Florida International University Final Paper

Florida International University Final Paper Purpose of Paper V (Final Paper)

1). Psychological Purpose

The psychological purpose behind Paper V is to present your final paper. Essentially this paper will be similar to any article you would find in an academic journal.

Florida International University Final Paper
Florida International University Final Paper

It will include a Title Page, Abstract, Literature Review (study one), Methods Section (study one), Results Section (study one), Brief Discussion Section (study one), Literature Review (study two), Methods Section (study two), Results Section (study two), Brief Discussion Section (study two), General Discussion Section, References, and Appendices. The good news is that for most of this paper you will simply combine Paper I, Paper II, Paper III, and Paper IV (including any needed revisions) for Paper V. Two new components for Paper V include the Abstract and a General Discussion section.

Florida International University Final Paper

The Abstract is one of the first items readers see. You need to convey a lot of information in this very short paragraph, as the potential reader will decide whether to read your full paper based on the information in the Abstract. There are several elements needed in the Abstract about both of your studies, including information about a). your research questions, b). your participants, c). your experimental methodology, d). your findings, and e). your conclusions. Being able to write a precise yet succinct Abstract takes some effort, so make sure you go through several drafts before settling on your final version. Make sure to include keywords / key phrases as well (remember entering keywords into PsycInfo when you searched for articles? The authors actually recommended those keywords, so if you want to increase the number of times your paper comes up for readers, use good keywords!)

Florida International University Final Paper

Your General Discussion section will also be new in Paper V. Here, you will summarize your results from BOTH studies and draw conclusions, but you will NOT use statistics again. This section will evaluate both of your studies and see if (and how) they connect and lead you to general conclusions. That is, your general discussion is the end of your story, so make sure to tie it back to information that you presented throughout both of your studies. You can also identify flaws in your study designs as well as propose new directions for future research in this section.

2). Florida International University Final Paper APA Formatting Purpose

Paper V should follow all APA formatting guidelines. See our feedback on prior papers, use Chapter 14 in your textbook, and look at the instructions on the next page for help with formatting

3). Writing Purpose

Paper V is your final paper in the course, and it should reflect the skills and knowledge you have developed throughout the semester. You should be able to convey information to an educated reader, but one who is unfamiliar with your specific study and the content area. More importantly, many students use Paper V as their writing sample for graduate school applications, thus your paper should be grammatically correct and easy to read yet informative for a reader who may have little to no knowledge of your specific topic. Thus educate your reader, but keep in mind that your reader is probably intelligent.

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The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians Discuss the history of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians
The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians

The Sources should have at least 2 are books and another 2 as scholarly journals

If possible, can one of the pages not be part of the essay but instead be an outline of the essay. One evening, about five years ago, I approached a small group of students. They were at Ein Prat, an institution that I head in Israel, where some 3,000 young Israelis have studied in recent years. Some are very religious, others deeply secular, but they share a deep connection. I asked the students what binds them together.

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Specific Topic about Energy in Central Europe

Specific Topic about Energy in Central Europe Research Design

Specific Topic about Energy in Central Europe
Specific Topic about Energy in Central Europe

The research design is an integral part of the course. By preparing the research design the students will get more familiar with the theoretical and methodological tools of their interest and internalize the good practices of the research planning, which they will be expected to demonstrate throughout their study at the ESS.

The expected length of the research design is 10 to 15 standard pages.

Specific Topic about Energy in Central Europe

The research design shall consist of the following:

ï Annotation, in which the students introduce the research topic, explain why it is relevant from the standpoint of the international relations and/or the energy studies, and outline the main argument followed by the research.

ï Literature review: An overview of the existing approaches towards the selected issue will be presented. The review shall be prepared in form of a discussion that would use the existing literature to justify the validity of the main argument of the research.

ï The role of theory: The way the theory will be used will be described ñ as a goal in inductive research or as a tool in the deductive one. The necessary concepts shall be introduced as well, if applicable.

Specific Topic about Energy in Central Europe

ï Data: The nature, collection, processing, and interpretation of the data will be described. All these steps must be consistent with the role of theory.

ï Expected outcomes: What is expected to arise from the data interpretation?

ï Weak points: What are the threats to the successful conduction of the research? How the students plan to deal with them?

ï References: All used sources, including the data, shall be mentioned as citations.

The submitted design is expected to be feasible. The evaluation of the research design is going to emphasize the choice of the proper topic, depth of the literature review, appropriate theoretical grounding and choice of the method of data collection and analysis, and consistency of individual parts of the design.

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The Process of Adaptation among Immigrant Families

The Process of Adaptation among Immigrant Families Review PPT & Answer the following questions

1) Discuss process of adaptation among immigrant families. How can factors such as the family’s perception of the

The Process of Adaptation among Immigrant Families
The Process of Adaptation among Immigrant Families

barriers they face and their cultural values assist a family to adopt? What are some helpful policies that are in place to assist immigrant families? Are there other factors that assist immigrant families to adapt to a new culture?

2) Some of the most problematic barriers that immigrant families face when they come to the United States are inadequate social policies. Please outline the policies and programs that are in place, and identify why they are problematic.

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International Trade Theories of Comparative Advantage

International Trade Theories of Comparative Advantage This assignment is meant to compare and contrast the theories of international trade.

International Trade Theories of Comparative Advantage
International Trade Theories of Comparative Advantage

1) What assumptions underlie these theories of specialization in international trade?

2) What are the limitations of these assumptions?

You should list your assumptions separately and lead a discussion on each of the assumption in each theory by providing examples in an informative and critical manner.

The two theories you will work on are the Theory of Absolute Advantage and the Theory of Comparative Advantage.

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Relationship between Britain and US in the Falkland war

Relationship between Britain and US in the Falkland war
Relationship between Britain and US in the Falkland war

The special relationship between Britain and US in the Falkland war

You need to describe the special relationship between US and Britain in the Falkland War from a British foreign policy perspective. You need to talk a little about the Falkland war.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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International Trade Essay Assignment

International Trade Assignment
International Trade Assignment

International Trade Assignment

SEMESTER 1, 2019

Assume that you are an economic consultant hired by an international organization/government to provide your expert advice on conditions pertaining to international trade in Italy and Sweden.

Your analysis will consist of two separate reports (one for Assignment 1 and the other for Assignment 2). As an expert, your job is two-fold:
1. You are required to analyse any relevant issue using your technical skills. This involves utilizing your knowledge in international trade models as well as inspecting and interpreting data.

2. You need to communicate your results in an effective way.
The purpose of this exercise is to assess your aptitudes in each domain.

You will evaluate the trading conditions in these countries (Italy and Sweden) based on the scenarios detailed in each question in this Assignment.

Your analysis will form the basis for a short report to the international organization/government body—summarising your analysis and the associated rationale.

For your data analysis, you first need to obtain data from the World Bank (see the link below) and follow the steps described below. Notice that World Bank regularly updates its database; therefore it is crucial to obtain all data as soon as possible.

The data range
is from 2003 to 2015. You need to obtain the country-level data for Italy and Sweden on:
i. Imports of goods and services (in current US$)
ii. Exports of goods and services (in current US$)
iii. GDP (in current US$)
iv. GDP per capita (in current US$)
v. GINI Index (World Bank estimate) from the World Bank’s World

Development Indicators:
[Note that if your browser (such as Chrome) does not open the web page, try a different browser (such as Internet Explorer)]
Please DO NOT attach Excel files to the brief. The policy brief needs to be precise and short. Avoid unnecessary jargon. Your policy brief cannot exceed two pages.
International Trade Assignment 1, Semester 1, 2019 Page 2

Your tasks involve two dimensions. Firstly, you need to analyse the data (see Steps 1, 2 and 3 in the next section). Secondly, you need to perform a technical analysis by considering a hypothetical trading environment based on Ricardian model (see Step 4 in the next section).

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North American Free Trade Agreement

North American Free Trade Agreement
North American Free Trade Agreement

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Term paper should talk about history, purpose, agreement, modifications and economic impact on North America. APA format cited sources throughout the essay.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Advocacy Groups for Major International Crises

Advocacy Groups for Major International Crises and Conflicts Type a proposal to create advocacy groups that would make significant contributions to resolving or alleviating ONE of the following major international crises and conflicts:

Advocacy Groups for Major International Crises
Advocacy Groups for Major International Crises

1)Russia’s intervention in Eastern Ukraine

2)Regular use of chemical weapons most probably by Assad’s regime in Syria

3)The internationalized confrontation over political power in Venezuela

4)The EU-britain stalemate over Brexit

Successful proposals will:

Identify a specific aspect of the conflict/crisis you have picked where an advocacy group is more likely to make a difference in a way that states or IGOs cannot. I understand that it is hardly feasible to expect one advocacy group to resolve the entire crisis, so a narrower focus would make the proposal more feasible and fundable.

Describe key organizational features and resources of your proposed advocacy group and 2-3 principal strategies/activities it is going to pursue

Describe what kind of pushback you expect from other actors (such as governments or NGOs) and how you plan to mitigate or overcome it.

Be informed: show your ability to draw on the stories of other NGO.

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International Relations theoretical to climate change

International Relations theoretical to climate change
International Relations theoretical to climate                                  change

International Relations theoretical to climate change

Which International Relations theoretical approaches takes climate change most seriously?

Title: Which International Relations theoretical approaches takes climate change most seriously?

Draw on relevant theoretical approaches and to illustrate your arguments with empirical examples and evidence.

Essay criteria
1. Each essay assignment will ask you to make an argument in answer to the question set, drawing on lectures, required readings, and supplementary readings (which may extend beyond the materials listed here). A mere summary of lectures and readings is not sufficient.

2. In making your argument, you will be expected to draw on and engage critically with the relevant conceptual and theoretical frameworks, as well as empirical materials as appropriate. It is not sufficient to draw on only one concept or theory; you will also be expected to show why other competing concepts or theories are not relevant or are inadequate as frameworks for answering the question.

3. Assigned marks will reflect the overall clarity and cogency of the argument advanced and its appropriateness as an answer to the question set, with particular reference to:

a. the thesis statement – this is your argument/answer to the question. The introduction to your essay must contain a thesis statement and an outline of the organisation of your essay

b. understanding of the concepts/theories discussed and ability critically to apply them. These are short essays so it is not possible or necessary to lay out the assumptions of the concepts or theories you are discussing in all their details. However, when using concepts and theories you must use them correctly, i.e., in a manner that demonstrates you understand what they mean and how they work.

c. ability to draw on appropriate empirical materials and integrate them coherently into the overall argument. Again, these are short essays so it is unlikely you will spend a large part of the essay laying out an empirical case. However, you will need to make reference to empirical materials and when you do it is necessary to use them appropriately – i.e., demonstrating where and how they relate to your overall argument.

d. ability to draw appropriate implications from positions advanced. This means showing where and how your argument relates to the question posed – i.e., how the points you have made individually or together lead to a conclusion that supports your overall argument/thesis. Think of this as a kind of sign-posting: telling the reader where you are in the argument and how the point just made relates to your overall thesis.

e. the coherence of the conclusion with the overall argument. Your essay must contain a conclusion. The conclusion should follow logically from your argument – put another way, in your introduction you should state your thesis/argument; in the body of your essay you should develop your argument – i.e., show to the reader the reasoning process you have gone through that leads you to the position you hold, i.e., your thesis; and in the conclusion re-state your position and, if appropriate, draw out any wider implications it might have.

Recommended resources for the essay:


Harrington, C. ‘The Ends of the World: International Relations and the Anthropocene’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies 44/3 (2016): 478–498.

Merino, R. ‘An alternative to “alternative development”: Buen vivir and human development in Andean countries’, Oxford Development Studies 44/3 (2016): 271-86.

Kumarakulasingam, N. and Ngcoya, M. ‘Plant provocations: Botanical Indigeneity and (De)colonial Imaginations’, Contexto Internacional 38/3 (2016): http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-85292016000300843&lng=en&nrm=iso

Atkins, E. and G. Sosa-Nunez, Environment, Climate Change and International Relations (E-International Relations Publishing, 2016) http://www.e-ir.info/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Environment-Climate-Change-and-IR-E-IR.pdf.

Braidotti, R., The Posthuman (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013).

Burke, A., S. Fishel, A. Mitchell, S. Dalby, and D. Levine, ‘Planet Politics: A Manifesto from the end of IR,’ Millennium: Journal of International Studies 44/3 (2016): 499-523.

Cudworth, E. and S. Hobden, Posthuman International Relations: Complexity, Ecologism, and Global Politics (London: Zed Books, 2011).

Cudworth, E. and S. Hobden, ‘Civilisation and the Domination of the Animal’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 42/3 (2014): 746-66.

Dalby, S. ‘Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalisation, Empire, Environment and Critique,’ Geography Compass 1 (2007): 103–118.

Dalby, S. ‘Framing the Anthropocene: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’, The Anthropocene Review 3/1 (2016): 33-51.

Ghosh, A., The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable (London: Penguin, 2016).

Grieves, V. ‘Nature in the culture of cities: Indigenous peoples, immigrants and reflections on Harlem NYC as the pointy end of the Anthropocene’, https://www.academia.edu/31065307/Nature_in_the_culture_of_cities_Indigenous_peoples_immigrants_and_reflections_on_Harlem_NYC_as_the_pointy_end_of_the_Anthropocene.

Grove, J. ‘Ecology as a critical security method,’ Critical Studies on Security 2/3 (2014): 366-369.

Keohane, R.O. ‘The Global Politics of Climate Change: Challenge for Political Science,’ PS: Political Science & Politics 48/1 (2015): 19-26.

Kolbert, E. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (New York: Henry Holt, 2014).

Mayer, M. ‘Chaotic Climate Change and Security,’ International Political Sociology 6/2 (2012): 165-185.

Parsons, R.J. ‘Climate Change: The Hottest Issue in Security Studies?’ Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 1 (2010): 87–116.

Purdy, J. After Nature: A Politics for the Anthropocene (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015).

Vince, G. Adventures in the Anthropocene: A Journey to the Heart of the Planet We Made (London: Chatto & Windus, 2014).

Todd, Z. ‘Fish, Kin and Hope:
Tending to Water Violations in amiskwaciwâskahikan and
Treaty Six Territory’, Afterall: A Journal of Art,
Context and Enquiry 43 (2017).

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