The Most Convincing Argument on Does God Exist Does God Exist? Which argument on the existence/none existence of God you think is the most convincing in chapter 6? Pick one movie to discuss this argument. Analyze one specific scene in the movie where spectators can clearly see this argument on the existence/none existence of God. The essay must be done in MLA format with a minimum of 500 words (quotes are not included in these words).
The Most Convincing Argument on Does God Exist
Since I initially wrote this article, I have created a truncated version on Quora which you may find a bit easier to follow. That can be found here.
So, I have talked a lot on the importance on knowing what would convince you that you are wrong. In light of that, I decided
Seems about right that its probably a good idea for me to lay out here what I have done in the past — what would convince me that a “God” — meaning any sort of definition that involves some entity with the aspects of a “deity” — exists. So here it is, these are the pillars my bias rests on.
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Major Theologians or Theologian Positions Comparison
The paper will be 400-600 words in which the students must identify the major points and compare them. Identify the key issues, state the main idea of each of the writings (author’s purpose/main point), evaluate each theologian’s position, and offer your own conclusion and assessment of the debate.
Historically, the term comparative theology has been used in a variety of ways. First, it sometimes refers to a subsection of the discipline called “comparative religion” wherein the historian of religions analyzes the “theologies” of different religions.
Second, within the discipline variously named “the science of religion,” Religionswissenschaft, or “history of religions,” some scholars have used the term comparative theology to indicate one aspect of the discipline.
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Biblical Scholars and Old Testament Theology 1. Why do many biblical scholars argue that the Exodus from Egypt and the Conquest of the Land of Canaan most likely did not happen as described in the books of Exodus, Joshua, and Judges?
Biblical Scholars and Old Testament Theology
On this view, how do we explain these stories? Why do they tell the story of Israel’s past in this way? How did these stories develop?
How does the Deuteronomist History depict kingship? In what ways is it seen as a bad thing? In what ways is it seen as a good thing?
Biblical Scholars and Old Testament Theology
In your answer, you must discuss the establishment of the monarchy as well as the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon. Please make sure to cite specific texts in explaining your answer.
It is common to see the account of the life of David as an example of the apologetic genre. One of the features of the story of David’s life in 1-2 Samuel is his lack of involvement in the deaths of his opponents. Who are David’s opponents and those who stand in the way of his claiming the throne over all Israel? How do they die?
Biblical Scholars and Old Testament Theology
If we read the story of David as an apology, how would we interpret these stories? What do they tell us about what happened, or might have happened, during the reign of David?
Do you find this way of reading the story of David to be convincing?
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End of Life Decisions and the Christian Worldview The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths.
This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.
End of Life Decisions and the Christian Worldview
Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic study materials you will complete an ethical analysis of George’s situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview.
End of Life Decisions and the Christian Worldview
Provide 1250-1500 word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:
How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?
How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?
As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?
What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?
Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?
Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George’s situation?
Remember to support your responses with the topic of study materials.
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The Motivational Theory behind My Behavior My behavior is “Worrying” – The articles or the literature review conducted needs to be from experimental research papers – My behavior is more in context of Extrinsic Motivation so how “Internalization” theory plays an important role -Research papers could be chosen from the ones that are used in the chapter.
The Motivational Theory behind My Behavior
(Images will be provided for everything)
-Page 118- Why behavior is caused?
– There is an already written proposal; the term paper needs to be based upon that topic but the above instructions are the Instructor’s recommendations for the paper after the proposal.
– All the images are provided with marked information on it for a research paper.
– We can use and should use articles from the textbook and in between the chapter topics.
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Is Life Absurd without God and Is Death Bad If you choose this question then you will have to engage with the lectures where we have discussed death and authors such as Epicurus, Luper-Foy, Rosenbaum?
Is Life Absurd without God and Is Death Bad
The optional readings by Pitcher, Nagel, Scheffler are also relevant. You may safely ignore the lectures on immortality, though if you want to address some ideas from there you can. It is recommended that your essay includes the following structure:
Is Life Absurd without God and Is Death Bad
1) In the first section (titled Introduction) you set up the problem. Explain briefly why one may think that death is bad for you. State your own answer to the question (your thesis statement).
2) In the second section (titled Arguments for an Affirmative Answer or Arguments for a Negative Answer, depending on your standpoint) present what you take to be the best existing argument(s) in favor of your position, put forward by one of the authors whose readings are listed on Moodle. Also here you give a full formulation of your own answer to the question and present your own arguments.
Is Life Absurd without God and Is Death Bad
3) In the third section (titled Evaluation of the Arguments) you assess the strengths and the weaknesses of the arguments presented in the previous section. You must consider at least one objection to the view that you are defending and answer it.
4) The last section is the Conclusion. Here you summarize the main points made in your essay and briefly restate your own answer and why you think it is true.
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Mini Ethnography and Theoretical Framework Introduction In the AP Calculus class, that is predominately Chinese, the professor divides groups to discuss the math questions, I noticed that Chinese students solve the questions in Chinese with each other and they ignore communicating with other students of color in the same group.
Mini Ethnography and Theoretical Framework
When the professor asks the students to respond, Chinese students always provide the right answers. It was noticeable that after the Chinese students solve the questions, they give answers to the classmates of color, and they do not mind that the students of color do not put effort into solving the questions. From this observation, it is evident that in a multicultural class setting the dominant culture often assumes control of the sessions and they ignore the minority which makes it difficult for all the students to engage in the learning process.
The significance of the study
The study will provide an understanding of the activities that define learning process in a multicultural setting and the measures that can be instituted to ensure that all the students participate and they provided with equal opportunities for learning.
Mini Ethnography and Theoretical Framework Research question
In the classroom, why is it that students of color do not always answer the professorís question? Why do students of color prefer to be silent when they have questions about learning content even when they choose to ask their classmates after class? Do the students of color love to learn knowledge in the school or be indecisive about going to school with fear of different treatment from other students or teachers?
Students of color who emanate from a racial society are often unconfident to engage in public speaking for the fear that their behaviors and minds could be subjected to judgment and unequal treatment.
Theoretical framework
According to researchers in multicultural education, the multicultural approach to understanding the role of education arises from the assertion that it is important to restructure learning institutions in a way that all students are positioned to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are critical in facilitating effective functioning in an ethnically and culturally diverse setting. Through this approach, it will be possible to limit the negative effects of a racial construct that increases the possibility that students will prefer associating with ìtheir kindî even in situations where the learning process, such a group work, requires the integration of all the students to work towards the realization of a common objective. This situation, when perceived in terms of the multicultural identity theory, communicates the idea that it is important to create a platform that advocates for reflective action among students. Through this approach, it will be possible for the students, in a class setting to view their actions through approaches that are focused on improving society through the education process (Banks, 1993). Students will learn the essence of associating knowledge, values, empowerment, and actions to facilitate growth and development.
The need for a multicultural approach to the education process can also be understood through the lens of racial identity development theory. According to Tatum (1992), racial identity development theory communicates the sense of collective or group identity that is founded on an individualís perception that he or she shares a common racial herniate with a particular group in the society. They asserts that in a society where there is an emphasis on racial-group identity, every individual will develop some form of racial identity. The danger of this approach to understanding the prevailing situation in a classroom setting can be based on the failure by the teacher to create an environment in which students feel comfortable to participate in different sessions without he needs to associate with individuals with a common racial identity.
An understanding of the element of race and its contributions to the prevailing situation in learning institutions involves examining the roles of social and cultural processes as critical mediators of human thoughts and human actions. Through this approach provides a unit of analyzing and understanding the complex interweaving of an individual and the cultural development. The theory recognizes that culture unfolds on multiple levels of development which implies that in the process of improving the learning environment it becomes relatively easier to ensure that different cultural practices are integrated into ways that enhance the possibility of cooperating towards a common idea (Nasir & Hand, 2006).
The process of addressing the issue of racial identity in the education sector requires the development of a structure aimed at improving the possibility that students will improve their ability to cooperate towards developing a common agenda when improving the learning platform. This implies that it is important to integrate them into a transformative structure that will improve their ability and capacity to engage in different activities through group work. Through such a transformation, it would be relatively easier to minimize the possibility of advancing racial prejudices by undermining the oppressing factors.
Mini Ethnography and Theoretical Framework Methods
The study used observation and note-taking of the relationship between students and professors at Bishop Alemany High School located in Mission Hills. The observations were conducted in AP calculous AB class and AP government classes. In the AP calculous AB class, I observed that the number of Chinese students was relatively high compared to the number of students of other racial groups. The implication was that even when the class was divided into groups, the population of Chinese students was high and they felt comfortable communicating with each other while ignoring other students in the process. The Chinese students felt comfortable to associate with other Chinese because of their shared racial identity. In situations where the professor did not divide the class into groups, students chose to sit according to their racial identities. The daily life of students in the school was also a subject of observation at Bishop Alemany High School. I observed that in the dining area multiple communities separated themselves according to their racial identity. Most students of color (blacks) tended to have snacks away from students of racial identity. In addition, whites and Asians students also associated among themselves in ways that communicated the idea that students feel comfortable to communicate with individuals with whom they share a common identity…
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You are at home one day when you receive an email from an old friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a few months. In it, he tells you that last month his girlfriend was out on a jog when she was hit by a drunk driver. He tells you that she spent several days in and out of painful consciousness at the hospital before finally passing away due to complications from her injuries. He explains that his girlfriend was an amazingly caring person who spent the majority of her free time volunteering at various philanthropic organizations. He can’t understand why God would let something like this happen to someone like that. Anthony finally concludes the email by telling you and that he wants nothing to do with a God that would stand by and do nothing while his girlfriend suffered the way she did just because some idiot chose to drive drunk.
Your task is twofold:
The Response:
Provide a 300-word response to Anthony’s email offering comfort to him in his suffering. In it, you will need to address his concerns from a theological perspective. It is not necessary, however, for you to provide an answer to his concerns in a traditional sense, you may simply address them as you see fit in the context of a comforting letter.
Your response should be written in plain English as any letter would be written.
In it, you should adopt the persona of a friend attempting to comfort Anthony in this time of suffering
You will also need to provide a response to Anthony’s concerns in plain English. Do not try and provide complex or weighty answers and stick only to what can be appropriately referenced in conversational English. But you MUST be mindful of what you say so as not to initiate or encourage a train of thought that might lead to a dangerous theodicy.
Your Response should be at least 300 words, 12 pt. Font, Times New Roman, it should NOT be double space because you would not double space a letter.
Explanatory Footnotes:
In writing your response to Anthony you should have drawn on several deeper and more complex theological concepts that we have discussed in this course. However, because your response to Anthony was written in plain English you should not have spent time downplaying his pain by offering a series of nuanced theological concepts. You will, therefore, need to demonstrate your understanding of the nuanced theological concepts through the use of explanatory footnotes.
These footnotes should not be written as if Anthony would be reading them. They exist solely to defend the more complex theological underpinnings behind the plain English claims you made in the response itself.
You must have at least 6of these explanatory footnotes
These footnotes should:
Correspond directly to a claim mentioned in your response to Anthony. Do not merely recount theological ideas that are not related to the conversation.
Demonstrate your understanding of the theodicy and god and evil.
You will likely need to draw on material from the wider course, not simply from this unit.
Explain your theological reasoning behind the comments you just made to Anthony in your response.
Footnotes can include scripture passages where appropriate.
Your footnotes should be at least 300 words, Chicago Style Format, single-spaced, 10 pt. Font, Times New Roman
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History of Culture and Theology Final Paper Submit a final paper, to include the following:
History of Culture and Theology Final Paper
Revisions as indicated by the professor. Introduction with a thesis statement. See the APU Writing Center resources Thesis Statements and Introductions and Conclusions for help.
Body paragraphs that address all four assignment questions:
How does the topic (Mary, costly discipleship, the death of Jesus, the kingdom of
God, or the Gentiles) connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible?
What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this person or concept?
What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person/people within Luke/Acts?
What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today?
? Body paragraphs embed research and analysis from scholarly sources and contain intext citations.
? References page, formatted in APA style, minimally includes:
o The Drama of Scripture;
o The accompanying topic article found in the course;
o NOTE: In APA style, classical works – including the Bible – are not listed in the
References page. Embed biblical citations within the text as follows: “Then Jesus called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal”
(Luke 9:1-2, NRSV). Only indicate the Bible version in the first citation; it is not necessary to identify each citation as NRSV