Data Interpretation Practicum Assignment

Data Interpretation Practicum
Data Interpretation Practicum
Data Interpretation Practicum

Data Interpretation Practicum

Order Instructions:

Your Data Interpretation Practicum

It is important for the writer to note that this paper is a combination of order #113631, 113672, 113741, 113768. The writer will have to combine the solutions that where giving in the above orders and will also include what is added here below in a well-structured APA paper including all what is mention here below. The previous analysis mentioned here below is contain in the solutions of the above mention order.

In order to widely disseminate or publish your research findings, they must be presented in a manner that facilitates comprehension by the educated reader. This week, you will present the findings from the analyses you conducted on your chosen data from Week 3.

Your submission should include your previous analyses and interpretation, along with appropriate sections to address the limitations of your work and opportunities for further inquiry. Follow APA format to present your findings as a paper, including a title page, abstract, introduction, sections in the main body as needed, conclusions, references, and appendices as needed
I will email the dataset that has to be use for this paper as it has also been use for the past 7 weeks for previous assignment.


This paper seeks to compile all the analysis that was performed to determine the safety of people at different working stations. In particular, the paper will bring together all the analytical techniques employed on the data and make the inference about the population parameters. The fundamental of this paper thus is to answer the question whether there exists a difference in injury rate in a different working site, when different genders supervise employees, when workers have worked on a different number of hours, and when a site has a different number of workers (O’Leary, 2013). The analysis will give an insight of the safety of workers, which is vital for firms like the insurance company, and also for policy planning of the company.

The research formatting will utilize the APA writing style, and the analysis will be performed using SPSS for Windows. Nevertheless, the research will seek to infer about the following hypothesis:

H0: There is no significance difference in injury rate at a working site and supervisor’s gender, number of employees and the number of hours at work.

H1a: There is a significance difference in injury rate at a working site and supervisor’s gender, number of employees and the number of hours at work.

It is important to notice that the research hypothesis and research question are intertwined (Creswell, 2013).


Data distribution was evaluated using descriptive measures, which are tabulated in Table 1.

Table 1:

Descriptive Statistics

number of employees number of hours at work supervisors gender injury rate safety climate
N Valid 51 51 51 51 51
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 24.02 49960.78 .47 15.1755 4.6971
Std. Error of Mean 1.050 2183.070 .071 2.44692 .14493
Median 23.00 47840.00 .00 9.1600 4.7600
Std. Deviation 7.495 15590.236 .504 17.47447 1.03497
Variance 56.180 243055455.373 .254 305.357 1.071
Skewness .056 .056 .121 2.046 .101
Std. Error of Skewness .333 .333 .333 .333 .333
Kurtosis .506 .506 -2.068 4.309 -.697
Std. Error of Kurtosis .656 .656 .656 .656 .656
Minimum 5 10400 0 .00 2.50
Maximum 45 93600 1 76.92 6.80

The descriptive statistics, results show that on average there are 24 workers at each site with a minimum of five workers and a maximum of 45. Notably, the skewedness of the number of workers is close to zero, thus, the normal plot of this parameter will be almost asymmetrical. On average the workers work for 49960.78 hours, with a minimum of 10400 hours and a maximum of 93600 hours. Similarly, the distribution of the number of working hours in almost asymmetric, which is deduced from a low skewness coefficient (Ho, & Carol, 2015).

On average, the injury rate of all the working site is 15.1755, which the minimum of zero injury rate and a maximum of 76.92. Further, the injury rate has a positive skewedness, which means that its standard normal curve will have a long tail to the left (on the higher values of the injury rate) (Ho, & Carol, 2015). Furthermore, these four working sites have on average 4.6971 safety climate, with the safest site having 2.50 safety climate and not safest site have a 6.8 safety climate.

To compare the sample mean, an ANOVA technique was applied, and the results were as follows:

Table 2:


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
safety climate Between Groups 34.210 33 1.037 .911 .605
Within Groups 19.348 17 1.138
Total 53.558 50
supervisors gender Between Groups 7.973 33 .242 .868 .648
Within Groups 4.733 17 .278
Total 12.706 50
number of hours at work Between Groups 9791279435.294 33 296705437.433 2.136 .050
Within Groups 2361493333.333 17 138911372.549
Total 12152772768.627 50
number of employees Between Groups 2263.147 33 68.580 2.136 .050
Within Groups 545.833 17 32.108
Total 2808.980 50
site Between Groups 18.655 33 .565 .724 .792
Within Groups 13.267 17 .780
Total 31.922 50

In this case, the injury rate was used as a factor. The decision rule is to reject the null hypothesis when the P-value < level of significance. The p-values show that we will fail to reject the null hypothesis, following the critical rule. Thus, we infer that there is no significance difference in injury rate at a working site and supervisor’s gender, a number of employees and the number of hours at work (Murphy, et al. 2014).

A paired t-test was also performed in an attempt to evaluate the difference in the variables mean. The results were as illustrated in Table 3. Notably, the assumption (null hypothesis) is that the mean of the paired variable is equal, versus, the alternative that the mean of paired variables is not equal (Murphy, et al. 2014).

Table 3:

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
Pair 1 injury rate – number of employees -8.84412 22.98329 3.21830 -15.30827 -2.37996 -2.748 50 .008
Pair 2 injury rate – supervisors gender 14.70490 17.52681 2.45424 9.77541 19.63440 5.992 50 .000
Pair 3 injury rate – safety climate 10.47843 17.51818 2.45304 5.55136 15.40550 4.272 50 .000
Pair 4 injury rate – number of hours at work -49945.60882 15601.36168 2184.62760 -54333.56251 -45557.65514 -22.862 50 .000

In this case, the rejection rule is: reject null hypothesis if |t calculated| > t tabulated = 1.684. In that light, all the t calculated values are greater than 1.684, and thus, conclusively we say that the paired variables means are not equal.

To find a linear model that can be used to predict injury rate using safety climate, number of hours at work, supervisors’ gender as the predictors in the model

Table 4:


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 42.248 10.767 3.924 .000
number of hours at work -.001 .000 -.678 -5.774 .000
supervisors gender 3.564 4.194 .103 .850 .400
safety climate 1.958 2.007 .116 .976 .334
a. Dependent Variable: injury rate

The model is:

Injury rate = 42.248 – 0.001* (number of hours at work) + 3.564*(supervisors gender) + 1.958*(safety climate)

The regression model summary is as given in 5.

Table 5:

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .649a .421 .384 13.71976
a. Predictors: (Constant), safety climate, number of hours at work, supervisors gender

The coefficient of determination shows that the fitted model can explain 38.4% of the variation (Lowry, 2014).

site number of employees injury rate safety climate number of hours at work
Site Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 51
number of employees Pearson Correlation .130 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .363
N 51 51
injury rate Pearson Correlation -.074 -.636** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .606 .000
N 51 51 51
safety climate Pearson Correlation .331* .147 -.013 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .018 .303 .930
N 51 51 51 51
number of hours at work Pearson Correlation .130 1.000** -.636** .147 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .363 0.000 .000 .303
N 51 51 51 51 51
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Notably, there exists a perfect correlation between the number of hours at work and the number of employees, this implies that is the number of workers in a site changes that will be the same proportional change in the number of working hours (Wilcox, 2012). Also, there is a significant negative correlation between injury rate and a number of working hours, and the number of workers in a site at the 95% level of significance. This means that when the number of working hours or the number of employees increases, there will be a decline in injury rate (Wilcox, 2012).


The paper has compiled all the analysis performed previously, discussion of the results were given and inference made. Thus, the primary objective was achieved, on the other hand, the results indicated that there was no adequate evidence to reject the null hypothesis. For this reason, a conclusion was made that there is no significance difference in injury rate at a working site and supervisor’s gender, number of employees and the number of hours at work.


Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Sage publications.

Ho, A. D., & Carol, C. Y. (2015). Descriptive Statistics for Modern Test Score Distributions Skewness, Kurtosis, Discreteness, and Ceiling Effects. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 75(3), 365-388.

Lowry, R. (2014). Concepts and applications of inferential statistics.

Murphy, K. R., Myors, B., & Wolach, A. (2014). Statistical power analysis: A simple and general model for traditional and modern hypothesis tests. Routledge.

O’Leary, Z. (2013). The essential guide to doing your research project. Sage.

Wilcox, R. R. (2012). Introduction to robust estimation and hypothesis testing. Academic Press.

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One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Paper

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Order Instructions:

Your Data Interpretation Practicum

This week, you will run either t tests or ANOVA on your chosen data. This Application requires you to engage in data interpretation and to select the appropriate analyses for your hypotheses and for the data that you have at your disposal. Toward that end, you should consider which analyses will inform the reader and allow you to pursue your questions.

Your submission to your Instructor should include your SPSS output file of your selected statistical analyses in a Word document, along with each of the following elements:

your SPSS output, including graphical representations;

your narrative interpretation; the governing assumptions of the analyses you ran; the viable and nonviable hypotheses (null and alternative); and the relevant values (such as a P value indicating statistical significance or a lack thereof).

Be sure to indicate to your Instructor why you selected the analyses that you did. In other words, why did you select t test over ANOVA or vice versa? Why one-way or two-way? How is this analysis related to the hypothesis?

I will send the data set to be use via email.


One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a powerful data analysis tool which is used in determining if there are any significant differences between the means of two or more independent groups (even though what is often used in cases where the minimum number of groups is three, instead of two groups). For instance, in this data interpretation practicum the one-way ANOVA will used to carry out the data analysis with an aim of understanding whether injury rate differed based on the site of work, dividing workers into three independent groups (e.g., Boston, Phoenix and Seattle). In addition, it is imperative to recognize that the one-way ANOVA is an omnibus test statistic meaning that it cannot provide information on the specific independent groups with significant differences from each other, but only provides information on at least two significantly different groups.

The governing assumptions of the one-way ANOVA include: (1) the dependent variable measurement should be done at the ratio or interval level meaning they are continuous; (2) there should be two or more categorical independent groups of the independent variable; (3) the observations should be independent; (4) there should be no significant outliers; (5) there should be normal distribution of the dependent variable for each independent variable category; and (6) there should be homogeneity of variances. The data analysis and interpretation is guided by the proposed null and alternative hypothesis. For example, considering that that study variable in this task is the injury rates across three independent work sites (e.g., Boston, Phoenix and Seattle), then one-way ANOVA can be conducted to determine if there significant differences in injury rates across the three work sites. Thus, the null and alternative hypotheses are stated as follows:

Null hypothesis (H0): meanboston = meanphoenix = meanseattle

Alternative hypothesis (HA): meanboston ≠ meanphoenix ≠ meanseattle

SPSS Output

 The null hypothesis stated as H0: meanboston = meanphoenix = meanseattle; is not rejected because the overall F statistic was not significant [F(2, 15) = 0.31, p > .05]. This indicates that the injury rate means across the three work sites are not significantly different. The reason why ANOVA was chosen over t-test is that it enables comparison of more than two means making it the appropriate choice because the dataset consisted of three independent group means (i.e. Boston, Phoenix and Seattle).


Bernard, H. R. (2000). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Boslaugh, S., & Watters, P. A. (2008). Statistics in a Nutshell – Research Design. Sebastopol, California: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Retrieved from (Accessed on November 29 2015).

Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. (2010). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research, (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Creswell, J. W. (2008). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Green, S. B., & Salkind, N. J. (2008). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data, (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishers.

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Crisis at the Starbucks Organization Paper

Crisis at the Starbucks Organization
Crisis at the Starbucks Organization

Crisis at the Starbucks Organization

Crisis at the Starbucks Organization

Order Instructions:

1. identify a crisis the organization of Starbucks Organization for( SSP) has faced in the past,
2. a crisis that it is currently facing, or
3. a crisis that a competitor in that industry has faced that Starbucks organization may face in the future
4. Explanation of the crisis that you selected and a crisis management response recommendation.
5.Develop a strategy for improving organizational sustainability
5.Include an analysis of the ethical implications of that recommendation.
6.Be sure to integrate one or two new related and engaging questions that will extend the discussion about your post in constructive ways. Try to think of a question(s

Reference 3-4 reference APA strictly Adhered least one scholarly peer-reviewed resource in your recommendation.


The organization Starbucks Organization is currently the leading house of coffee in the world. It is a company situated in the Washington DC, the USA that started in 1971. It has a lot of branches worldwide and hence operates a chain of organizations. It is an organization that works towards providing high-quality coffee beans and coffee equipment. It started as a small coffee dealing organization and kept on improving its activities to opening many branches around the world. Through its success, the Starbucks Organization is always viewed as a major icon in the business field. It is through its organizational structure and the principles of management employed by the management that makes its organization a major icon in the business.

Starbucks Organization operates a chain of agents around Europe and the American region. Managing of such a large organization requires proper management skills and a firm management to carry out its operations successfully. It is an important example that a current business that needs to identify its goals must employ. Since the organization keeps growing, Starbucks Organization needed to employ the current organization structure for it to be able to carry out process optimally and hence keep on providing quality goods and their services.

However through their significant success, Starbucks Organization has faced many issues that have led to the major setbacks in the organization. It is a reality that to get to success; there must be ups and downs. The strength of the organization comes from the major challenges that they faced in the recent past. For example, the company faced a major challenge in 2007. That was due to the rapid expanding of the Organization. It reached a point that the management of the organization decided to shift its focus from the local customers for the greener pastures away from their vicinity. The management decided to expand its territories to the UK, Japan, China, and Canada. This decision leads to the decline in the sales in the same year significantly.

This shifting of focus led to loosing of customer experience, as they had to spend much on advertising in those areas of their new ventures. The strategy to expand globally meant that the organization of the Starbucks Organization had to be put into consideration, and be altered where possible. In 2008, however, the CEO of the Starbucks Organization was changed, in an attempt to bring back the organization to its right path. When Howard Schultz resumed the position of a CEO, he worked towards bringing back Starbucks Organization to its proper functionality. He focused on changing the structure of organization of the company. One of the significant change that he made was to create regional divisions. This aimed to bringing back customer experience into focus. This, however, had long-term benefits that is realized later. He also improved the Starbucks teams working and their staff by exposing them to training. It worked out well, and thus the firm’s financial experience and the customer experience were improved.

Starbucks Organization, have employed proper crisis management policies through its operations. Crisis management is the process and the steps taken by a company or an organization to deal with the threats that are bound to weaken or destroy the company’s performance. Due to its operations over a large region, Starbucks had to develop a proper crisis management module to be ready to tackle any crisis that may have affected them in the past. Crisis management at Starbucks included the methods that were to respond to the perception of crisis or the current crisis and the ways of communication that they would address them.

There are many types of crisis, ranging from natural to the developed human crisis (HAVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL, 2014). As for Starbucks, they have been faced with confrontation crisis in the past. It is where individuals, a group of individuals, or competing business rivals tries to fight a company’s development. These confronting groups always try to satisfy their needs and demands by fighting their enemy. These groups will do anything for their needs and demands to be considered by the public, or the governing authorities.  There are several types of confronting by these rivals to the Starbucks Organization for example; sit-ins, disobedience of police, rioting, boycotts and other picketing traits, occupying buildings, blocked and even resisting (Bernstein and Bonafede (2011).

For example, one of the recent confrontations to the Starbucks Organization is boycotting of the Starbucks products and their stores. It is due to the claims that Starbucks have been selling their products to the Israeli military. Also, it was also claimed that the Starbucks Organization donated some part of their profit to the same Israeli military group. It led to a major controversy that even made the CEO, Mr. Howard to write a letter to the president to address the issue. However, this has been viewed to be spiked by the fact that the President of the Starbucks is Jewish.

Due to these threats to the company’s performance there is need to develop a proper management model that requires an understanding of the ways to handle a crisis in the case of their occurrence.  This model requires proper skills to deal with the crisis. The skills could be, proper crisis management the crisis recoveries and even the mitigation of the crisis. There are three ways that can be used as proper models to ensure proper crisis management. These are;

  1. Getting warned of the threats and the diagnosis of the threatening troubles they’re likely to face soon.
  2. Choosing the proper about-turn strategies that will help evade the crisis.
  3. Implementing the processes that may help monitor the crisis and the company’s focus away from the threats never to face them.

Proper steps should be developed so that Starbucks Organization never faces this confrontation setback again. An example of a proper strategy to be implemented by the Starbucks organization is to face the crisis head-on to avoid future threats. The management of Starbucks may set up ways to do this, by educating the public of the truth that lies within the company. The management, led by the company’s president, may decide to address the media. By doing this, the public will stop the misleading brought about by the other rival groups posting their claims to the media.

The ethical implications of this strategy are that the public will know the truth lying and hence the Starbucks Organization being loyal and open to their faithful customers. Rivals will always not find their strong reasons to fight the company since the Starbucks will be much open and hence a better way of stopping confrontation diplomatically (Schultz and Gordon2011). However, by doing this, the Starbucks Organization should be ready to more questions by the media regarding more inner issues of the company. The company should also be ready for either the positive or the negative reactions from their customers. It should also employ proper strategies to cope up the negative reactions from customers, if any so that to make the loyal to the company (Fronz, 2011).

To achieve all this, Starbucks should ensure to create an environment of trust from the customers by proper methods employed through the organization. The management should also be ready to reform the organization’s mindset and be sure to observe the vulnerable assets of the organizations. The management of the Starbucks should be courageous to tackle the crisis.

Upon conclusion, the Starbucks Organization should be ready to face future challenges that may come their way. It hence suggests that they should develop proper and functioning crisis management tactics. Since crisis cannot be evade, they should always be ready to face any arising situation (Marcu, 2012).


Harvard Business School. (2014). Harvard business essentials: Crisis management.

Bernstein, J., & Bonafede, B. (2011). Manager’s guide to crisis management. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Schultz, H., & Gordon, J. (2011). Onward: How Starbucks fought for its life without losing its soul. West Sussex [England: Wiley & Sons.

Fronz, C. (2011). Strategic management in crisis communication: A multinational approach. Hamburg: Diplomica-Verl.

Marcu, A. R., Savarese, J. F., & Practising Law Institute. (2012). Crisis management & business recovery: Are you prepared?. New York: Practising Law Institute.

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Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner

Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner
Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner

Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner

Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner

Order Instructions:

Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner Model
Social change and the scholar-practitioner model are vital aspects of the school mission. Courses are designed to support you in your quest for affecting positive social change and becoming an effective scholar-practitioner. For this paper, you should reflect upon how your doctoral study concept has evolved since the start of this course and the ways in which you have built a solid foundation for your doctoral study project.

• Consider how your particular doctoral study might impact improvement on management or a business practice. Reflect on the most important components of this process.


Doctoral Study and the Scholar Practitioner Model

In any school mission, the scholar-practitioner model and social change make up very fundamental aspects. Developing courses is necessary as it supports in the quest of being an efficient scholar-practitioner as well as affecting optimistic social change. Since this course began, the concept of the doctoral study has evolved considerably. One of the most important things I have learnt is that the proper activities should be used when selecting the research topic depending on the defined problem (Liebowitz, 2015).  Before the viable research topic is selected, the person should be prepared mentally to engage fully in the development and exploration process. There are three methods that can be used to approach the problem so as to more fully comprehend the problem before making attempts to implement or develop solutions. These are isolating and giving structure, magnifying the problem, and searching for theory.

I have been able to build a firm foundation for the doctoral study project through a number of ways. The first is the need to critically evaluate and analyze the existing scientific paradigms and dogma (Holly, Geller & Drexel University, 2014). I realized that since early childhood, I was socialized into accepting whatever I read or was told without any significant critical analysis. I realized that without the critical analysis, I would not even find an appropriate topic since I would never be able to identify a gap in literature. Therefore, for a firm foundation in the doctoral study project, I began being very attentive on everything I read. Moreover, using academic materials such as peer-reviewed journals and engaging in detailed research was another component since I was able to gain varying ideas, which helped come up with an authentic research problem.

The doctoral study can help improve business practices in a number of ways. During data collection through methods such as interviews and case studies, one gains different skills and acquires hands-on experiences which helps position the person strategically as a leader. On the same note, the doctoral study was revolving around an actual business challenge (Van, 2011). Therefore, doing a literature review on it and coming up with conclusions and recommendations on how the issue can be solved would help a business person be able to address such an issue more effectively in the real world. The idea of applying research-based evidence also comes in here. The entire processes of the doctoral study help sharpen leadership and decision-making skills, broaden knowledge on applied research and theory, as well as acquire experience needed for managing positive changes within any company (Topp, 2006). For example, a doctoral study on the globalization trends would help a person be able to use cultural competence and diversity appropriately, use the most appropriate recruitment and training strategies in new countries, and solve any conflicts amicably. This is based on the fact that there is a focus on the latest theories, research, as well as trends that influence business as far as globalization is concerned.

Therefore, a doctoral study on globalization trends in business would assist a person in business practices. The person would be able to come up with solutions to real-world and complex world problems, conduct research so as to advance present knowledge on business leadership, and identify the emerging theories. In addition, there would be an evaluation of how globalization relates to other disciplines.


Holly, M. E., Geller, K. D., & Drexel University. (2014). Experiential Learning and Student Engagement: Meaningful Learner Outcomes as Articulated by Drexel University Sacramento Ed.D. Graduates.

Liebowitz, J. (2015). A guide to publishing for academics: Inside the publish or perish phenomenon.

Topp, E. M. (2006). Presence-based coaching: The practice of presence in relation to goal-derected activity. Oxford publishers.

Van, F. J. R. (2011). Learning to Be in Graduate School: The Interconnections of AcademicWork, Scholarly Identity Formation, and Lived Experience. New York: Praeger Publishers.


Finance reporting Term Paper Available

Finance reporting
             Finance reporting

Finance reporting

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Finance reporting

Table of Content

  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………3
  2. Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting……………………………….3
  3. Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics………………………………………….4
  4. Wesfarmers Latest Annual Report in Light of the Disclosure Requirements for PPE………………………………………………………………………………4
  5. The Extent at which Wesfarmers Satisfies the Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics……………………………………………………………………5
  6. References……………………………………………………………………….8


Companies engage in business operations with the aim of doing business, generate profits and create shareholders value. Financial reporting is used by management to communicate information to the different stakeholders of the company and the general public. Such information is important for potential investors, creditors, lenders for making important decisions about providing scarce resources to the company.

Wesfarmers Limited is one of the largest corporations in Australia. The company’s headquarters is in Perth, Western Australia. Wesfarmers Limited engages in businesses in departmental stores, a supermarket, coal production and export, chemicals, energy and the provision of home improvement and office supplies and also safety products (Wesfarmers – About Wesfarmers, n.d.). The company is one of the largest private employers and creates satisfactory returns to its shareholders.

Objective of general purpose financial reporting

The primary goal of general purpose financial reporting is to give vital information to users about reporting entity that are useful for making and assess decision regarding the distribution of scarce resources. These users include potential investors, the lenders and other creditors. Financial reporting also provides a means by which the management exhibits their accountability to the different stakeholders. The prerequisite of information with accountability goals is an imperative goal of the general purpose financial reporting, especially in public sector entity. However, it is important to note that, accountability by reporting entities using general purpose reporting is part of the broader objective. That is providing useful information investors, lenders and creditors for making a decision about the allocation of scarce resources.

Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information

Financial information must possess both fundamental and enhancing qualitative characteristics for the financial statements to be useful to the stakeholders.

Fundamental Qualitative characteristics

Relevance: Financial information must be relevant and capable of influencing the decision of the users. Therefore, it is important that the metrics used in presenting financial information should provide all the necessary information needed by the users to enable them make the right decisions (Yao et al., 2015).

Faithfull Representation: The financial information provided must be complete, free from error and that it is not biased in any way. Therefore, it is important that the financial information provided depict the truth about the happenings in the company.

The enhancing qualitative characteristic includes comparability, timeliness, verifiability, and understandability.

Wesfarmers Latest Annual Report in Light of the Disclosure Requirements for PPE

The main purpose of IAS 16 is to lay down the accounting standards for property, plant, and Equipment (PPE). So as to make sure that the users of financial information can understand information regarding the company investment in its Property, plant, and equipment. It also encompasses any changes in the investment as mentioned earlier. Wesfarmers Limited present their property plant and equipment information in a consolidated balance sheet included in the annual report.

According to the 2015 annual report, the Wesfarmers property is worth $2,495 million. Plant and equipment are valued at $ 7730 Million. The company also disclosed the capital expenditure that amounted to $2,243. On the notes to the financial statement, the company’s gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment amounted to $54 million. The depreciation amounted to $934million. The expenses accrued because of impairment of plant, equipment and other assets amounted to $19 million.

From the Wesfarmers annual report, it is evident that the company has complied with the IAS 16 principles. The values of assets are recognized when they are acquired. The notes section gives detailed information about the assets acquired by the company. Therefore, Wesfarmers property, plant, and equipment (PPE) are calculated at its cost. The company uses the “Component” approach to recognition and measurement. The company identifies parts of an asset that may be reinstated or separated from the main asset. Therefore, the company accounts for different parts of its equipment differently.

Wesfarmers uses the revaluation model when determining the carrying value after the initial recognition. The company accounts for an Item of PP&E using its fair value less the accumulated depreciation and accumulated impaired losses (Yao et al., 2015). Wesfarmers always revalue its assets annually to ensure that the carrying value to the next financial year is not materially dissimilar from the final fair value present.

The extent at which Wesfarmers satisfies the fundamental qualitative characteristics

The main fundamental qualitative characteristics of financial information are relevance and faithful representation. Wesfarmers presents its financial information in the form of the annual report every year.

Wesfarmers Limited ensures that the information in the annual report can make a difference in the decision made by the users. The company provides its financial information in the form of four important documents. That is Result Shareholders quick guides, full year announcement, result presentation and supplementary information (Wesfarmers, 2015).

The company ensures that the information published in the annual report is relevant to all the users of financial information. The company provides the key financial metrics relevant for the users when making decisions regarding their investment. To ensure relevance, the company also makes sure that the financial information provided has both predictive and confirmatory value.

Faithfull representation is also an element that is considered by Wesfarmers when providing financial information. The company ensures that their financial information is reliable and that it faithfully represents the economic phenomena fully. The company financial information is complete encompassing all the required financial statement and other key financial ratios as stipulated by the accounting standards (Wesfarmers, 2015). The information is neutral as it represents the true and fair view of the company. The preparations of financial statements are done by qualified and experienced financial managers to ensure that the published financial information is free from any error whatsoever.

As such, Wesfarmers financial information can provide financial information about the reporting entity that is important for potential investors, suppliers and other creditors to enable them make decisions about endowing the company with resources. This implies that the company can meet the objective of general purpose financial reporting of providing important information required for to decide whether or not to provide scarce resources to the company.


2015 Full Year Briefing presentation. (2015, January). Retrieved August 23, 2015, from

Wesfarmers – About Wesfarmers. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2015, from

Wesfarmers – Results, presentations and reports. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2015, from

Yao, D. F. T., Percy, M., & Hu, F. (2015). Fair value accounting for non-current assets and audit fees: Evidence from Australian companies. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics11(1), 31-45.

Yao, D. F. T., Percy, M., & Hu, F. (2015). Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics11, 31-45.

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Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) Paper

Personal Development Portfolio (PDP)
Personal Development Portfolio (PDP)
Personal Development Portfolio (PDP)

Personal Development Portfolio (PDP)

As an intern at the Career Development Centre of the University of Westminster you have been asked to write a formal report called “Acquiring Business
Communication Skills Necessary for Business Graduates”. This report is intended to explore and emphasise the value of business communication skills that the
students of the Westminster Business School (WBS) will need to develop before they graduate in order to increase their career opportunities. This report is
prepared primarily for the students of WBS, and also for the Career Development Centre advisers and for members of staff.
To prepare this report you are required to focus on the following:
• Identify and evaluate types of general communication skills
• Identify and evaluate types (or categories) of business communication skills
• Give examples of how communication skills can be used in business environment with references to reliable and relevant sources
• Give recommendations to the undergraduate students of WBS on how they can develop different business communication skills whilst they are studying
different modules of their course
You are required to use the following sources of information:
Conrad, D. and Newberry, R. (2012). Identification and Instruction of Communication Skills for Graduate Business Education. Journal of Education for
Business. Vol. 87, Issue 2, 2012.
Gallagher, K. (2013). Skills Development for Business and Management Students. Study and Employability. Chapter 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In addition to a minimum of the above mentioned literature sources it is expected that students will also consult other reliable sources resulting in at
least five different academic sources (e.g. academic journal articles and books) for their work. A minimum of eight relevant academic sources is expected to
be referenced in the report for any coursework with a first grade mark.
As an intern at the Career Development Centre of the University of Westminster you have been asked to write a formal report called “Acquiring Business
Communication Skills Necessary for Business Graduates”. This report is intended to explore and emphasise the value of business communication skills that the
students of the Westminster Business School (WBS) will need to develop before they graduate in order to increase their career opportunities. This report is
prepared primarily for the students of WBS, and also for the Career Development Centre advisers and for members of staff.
To prepare this report you are required to focus on the following:
• Identify and evaluate types of general communication skills
• Identify and evaluate types (or categories) of business communication skills
• Give examples of how communication skills can be used in business environment with references to reliable and relevant sources
• Give recommendations to the undergraduate students of WBS on how they can develop different business communication skills whilst they are studying
different modules of their course
You are required to use the following sources of information:
Conrad, D. and Newberry, R. (2012). Identification and Instruction of Communication Skills for Graduate Business Education. Journal of Education for
Business. Vol. 87, Issue 2, 2012.
Gallagher, K. (2013). Skills Development for Business and Management Students. Study and Employability. Chapter 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In addition to a minimum of the above mentioned literature sources it is expected that students will also consult other reliable sources resulting in at
least five different academic sources (e.g. academic journal articles and books) for their work. A minimum of eight relevant academic sources is expected to
be referenced in the report for any coursework with a first grade mark.

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Contemporary challenges facing Sufism in Egypt

Contemporary challenges facing Sufism in Egypt
Contemporary challenges facing Sufism in Egypt


Research Question
An authentic critical analysis of Sufism and how do manifestations of Sufism differ, or not, from modern Islamic movements?

Initial plan:
1.What is Sufism?
2.The Origin of Sufism/ Historical Background
3.Pathway of Sufism and their spiritual practice/ the modern day practices of the Sufi’s
4.Sufi orders in contemporary Egypt and their influence on society
5.Sufism and Modern Movements in Egypt such as Brotherhood, Salafi and how they are difference from each other according to their faith (creed), philosophy
and political ideas.
6.Political context in Egypt and Sufism and the role/representation they played during the national crisis like recent revolution and general election.
What is the state of the Sufis in contemporary Egypt in light of the recent developments? / What role are they likely to play or what was their position?
Transformation of Brotherhood.
7.There are fundamental differences between Sufis and Salafi & Brotherhood as well as secularism. So for whom Sufis and their followers did vote for? Or, not
they did take part in Elections?
How do manifestations of Sufism differ, or not, from modern Islamic movements? –This type of issues will be my research Question.
8.In the end, I would like to put forward some proposal to integrate Sufi orders in the mainstream politics in Egypt in a parallel way of their struggle to
please their Lord Allah.

1. I personally believe that, Sufism is spiritual life of Islam. In the most cases they are far away from politics or political Islam; although I believe
that they should take part in politics as Prophet Muhammad build an Islamic state in Madinah after his migration.
2. Please bear in mind that, my dissertation supervisor is a pro Sufism and therefore I would like to present ‘Sufism’ on my dissertation in a positive
manner, I don’t want portrait Sufi and Sufism in a negative way.
3. Please identity challenges clearly from British invention to current period.
4. Mention role of Al Azhar University played in support of Sufism.
5. Personally I’m also not agree with the following points:
• There is no solid arrangement regarding the significance of the word ‘Sufi’ and many authors generally debated about its connotation and its validity.
• It is escalating urban population and dispersal of non-religious based education have resulted in bringing in radical tension within the Muslim communities
especially owing to the influence of western societies. It has been ascertained that there has been constant decline of Sufi order in modernizing Egyptian
• Sufism is entirely different from Sunni or Shi’a customs and traditions. (Because Sufi people are within Sunni group and their faith and creed also same.
They don’t follow Wahabism as well as they are against any sort of extremism)
• Sufism is used in incongruence to radical version of Islam.
• Sufism in the modern Muslim community reflects as a position taken on radicalism, integration and traditionalism among others.
• The superstition of the people that spring them to honour the saints. (I believe it is not superstitions but their religious and moral duty to honour their

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Concert Report Assignment Help Available

Concert Report
Concert Report

Concert Report

Your formal essay should address the following questions:
1) Who performed? Were the musicians professional or amateur? List the instrumentation and
identify the type of ensemble.
2) What music was performed? Be specific. List the names of pieces, lyrical content (if any),
facts about the pieces such as dates, composer information, historical details, etc…
3) What did you observe about the music? Did it evoke a particular mood? Did that mood evolve or remain the same throughout? What was notable or unusual about the music? Can you identify any concepts in the music that we have discussed in class (such as the meter, accents, pitch range, octaves, timbre, etc…)?
4) What was your opinion of the performance? Did you enjoy it, were you confounded by it,
was it not your “cup of tea?” Be sure to explain your opinions in depth.

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An adviser to the Electoral Commission in Britain

An adviser to the Electoral Commission in Britain
An adviser to the Electoral Commission in Britain

You are an adviser to the Electoral Commission in Britain. The Commission is concerned by low rates of turnout at recent elections. Drawing on the
comparative literature on electoral participation, set out the factors that have been found to contribute to turnout, and identify what ? if any ? measures
might be recommended to the Commission to stimulate turnout. (The Commission can recommend measures to other actors; it does not necessarily need to take the actions itself.)

NB; you may substitute the Electoral Commission for an equivalent actor/agency in another country.
Guidelines on writing.

How does a policy report differ from the usual essay? Both engage directly with the literature on the particular topic. However, while an essay merely
provides a substantive response to the question, a policy report goes beyond this to identify some practical steps that a policy actor might take in response to the specified problem.

So a policy report must contain the following elements:
(a) Review of the secondary literature on the causes of a particular issue or problem
(b) Based on direct evidence within the secondary literature (if policy solutions are addressed) and/or on extrapolation from the causes of an issue
identified within that literature, a review of the potential actions available to policy makers to address the issue, along with a recommendation on which action(s) would be most appropriate.
Note that this is not a piece of policy analysis as such; students shouldn’t worry too much about the particular policy actors or the role they play. Of more
relevance is the ability of students to identify ? based on the secondary literature ? the general factors that might affect a particular form of social behaviour and, based on that, the kind of policy responses that might be appropriate.

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Dell Strategic Analysis Report Assignment

Dell Strategic Analysis Report
Dell Strategic Analysis Report

Dell Strategic Analysis Report

Order Instructions:

1- I have read the case study, and did the analysis (you will see my findings under the attached document called “Strategic Audit Format DELL”. Please use my findings to write the report.

2- Please use the attached word document called “Dell Strategic Analysis Report” to write the REPORT, when you open this document, you will see what are the exact requirements highlighted in yellow.



Michael Dell is the founder of Dell Inc. and this was done Austin, Texas in 1984 whereby, he had an unparalleled thought concerning the organization. Dell needed to offer PC frameworks to clients specifically by conveying the most solid registering answers to address individual issues at the obliged time with no mistake to their clients overall. Dell is a company that is majorly based in the US which does the business of selling hardware and other services that is spread all over the world. The Dell Company specializes in the production of computer systems for example, various software’s, hardware, mobile devices for networking and other electronics. The Dell Company does not only sell its products to personal consumers, but also sell its product to the institutions like the government, healthcare institutions and eve to the education sectors (Theobald, 2010). Through its very many segments, it gives its customers a wide spectrum of solutions as far as their services are concerned so that it can widen its scope of distributions to global markets. Some of the solutions that it gives to its customers range from a series of configured IT and even networking and storage of the products through embracing infrastructure technology that is done through consultation and applications. For the dell company to carry out its business effectively, it must develop a well framed business strategies and plans.

Dell is an organization that conveyed change to its immediate model of offering and in the year 2007, the organization wound up making the first stride towards a worldwide retail methodology. This method involved taking off issues by including retail as a new channel and growing its administration offering to fulfill its clients and fulfilled. Dell began to offer its two models of PCs at more than 3500 stores of Wal-Mart in United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. In 2003, the administration of Dell chose to change the name of organization from Dell Computer Corporation to Dell Inc. This was finished to the point of perceiving the quickly expanding expansive product offering offered by the Organization. Keeping in mind the end goal to lessen the general cost that it used to bring about, the organization reported to offer most or every last bit of its assembling offices inside 18 months. This was until January 31, 2007, Kevin Rollins leaves because of the poor monetary execution and negative NEWS scope of the organization that prompted the arrival of Michael Dell as the CEO of the organization.

About the industry

The PC industry is mainly dominated by big players such as Microsoft, Apple, HP, IBM, Samsung, among others. In 2007, Dell was taken over by HP in terms of the market share and the condition has remained the same to date. Currently, Apple is the largest technology company due to the size of their shares and their huge sales in various places in the world. The Launch of the Windows 3.0 changes the computer market industry in favor of Microsoft such that some players were locked out of business. The launch of smartphones has destabilized the market forces in the PC industry, since such phones have almost similar capabilities like the PC.

Company Background

Dell is an organization that works comparable with Microsoft windows that changed plan of action and elements of the business. Dell is dated to be one of the biggest innovation organizations of the world regarding aggregate estimation of its impacts that are so colossal and alarming to numerous financial specialists who are intending to venture in a PC based business. The organization’s Netscape gave the first open to all online worlds Browser, which was of incredible utilization of a large number of the individuals who are keen on its operations all inclusive (Dell, 2015). Dell is an organization that drove the business sector until Microsoft entered the business sector with Internet Explorer that brought any changes into the technological world. In the year 2007, HP took the first opening as far as a piece of the overall industry from Dell. Notwithstanding, the dispatch of Window 3.0 in 1990 and Windows 3.0 changed the plan of action of the Dell business to the Microsoft’s Advantage over Apple, IBM, Atari and many different frameworks. This was so much felt yet because of the way that clients weren’t bolted into one seller’s item things were conceivable and well operational. The dispatch of the iPhone acquired Genuine made changes the cell phone industry and was the first notion of versatile that could in the long run destabilize the PC area of DELL Company. It never took so long that the organization chose to present iPad that later denoted the start of the end of the PC business, which had been a huge business foundation of the Dell organization. Dell is an organization that has contenders like Apple II that was framed in the year 1977and IBM PC that was shaped in 1981. They have all been attempting to try their hardest and coach clients in the business sector in their procedure of contending to be the best. There has been high upgrades made on the nature of generation as this is the key part that will help DELL as an organization to hold its old clients and get new ones in the business.

The organization encountered a VR “Virtual Reality” Announcement by Microsoft in 2015 in blend with the “visualization Glasses”. Different organizations, for example, Samsung Oculus and velvet are said to have experienced the same Virtual Reality declaration by Microsoft that served to hone their abilities the way it accomplished for DELL. The VR Innovation that is utilized for utilization by Dell is going to lead the world and a decent substitution to numerous different gadgets that are exceptionally required and needed in the figuring business.

Past Problems in DELL

Dell is an organization that was confronted by issues in the past and they incorporate the Poor monetary conditions all through the world and the end of web air pocket that meddled with its operations. For as far back as 10 years, a great piece of the Personal PCs (PC) deals were for tablets and PCs in the $799-$999 territory. If the organization utilizes a PC or Laptop 20% of the time, the most astounding value they need to pay is $599 and this was recorded to be too low as they thought things could be on their side. In 2002, the general interest for the PC frameworks and administrations declined on account of the world monetary shortcoming. This turned into an extraordinary test for the DELL Company to manage as it couldn’t make to deal its items to its clients and achieve its objective according to its arrangements. There was the ascent of minimal effort equipment PC makers in China and numerous individuals because of the falling economy needed to get the modest equipment’s so they redirected their regard for purchase them in China. This turned into a downside to the organization that wound up losing the greater part of its clients because of the failing economy. Regardless of purchasing the PC equipment’s in China, they also understood that they were not up to the norms that they wanted and couldn’t help make quality PCs as needed by their clients along these lines they lost numerous clients to their rival Apple who was currently best in quality generation of items. Numerous clients who were in the wake of getting a quality items occupied their business with DELL and went to Apple. Dell stood up to a test due to the rapidly changing advancement that it was not used to. It fails to handle the conformities in development in the blessed time in this way, its opponents had an unassuming time of telling in the business division. The failure of getting a handle on the changing advancement in incredible time made Dell to be directly in its operation while customer required now to buy extraordinary online and they were without further ado urged to oversee Apple who had used the usage of the new development on a helpful reason. The Increasing Unit Sales and Volume however Sales salary kept decreasing as a result of contention in the perspective of esteeming. This provoked DELL not making incredible arrangement as a result of the high expenses top it put in its stock. Customers fled away as a result of the high expenses that they stood up to in DELL. Customization of Desktop “Less extravagant Price” was another test that DELL expected to face. This is because, the association now had low arrangements that couldn’t entirety to the hungered for formal level as it expected to hold its customers appropriately encountered an adversity. New associations that created were a danger in view of the fulfillment felt by Dell. These associations were arranged in – Chinese, Korean republics and in the United States of America. There was Slowed enthusiasm for the ranges of the association in view of the nonappearance of enough supports to finish the procedure. The PC business felt some shivering issue due to reality that development had not been handled, especially in DELL and this incited directed examination that made it to fall behind. In spite of their being numerous issues previously, the organization is as of now encountering some different issues that are as an aftereffect of the quickly changing industry drifts that are felt in the PC business. In the late the DELL’s PC business slammed in the first quarter of 2013 with the new PC shipments falling 14% contrasted and the same period a year ago (Dedrick, 2008). This has been as an aftereffect of the organizations that give best PC because of innovation that is utilized in their premises. They have utilized individuals with best brains who can help in changing the world with the innovation that they have within their reach.

There is another challenge that is being confronted by DELL Company in the later. This issue is presently connected with the way that PC Users now have significantly more decision than anytime recently, which influence what they purchase and they can choose to purchase cell phones or even iPads, tablets that perform comparative parts with PC’s. Notwithstanding this, they can secure them frame other reason at a less expensive cost as they are delivered by numerous organizations like Samsung, Apple among others. Dell is encountering a huge test that is connected with Industry Convergence and Domination of Larger Players who have now commanded the business sector. A portion of the enormous player in the PC’s business who have commanded the business are similar to Apple who are currently extremely overwhelm because of the fat that they give the best of items needed by their clients because of their brilliant and practical measures that given the offer of the organization’s items. Another test that is confronted by DELL is the way that most PC creators do little item advancement all alone. This has driven the organization to depend for the most part on their suppliers for item advancement, and on Microsoft and Intel for new advances that they will use in their creation. All things considered individuals have discovered they can do as much as 80% on a tablet that they used to do on a PC and they have turned structure, acquiring PC’s to the purchasing of tablets that are not delivered by DELL. This implies that they need to make low expenses as they don’t create tablets, which are presently needed by customers in the business. Because of the issues of advances and also advancement propelling consistently, the PC business has now been made fiercer and DELL as Company is feeling this extraordinary effect; since it doesn’t grasp innovation with its moving pace. This implies that a long time from now risks are there will be a couple of PCs at home. Furthermore, DELL is very tested with this exploration discoveries. Around then individuals will be wearing PCs (embedded) for instance, in eyeglasses and this will imply that if DELL does not change its line of creation it may endure enormous misfortunes. Exploration demonstrates that Future is anticipated that individuals will like a wearable PC or gadgets like savvy, Google glasses, VR and numerous more items, which are not made by DELL Company accordingly, an enormous test for them. This is an unmistakable sign to the organization that it’s truly experiencing a genuine test that if the right measures are not imparted set up it will have high issue. Hence, the administration of the organization ought to wake up and gaze grasping new changes in the innovative world at the earliest opportunity.

Company’s Vision & Mission

Dell is an organization whose vision is to be the best in matters to do with data innovation Systems that must be utilized in the Company on a worldwide level by conveying the best client involvement in all business sectors they serve (Burns, 2011). The mission of the organization is to be much focused and try their hardest to inspire their clients who are exceptionally needing their backing.

Company’s Goals and Objectives

Dell Inc. As of late set an objective for the year 2020, known as legacy of good, which is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity and also intended to build up a maintainable planet in the whole environment. Dell Inc. has a set goal, which is to give great quality support of its client at the least cost conceivable. Dell has done a few Improvements in client productivity that will help avow its goals that it cravings to work with (Dell, 2015).

Company’s Structure

The structure of the company is based under three strategies that it has employed for use in its premises. These strategies are inclusive of the corporate strategy, business strategy that works hand in hand with the human resource department to ensure that all functionality of the company are in the right place. The third strategy that is employed for use is the functional strategy that ensures that all the functions of the company are well done according to all the plans that were set aside and ensures that all the workers in the company are given all the desired privileges together with being encouraged to worked harder to the success of the company. The company has structured their products in a desire way that really impresses the customers by ensuring that they simplify their products and services in accordance to the desires of their customers who will be more impressed if they obtain what they want. DELL Inc. The structure is in a way that impresses their customers and this enables them to be in a better position of even attaining more customers. The structure ensures that the company has a good management from top managers up to the lowest mangers and that they carry out their duties accordingly. This ensures that the industry gives a win with industry-leading end-user computing solutions that enhance the scale of alternative computing solutions.

Company’s Range of Products

Dell center business level technique is easiest method; the organization is themed to lead the business by promoting the pattern of minimal effort and lean assembling. Dell’s online form to request and Just in Time stock framework is a reasonable evidence that dell seeks after Low Cost Strategy as its Business Level system. Dell likewise seeks after Differentiation method, its aggregate customization alternative and building your own PC is an exceptional idea which no other Computer maker takes after. The main product of this company is personal computers.

Computer Platform

The significant highlight of the practical level procedure of Dell is that the organization concentrates on utilizing its solid abilities as a part of direct deals, minimal effort assembling, store network administration capacities so as to build the classification of its items through which the organization can convey increased the value of its purchasers at lower cost. Utilize the focused abilities of organization in servers and PCs to seek after chances of income development. Dissimilar to the contenders that take over the customary model of worth chain, Dell does not keep up in-house supply of completed product inventories.

Corporate structure/culture

The Current corporate structure includes groups and group administrators who report specifically to senior directors or venture supervisors. The hierarchical structure is level and power is assigned to representatives. Administration in Dell has confidence in engaging its workers, Dell has some essential rules and winning with respectability is a piece of it, it makes Dell’s way of life aggressive. Dell’s way of life is developmentally focused; it is intended to incite advancement and innovation in representatives.

SWOT analysis

Strengths of the Dell Company may include the following market leadership, direct sales strategies, price on the basis of performance, most updated technology and many other more.

Weaknesses include over reliance on the institutional and corporate sales, non-acceptability in the retail sectors. Lack of technology in the company is a weakness that brings operations down. Production of one product of the company is a weakness as people need a range of products that they can be able to choose from.

Opportunities: markets that are unexploited enhanced usage of the internet that results in increased demand for the laptops and even technological modernization.  The Partnerships that are evident with local manufacturers in researching the market insight and the Favorable situation that come as a result, in safeguarding the green field investments is a strength to Dell Company. The exchange rate is to the advantage of the company, together with low labor costs and tax rates that they are now experiencing.

Threats may include: impulsive trends in the market places, a financial crisis that is a great challenge to the whole world and the price wars. There are high sanctions that have been experienced by the company and they have resulted in high weakness in the company. There are restrictions that deny the multinational companies like Dell to be able to move their profits to certain percentage and this becomes a weakness.

Societal Environment Analysis (Pest Tool)

Political factors: various aspects of the politics have great impacts almost in all parts of the world. They may range from the government directives and even the institutional policies. In the case of the Dell Company there is one big threat of politics or the legal environment this is mainly seen as a threat because political factors involve government regulations that define terms and conditions that any business must operate within. Therefore, it is very important to consider this factor since many countries are still restrained by some of these policies which are put to defend domestic manufacturers and producers.

The economic environment may include the nature of the economy in which various companies compete. Some of these economic factors are like company directives, restrictions that are put in the budgets and even the income generation measures of the organization. The main challenge for the Dell Company as far as the economic environment is concerned is the degree of piracy.

Social factors which include the culture of the society and in some cases it may include attitude and the values, especially the change in the lifestyle of the people, change in the consumption patterns, attitude towards work and even to some great extent in the education and health. These external social factors may affect the way the company provides solution to the problems so that they can meet the demands of the customers since customers can decide to work with one vendor that serves all their interests. The major social factors are inclusive of the increased global target audience, effects of the brand name that may or may not be liked by the customers. Other factors are inclusive of the literacy rates of a region and the factor that determines how a customer finds an easier way of shopping online to save time and money.

Technological issues: the most important technology issue for the computer industries is the speed and the rate of adoption of the newly introduced technology that can greatly affect the effectiveness of the organization. There are factors that influence the technology that is supposed to be used in the industry and they are inclusive of; the ease of access to new technology, decline in technology cost and the global production factor all aimed at enhancing the functionality of the new technology.

Industry Environment Analysis (Five Forces)

The most important tool that can be selected as a way to be used to analyze the situation of the company as far as control recline is concerned is the porter’s five forces model. This is mainly because it helps the company to understand its strong points against its competitors in the market places. According to this model, competition in the industry can be as a result of five forces that are combined together for example the competition, rivalry within the organization, possible entry of new competitors in the market, possible growth of the alternative products, and bargaining powers of both the suppliers and the customers. For the rivalry against its existing competitors, there are many players like the Toshiba, HP, Gateway and many other companies that offer cost and competitive benefits. Threats of new entrance into the market: Dell Company has the obligation to do better so that they can beat their competition through producing using the most recent technology and then put their prices in a way that they will compete favorably. The bargaining power of the buyers: for many computer industries, customer bargaining power has been very soaring this is mainly because of the very little reliability of the brand in the market places and also due to the products of many producers look like. The bargaining power of the suppliers: because of the fact that there are very few vendors who are capable of supplying the major components of the computer, the bargaining power of the trader in the computer industry has also elevated.

The availability of substitute products in the market places has greatly impacted on the sale and productivity of the computer elements. They have the oligopoly kind of the market structure since most of the producers of the computer parts produce similar products.

Internal environment

Corporate management and management team

Dell is a company that is majorly based in the US which does the business of selling hardware and other services that is spread all over the world. Dell Company specializes in the production of computer systems for example various software’s, hardware mobile devices for networking and other electronics. Dell Company does not only sell its products to personal consumers, but also sell its product to the institutions like the government, healthcare institutions and even to the education sectors.

Corporate culture

Through its very many segments, Dell Company gives its customers a wide spectrum of solutions as far as their services are concerned so that it can widen its scope of distributions to global markets. Some of the solutions that it gives to its customers range from a series of configured IT and even networking and storage of the products through embracing infrastructure technology that is done through consultation and applications. For the dell company to carry out its business effectively, it must develop a well framed business strategies and plans.

TOWS Analysis outcomes TOWS analysis outcomes

Basically, TOWS has been just SWOT which is spelled from behind if we are keen to observe and SWOT is an acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The results of the SWOT analysis can be represented in a matrix which contains the Strengths and Weaknesses as the internal pieces intersecting with Opportunities and Threats as the external factors. Appendix A shows a representation of TOWS analysis outcomes. ST (strengths-Threats) considers making use of the internal strengths in order to run away from the external threats. An example is when the company faces a threat of its funds decreasing at an alarming rate; the company will be posed to a challenge of finding other methods of obtaining funds like making use of volunteer management software so as to increase efficiency and effectiveness (Burns, P. 2011)

WT (Weakness-Threats) which is a defensive position in the matrix and functions to try and avoid threats while minimizing on weaknesses and is considered most of the time when the organization in question is in a really bad position. For instance, the company may be facing the threat of losing funds and the company reacts by merging some of its programs with other organizations to save on resources and wait until its funding becomes stable.

External Factors Analysis Summary

The external factors analysis summary illustrates an automated version of organizing external factors in terms of both threats and opportunities and looking at how an organization makes response to these factors basing their arguments on the importance of each of the two factors. In this case, the sum of the weight is not supposed to go beyond the weight give to each factor, that is, 1.00 is the most important factor while 0.0 is not important. Moreover, a rate is assigned to each factor whereby 5 stands for outstanding and 0 is poor. The weighed score is calculated by finding the product of weight and rate of each factor.

Internal Factor Analysis Summary

The internal factor analysis summary consists of a spreadsheet provision that is relatively easy to use in an attempt to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in a particular organization. Once again, the rate and weight are used in the analysis. In this case, the total sum of weight must not be more than the weight of each factor as given in the summary and 1.00 weights refer to the most important factor while 0.0 factors are not important. When a rate of 5 is assigned to a factor, the factor is outstanding while that which is assigned 1 is a poor factor. Nevertheless, the weighted score is calculated by obtaining the product of weight and rate of each factors.

TOWS analysis: Strategic factors analysis summary

Strategic factor analysis illustrates a combination of some of the most essential factors of both the internal factor analysis summary and external factor analysis summary. This strategic factor analysis also outlines an overall outlook of an organization based on its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The rate, which implies how well an organization responds to the factors, and also the weight which stands for the importance of the factor are some of the issues that are taken into account. Weight for each factor is assigned whereby 1.00 is very important while 0.0 is not an important factor. Nevertheless, all weights must total to 1.00. A rate of 5 to a factor is considered as outstanding while that of 0 is considered to be poor. The letter X is typed to each factor to imply the significant amount of time each factor will take. The weighted score is established by finding the product.

TOWS matrix and strategic alternative summary

The TOWS matrix is helpful when it comes to visualization of the analysis whereas it is very vital to understand how the elements of the matrix work together for positive results. When any particular company or organization manages to match the internal strengths to external opportunities, it gets the advantage of increasing its competency towards its customers.

SO (Strengths-Opportunities): This implies using the internal strengths to maximize on opportunities available for instance spending more time and focus on writing grant proposals if there is a lot of grant money availed.

WO (Weakness-Opportunities) which implies an improvement of the internal weaknesses by utilizing the external opportunities available. For instance, if there are lots of grant monies available and the company does not have grant proposal writers, the company may consider hiring or employing an expert or consultant, or better still send an employee for training on grant proposal writing.

ST (strengths-Threats) considers making use of the internal strengths in order to run away from the external threats. An example is when the company faces a threat of its funds decreasing at an alarming rate; the company will be posed to a challenge of finding other methods of obtaining funds like making use of volunteer management software so as to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

WT (Weakness-Threats) which is a defensive position in the matrix and functions to try and avoid threats while minimizing on weaknesses and is considered most of the time when the organization in question is in a really bad position. For instance, the company may be facing the threat of losing funds and the company reacts by merging some of its programs with other organizations to save on resources and wait until its funding becomes stable.


 Review of the mission and vision

The company should review their IT system manufacturing in order to enhance automation of their services. The implementation of IT in their operations will see the realization of low cost production and a subsequent increase in profits realized by businesses.

 Review of the goals and objectives

The company should review that goals and their objectives and make them be in tandem with the lowest possible costs as they strive to enter the untapped computer market and increase their productivity. Provision of good quality goods and services to the customers and offering cheap computers should form part of the company goals. The overall objective of all these goals should be focused at improving the market share of the computer market and to improve on their productivity.

Strategic Alternatives (Corporate, Business, Functional)

In order to ensure a brighter future with fewer uncertainties, the company must begin to diversify their portfolio and opt for vertical integration in their business operations. Focusing on one product alone is risky business since the business can be struck by unforeseen circumstances.

Corporate Strategy

In terms of corporate strategy, the company should focus on internationalization of their products in order to reach untapped market.

Business Strategy

In terms of business strategy, the company should focus on implementing proper structure of business operations to enhance their overall presence in the computer industry. Moreover, the company should develop their business competency to enhance their competitive advantage as they strive to increase their market presence and to gain a big market share.

Functional Strategy

The company should capitalize on the latest advances in technology and streamline their operations in line with Information Technology to improve on their efficiency and reduce operational costs. Another functional strategy that the company should consider is to expand their operations into new markets in order to increase their sales and their overall revenues. Since the production costs at the company are still relatively high, a cutting costs strategy needs to be implemented by implementing a costs effective value chain in the organization.

Strategy Implementation

For Dell to move forward, the company needs to come up with the strategy information across the organization that will increase overall business performance. Another form of strategy implementation is that the company should withdraw from some of the activities that can perform well at lower costs in the value chain in order to maximize their profits. This is because such activities are very expensive and would make the company avoid expensive costs related to the cost of production. The management at Dell should ensure that the critical and core competency issues are kept in house with the aim of ensuring that the company moves forward. Since the company is determined to make profits, the company should explore the alternatives of selling their products through retail outlets and devise a plant to reward sales people on direct commission. This will ensure that the sales people work hard to meet their target and the company stands to benefit through increasing their sales. Moreover, the company should focus on high revenues and market share by putting more focus on the product development and market development.

Keeping in mind the end goal to improve their game changer, the organization ought to proceed with their internationalization arranges and guarantee that their organization works in all sides of the globe. This can successfully be accomplished by securing nearby and promising PC organizations. Moreover, the organization ought to move to a bio-comparable business to help in items broadening to enhance the general danger of overreliance in one item. The organization can likewise change their assembling areas to empower them diminish expenses and make more benefits. Because of headway in innovation, Dell ought to exploit online stages to enhance their corporate distinguish by dispatching forceful showcasing in the online stages.

The organization needs to search for little however encouraging PC organizations and converge with them so as to avoid future rivalry and grow their regions. The assembling focuses likewise need to be moved into territories with shabby assembling expenses to diminish the organization operations and build their general benefit. The organization ought to likewise contract their advertising methodologies and to build their center to the individuals who need PCs. Dell has kept up their emphasis on the business with the point of turning into the business sector pioneer. The organization has enormously put resources into HR to empower advancement and imagination required in the association. Furthermore, the organization likewise has a key center that is gone for using the assets in zones with most extreme effect to the association and their clients. The organization has likewise profited the physical assets, for example, the hardware, offices, and account to backing their operations without diversions. The organization has additionally been fruitful in gaining and keeping clients through their quality items and corporate brand substance.

            Strategic Evaluations and Control Standards

Dell should focus on their future strategy to enable them know exactly what they are looking for as part of their future strategy. In this regard, the company should decide on what they are looking for to measure the things that is likely critical to their business model. Dell also needs to put specific business performance measures that are established on the expected performance and actual performance. Constant evaluations must be carried out to ensure maximum control of the specific business performance with the aim of improving on the company operations. In the case where the company performance measures that fails to meet the company objectives, the management at dell should come up with specific correction strategies that are directed to areas with shortcomings. Moreover, the company should look towards further improving on its performance with their aim of becoming the market leader in the computers market. In this regard, the management at Dell should ensure that they work hard in the three forms of organizational controls such as operational control, strategic control, and management control.


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Dedrick, J. (2008). Globalization of Innovation. Boston: Alfred foundation.

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Theobald, W. F. (2010). Internet Resources for Leisure and Tourism. Dunsmore: British library catalouge.

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