doctor Trevor asserts that any pilot trial would probably entail persons over the age of sixty—five years old, one of the quickest-growing groups on the kidney-transplant waiting list. Bernhard Hering and Christopher Burlak, the directors of the University of Minnesota islet cell transplant program and university’s Schulze Diabetes Institute respectively are utilizing Crispr to examine genetically modified pig pancreatic islets responsible for generating insulin. The objective is to develop pig islets that the human immune system cannot identify foreign, for them to be transplanted into individuals with Type 1 diabetes in the absence of the requirements of the patients requiring to prescribe immunosuppressive drugs to hinder rejection. The scientists articulate that they want to collect more data before attempting the changed pig islets in persons. The spokesman of the FDA suggests that xenotransplantation is restrained to individuals with terrible illness for whom other therapies are not present or adequate.
The biological concepts of the chromosome, cell, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), gene, genetically modified organism (GMO) are relevant to the topic of genetically modified animals. Biotechnology enables the use of living organisms to make or modify a product (genetically modified pigs). Biotechnology is common terminology for a set of tools that utilize living organisms to make or change an outcome; improve animals; or create microorganisms for specified uses. The course provides awareness of the traditional breeding techniques to improve animal production thereby ensuring sufficient organic transplant.
The article caught my attention because it familiarizes the audience with the recent solution to the looming organ shortages among humans in hospitals. The shortage of critical organs such as the liver and heart has posed a threat to the life of innocent human beings. Organic transplant between humans is only possible when the donor is about to die and motivated to being given some rewards. The scientific knowledge about genetically modified pigs affects me directly because I have a malfunctioned liver and I am considered the option of an organic transplant of a pig. The liver of the pig is similar to mine regarding size.
The public sector particularly the government should fund the research on the topic of genetically modified animals. The government should levy more taxes to allocate more expenditure on such research. The issue of organic transplant is significant to all the American citizens. The possibility of a pig organ transplant to humans is about to happen as it remains as the solution to the organ shortage. Even though the expenses of conducting such research will accumulate to millions of dollars, its benefits are enormous to the ordinary citizen. I support the government to be at the forefront to ensure that this research of genetically modified animals becomes a reality.
Marcus, Amy Dockser. (2016, December 1). Genetically Modified Pigs Could Ease Organ Shortage. Retrieved from

Biology course Overview Questions

Biology course Overview Questions Answer the 4 Questions below, looking for 5-6 paragraphs total, although you are free to write more if you would like.

Biology course Overview Questions
Biology course Overview Questions

Make sure you give me the actual examples and thoughts you have in response to each question.
1) What is interesting about taking a Biology course?
2) Is there a practical application to understanding biology and the way science functions? Is there real-world example where the information could be useful to know?
3). Does Biology labs encourage us to think critically? Are they interesting and do you think that they have provided us with some benefit to how we think about the world?
4) There is a lot of work in Biology courses and they try to make it similar to something you would see in a higher-level course. Could it be helpful later on when we are taking harder courses to have taken a Biology course? Are we better prepared for a university now than we were before taken a Biology course?

Predation and Relationship between two Different Species

Predation and Relationship between two Different Species Define predation and identify a relationship between two different species and write 4-5 pages and include photos of two different species and 5 citations of reliable source.

Predation and Relationship between two Different Species
Predation and Relationship between two Different Species

Organisms live within an ecological community, which is defined as an assemblage of populations of at least two different species that interact directly and indirectly within a defined geographic area (Agrawal et al. 2007; Ricklefs 2008; Brooker et al. 2009). Species interactions form the basis for many ecosystem properties and processes such as nutrient cycling and food webs. The nature of these interactions can vary depending on the evolutionary context and environmental conditions in which they occur.

Psychotherapy and Biological Basis

Psychotherapy and Biological Basis Discussion: Does Psychotherapy Have a Biological Basis?
Many studies have found that psychotherapy is as effective as psychopharmacology in terms of influencing changes in behaviors, symptoms of anxiety, and changes in mental state.

Psychotherapy and Biological Basis
Psychotherapy and Biological Basis

Changes influenced by psychopharmacology can be explained by the biological basis of treatments. But how does psychotherapy achieve these changes? Does psychotherapy share common neuronal pathways with psychopharmacology? For this Discussion, consider whether psychotherapy also has a biological basis.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Evaluate biological basis of psychotherapy treatments
Analyze influences of culture, religion, and socioeconomics on personal perspectives of psychotherapy treatments
To prepare:
Review this week’s Learning Resources.
Reflect on f

NonTherapeutic Mutilation and Extreme Body Modification

NonTherapeutic Mutilation and Extreme Body Modification Eliana Dockterman’s “A Barbie for Every Body” or Thomas Schramme’s
“Should We Prevent Non-Therapeutic Mutilation and
Extreme Body Modification?”.

NonTherapeutic Mutilation and Extreme Body Modification
NonTherapeutic Mutilation and Extreme Body Modification

Your essay should draw on secondary sources and reflect that
you have developed a complex understanding of your topic. You must show that you are able to
draw upon the ideas and arguments of others in order to support your own argument and express
your own views. Though you draw on other texts, it is your voice that should be predominant in
your paper.
Your essay should refer at least once to either Dockterman’s article or Schramme’s essay,
depending on your choice of topic. You must use at least three additional secondary sources.
This means there should be a minimum of four entries on your works cited page.
Choose one of the following articles as the starting point for your research:
• Eliana Dockterman, “A Barbie for Every Body” (on the course Moodle page)
• Thomas Schramme, “Should We Prevent Non-Therapeutic Mutilation and Extreme Body
Modification?” (on the course Moodle page)

Human Sexuality Influence on Sexual Morality

Human Sexuality Influence on Sexual Morality Do evolutionary, sociological, or anthropological explanations of human sexuality properly have any influence on sexual morality?

Human Sexuality Influence on Sexual Morality
Human Sexuality Influence on Sexual Morality

To what extent do Plato and Aristotle’s view of women inform their account of the different types of love? (You may choose to focus on the reception of classical thought by the Catholic Church if you wish.) Are Schopenhauer or Kant engaged in an anthropological account of human nature? How do their theories hold up in the 21st century? What can be learned and what must be discarded?Some other question, after prior approval from the instructor.