Gun Control Argumentative Research Paper This is my graduation research paper, so it is extremely important to be done well or otherwise, I will not graduate.

The paper is about Gun Control, there are 4 sources that I will provide and you have to use all 4 of them in writing the paper.
That means that you will have to read the sources and extract information from them. It is an argumentative paper so you have to side with an opinion, either for gun control or against it, it doesn’t matter but you have to pick a side. The side you pick will be determined by the 4 sources I will provide. If the sources are against gun control then the paper should be against control, but if the sources are for gun control then the paper should be for gun control. Whichever one, you are trying to pursue the other side to change their mind, again it is not an analysis paper it is an argumentative paper. There is a slight possibility that the sources might change, if they did I will inform you in less than 24 hours.
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