Local Public Health Events/Trends

Local Public Health Events/Trends
Local Public Health Events/Trends

Local Public Health Events/Trends

Order Instructions:

Local Public Health Events/Trends

Early identification of disease is a vital part of preventing and detecting public health problems. Identification at the onset of an outbreak or trend may allow public health officials to slow the spread of infection. Although pinpointing the start of a disease is challenging, monitoring events/trends at local levels provides public health officials with data on potential outbreaks and trends.

To prepare for this Discussion, Search local news sources or other online resources for a local public health event/trend of interest to you. Consider the surveillance methods used to monitor the event/trend you selected. Analyze the method of monitoring and formulate suggestions for its improvement.

post a brief explanation of the use of informatics, the applications, and the methodologies used to monitor the event/trend you selected. Explain your position on whether the methods used to monitor the event/trend (i.e., systems, procedures) were and are adequate and effective. Provide recommendations to improve the use of informatics to monitor this event/trend



Ebola is the current epidemic that is affecting the world and has killed so many people. By November, the virus was said to have killed more than 5,000 persons. Different measures have been used to monitor the epidemic in the world. The most used interventions are the contact tracing and community sensitization (Farrar & Piot, 2014).

Surveillance methods for monitoring

Contact tracing and community sensitization are integral in the overall strategy of controlling the outbreak of the Ebola virus. Contact tracing is the identification and follow up on people who are or may have been infected. Community sensitization is informing of communities on the Ebola virus to help them observe measures to keep off from Ebola. The first step of monitoring the Epidemic is telling people about the virus and how they can avoid it by keeping clean and staying away from infected persons. The second step is teaching them how to identify people with Ebola and how to respond by contacting the public health authorities (Farrar & Piot, 2014).

The main way of stopping the virus is interrupting transmission of the virus in the community. Once it has been established that people have the virus or have come in contact with the virus, the health care officials should quickly trace the people and isolate them from the rest. They will be put under observation for 21 days to determine if they have been infected of not. Depending on the outcome, the people will be taken care of accordingly. These two processes of surveillance of the epidemic have been the best ways of ensuring that the virus is contained, and the members of the public are well informed of the progress (Farrar & Piot, 2014).


The above methods so far have yielded results but, they are not as effective as they should be. However, there is no definite plan for ensuring that people are doing what they are told. There are no measures put to ensure that instructions are being followed or that the two active surveillance methods are efficient. It is commendable that people are being sensitized about the pandemic, but there should be a way to monitor that the recommendations are being followed


Farrar, J. J., & Piot, P. (2014). The Ebola emergency—immediate action, ongoing strategyNew England Journal of Medicine371(16), 1545-1546.

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Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health

Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health Order Instructions: Creating new policies is one of the most effective means by which public health can accomplish its goal of promoting and protecting the health of communities.

Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health
Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health

Consider the lives that have been saved and the human suffering and resources that have been spared, through policies such as mandatory seat belt

use or restrictions on the advertisement and sale of tobacco.

When pursuing any public health aim, however, public health professionals need to be aware of the scope of their legal powers and duties. These legal powers depend on the kind of organization at which they work.

In this Application Assignment, you are required to write a 3- to 5-page paper in which you propose three new policies for preventing or mitigating a significant public health problem, such as injuries, obesity, or bioterrorism. For this assignment, assume you work for your state health department, and make sure the policies you propose are in line with public health powers and duties.

Begin by selecting a significant public health problem and reading at least three research articles on your selected health problem. Then, create three new policies that could be effective in preventing and/or mitigating the identified problem. You may propose policies that are similar to existing ones, but your policies should demonstrate original thinking around, and new solutions to, the public health problems.

In a 3- to 5-page paper:

•Begin by summarizing the legal and ethical basis for public health and health services. In other words, what grounds would you have in proposing any new policies? What would be the limits of your powers to do so?
•Identify a significant public health issue and propose three new policies to address this issue. Explain how each policy would lead to positive change.
In addition, address the following questions in your paper:

•What is an ethical policy? Explain whether the policies you have created are ethical.
•What are the legal and ethical concerns that need to be addressed when implementing the policies?
Your paper must provide APA-formatted references for all resources you used and adhere to APA style and format.

Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health References

Gostin, L.O. (2008). Public health law: Power, duty, restraint. (2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health Sample Answer

Public Health Policies

The United States as a nation is faced with new health challenges each and every day (White, Stallones & Last, 2013). These challenges cannot be counteracted without going past the preoccupation that has currently been the order of the day when it comes to personal health care financing and biomedical research all of which have given rise to a system of public health and medical care that is designed for a different era. Some of the challenges have taken a global dimension, for example, the spread of such infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, and also the bioterrorism threat (White, Stallones & Last, 2013). Other challenges are domestic and entail mental illness, violence, the ever-increasing cases of chronic diseases and disability, and substance abuse. The field of research has brought forth more information on an individual’s health behavior, work environment, socioeconomic factors, provision or omission of community support, and environmental toxins than was there before (White, Stallones & Last, 2013). Solving such problems will require that those actions are taken on those issues that have been least thought of as relating to health, which include housing, agriculture, education, and transport.

There is no any other country that spends as much as the US on healthcare. The results of this huge spending are however apparent neither on the satisfaction of Americans’ with the health care system in their country nor within their health. The results have been less satisfactory when it comes to such matters like infant survival, healthcare access and most specifically by the poor population, and the length and value of life. The United States has only managed to meet 15% of all the objectives as set by the Healthy People 2000 (White, Stallones & Last, 2013). Even if there have been significant advances towards achieving these objectives by 44%, Americans’ health has for sure worsened for about 20% of these objectives which include obesity, cigarette use by young adults and physical activity (White, Stallones & Last, 2013).

Personal healthcare is basically not the main impact on health and this has been the main reason why the nation has not been able to produce better health even with huge spending. Almost half of the premature mortality cases are related in one way or the other to the risky behaviors like alcohol abuse, poor diet, cigarette smoking, substance abuse and lack of constructive exercise. All of these are closely correlated to such factors like socioeconomic status, availability of communal support and education (Novick, Cynthia & Glen, 2008). It is for these reasons that such policies like no public smoking, every vehicle must be fitted with a fan for the solder fumes from the exhaust or use unleaded fuel and proper waste treatment before disposal policy.

Smokers should be smoking in designated places so that they do not affect the non-smokers (Novick, Cynthia & Glen, 2008). It has been established that the passive smokers suffer even more than the active smokers because the effects of tobacco on a passive smoker are more dangerous and numerous compared to those on the real smoker. This would help reduce the number of tobacco-related deaths per year since only those who actively smoke the cigarettes will be affected.

Leaded fuels, when burnt with auto engines, produces hazardous fumes which are very harmful to the health of human beings when inhaled (Wilson & Keelan, 2009). Overexposure to such fumes could end up causing serious, and most likely, long-lasting medical problems.  Increased frequencies of these fumes in the man’s immediate environment result into such difficulties like eye irritation, sore throat, occupational asthma, nosebleed, dermatitis and even permanent damage to the lungs. The unleaded fuel or the solder fan fitted vehicles policy will help reduce such fumes in the environment and thus an improvement in the health system and hence improved health to individuals.

Most factories have been known to dispose of their wastes without considering the effects that such wastes will cause to the environment (Wilson & Keelan, 2009). The main sites for the disposition of waste materials are the water bodies including rivers and lakes. When the wastes are not properly treated before disposing of them, they will most likely affect water users downstream and this will put their health at risk. Because it would be unethical to refrain them from disposing of their wastes in such places, strict laws should be enacted to ensure that any factory should only deposit into any water body that which does not put human health at risk.

Ethical policy, a document that basically outlines the mode of interaction between members of an organization and how such members should interact with the customers they serve, is very important in any particular workplace (Wilson & Keelan, 2009). The policies above described are for sure ethical. Nonsmokers for instance often do not like the odor from the cigarette smoke. It would be ethical to keep them safe from such odors and their effects thereafter. Protecting people from the effect of the exhaust fumes is also humane and thus ethical. Ethics also demand that human health is given the first priority and protecting him from the adverse effects of the wastes from the factories would be of great ethics.

There are however some legal and ethical concerns that have to be addressed when implementing the above-stated policies. The legal concerns the rights and freedoms of the concerned parties as outlined in the constitution must be observed to the latter. Any violation of any of their rights will not be tolerated in any way and could even end up in a lawsuit. Ethics also demand that every individual in any particular society should be treated in the same manner and thus the smokers, the vehicle companies and the factory owners should not be discriminated against, but should instead be drawn into the fight towards achieving a healthy environment that will increase the life expectancy of the whole population.

Public Health Policies of Promoting Community Health References

Novick, L.F, Cynthia, B.M. & Glen, P.M. (2008). Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Pub.

White, F., Stallones, L. & Last, J.M. (2013). Global Public Health: Ecological Foundations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wilson, K. & Keelan, J. (2009). Coping with public health 2.0. Canadian Medical Association Journal 180(10), 1080.

Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health

Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health
Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health

Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health

Order Instructions:

The topic for this essay is to write about “What do you understand about Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health”
It should be written in two full pages and proper grammar must be employ for this paper and its due tomorrow Saturday . The writer must use proper grammar as this is a very important paper that will be use for competition to see the best writer.


Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health

In the sector of public health, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) aims at knowing if the anticipated results will be achieved as designed in the health action plan. Moreover, M&E helps to determine if the public health strategies are bringing about positive contributions for health in the community.

After evaluation, program managers are able to decide what services need to be improved as well as disseminate to stakeholders regarding the success of the program (Sturmberg & Martin, 2013). During the evaluation, information is gathered systematically and this helps the stakeholders in understanding the program, making decisions on future program planning, and improving its effectiveness. Some of the questions that are relevant during evaluation include; if the program is meeting the anticipated needs, the people being served by the program, the program’s cost-effectiveness, if the expected outcomes have been achieved, the actions being done differently by the community after the public health program implementation, the weaknesses and strengths of the program, if there were unintended program impacts, and the activities that contribute most.

Evaluation can be done at various points of a program life. A needs assessment is done before the program commences. It aims at determining the program’s needs and how they can be addressed. Process evaluation is done during the beginning stages of the implementation. It purposes at seeing if the program is progressing as planned. Outcome evaluation takes place during program maturity to assess if the objectives are being fulfilled. Impact evaluation is done during the program’s full maturity to determine the unforeseen or expected impacts brought about by the program (Sturmberg & Martin, 2013).

On the other hand, monitoring involves observing and recording a program or project’s activities regularly and as they are taking place. Information on all the project’s aspects is gathered routinely. After assessing how the activities are progressing, feedback is given on the progress, and decisions made for improving the performance. Basically, monitoring public health programs aims at achieving different intention (Sturmberg & Martin, 2013). First, it promotes accountability. Second, it verifies if funds are being used for the intended purposes. Monitoring can also guarantee continued funding.

Similar to evaluation, monitoring should be conducted before the public health project or program begins. This aims at assessing risks and a sit visit. There should also be monitoring after the program has taken off and before it is completed. This should be based on compliance supplements, funding source requirements, and risk.

Monitoring and evaluating programs are based on the fact that resources, environments, and needs change. Hence, being always ready to meet the change challenge via continuing feedback is a chance that evaluation offers. Both processes are for the best interests of all who are part of the program (Publishing, 2013). They support program sustainability, which ensures long-term resource planning. Both processes are systematic and tailored to programs or projects’ unique elements. Data is collected and conclusions drawn based on program practicality, relevance, and utility.

For all public health professionals, evaluation and monitoring skills are cardinal to the effective design as well as implementation of programs (Publishing, 2013). They are also necessary for using and analyzing data for advocacy of public health programs and projects. They are extremely useful and valuable tools for people aiming at strengthening the existing programs’ quality. The population being served also benefit in that improved outcomes are promoted.


Publishing, O. E. C. D. (2013). OECD Health Policy Studies: Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-term Care. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Sturmberg, J. P., & Martin, C. M. (2013). Handbook of systems and complexity in health. New York: Springer.

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Evaluation in Public Health Research

Evaluation in Public Health Research
Evaluation in Public Health Research

Evaluation in Public Health Research

Order Instructions:

The Evaluation Process

The CDC notes how program evaluation can be used to plan effective health interventions, improve existing programs, and demonstrate “the results of resource investments,” (CDC, 2001). In order to know what is working, it is essential to conduct an evaluation of a program, recognizing that different forms of evaluation provide different information. The readings this week discuss formative, process, and outcome evaluation and what each of these addresses. Each form of evaluation provides stakeholders and researchers with different information and are conducted at varying times throughout a program’s planning and implementation.

Post by Day 4 your response to the following:

Compare and contrast formative evaluation, process evaluation, and outcome evaluation in public health research and when each type of evaluation is most appropriate.

Describe how the results of an evaluation influence decision making in public health.


Evaluation in Public Health Research

Three types of evaluations can be used in public health research. Developmental or formative evaluation aims at ensuring that a program’s implementation is optimized to achieve success  (Valente, 2002). Process evaluation is essential when assessing the context and course of a program. Finally, the impact or outcome evaluation is used when making attempts to attribute transformations in high-level outcomes (negative and positive, unintended and intended) to a certain intervention or program.

Formative evaluation aims at ensuring that a program is well-developed and well-formed. This is achieved through the use of information gathering methods and organizational development methods. The evaluation assessed the progress of program implementation and planning and if there are any challenges (Valente, 2002). Areas that are assessed include needs assessment, stakeholder consultation, collaborative group processes, and reviewing past experience and research literature. Unlike outcome evaluation, process evaluation focus on the achievement of high-level outcomes. Rather, it focuses on the happenings of the program’s details. Finally, outcome evaluation is very useful since it helps in determining if a program has made the intended difference.

Public health professionals are very keen on improving health. For them to attain this goal, they have to dedicate their will and skills to evaluating public health actions’ effects. The results obtained after an evaluation are very key in guiding the public health decision making process (McDavid et al., 2013). The evaluation gives an insight regarding if the project is progressing as planned. If not, decisions are made on resource redistribution, extending the period of the project, the changes that can be made so as to achieve the projected outcomes, and if more resources should be dedicated towards the course.


McDavid, J. C., Huse, I., Hawthorn, L. R. L., & McDavid, J. C. (2013). Program evaluation and performance measurement: An introduction to practice. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Valente, T. W. (2002). Evaluating Health Promotion Programs. Oxford University Press, USA.

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Using probability in public health practice

Using probability in public health practice
Using probability in public health practice

Using probability in public health practice

Order Instructions:

Description and original example of how probability is used in public health practice. Then, explain why using statistics and probabilities derived from a population (as is the practice in public health) could cause problems when applied to individuals in a clinical setting. Finally, differentiate between the focus of clinical practices, such as those of a therapist, pharmacist, RN, or MD, and the focus of public health practitioners. How can probability be applied in public health?


Using probability in public health practice

Probabilities are basically understood as the numbers which reflect the chance that a certain event will take place. Probability is used in public health practice by making inferences or generalizations regarding unknown population parameters (Nikulin, Commenges & Huber, 2009). When a sample from the population of interest has been selected, the characteristic being studied is measured. This characteristic in the sample is then summarized and then inferences would be made about the population basing upon what was observed in the sample. For example, researchers can conduct a study to explore the prevalence of trichomoniasis, also known as T. vaginalis infection which a widespread and curable sexually transmitted disease (STD). The study can be done for a period of 3 years amongst a probability sample of young adults, N= 3,000 in Madison, Wisconsin. From the results obtained from the sample, inferences would be made about the prevalence of trichomoniasis in the general population in the state of Wisconsin and/or the entire United States.

Using statistics and probabilities obtained from a population can cause problems whenever applied to patients in a hospital setting primarily because the public health professionals obtain their results by studying large numbers of patients and their results cannot be used in the clinical setting for a specific individual patient. For instance, public health practitioners make a number of declarations such as: the 6-year survival rate for stage one cervical cancer is 87% in the United States. Public health professionals calculated this figure by observing large numbers of women who were diagnosed with stage one cervical cancer. They then divided the number of survivors at 6 years by the number of those diagnosed. This will allow public health practitioners to compare to survival rates of the other sorts of cancers. Nonetheless, it is not useful in predicting a particular patient’s likelihood of survival for 6 years (Nikulin, Commenges & Huber, 2009).

The focus of public health practitioners is to protect the health of everyone in the community or entire populations; a community could be a town, a state, a neighborhood or even the whole country. Public health practitioners improve and protect the health of communities by means of education, research for injury and disease prevention and promoting healthy lifestyles. Conversely, clinical professionals focus chiefly on treating individuals when they have become injured or ill (Nikulin, Commenges & Huber, 2009).


Nikulin, M. S., Commenges, D., & Huber, C. (2009). Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health. Cleveland, OH: Springer Publishers.

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Graphical Descriptive Statistics Research Paper

Graphical Descriptive Statistics
Graphical Descriptive Statistics

Graphical Descriptive Statistics

Order Instructions:

Analyze the use and graphical representation of statistics reported in a published study on a public health topic

Produce appropriate numerical and graphical descriptive statistics for both categorical and continuous variables using SPSS

Interpret different descriptive statistics outputs, including what distribution they may reflect.

For this week’s Discussion, select two journal articles and analyze how the researchers used graphical descriptive statistics to communicate their findings. Also, look closely at the relationship between levels of measurement and types of graphical descriptions presented.

Brief summary of the two articles you selected. Then, describe the types of graphical descriptive statistics used in these articles. Finally, analyze how the level of measurement and the distribution of the data influenced the type of graphical descriptions presented. Be sure to use APA style when referencing your articles in your posting.

Article “A” Engebretsen, I., Tylleskär, T., Wamani, H., Karamagi, C., & Tumwine, J. (2008). Determinants of infant growth in Eastern Uganda: a community-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 8, 418–429.

Article “B” Riccardo, F., Khader, A., & Sabatinelli, G. (2011). Low infant mortality among Palestine refugees despite the odds. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 89(4), 304–311.


Graphical Descriptive Statistics

Some of the two articles that have used descriptive statistics in reaching a conclusion are from Riccardo et al., (2011) and Engebretsen et al., (2008). The publication by Riccardo et al., (2011) was an infant mortality survey, which revealed that high quality perinatal and maternal services should be improved in Palestine. Similarly Engebretsen et al., (2008) examined child morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, which revealed that poor household wealth, gender, family size, and age were associated with growth among Ugandan infants. This paper analyzes how the aforementioned publication used descriptive statistics to communicate their ideas.

To begin with, Riccardo et al., (2011) used bar charts, a pie chart, and line graphs to communicate his ideas. For the pie chart, the independent variable was the causes of infant deaths among Palestine refugees (ordinal type of measurement) while the independent variable was the frequency of occurrence (scale type of measurement). For the line graph, the independent variable was years (nominal type of measurement) while the dependent variable was the infant mortality rate (scale type of measurement). For the bar graphs, scale types of measurement acted as the dependent variables while nominal type of measurement acted as the independent variables.

The main graph used by Engebretsen et al., (2008) was a box plot. This owes to the reality that the box plot was meant to identify any outliers of the data used. Descriptive statistics such as the mean and variance were also used in analyzing the data. For instance, the variance was used to check the deviation of the observed variables from the mean. Ultimately, the mean was also used to compare the anthropometric indices according to sex.


Engebresten, S, M, I., Tylleskar, T., Wamani, H., Karamagi, C., Tumwine, K. J. (2008).

Determinants of Infant Growth in Eastern Uganda: A community Based Cross-Sectional

Study. BMC Public Health. 8: 418

Riccardo, F., Khader, A., Sabatinelli, G. (2011). Low infant Mortality among Palestine refugees

Despite the Odds.  Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011; 89: 304-311

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Public Health Informatics Training Paper

Public Health Informatics Training
Public Health Informatics Training

Public Health Informatics Training

Order Instructions:

Public Health Informatics Training

analysis of the training requirements of disease surveillance professionals. Summarize your findings and complete the “Self-Assessment Grid”; make sure to attach the grid to your Discussion posting. Describe the training you would need, list the resources that are available to enhance your competence in this area, and explain how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the training you complete.


Summary of Findings

The UN is dedicated to the reduction of economic, health and social problems caused by communicable diseases (Lombardo & Buckeridge, 2007). To achieve this end, it has committed lots of effort to supporting Ministries of Public Health in different countries. The aim of this support is to improve their capacity to survey and monitor every communicable disease as required by the regulations of international health policies. According to them, this will strengthen alert and systems of response in case of emergencies and epidemics (Lombardo & Buckeridge, 2007).

The training

The training I need is how to facilitate proper surveillance of communicable diseases, managing information, analyzing collecting information about the diseases and writing reports and financial cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health (M’ikanatha, 2013).

Resources for Enhancing Competence in this Area

·         Good communication skills-a good mastery of language

·         Computers connected to information databases

·         Trainers from the United Nations

·         Reading materials-books and handouts

·         Sponsorship by the United Nations to go to countries affected by many communicable diseases for the purpose of practically dealing with them

Evaluating the effectiveness of the training

I would evaluate the effectiveness of the training basing on my ability to collect and analyze information about communicable diseases, make follow-ups to the information: attend to the victims of the diseases. My ability to write reports about the diseases will also help determine the extent of the training’s success. In other words, if I will be able to get the information from my sources and act on them for the benefit of the victims, I will consider the training effective. On the other hand, if I cannot do that by the end of the training, then the training failed.


Lombardo, J., & Buckeridge, D. (2007). Disease surveillance. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley- Interscience.

M’ikanatha, N. (2013). Infectious disease surveillance. Chicester: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Written critical appraisal of a public health Journal article

Written critical appraisal of a public health Journal article
Written critical appraisal of a public health                                        Journal article

Written critical appraisal of a public health Journal article

Please I want the writer to follow this guide lines
A critical review of a journal article is an evaluation of an article’s strengths, weaknesses and validity. It is used to inform readers of an article’s value through
explanation, interpretation and analysis. The reviewer must present information that will allow the reader to make a value judgment about the article.

Good reviews convey the content of the article, the author’s approach to the subject, and the author’s conclusions; the best reviews avoid a point-by-point listing of themes in favor of a more integrated approach.

Good reviews place the work in the context of its field and give a sense of the work’s significance.

Good reviews present a balanced analysis of the article’s strengths and weaknesses and illustrate those points with examples.
Good reviews are written in a clear and lively style. Style is not easy to define, but the best reviews illustrate that elusive quality which makes their piece both interesting and engaging.

What I want to write about is Barriers and enablers to managing obesity in general practice: a practical approach for use in implementation activities. By Stephen Gunther and others. And I want a qualitative methods.
And this the journal I want EBSCOHost Web
And I want a copy of the critical appraisal tool with answer from the useful information below

Useful resources

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Implementation of a public health programme

Implementation of a public health programme
Implementation of a public health programme

Critically discuss the process of planning the implementation of a public health programme or intervention .apply to an identified public health problem or risk factor.

Use at least three (3) quality references Note: Wikipedia and other related websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Public Health and Public Health Practices/Investigation

Public Health and Public Health Practices/Investigation
Public Health and Public Health                                            Practices/Investigation

Section 1: Public Health and Public Health Practices/Investigation (15 marks) (max 2 A4 page with 12 point font body text)

In your own words write a short essay to address the following topics:

  • What are the principles of Public Health
  • What are the principles of Public Health Practices/Investigations
  • What are the potential ethical issues in Public Health Practices

Section 2: Public Health Surveillance System (15 marks) (max 2 A4 page with 12 point font text)
In your own words write a short essay to address the following topics:

  • Discuss the public health surveillance system in terms of:                                                                                           (i) what are the requirements;                                                (ii) its potential functions;                                                        (iii) potential ethical issues; and                                           (iv) its application/usefulness in Public Health Practices/Investigations.
  • Discuss the important of accurate/timeliness of data/information and appropriate
    statistical method in public health surveillance

Section 3: Practical example of Public Health Practices/Investigations (20 marks) (max 3 A4 pages with 12 point font body text)
You are an experience/senior Epidemiologist/Public Health Practitioner. You had been given a task of investigate/study an important public health issue/topic of…..(Student, please select a topic/areas from the attached list – or chose your own topic if you wish).
You are required to write a short research/work proposal of how you will go about to achieve this task.
Hint: You proposal should include:

  • Reviewing the issue/problem (past-current-future) and how you scope of the tasks/works
  • How/Where you will collect/access data/information related to the problem
  • What/How you will utilise these data/information
  • Suggestions/recommendation for the required staff/people to work with you on this problem

General Public Health Areas/Topics

  • Communicable Disease:
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease (VPD): pertussis, measles, pneumococcus…
  • HIV, Sexual Transmitted Diseases (Syphilis, Chlamydia)
  • Vector Born Diseases (Dengue, Barmah forest, Ross River, Malaria…)
  • Food and Water Born Disease
  • Rabies, Animal Control and Zoonotic Diseases
  • Pandemic and public health outcomes

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