Role of Alcohol in Sexual Assault Research Paper

Role of Alcohol in Sexual Assault Research Paper Your discussion must be detailed, specific and concise.

Role of Alcohol in Sexual Assault Research Paper
Role of Alcohol in Sexual Assault Research Paper
  1. What do Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney (2006) mean when they argue that gendered selves, organizational arrangements, and interactional expectations contribute to sexual assault?
  2. The CAPPA is Addressing Alcohol’s Role in Campus Sexual Assault Toolkit, states; alcohol does not cause sexual assault. But if we don’t talk about it in our sexual assault prevention work, we’re missing a critical factor. So how are we to facilitate this important conversation?

Role of Alcohol in Sexual Assault Research Paper Last question

Write an essay questions comparing and contrasting the research contributions of Lisak and Miller (2002) and Swartout, Koss, White, Thompson, Abbey, and Bells (2015).

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Excise Taxes on Alcohol and Cigarettes

Excise Taxes on Alcohol and Cigarettes Some user fees such as excise taxes on cigarettes are used to influence behavior.

Excise Taxes on Alcohol and Cigarettes
Excise Taxes on Alcohol and Cigarettes

Is discouraging the used of these products an appropriate role for government? Are excise taxes a useful tool for influencing behavior in these areas? Should excise taxes on these products be earmarked for specific purposes? If yes, what types of activity should they support? In your opinion, are excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes too high? Too low? Explain your reasoning.

REMEMBER: Your posting to the question should be a minimum of 200 words. Your response postings to other students submissions should be a minimum of 50 words. You must include 2 references in your original posting to support your perspective and list them in APA format. Your response posting does not require references.

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The Decriminalization of Marijuana in Trinidad and Tobago

The Decriminalization of Marijuana in Trinidad and Tobago Guidelines for Research paper: Decriminalization of Marijuana In Trinidad and Tobago

The Decriminalization of Marijuana in Trinidad and Tobago
The Decriminalization of Marijuana in Trinidad and Tobago

Length: This paper should be 9 pages in length before including the reference pages

Format: Chicago or APA Format is required.11 pages inclusive of a Table of Contents and Reference pages. Size 12 Font Times Roman is required

Research Articles: You should have read at least 8 journal articles which you will use to support your arguments and discussion


*Introduction ( 1 paragraphs or 1 page)

*History and Background ( 1 page )

*Rationale/ Purpose of paper from a Social Development Policy perspective( 1 page )

* Theoretical frame: Utilizing your sociological theories from Crone (2011), Social Justice frame, Ecological systems frame. This will assist with your argument and discussion ( 2 pages)

*Discussion of pros and cons of decriminalization. Utilize your research articles, and websites , as well as newspaper articles

* Your position (2 pages)

* Conclusion and recommendations ( 1 pages)

* Implications for Social Development Policy ( 1 page)

References not a Bibliography

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Prison Based Drug Treatment Programs

Prison Based Drug Treatment Programs A review and critique of the existing academic literature on Prison-based drug treatment programs. Main focus on the therapeutic community model.

Secondary focus on methadone treatment and other methods.

Prison Based Drug Treatment Programs
Prison Based Drug Treatment Programs

Since the 1970s, when retribution replaced rehabilitation as the dominant sentencing philosophy, prison populations have climbed dramatically while crime has continued unabated.

The public outcry against sharply rising crime rates during the early 1970s led politicians to call for more certain and severe sentences.

A strong belief that corrections could not rehabilitate offenders was fueled by research studies that essentially concluded that “nothing works” (Lipton et al., 1975; Martinson, 1974).

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Performance Enhancement Drug use

Performance Enhancement Drug use in Professional Sports
Performance Enhancement Drug use in Professional Sports

Performance Enhancement Drug use in Professional Sports

DO NOT INCLUDE HEADING OR TITLE just 2 pages of content

Write a 2 page paper about the background of professional sports in the United states and the widespread use of performance enhancement drugs by professional athletes in NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB.

What happened? Describe the controversy.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Overview and Summary of Drug Legalization

Overview and Summary of Drug Legalization Legalization of drugs have been a hot topic in recent years. Using what you’ve read in the text so far, as well as reputable outside sources, list and explain the main arguments for and against legalizing drugs.

Overview and Summary of Drug Legalization
Overview and Summary of Drug Legalization

Also, describe your beliefs regarding the legalization of drugs and whether you support or are against it.

Please use your textbook, reliable outside sources, and your personal beliefs to write your paper. If you use outside resources, please be sure to include citations.

The summary should be a minimum of 500 words in length and include the following:

  • Explanation of the main arguments for drug legalization
  • Explanation of the main arguments against drug legalization
  • Explanation your beliefs regarding the legalization of drugs and whether you support or are against it

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Illicit Drug Use in America Essay Assignment

Illicit Drug Use in America
Illicit Drug Use in America

Illicit Drug Use in America

Answer the following questions based on the information found in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

1. What percentage of people in the US reported that they used an illicit drug in the past month.

2. How many people does that number represent? (pg. 21)

3. What four substances are associated with “past year abuse” by individuals, 12 and older, as identified by the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health? (pg. 21)

4. What percentage of people aged 18-25 needed treatment for substance abuse problems in 2015? How many people does that percentage represent? (page 26)

5. What information did you finding interesting or disturbing in this report and why?

6. Finally, list at least two places, including addresses and phone numbers, that you might contact for substance abuse treatment. (Hint: call student affairs at UC or check your local telephone listings)

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Drug Use Trends and it’s Effect on Society Today

Drug Use Trends and it's Effect on Society Today
Drug Use Trends and it’s Effect on Society Today

Drug Use Trends and it’s Effect on Society Today

This paper should be 3 pages of content in length and include 3 reference sources. It is also important that at least 2 of these references be a scholarly journal article (peer-reviewed).
The topic of this paper is Drug use trends and it’s affect on society today.

1. Your understanding of the Sociological Theory
2. How Social Institutions affect individuals and their Behaviours
3. Relate your research paper to one of the Sociological Perspectives in detail

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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The Effects of Cocaine Use on Memory Case Study

The Effects of Cocaine Use on Memory Case Study Research Methods


Research Methods

Letís analyze the following studies. This assignment is worth 100 points. Each question is worth 20 points.

The Effects of Cocaine Use on Memory Case Study
The Effects of Cocaine Use on Memory Case Study

1) Professor Plat wants to study the effects of cocaine use on memory. He contacts the local rehab clinic and recruits 10 cocaine users in to the study. He presents them with two memory tests he has designed, one where participants copy a complex figure and then later recall it, and a second test of word list recall. From his results he concludes that cocaine users do poorly on tests of memory.

  1. a) What is the dependent variable (DV)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. b) What is the independent variable (IV)?


  1. c) Who are the participants (i.e., number, gender, characteristics)?


  1. d) What type of study is it (e.g., interview, experiment, observation)?


  1. e) Can you see anything wrong with this study?




2) Dr. Rivera wondered whether lack of sleep was related to academic performance. He asked the high school students in his class to keep a diary for a month and record in it the number of hours they slept each night and the grades they received for exams they did that month. At the end of the month Dr. Rivera collected the diaries and linked the number of hours slept before the night of an exam with the grades received. He discovered that students who had the most sleep received the highest grades, and those who slept the least received the lowest grades. Dr. Rivera concluded that poor sleep habits reduce teensí ability to learn.

  1. a) What is the dependent variable (DV)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. b) What is the independent variable (IV)?


  1. c) Who are the participants (i.e., number, gender, characteristics)?



  1. d) What type of study is it (e.g., interview, experiment, observation)?


  1. e) Can you see anything wrong with this study?




3) Professor Okamoto is interested in the effects of prosocial TV on sharing behavior among preschool children (prosocial actions are meant to benefit others not oneself). She assembles a sample of 100 children, then assigns each child at random to either the prosocial TV or the neutral TV group. The first group then views 30 minutes of TV with a prosocial theme, and the second group views 30 mins of TV with a neutral theme. After the children finish their TV session Professor Okamoto assigns them to play groups of 5 children from the same TV group. She observes the small groups on play and rates each child on the tendency to share toys with other children.

  1. a) What is the dependent variable (DV)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. b) What is the independent variable (IV)?


  1. c) Who are the participants (i.e., number, gender, characteristics)?


  1. d) What type of study is it (e.g., interview, experiment, observation)?


  1. e) Can you see anything wrong with this study?




4) Drs. Aronson and Osherow (1980) studied blue and brown eyes of students and determined to see if eye color had any effect on intelligence. Pupils were told by their teacher that those with brown eyes were more intelligent and ìbetterî people. The teacher then gave the brown-eyed children special privileges such as sitting at the front of the class. Behavior in both groups changed: the blue-eyed children showed signs of lowered self-esteem and depressed mood, and did less well in their work, while the brown-eyed children became critical and oppressive towards their ìinferiors.î

  1. a) What is the dependent variable (DV)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. b) What is the independent variable (IV)?


  1. c) Who are the participants (i.e., number, gender, characteristics)?


  1. d) What type of study is it (e.g., interview, experiment, observation)?


  1. e) Can you see anything wrong with this study?




5.) ) Roger Hock suggests a simple classical conditioning experiment that students can perform on themselves at home. Students will need a bell, a hand-held mirror, and a room that becomes completely dark when the light is turned off. Instruct students to hold the bell while standing in the room near the light switch. Once in position, they should ring the bell and then immediately turn off the light. After waiting in total darkness for about 15 seconds, they should turn the light back on. They should wait another 15 seconds with the light on, and then ring the bell and immediately turn the light back off (again waiting 15 seconds in the dark). Students should repeat this procedure 20 to 30 times, making sure that in each case the bell is rung immediately before the light is turned off. After numerous pairings, students are ready to see the results. With the light on, they should watch their eyes closely in the mirror and then ring the bell. Studentsí pupils should dilate slightly without a change in light!

  1. a) What is the dependent variable (DV)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. b) What is the independent variable (IV)?


  1. c) Who are the participants (i.e., number, gender, characteristics)?


  1. d) What type of study is it (e.g., interview, experiment, observation)?


  1. e) Can you see anything wrong with this study?





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Negative effects of Drug abuse Essay

Negative effects of Drug abuse
Negative effects of Drug abuse

Negative effects of Drug abuse

Current social problem with two negative effects- Drug abuse( specifically family relations and heroin death) essay must have 2 supporting paragraphs. The professor wants absolutely no research. Must be politically correct, and use no first person references.

This is a thesis driven essay.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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