A 1-2 page paper answering these questions on Economist Jeremy Bentham. Paper should include an introduction and a conclusion with at least two references and all of these questions answered.
Describe the personality of your chosen economist.
What major contributions did this chosen economist contribute to the field of economics regarding:
How does the works of your chosen economist have any relevance to our economy today?
How did your chosen economist further the field of economic study?
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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Many important contributions have been made by women, people of color, and other under-represented groups who are not adequately recognized in present textbooks. The purpose of these biographies is to broaden your knowledge of the contributions of women. You will write 2 biographies, one of whom must be a person of color or from a country other than the United States or Western Europe. The woman may be a historical or currently living person. You must get approval for your choice from me. You must choose a woman who has made a significant contribution or broken barriers for women in one of the following areas:
• Leadership in the political arena
• Leadership in business, industry, inventions, or entrepreneurship
• Activism to benefit others, the environment, animals, etc.
• Scholarly achievements in the fields of social or natural science, math/computer science, the fine arts (art, music, theater), the humanities, etc.. Do not choose women who are known primarily for their entertainment activities like acting, singing, dancing, etc.
• Women warriors or military leaders; explorers, adventurers, astronauts, athletes, etc.
You will submit your biography to me using the File Exchange feature of your group. I ask Also, in the event that you have Office 07 or use any other program than what most students have (traditionally an earlier version of word), you need to save your document on an earlier version of word or as a rich text file (you do this by scrolling down after doing “save as” when you are ready to save your document).
Search the internet and the university library for resources. There are books at the library that contain information on women in a variety of scholastic and other areas. In addition, journals (e.g. Psychology of Women Quarterly) often have published biographies about significant women in specific fields. The Resource page for this course has links to many Internet resources for information on women in a variety careers and disciplines.
Content of Paper
Your biography should include the following information in this order:
Introduction: Begin your paper with a brief introduction of the woman and her accomplishments. Include an image of the woman.
Developmental Background History: This section should describe the person’s personal history, family background, and any historical, cultural, or sociological factors which influenced the development of the individual’ s goals, accomplishments, and work. Find images of the person’s country, family, homestead, etc. to illustrate the formative influences of the time and or culture she lived(s) in.
Educational-Occupational History: This section should describe the kinds of educational or training experiences the individual obtained. Be sure to note if opportunities for advancement were hampered by discriminatory practices of the time.
Major Areas of Contributions & Accomplishments: This section should describe in some detail the individual’s professional work and accomplishments. What contributions did they make to their field? What barriers did they have to break through? How is the world a better place because of their efforts? Include images where possible to illustrate her work or contributions.
Conclusion: Conclude your presentation with your personal impressions of the person and how she contributed to her field/area; explain why you choose to do this particular woman. What most impressed or inspired you about this woman?
Format of Paper: Put your name in header; use APA style headings and sub-headings for the different sections of the paper; double space the paper and use 1” margins. Include an APA reference page. The major headings are shown below; you can use sub-heading to organize larger sections under those headings if needed. Link to APA style is accessed through resource document on course information navigation tab on course page if further assistance is needed.
Biography of an Outstanding Woman: (Name of Woman Here)
Introduction (no heading)
Developmental Background History
Educational/Occupational History
Major Contributions
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Assigned President that includes your biography, your most important accomplishments and controversies as president. Conclude your writing with a reflection on the impact that its president had on the history of the US. William Jefferson Clinton, better known as Bill Clinton (born August 19, 1946) was the 42nd president of the United States, serving from 1993 to 2001. In 1978 Clinton became the youngest governor in the country when he was elected governor of Arkansas. Elected U.S. president in 1992 and reelected in 1996, Clinton enacted legislation including the Family and Medical Leave Act and oversaw two terms of economic prosperity.
Identify two Accomplishments made by Pedro 1 Utilize the internet to research Pedro I Identify 2 accomplishments made by Pedro I during his reign;
Identify two Accomplishments made by Pedro 1
be sure to identify the historical ramifications of these accomplishments. Site all sources consulted.
Pedro I, (born Oct. 12, 1798, Lisbon, Port.—died Sept. 24, 1834, Lisbon), founder of the Brazilian empire and first emperor of Brazil, from Dec. 1, 1822, to April 7, 1831, also reckoned as King Pedro (Peter) IV of Portugal.
Generally known as Dom Pedro, he was the son of King John VI of Portugal. When Napoleon conquered Portugal in 1807, Pedro accompanied the royal family in its flight to Brazil. He remained there as regent when King John returned to Portugal in 1821.
Pedro surrounded himself with ministers who counseled independence.
John D Rockefeller Life and Achievements You are not to summarize chapters or chapter but to select an event, person or timeline within any chapter.
John D Rockefeller Life and Achievements
However, you can combine events in chapters. The exercise is meant to enhance your critical thinking skills. : In your own words, journal through a reflection, what historical event, person, or timeline stood out most to you as a student in the assigned course readings. Each writing assignment will include a 400-500 word count in MLA essay form using the proper grammar, content, perspectives.
This essay needs to just be about the men who built America and why that was interesting to you. Please do not use quotations. Just write about what you found interesting about John D. Rockefeller’s life and achievements.
In a 2-3 page typed paper (no less than 500 words) assume the role of either an ancient Egyptian, Greek or Roman and write as that person. Stretch your imagination. Play the part as it might have been played during that era.
Include something of prevailing conditions at the time, of what life was like for that Egyptian, Greek or Roman.
Socrate’s central concern placed focus on the soul. Discuss his view regarding the soul.
Examine and discuss his five core teachings: “The unexamined life is not worth living”,
“The truth lies within each of us”, “We should strive for excellence in all areas of life
“, “no one knowingly does evil”, and “it is better to suffer wickedness that to commit it”
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Use at least three (3) quality references Note: Wikipedia and other related websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
In his book “A Fair Country” Saul argues that Canada is first and foremost a Metis nation, that it’s the roots are largely indigenous and as a result of the European arrival for the fur trade many Canadians are descended from those relationships between European men and indigenous women and subsequently so were descending generations. However, it is not only a Metis nation by blood relations, it also has a strong philosophy based on indigenous beliefs and culture and the close ties to the land from which all policies and thought in Canada are derived but most Canadians do not understand or realize it.
Saul is a respected writer, thinker and academic in Canada and he argues that colonialism interfered with the real roots of this country which are aboriginal.
What do you think about his opinion? Do you agree or disagree after listening to what he says? Discuss at least 4 statements he makes that convince you or persuade to reflect on this idea more seriously. You may not agree with him but he will present ideas that you may not have ever considered or knew about.
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In his novel Submission, Houellebecq introduces us to a professor of literature at Paris III-Sorbonne who is suffering an existential crisis. He drinks, smokes, eats TV dinners and pays for sex. The novel is set in 2022, the year that a Muslim president becomes elected, and Islamization takes root in France. Surprisingly, Submission does not appear to be a criticism of Islam, but rather of life in late-capitalist, Western democracies. In the last chapter, Houellebecq’s anti-hero even imagines his conversion to Islam and observes that he would have ‘nothing to mourn’.
In this paper, argue in favor of the claim that Houellebecq’s Submission provides a valuable subversive contribution to discussions on life in today’s late-capitalist multicultural society.
.Think of a title.
.Make sure your argument is convincing.
. Don’t forget to tackle counterclaims.
.In your summary, briefly mention your claim and your sources and give an outline of your argument.
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Sonia Nazario wrote Enrique’s Journey in order to educate her readers. Identify three key points that she is trying to make by answering the following questions. How do you think she expects us to feel about the main characters? How do you think she expects us to feel about the United States’ immigration policies? What policy changes does she recommend? Once you have identified and clarified her points, describe your reactions to them. Has she convinced you to agree with her? Why or why not?
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Use at least three (3) quality references Note: Wikipedia and other related websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.