Reflection on Climate of Doubt Assignment Paper Like Writing Assignment Guidelines Assignment II: Reflection on Climate of Doubt (PBS, Frontline, 2012)
Write an essay that critically (and articulately) analyzes the Frontline documentary,
The climate of Doubt (, PBS, 2012). Present arguments Addressing each side of the debate investigated by the film (see below for details), Making sure also to address broader societal (for example, ethical, religious, Socio-economic, legal, etc.) Impacts.
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World Hunger and Poverty Comparative Position Paper The two articles needed for this essay are attached.
World Hunger and Poverty Comparative Position Paper
Task: Write a comparative position paper on the problem of famine and world hunger.
Readings: Peter Singer, The Life you can save, pp.648-661Onora OíNeil, ìA Kantian approach to World Hungerî pp.677-682
World Hunger and Poverty Comparative Position Paper
Length: 1900-2100 words. You should aim for the ideal of 1900 words. Less is more. Strive for precision and clarity. See Guidelines for Critical Summaries for an explanation of the general task of exegesis.
Paraphrasing paragraph by paragraph is not the correct approach.
Your essay should give a clear and full exegesis of each authorís main argument.
This exegesis should demonstrate an understanding of the underlying problem of famine and the various options for resolving those issues according to Singer and OíNeil.
This should be done by considering objections and counterarguments to each authorís position, and by comparing the merits/flaws of Singerís arguments as compared with OíNeilsí arguments. In addition, your essay must demonstrate progress in your own thinking about the problem.
You are required to open with a strong introduction and in the body of your paper, you should, (a) clearly formulate and explain each authorís account of the proper moral response to the problem of famine and poverty in the world.
World Hunger and Poverty Comparative Position Paper
What is Singerís conclusion? What is OíNeilís conclusion?
(b) give the main argument or arguments used to support each authorís conclusion
(c) state as clearly and forcefully as you can the main objections which might be raised, and compare the acceptability of the competing accounts.
and (d) Explain why you agree with either set of arguments, or perhaps with neither.
In doing (a) – (d) you are expected to draw specific arguments from the READINGS, explain those arguments in your own words, critically assess the arguments and make clear why you are supporting the position you choose concerning the extent of our moral obligations toward those who are in need.
World Hunger and Poverty Comparative Position Paper
It is intended that you should undertake and complete this assignment based on your
own reading of the relevant article, your notes and any class discussion that is relevant.
Thus you are not expected or required to consult secondary sources.
Nevertheless, if you choose to consult secondary material, either books, articles or internet sources, you must acknowledge all use of secondary materials and include all of the apparatus appropriate to a research paper.
You must include a bibliography and appropriate footnotes. If you use internet sources without acknowledging doing so, you will be guilty of an academic offense and you will be found out.
World Hunger and Poverty Comparative Position Paper
You should design your essay for an audience of people who are of roughly your own degree of education and intellectual development, but who have not done the readings or attended the course. In other words, write for a cold audience.
Begin with a clear, concise and well-organized introductory paragraph which outlines the main points and objectives of your paper. You should strive for a clear and simple writing style throughout your paper.
Make sure that you explain your use of philosophical terminology. Try to organize your essay so that each part of it builds up a defense of your position.
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Climate Change IS REAL Essay Paper You are writing an essay arguing about whether climate change is real.
Climate Change IS REAL Essay Paper
The requirements:
1) You should present your argument and back it up with evidence.
2) You should present the arguments that are usually made by people on the other side of the issue and explain why they are wrong. Make sure that you take your time dismissing the opposition arguments.
3) If you argue that climate change is real, then you must also explain what we should do about it. This can mean on a personal level, on a government level, and/or on a global level. You may want to include measures that already have been taken in order to show whether they have been or will be effective or not.
Climate Change IS REAL Essay Paper
4) Minimum length is 4,000 words.
5) A minimum number of sources cited in the essay is 10.
6) Your sources must be clearly separate sources. You may not use two sources that have the same origin; in other words, no two sources from the same website or author.
7) You must format your citations correctly.
8) You must format your Works Cited page correctly.
9) Your essay must be well edited.
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Global Warming Persuasive Research Paper Write a 1375 word (not including the Works Cited page) persuasive research paper on your topic/issue (the one I approved for you and that you have been writing about this term).
Global Warming Persuasive Research Paper
The paper must be supported by information that is cited, in the MLA style, from at least 8 published sources.
Try to use a broad range of sources (i.e., not everything from one source or one type of source). That means, among other things, that you cannot rely on material from the Issues and Controversies or Opposing Viewpoints databases. Republican opposition can continue to suppress US climate legislation even if the Democrats take the White House and both houses of Congress in 2020.
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Double spaced 12 size fonts, times new roman style font with one-inch margin.
The bibliography is to be included in the assignment. Pages are to be numbered and saved in pdf format.
The socio-economic impacts of environmental stresses associated with global environmental change depend to a large extent on how societies organize themselves.
Research on climate-related societal impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation is currently underdeveloped, prompting international global environmental change research institutions to hold a series of meetings in 2009–2010.
One of these aimed at identifying needs in middle-income and low-income countries (MLICs), and found that effective responses to the challenge of reducing vulnerability and enhancing adaptation will drive research and policy into challenging and innovative areas of research.
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3) The institution of Green Solution to the Energy Sector. The policy would lead to the creation of jobs and the reduction of disasters that come with climate changes
4) Green Sukuk will play a vital to achieving COP21 goals (Paris Accord/Paris agreement)
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Impacts of climate change on the United States economy
Impacts of climate change on the United States economy
Research Paper Structure
Central Question: What should President Trump’s administration do to reduce the impacts of climate change on the United States economy?
Thesis: The United States government should be prepared to fight against the causes and effects of climate change such as the increasing emission of greenhouse gas and its influence in the atmosphere, increasing floods, drought, forest fires, and poor quality agricultural products in the country due to their negative influence in the US economy.
Frame the issue, set parameters, establish the problem, lead to your central question, conclude the introduction with the answer to this question, your thesis statement. Many people choose to embed their claims and reservations in the thesis
(History or technical information)
Also many papers require a brief review of the history of the issue or the technical covered in the claims, and it may not be necessary.
Claims (at least 2, usually 3 or 4) – 4 or 5 pages
Arguments in favor of your position supported by evidence. Work from your strongest or longest claim to your shortest or weakest.
(* Ethical/Moral position should usually be one of your claims, see below)
Reservations -2 pages – also at least two reservations
Arguments and evidence which speaks against your thesis or position. Again, these should be ordered from strongest to weakest and usually are no more than half as long as the claims
Rebuttal – 1 page
This is not always a necessary step, but many times it is useful. The rebuttal is evidence which counters or qualifies the reservations.
Moral foundation – 1 page
If this has not been dealt with in your claims, you need to clearly state the moral basis of your argument and pin it down with evidence, your opinion is not sufficient. Be sure to check for Catholic church position on your issue.
Call to action – 1-2 pages
The call to action offers specific steps to solve the problem established in the introduction. It should deal with legal (laws and policy), financial (where does the $ come from? What is the return on the investment?) and ethical (why this is the right thing to do from a moral and philosophical perspective?) aspects of the problem.
Conclusion -1 paragraph
Briefly sum up your principal argument and leave the reader with a final thought.
Works Cited – 2 pages (does not count in 8-12 page requirement)
Starts on a new page, words Works Cited are centered at top, entries are properly organized, indented and alphabetized
A few thoughts:
Most papers will use this format, but there is an occasional exception where the material suggests another organizational structure, if this is the case consult your adviser before proceeding.
The number of pages are rough estimates. We prefer quality of writing to quantity. If it is your first time writing a research paper we will take this into account. If you are concerned with the length of the paper, speak with your adviser.
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The audience is a college educated audience that has no background in philosophy or environmental science. So you’ll want to be clear in your explanations and examination.
Analysis and Argumentation (thorough and skillful analysis and argumentation)
Development (reception of and response to the comment made in review and revision)
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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Content: Address the various sides of the issue drawing personal conclusions based on your analysis of the issue, and demonstrate an understanding of its complexities.
Compare and contrast the different viewpoints of sources used on your topic taking into account the limits of a position. Present an informed evaluation of the evidence and different viewpoint surrounding the topic.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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Students are free to choose any topic in the study of how human induced environmental changes and/or climate change is related to conflict or peace for their outline and essay. The outline was already submitted in February and therefore, the following essay needs to be of the same topic. The final essay should be approximately 12 double-spaced pages in length, 2.5cm margins (not including cover page and bibliography/work cited), and all relevant material should be properly cited APA. Marks will be deducted for essays 3/4 page or more short of the 12 page requirement. The introduction should include the four elements required in the outline above: the research question, the rationale for that question, a thesis(answer to your question), and lay out an outline of the essay’s broad sections. The final essay must have a minimum of 8 scholarly sources, including 3 scholarly books (5 already used for the outline before so 3 more required). Good essays will rely on the use of books early in the research process to get a broad and deep perspective on the topic. Journal articles, by contrast, offer a very narrow examination of an issue, and shouldn’t be used exclusively. The final essay must use some of the research material used in the annotated bibliography. Students are allowed to use some of the similar text and ideas used in the annotated bibliography for the final essay. However, you should re-write any material you use from the annotated bibliography, to avoid plagiarism.
Human Induced Climate Change and How it Affects Conflicts for Humans
Specific Aim
In the 21st century, climate change poses a big threat to the global health of the world. According to statistics, the world population will tremendously increase to 9.1 billion people by the year 2050 with the developing notion contributing a significant percentage to the population increase. Climate change has been mostly attributed to high consumption resulting from the increase in population in the developing nations, with the effect spread across the world. Through adaptation, a link between climate change and population can be established, incorporating vulnerability characterized by climate change. Nevertheless, though population increase in the developing countries contributes to climate change, the carbon emissions from these countries are significantly low. On the contrary the developed nations contribute minimal climate change as a resultant of population but as a result of industrialization contribute massive amounts of carbon emissions (Stephenson, Newman, & Mayhew, 2010). Therefore, aspects of human life including urbanization, migration, population growth, household activities and others result into change in the climate equilibrium.
Climate change is a resultant of both natural and human actions. Human activities contribute a significant percentage to climate change which results to instances of conflict. For instance, rapid population growth has been cited as one of the leading causes of climate change because it puts pressure on the available natural resources to match the increased consumption rate. Therefore, the increased emission of greenhouse gases, which originate from natural fossils, could be held responsible for the ozone depletion that causes global warming. Additionally, mitigation-related activities such as reduced deforestation, implementation of coping strategies such as improved family planning, exploration of the dangers caused by rapid population growth, and considering of the impact of population pressure in the level of equity in the area of agricultural extension shall be revisited (Stephenson, Newman, & Mayhew, 2010).
Design and Method
The mixed research approach of collecting and analyzing data will be used in the collection of pertinent data on the human impact on climate change. The mixed approach is an optimal combination of the qualitative and quantitative approach. Other than identify human actions leading to change in climate and the consequences of the change, this stage will also cover the mitigation measures adopted in minimizing the change and evaluates their success rates (Scheraga, Ebi, Furlow, & Moreno, 2003).
Akasha, M. O. (2014). Darfur: A tragedy of climate change. Anchor Academic Publishing (aap_verlag).
Akasha’s Darfur: A tragedy of climate change, he clearly outlines the dangers posed by climate change on the prevailing societies with a special reference to Darfur. This book talks about the impact of migration caused by climate change. Statistics indicate that approximately 3% of the world’s population resides outside their original area of birth. As a result of land degradation, many communities have been forced to look for a safer haven for their own livelihood in the end causing a scramble for the meager resources available. Food security and poverty concerns, desertification, soil degradation, have been cited as the actual causes the patterns of migration. The correlation between migration and conflict is seen when issues of land ownership and resource scarcity are identified. The book further explains the genesis of the tribal conflicts as a result of resources as witnessed in Darfur as early as in the 17th century during the Karo Fata (White bone) famine, which is proof that human activities and climate change could be a recipe for conflict. As a result of such conflicts, the international community is also involved in the resolution process whenever they emerge. These conflicts do bring instability in the neighboring countries that have to deal with the refugee problems that cause great pressure on these countries’ economy and resources. The book will be instrumental in the resolution of emerging conflicts as a result of climate changes.
Mazo, J. (2010). Climate conflict: how global warming threatens security and what to do about it. Routledge.
This book is categorical about the implication of climate change to international relations and global security. However, the author contents that it is not an easy concern to address based on several factors affecting the human population in terms of diversity. Much of the literature is on the historic interactions that existed between the climate and human society, the relationship between state failures and stability and finally the nexus prevailing between the scarcity of resources and conflict. Moreover, the book cites different examples in relation to societal failures, accelerated scarcity of resources, and the eminent risks in interstate and internal conflicts from different corners of the world. The book also seeks to address pertinent questions such as changes that will be brought about by the climate changes. This issue was addressed by the IPCC’s physical sciences report on global warming which statistics indicate that there has been a 0.13 degrees on average each decade, in the last five decades. These statistics will provide an impetus into projecting the impact of climate change in the future and thus will be helpful in formulating the right set of mitigation prospects.
Messer, E. (2010). Climate change and violent conflict: A critical literature review. Oxfam America: Research Backgrounders.
This article relates to identifying the core aspects and types of climate change such as drought and increased heat or severe weather, and consequences such as social unrest such as conflict, as people scramble for limited resources. Harsh conditions as explained would more likely cause human migrations in search of a better environment to sustain their practices, such as farming and livestock rearing. These movements will cause undue pressure on the existing population as they scramble for the few available resources such as water and pasture. The paper calls for mitigation practices that will reduce the impact of climate change through the implementation of policies akin to environmental sustainability. Studies do confirm that there is a direct relationship between adverse environmental conditions and human wellbeing since most of their resources will be disintegrated or affected in a way. This will include food chains since the concentration of more people in one region will place unwarranted pressure on available resources.
OECD, (2015). Cool Policy: Climate Change Mitigation Supporting Growth. OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2015 Issue 2 PP. 59-80
The article addresses the ways in which OECD will implement to reduce climate change to avert global conflict and unrest by developing workable strategies that will check the emission of Greenhouse gas (GHG). Some of the measures include pricing greenhouse gases in a move to discourage fossil fuel subsidies. Secondly, setting emission regulations that will discourage GHG emissions. This will require proper public sector planning and alignment of the necessary policies geared towards favorable climate change. The article further elaborates on fiscal sustainability and the impact of climate change by the increase in taxation to discourage carbon dioxide emission. OECD encourages investment in the technologies concerned with carbon emissions so that there would be a substantial reduction in the emissions. This thus points to the ease of access to resources that are geared towards climate change initiatives.
Scheffran, J., Brzoska, M., Brauch, H. G., Link, P. M., & Schilling, J. (Eds.). (2012). Climate change, human security and violent conflict: challenges for societal stability (Vol. 8). Springer Science & Business Media.
This book’s main focus is on the complex linkage that exists between anthropogenically generated changes in the climatic conditions and how the society is impacted in terms of conflicts that do arise, which in other instances leads to societal instability and violence. Furthermore the book provides pointers on how the situation could be prevented, managed or avoided all together. It also highlights the three critical aspects of scientific research that deal with human security, climate change and violent conflict with a view of understanding the challenges they could have caused in the past, present and the possibility of future catastrophic concerns that are more likely to cause societal instability. The book indicates a correlation that thrives as a result of human activities and the resultant effects of global warming. There is clear evidence that fluctuations in the warm and cold periods have been evident especially during the Holocene and the anthropogenic global warming. Furthermore, the book also outlines security concerns as part of the societal values with the focus on risk reduction, predictability and confidence that highly contrast with dangers, threats and the fear caused. The most critical areas that have been mentioned in the book are state failures, social order erosion, and the violence that exists in the worst affected areas which has had an impact on both regional, and international governance structures.
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