Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Order Instructions: In a one-page word document offer constructive criticism using peer review articles to support your points.

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio
Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio

It is important that the read the article below and then give feedback, and avoid using “I agree and you are correct, but develop cohesive one-page documents that critically analyze the article. A reference list should be included at the end of the paper.

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Abstract

Portfolio management requires leadership that understands a strategy and the people required to make the strategy function. There are certain qualities or principles that benefit leaders in portfolio management. The authors Luntz and Laufer provide principles and practices aligned with leadership models that can assist in measuring portfolio performance.
Portfolio Management
The various texts on winning and leadership are utilized for portfolio management. The application of Luntz’s principles to portfolio management will assist in the alignment with measuring portfolio performance. Laufer’s text will also be utilized to connect Luntz’s principles to Laufer’s leadership practices.

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Paradigm Breakers

Focusing on the Luntz principle of paradigm-breaking is a key differentiator when building a portfolio of projects to manage. In-line with this week’s learning objectives, the reader is told to remove themselves from the world they inhabit and embrace something different to see the same thing in a different light. This is what Luntz is saying when he discusses paradigm breakers, Luntz states that you have to clear your mind of past failures and preconceptions and focus anew on ground-breaking ideas (Luntz, 2011, p. 78). One must think outside of the box to create a viable portfolio of lasting projects to manage accordingly. When Henry Ford put the Model T into mass production, he created a car that was affordable to the working class man, which in turn was a transformational shift that helped spearhead the auto industry through transformational leadership. Laufer touches on paradigm breakers in his practice of challenging the status-quo. Challenging the status quo might significantly change the fate of the project and is the essence of project leadership (Laufer, 2012, p. 218). Both challenging the status quo and paradigm breakers involve transformational leadership that requires the leader to pursue a new idea. The key performance measurement for the paradigm shift is to see how well the change or new idea performs; examples of this are the acceptance of the Model T and the later models that came after requiring further transformational leadership through the years.

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Conclusion

Luntz and Laufer both discuss aspects of leadership that benefit portfolio management. The performance measurement for portfolio management is based on the success of the new ideas through transformational leadership. The key to the performance measurement is measuring the performance over time as paradigm shifts and the changing of status quo takes time to fully change, so results may not be seen immediately.
Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the leadership role in project management: Practices that deliver
remarkable results. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press.
Luntz, F. I. (2011). Win: The key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary.
New York, NY: Hyperion

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Sample Answer

Comments and Constructive Criticism

Portfolio Management

The element of portfolio management and its requisition of leadership in initiating an effective strategy that incorporates human resource in making the strategy function efficiently are clearly cultivated in this article. It is essential to note the essence of give a concise definition of portfolio management and its correlation to leadership (Laufer, 2012). However, it would have been efficient to detail the specific qualities and principles that would be of benefit to the leaders in the process of portfolio management as disclosed by Luntz and Laufer.

Drawing the attention of the paradigm breakers, the student slightly gives a definition of this element and its relations to portfolio management. The article however discusses paradigm breakers and the manner in which project managers need to incorporate this element in managing projects (Luntz, 2011). This element according to the article requires the creation of a viable approach in a project as Henry Ford indicated in the mass production of Model T. The article uses a clear example of the creation of a car that meets the needs of a particular segment within the market, a factor that resulted in a trans-formative shift achieved through transformational leadership.

There is a need to clearly detail the issues that managers are bound to encounter in challenging the paradigm breakers and status quo and the manner in which effective leadership qualities play a significant role in the process (Luntz, 2011). This is clearly addressed by the student that takes a different turn in inclusively detailing the key aspects of performance management in a paradigm shift and the changes that are expected in the process.  The student therefore would make improvements in the article by clearly addressing some of the areas pointed out in this critique.

Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio References

Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the leadership role in project management: Practices that deliver

Luntz, F. I. (2011). Win: The key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary.

New York, NY: Hyperion

Remarkable results. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press.


Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism

Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism Order Instructions: It is important that the writer responds to the two articles in two separate paragraphs with each paragraph concluding with a reference list for the particular paragraph.

Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism
Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism

The writer must use pear review articles to support his comments, and cannot just repeat what the writer has written but has to give an analytic response to the article.

Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism Sample Article

Comments and constructive criticism

Response to Article 1

In this article, the student has rightly described how asking effective or good questions could actually bring about innovation. Citing McKinney (2012), the student is spot on by stating that effective questions, in fact, challenge people’s knowledge and suppositions, which could, in turn, stifle innovation. In essence, questioning resulted in instant cameras and windshield wipers, in addition to many other innovations. Furthermore, the student is right by stating that people who seek perfection do so since they are prepared to question their beliefs and views. To add on what the student has stated in the post, effective questions are those questions which cause people to really think before answering it, and which reveal answers which had eluded them in the past (Luntz, 2011). The student has rightly stated that Harley-Davidson is one example of an organization that began when effective questions were asked. Companies like Pixar, Pandora, Netflix, and Dropbox also began with a founding question (Kastelle, 2013). It is notable that there are different ways that can be used to generate input for an organization, and as McKinney (2012) pointed out, the most effective way is by learning to ask the types of questions which could lead the individual to a real innovation or discovery. Lastly, the student has clearly explained how strategic leadership and questioning practices could actually be applied to developing the right mix of projects.

Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism References

Kastelle, T. (2013). Can asking better questions make us better innovators? Crescent City, CA: CRC Press.

Luntz, F. I. (2011). Win: The key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary. New York, NY: Hyperion.

McKinney, P. (2012). Beyond the obvious: Killer questions that spark game-changing innovation. New York, NY: Hyperion.

Response to Article 2

In this article, the student is spot on by noting that being innovative requires one to be different and that two killer questions that lead to innovation are investigative questions and factual questions. This is something which McKinney (2012) has clearly articulated in his book. The student is also right by saying that by means of investigative questioning, a company can engage employees who demonstrate resistance to change. The internet, the Olympics and the International Red Cross all started with a question. So did the mobile phone (Kastelle, 2013). To add on what the student has stated, killer questions are particularly important in leading to innovation. One killer question is as follows: what do the company’s potential clients dislike about the purchasing experience? (McKinney, 2012). Many businesspeople have really never asked that question of their business or themselves. Investigating what the potential clients do not like about purchasing a product/service could be crucial particularly when the company’s rivals are not making that investigation. The student is also right by stating that the lack of leadership competency can impede a project’s success (Schafer, 2009). The student has partially explained how strategic leadership and questioning practices could actually be applied to developing the right mix of projects.

Review Articles on Comments and Constructive Criticism References

Kastelle, T. (2013). Can asking better questions make us better innovators? Crescent City, CA: CRC Press.

McKinney, P. (2012). Beyond the obvious: Killer questions that spark game-changing innovation. New York, NY: Hyperion.

Schafer, J.A. (2009). “Developing effective leadership in policing: perils, pitfalls, and paths forward”, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, (32 ), .238-60.

Practical Assessment Exercises in Counselling

Practical Assessment Exercises in Counselling Order Instructions: I have an assignment for Counseling. I have done the assignment however failed the assignment due to in correcting forming sentences. The attachment will include my tutors feedback so i will like you to work based on her comments.

Practical Assessment Exercises in Counselling
Practical Assessment Exercises in Counselling

You can change as much as you like, but please try and sound similar to my type of ideas that I was going with, but of course, make it sound a lot better then what I had done.

there is two questions that need to be deeply fixed.

1- Your personal comments on how this practical related to your own experience.

2- Relevance of practical in a counselling/psychotherapy context. (Use theory from the lectures, textbooks, and practical to comment here)

the other questions, i will be fixing myself.

I will also be attaching a friends assignment ( they have chosen a different topic than me) so you can have a look.
(please make my sound a lot better)

Thank you

Practical Assessment Exercises in Counselling Sample Answer

Practical Assessment Exercises

 Practical topic/ week (please specify): Week 4 – The motivation to help

1. The aim of the practical: 60 words

The aim of this practice was to enable each student to understand his or her own needs in regards to what motivates him/her so that they can be able to improve their personal and professional life. This practically allowed students to reflect on their own needs and accept them whilst identifying how these needs impact their interactions with other people.

Marks Section 1  /2
2. The materials used. 73 words

The materials used in this practical included an extract from Corey and Gerard (1993) “Are the helping professions for you?” This handout was a course reading for the students involved in this practical and they were asked to read and become familiar with the material prior to attending the practical. Instructions and questions which were provided to the students either on the university website or in a class were also utilized in this practice.

Marks Section 2  /1
3. The procedure followed in the practical. 252 words

Prior to the practical, students were asked to read Corey and Gerard (1993) “Are the helping professions for you?” The first task of this practice was for the students to individually list their personal needs which would motivate them to help others in a professional and personal setting. This list would become Data 1 of this practical; students drew a line under this list in preparation for more data. Students were then instructed to discuss in small groups their needs and to list down any additional needs that were raised in this group discussion. This additional list would become Data 2 and students once again drew a line underneath said list in preparation for the final data. One member from each group was asked to read out their lists to the class whilst the students recorded down any new needs to their lists. Lastly, this created Data 3 and an overall class profile.

Individual students were later directed to think of real or imaginary situations where they may have been asked for help. They were subsequently instructed to identify what needs to be affected by these interactions and discuss with others how these needs may have positively or negatively impacted the formulated situations.

The final task involved students individually creating a brief description of themselves regarding their abilities as a helper and what needs were required to motivate them to help. Students then discussed methods that could potentially assist them to be a better helper and what needs must become a higher or lower priority.

Marks Section 3  /2
4. The outcomes. 166 words
There were several outcomes of the practical. Data set 1 was written down and it included the unique personal needs of students which would motivate them to help other people in a professional and personal setting. Other additional needs of the students which were discussed in small groups were also written down, which comprised Data set 2. In addition, Data set 3 was written down which comprised any new needs of the students after they listened to a member from each group read out their needs aloud in class.

In the groups, we were able to gain a better understanding of what our own needs are, along with how our needs can affect the professional industry. We recorded data on how our individual specific needs could influence our abilities to connect with a client considering that in various situations, clients could feel that their needs are not being satisfied which can mean that the client can feel a lack of confidence and competence by the counselor.

Marks Section 4  /5
5. Your personal comments on how this practice related to your own experience. 442 words
This practical related to my own experience since it enabled me to understand the needs that were evident in me; that is, the need to provide answers to others, the need to be needed, and the need to rescue other people, which are among the types of needs that Corey and Corey (1993) identified as being the needs that therapists need. In my own personal experience generally, there are some instances in which some people with their own personal problems and difficulties in life came to me to assist them to find a solution to their problems and resolve their issues. In such situations, I really felt needed as these individuals relied on me to help provide answers to their problem. In particular, there was a situation about 14 months ago whereby one friend of mine who was very much depressed following the divorce of her parents sought help from me. This person came to me to help her relieve her depression. I felt needed by this individual. Furthermore, I felt the need to give answers to this individual. Equally important, I felt the need to rescue this person so that she is no longer depressed by the disheartening divorce of her parents.

The needs have allowed me to realize the influence they have on my daily life, regarding friendships, relationships, and my future. For instance, these needs have made me understand how, in future, I can be of help to individuals including close friends and relatives in need of counseling and how I can employ my expertise and know-how to a given situation and help a person who needs me to resolve his or her problem situation.

In addition, these needs are vital in my day to day life as the need to be needed and the need to provide answers are the most important needs which I place within my friendships and my own self-worth. These needs have always been relevant in my life and will fundamentally be needed that I will extensively utilize in my future career as a counselor. I must be able to provide to my own needs as well as my clients’.

By focusing on the need to be needed there are many advantages. For instance, there is the satisfaction which I feel after helping someone resolve a problem successfully. It is also a rewarding feeling to know that I am a positive influence in improving a relationship or making a relationship better. All in all, feeling appreciated for the help given is great. However, there are harms when the need to be needed overcomes the needs of the client by feeling dependent on feeling appreciated.

Marks Section 5  /40
6. The relevance of practical in a counseling/psychotherapy context. (Use theory from the lectures, textbooks, and practical to comment here) 461 words

The lecture was based on the concept of the Johari window. The Johari window comprises four different quadrants which are the open self/arena, blind spot, facade and the unknown self (Lim & Jamil, 2013). By having a clear understanding of the Johari window, it became evident that addressing a client’s needs is extremely important. Corey and Corey (1993) describe several needs including the need to be needed, the need to provide answers, the need to rescue others and the need to have prestige and status. A counselor must be able to assist his or her clients using the most appropriate strategies in order to help them make progress. For example, Corey and Corey (1993) talked about the need to have prestige and status. This need is purely based on having hopes of acquiring a certain level of prestige, or a certain level of income. The need to have prestige and status is also by enhancing one’s status by attending seminars and training programmes in order to update their expertise in the counseling and psychotherapy field (Corey & Corey, 1993). By the counselor significantly involving their own insight and their own efforts, a new behavior can help solve the problem and help the client in need (Gerner, 2016).

A therapist should have knowledge of the needs as this will allow him or her to provide counseling that meets the client’s needs and effectively helps to resolve the problem or issue which the client has. Every person has fundamental emotional needs and the therapist should seek to meet the client’s needs for intimacy and attention outside of the therapy room (Carrick, 2014). The client will feel dependent on the therapist if the therapist does not actively encourage the client and help him or her to satisfy basic needs for intimacy and attention outside of their therapy with the therapist. It is worth mentioning that a level of emotional dependency and neediness is unavoidable for psychotherapy to become effective. Even so, this does not mean that the vast majority of clients who seek therapy are willing or keen on becoming emotionally dependent and needy (Pompeo & Levitt, 2014).

Actually, a major issue which usually arises during therapy is resistance. In spite of the significant pain which they might be feeling as well as sort of desperate hopelessness which at last forces them to look for professional assistance, a lot of clients do not want to become needy or dependent on the counselor (Timulak 2014). If a therapist has knowledge of needs, he/she will inform the client that it is OK to feel needy as this helps to develop a steady relationship with the therapist that will allow the therapist to provide effective counseling to help the client solve his/her own problems (Carrick, 2014).

Marks Section 6  /40


Total 1454 words

Practical Assessment Exercises in Counselling References

Carrick, L. (2014). Person-centered counselors’ experiences of working with clients in crisis: A qualitative interview study. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 14(4), 272-280. doi:10.1080/14733145.2013.819931

Corey, M. S., & Corey. G. (1993). Becoming a helper. In M. S. Corey, & G. Corey, Becoming a helper (pp. 3-9).

Gerner, B. (2016). Lecture Notes. Retrieved from

Lim, M., & Jamil. H. (2013). International Journal of Innovation, Management, and Technology. Certification Paradigm of Johari Window Human Capital, 303.

Pompeo, A. M., & Levitt, D. H. (2014). A Path of Counselor Self-Awareness. Counseling & Values, 59(1), 80-94.

Timulak, L. (2014). Witnessing Clients’ Emotional Transformation: An Emotion-Focused Therapist’s Experience of Providing Therapy. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 70(8), 741-752.

Analysis of articles Maintaining Change in Practice

Analysis of articles Maintaining Change in Practice Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of this post and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles.

Analysis of articles Maintaining Change in Practice
Analysis of articles Maintaining Change in Practice

The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the post. The writer should write one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in-text citation must be used as each respond to the 3 posts must have in-text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the articles. Address the content of each post below in one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

Analysis of articles Maintaining Change in Practice Sample Answer


The writer will have to read each of this post and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the post. The writer should write one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in-text citation must be used as each respond to the two posts must have in-text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the articles. Address the content of each post below in one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

Article 1

Maintain Change in Practice

Planned change is a calculated decision by the organization to move forward with a design or strategy that will expectantly cause growth, advancement, and success of the organization. Although the success is desired, it is not certain. It is important to identify who will be committed to the success of this change. According to Execuquest (2014), traditional hierarchical organizations (and most of them still are) engage in the change process under the assumption of controlling the process by involving only those individuals in influential or powerful positions. It is important to have a team working together, and a leader that will make sure it is carried out. To aid in the success of the planned change it is imperative that a timeframe is set for change, neutralize those opposed to change, build a strong support system of like-minded people, choose your change agent and key personnel carefully, control expectation of proposed change, identify discrepancies with the organization, and be clear about what the change and plan is (Stanley, 2006). These principles are key to assist in the success of the planned change.

Referring to the Kotter and Cohen’s 8 Steps to Change, step one speaks of creating an excitement and urgency for this change (Kotter International, 2016). This can be applied to my proposal in that, it can be shown what a lack of this change has resulted to and show the benefits that can arise, not only to the patients but also to the company. Step two encourage assembling a group. Within the change proposal key personnel and change champions such as the office staff members, office manager, medical assistants, and skills of the nurses and practitioners work together to make this change successful. Step three focuses on shaping the vision. In this proposal ,the vision is made clear, which is to control the patient’s blood pressure while decreasing the risk of adverse drug reaction and morbidity. The key personnel are also crucial to step four. They will drive this change.

The barriers to change that are discussed in step five would be the resistance of the staff to change. This can be removed through education. Step six is can be applied to the planned change in that the patient is monitored throughout, and small accomplishments and improvement can be seen and celebrated, which increases motivation to continue. The success of the change will continue to motivate those involved which will sustain acceleration and motivation as described in step seven. According to Izumi & Taylor (2000), changes to the structure of the organization or the functions within it are used to propel growth and development. Finally, step eight is accomplished in the beginning of my proposal. The benefits of the change for the company are made clear.  The proposal provides a positive correlation between the new behaviors and organizational success.

My understanding of planned change is that it is imperative for a successful change proposal. It is a calculated attempt to introduce modifications to a company. When actions are carefully planned and presented, this increases the chance of acceptance by the organization of the proposal and success in implementation.

Analysis of articles Maintaining Change in Practice References

Execuquest (2014). Simple principles of planned change. Retrieved from:

Izumi & Taylor (2000). Planned organizational change as the cultural revolution. Retrieved from:

Kotter International (2016). Accelerate’s 8-step process for leading change. Retrieved from

Stanley, G. (2006). Seven principles for change management. Retrieved from:

There is a need of providing the area of change that is being discussed in the introductory part of the paper. On the other hand, use evidence to support that uses an early warning system of communication and scoring that triggers the need for change within an organization (Mitchell, 2013). An effective change needs to draw focus in the areas that need to be developed and adapted through the inclusion of an ongoing cycle of evidence, research and theory.  As the change in practice is prompted by research, there is a need for the development of theories from research that act as evidence in producing and maintaining change in practice.

Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change. Nursing Management – UK, 20(1), 32-37.


Article two

Planned change is a purposeful, calculated and collaborative effort to make an organization better with the use of change agents (Mitchell, 2013).  Nurses are held to using the best evidenced based practices which means there are always going to be a need to update or change their practices however making changes in an organization is not always as easy as it may seem (Mitchell, 2013).  Sometimes it takes many unsuccessful tries to achieve the desired change within an organization.

According to Mitchell (2013) two-thirds of organizational change, projects fail.  This tells us that using change models and change processes is highly recommended to ensure that evidenced based project proposals are effectively implemented.  There are many forces that drive changes in the health profession including costs of treatments, staffing shortages, professional obligations, scientific advances, aging society, the potential to increase patient satisfaction, and promotion of patient and staff safety. Other forces include poorly created action plans, staff who are not motivated, ineffective communication styles, and inappropriate leadership (Mitchell, 2013).

Kotter International has also developed a planned change process that helps organizations effectively implement change.  I like the first step of creating urgency among the staff that change should happen (Kotter International, 2015).  It reminds me of  those late night, off-commercials that place a countdown clock saying that you will only get the “special price for the next 5 minutes” and if you do order you will get double for the price of one.  I’m not sure if this is a good comparison but my point is that the commercial gets “some” people to act in an urgent manner.  If organizations understand that, as in my project, antimicrobial resistance is getting worse and that providers may not be able to cure their UTIs (as an example) in the future because we may become resistant to Bactrim then staff may react more urgently to start the change process. Or if they are provided incentives to the initiative this may create a sense of urgency.

The 8 step process seems very comprehensive including each dynamic from start to finish.  The other part of the process I particularly find useful is gathering an army to help steer the change.  I believe that this committee should involve all levels of the organization being sure to include a staff member that is directly affected by the change and one who is very knowledgeable in the topic.  For example, my EBP project involves antimicrobial resistance so I would be sure to include a prescribing clinician (NP, MD, PA) and also someone from the infectious disease who is very knowledgeable with treating microbes so that the change can be comprehensive.  Dr. Schoech (2005) stated that the more stages of the change process that are completed effectively the greater the chance of success.

Tiana Proctor

Dr. Schoech. (2005). The planned change process: a community perspective. Retrieved from

Kotter International. (2015). 8 steps to accelerate change in 2015. Retrieved from

Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change. Nursing Management – UK, 20(1), 32-376p

The change process needs an effective communication approach that communicates the objectives and the need to achieve the process of change. It is in this case imperative to consider that the change process requires the acquisition of professional expertise in culminating their professional tasks in the achievement of goals (Low, Fletcher, Goodenough, Jeon, Etherton-Beer, MacAndrew, Beattie, 2015). This stresses the need of an effective approach of communication I order to achieve the objectives of the process.

Low, L., Fletcher, J., Goodenough, B., Jeon, Y., Etherton-Beer, C., MacAndrew, M., & Beattie, E. (2015). A Systematic Review of Interventions to Change Staff Care Practices in Order to Improve Resident Outcomes in Nursing Homes. Plos ONE, 10(10), 1-60. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140711

Article 3

Managers just don’t go out and haphazardly perform their responsibilities. Good managers discover how to master five basic functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling (cliffnotes, com, 2016)

  • Planning: This step involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal. Say, for example, that the organization’s goal is to improve company sales. The manager first needs to decide which steps are necessary to accomplish that goal. These steps may include increasing advertising, inventory, and sales staff. These necessary steps are developed into a plan. When the plan is in place, the manager can follow it to accomplish the goal of improving company sales.
  • Organizing: After a plan is in place, a manager needs to organize her team and materials according to her plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing.
  • Staffing: After a manager discerns his area’s needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing by recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees. A manager in a large organization often works with the company’s human resources department to accomplish this goal.
  • Leading: A manager needs to do more than just plan, organize, and staff her team to achieve a goal. She must also lead. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and encouraging. It requires the manager to coach, assist, and problem solve with employees.
  • Controlling: After the other elements are in place, a manager’s job is not finished. He needs to continuously check results against goals and take any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his area’s plans remain on track.

Being as the organization for which I will be working is an independent, planning and implementing change will not be a tremendous undertaking. According to Kotter, a major deficit to change is a rapidly changing world and a plan that does not keep up the pace (Kotter and Cohn, 2016)
As we have noted in previous discussions, change is hard. One of the most baffling and recalcitrant of the problems which business executives face is employee resistance to change. Such resistance may take a number of forms—persistent reduction in output, increase in the number of “quits” and requests for transfer, chronic quarrels, sullen hostility, wildcat or slowdown strikes, and, of course, the expression of a lot of pseudological reasons why the change will not work. Even the more petty forms of this resistance can be troublesome. However, with vigilance and positive affirmation by the change champion, this process can become a smooth transition instead of a rocky road.

How to deal with resistance to change (1969). Harvard business review. Retrieved from
Kotter International. (2016). Accelerate’s 8-step process for leading change. Retrieved from

Principles of management (2016).


There is a need to employ the tact that is required in managing the complexities of the process of change (McMillan, 2015). This would require that the processes of evaluation, planning, and the implementation of the proponents of change are aligned to the functions of the organization in order to achieve a lasting change.

McMillan, K. (2015). The Critical Bricolage: Uniquely Advancing Organizational and Nursing Knowledge on the Subject of Rapid and Continuous Change in Health Care. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, 14(4), 1-8. doi:10.1177/1609406915611550

Bringing it all Together Signature Assignment

Bringing it all Together Signature Assignment Required Resources: The final reading for the course represents the operational culmination of the previous readings and serves as a springboard to multicultural education.

Bringing it all Together Signature Assignment
Bringing it all Together Signature Assignment

Main Task: Bringing it all Together
Write a culminating research paper providing some suggestions for delivering a multicultural education. Be sure it demonstrates your comprehension,
application, analysis, assessment, and integration of the research. Change is a crucial pathway to a successful business. The need for change in business has been deeply analyzed by various scholars over years. This brought about theories that explain this need for change. The advancement in technology and business trends over long periods causes similar changes to these theories. Individually and when put together, the theories explain how successful change in business occurs.

Review of Article on Project Management

Review of Article on Project Management Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of this articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant pear review articles.

Review of Article on Project Management
Review of Article on Project Management

The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the article. APA and in text citation must be use as each respond to the two articles must have in text citations with a pear review article to support your comments. The writer will provide a reference at the end of each comments. They will be a minimum of 1 reference for each respond to the tow articles.

Review of Article on Project Management Sample Answer

Article 1

Wonderful article!!! This article captures conclusively and fully what should be done when designing a practice change in a clinical setting. Kerzner reports that some of the key aspects of designing a practice change include; the timeline, the personnel to be involved including the change champion, the required materials, the expected budget, and how these four elements will be necessary in achieving the expected change (Kerzner, 2013). The author has highlighted clearly about the onset of the project, what will be done, and when it is expected to be implemented. Timelines are important in tools when conducting a project since they help the programmers to know what should be done and at what time. Without timelines, wastage of money and other useful resources can be recorded (Gido and Clements, 2014). The author goes ahead and gives the personnel that will execute the project and each is assigned a specific task for proper coordination. Additionally, the article elaborates the materials to be used and allocates a budget; vital entities in project management.

Article 2

This is another very interesting and informative article as well. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is an important component that clinicians can use to in designing projects of care delivery change (Schmidt and Brown, 2014). The article sets aside a timeframe that will be used evaluate supporting evidence that has direct impact on patient outcomes and challenges that prevent change to standard practice. Anyone reading this article will be astounded by the manner by which the author has listed the EBP champions and the contribution of each in attaining the set object. From this reading, it is clear that technology will be significant in conducting major activities that will be encountered in the surveillance and evaluation phase of the proposal. The article gives a step by step approach on how the proposal will be implemented; it chooses to use the collaborative approach to enhance the process of implementing the proposed change and translate EBP into clinical practice. However, as much as EBP is an essential tool in clinical research, it takes significant time to change leaving outdated protocols to be in play instead of the improved and valid treatments (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2013).

Review of Article on Project Management References

Gido, J., & Clements, J. (2014). Successful project management. Nelson Education.

Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., Berry, C., & Yost, J. (2013). Study Guide for Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2014). Evidence-based practice for nurses. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Commenting and Analyzing Article critique

Commenting and Analyzing Article critique Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of this post and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the post.

Commenting and Analyzing Article critique
Commenting and Analyzing Article critique

The writer should write one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in-text citation must be used as each respond to the two posts must have in-text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the articles. Address the content of each post below in one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

It is Critical that the writer uses two pear review articles at the minimum of not more than 5 years old to support the facts

I will send the articles via email

Commenting and Analyzing Article critique Sample Answer

Article 1 Critique    

Investment by stakeholders in organizations is usually attributed to several reasons and is often beyond after-tax profits.  Stockholder’s equity and after-tax profits are two factors that are likely to be put under consideration by stakeholders prior a stakeholder invests in an organization. Hence, it is essential to consider non-durable and durable goods and services philosophy of an organization corporate social responsibility (CSR).  According to Forchuk & Roberts (2014) critiquing of research, the article requires an evaluation of all aspects of the paper including the research questions, methods, and findings. For instance, the research question evaluates how stockholder’s and after-tax profits for non-durable goods and durable goods in manufacturing corporations in the United States. The researcher used t tests, ANOVA and linear regression to analyze data collected from manufacturing corporations in this quantitative study (Forchuk & Roberts, 2014). The means for after-tax profit and stockholders’ equity for non-durable goods were found to be higher than that of durable goods. Inferential statistics show the non-significant relationship between after-tax profits and stockholders’ equity for durable and nondurable from the collected data meaning additional analysis is needed to make succinct conclusions (Forchuk & Roberts, 2014).

Article 2 Critique

This qualitative case study aimed to examine the factors of leadership style and education that influences business development subsequently leading to their success or possible failure based on the bivariate analysis. According to Lee (2013) bivariate analysis involves the analysis of two variables to determine the empirical relationship that exists between them. The research questions seek to evaluate the factors described by small business owners as necessary in the creation of successful start-ups as well as how managerial experience and leadership style influences the success or failure of start-up businesses. The sample size of 90 businesses selected at the Upstate of South Carolina was considerably good to provide reliable data (Lee, 2013). The collected data show that the manager’s experience and business existence were relatively similar. The correlation analysis indicates that there is a statistically significant strong positive relationship between the success of small business and managerial experience and leadership style. According to Lee (2013), appropriate statistical analysis provides elaborate findings and conclusions to identify gaps for future research.

Commenting and Analyzing Article critique References

Forchuk, C. & Roberts, J. (2014). How to critique qualitative research articles. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 25(4), 47–56.

Lee, P. (2013). Understanding and critiquing qualitative research papers. Nursing Times, 102(29), 30–32.

Why Am I Doing This?Research Paper

Why Am I Doing This?
Why Am I Doing This?

Why Am I Doing This?

Why Am I Doing This?

Order Instructions:

Both message and context are important when viewing public art; they will help you appreciate more than just the history the artwork represents. When you understand these concepts, you can view the collective past on a deeper level. The events surrounding the creation and placement of public art say quite a bit about the art itself. Before beginning the American Art Project – Assignment, it is necessary to define what is meant by message and context of a work of art. The message of art is more than just the subject matter of the painting or sculpture. Some works of art may portray one image, but when examined closely, convey a deeper meaning reflective of the period in which they were created.

Completing This Assignment:

· Click on the following link:
o Look at the artwork presented and read the description of the figures presented.
o As you review the information, think about the following questions:
§ Why would Classical and Renaissance images and themes appear in this type of space?
§ What message was the artist trying to send?
· Next, look at this resource on The Apotheosis of Washington:
o Concentrate primarily on the text from the second column of p. 127 to the end.
o The text gives several clues as to why Brumidi created the image in the way he did, including the events of the Civil War and the beginning of Reconstruction.
· In your own words (50–75 words), define the term “historical context.” If you use any outside sources, cite them in current Turabian format.
o Your final assignment will rely heavily on your understanding of this term. You will be scored for this assignment based on your definition of the term and your ability to communicate it clearly.


Why Am I Doing This?

Classical and renaissance themes have been used in a bid to bring out a new different form of art. It breaks away from the traditional themes of art since the setting depicts George Washington from the traditional forms of art, which were conservative and never depicted human beings in deeper forms such as gods since. The incorporation of classical themes and renaissance complement each other in bringing the difference between both themes out. The artist was depicting the first president of the United States as a god showing the numerous achievements that George Washington had made during the civil war and the short stint as the president of the United States. A god is seen as a symbol above everything and this was the case for George Washington. The writer depicts the piece of art showing that George Washington receiving various gift a similar treatment that is only attributed to gods. Additionally, it shows the numerous presents surrounding the status of a god[1]

Brumidi intended to show the whole world the means and methods used by George Washington to the world. Brumidi dresses George Washington as a military chief in some of the paintings to replace the picture of Zeus that had been erected a couple of years before the war. By dressing George Washington as a military chief and showing the remaining photos that were involved in the art, Brumidi manages to show the important role that George Washington played in the civil war and in the reconstruction of the nation after the civil war. Lastly Brumidi paints the picture in a variety of stages each depicting the important role that the leader played in the reconstruction of the country[2].

Historical context refers to the attitudes, moods, and conditions that happened at a particular time in history. The context refers to the setting where the event took place. In this case, the historical context is after the civil war in which George Washington had played a major role in quelling the aggression.

Bibliography,. ‘Apotheosis of Washington | Architect Of The Capitol | United States Capitol’. Last      modified 2015. Accessed December 6, 2015.

‘Painting the Apotheosis Of Washington’. Last modified 2015. Accessed December 6, 2015.   9.pdf.


[1] ‘Painting The Apotheosis Of Washington’. Last modified 2015. Accessed December 6, 2015.

[2], ‘Apotheosis Of Washington | Architect Of The Capitol | United States Capitol’, last modified 2015, accessed December 6, 2015,

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Constructive Commenting and Analyzing Articles

Constructive Commenting and Analyzing Articles Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of this post and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting his reactions with relevant articles.

Constructive Commenting and Analyzing Articles
Constructive Commenting and Analyzing Articles

The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the article. The writer should write one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in-text citation must be used as each respond to the two posts must have in-text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the articles. Address the content of each post below in one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

I will email the doc for this paper. It is important that the writer use in-text citations of not more than 5 years old to support the facts.

Constructive Commenting and Analyzing Articles Sample Answer

Article 1

Managers play an important role in ensuring smooth business operations to improve profitability of the organization (Cummings & Worley, 2014). It is imperative to note that the goal of the research is to determine the relationship between airport managers and increase in non-aeronautical revenue. This topic is qualitative in nature and involves evaluating different character traits, level of knowledge and the strategies that managers develop with the goal of increasing revenue. Therefore, qualitative approach is the best for finding the relationship between the variables in the research. Considering that qualitative research is inclined to explore, explain and understand the research topic (Creswell, 2014). However, it is not sufficient and part of the research should involve use of qualitative data. I would say that the research design adopted by the researcher will be effective in finding out the relationship between variables. But, he/she should consider using quantitative research as part of the research design. Therefore, it can help the researcher to prove its hypothesis and come up with an effective conclusion.

Article 2

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the imperative components that help organizations to attain business sustainability (Juščius & Snieška, 2015). The variables in this research are multivariate and encompass finding out the relationship between accounting practices, implementation of CSR reporting and financial performance. The article clearly states the research questions and the hypothesis. From the article, leader’s knowledge of environmental accounting practices will influence the implementation of CSR reporting. This notion is true because corporate social responsibility is primarily concerned with organization sustainability and the environmental aspect (Orlitzky et al.,2011).

Constructive Commenting and Analyzing Articles References

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.

Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage Learning.

Orlitzky, M., Siegel, D. S., & Waldman, D. A. (2011). Strategic corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Business & Society50(1), 6-27.

Juščius, V., & Snieška, V. (2015). Influence of corporate social responsibility on the competitive abilities of corporations. Engineering Economics58(3).

Article Review and Analysis Paper Available

Article Review and Analysis
Article Review and Analysis
Article Review and Analysis

Article Review and Analysis

Order Instructions:

It is very important that the writer read carefully the instructions here below and understand it well before engaging in responding to any of the 3 points below. Proper APA must be use throughout the entire paper, and the articles to be used for the paper must be properly cited.

Article Review and Analysis

In this course, you have learned methods for statistically manipulating research data and explored the importance of ensuring validity in the methods that are used to collect research data. Consider the various aspects of validity you have explored. How might you prioritize their importance?
With these thoughts in mind:

Review the article “Validation Guidelines for IS Positivist Research,” by Straub, Boudreau, & Gefen and focus your analysis on each of the following guiding questions. You should address each set of questions in a short paragraph. Be sure to refer directly to the article where appropriate.

• Briefly describe the types of validity presented. What are the critical differences among them? Assess the authors’ performance in explaining them.

• Select a previous article that presents a quantitative study. How would you assess the study’s validity? What information would you need in order to be able to do so, and is that information present in the article?

• Based on Table 8 on page 415 in the article by Straub, Boudreau, & Gefen, which positivist design contingency best describes the previous article you selected ? Which best describes your potential Doctoral Study (Effects of HRM Practices on Employee Performance)? Explain your selections.

I will email the reference article in this order form,, and for the other quantitative article, the writer will search for a suitable article of not more that 5 years old to be use in completing the paper,



To provide complete and accurate view of research work, a given construct must draw confidence in its representation and ability to validate its own concepts based on its empirical findings (Straub, Boudreau & Gefen, 2004).

Content Validity

The construct would be more helpful and meaningful if the validities chosen reflect the heuristics presented in the study. Assessing content validity is very difficult as researchers are uncertain on how to rate the degree or level of completeness of their own research work. Content validity is basically sampling and evaluating the contents of research work for its validity (Straub, Boudreau & Gefen, 2004).

Construct Validity

Construct validity provides the measurement between constructs or operations. Construct validity appeals more to the content of the construct’s validity than the substance of the construct. It raises the fundamental question as to whether the construct fits in its application by the researcher in an attempt to capture the significance of the construct. The application of nomological network is applied to test if there are links similar to the ones existing on the construct literature. Construct validity focuses more on the likeness or differences of the construct linkages and their strengths on past literature (Straub, Boudreau & Gefen, 2004).

Predictive Validity

It is also known as concurrent validity and it establishes relationship between different measures and constructs through demonstration of posited measures directed on specific construct correlations. Predictive validity predicts outcomes for given variables but they also provide conceptual meaning applies to the constructs antecedents and ramifications. The goal of predictive validity is basically prediction while also reinforcing the concept of the theory base (Szajna, 1994).

The author has explained the differences as well as the similarities of the various validity measures. For example, the author has explained that predictive validity validates both the exogenous as well as the endogenous constructs based on the use of z-scores (Szajna, 1994).

The peer review research article by Klein and Olbrecht (2011) demonstrates the need to widen and work on more exploratory research work. The article summarizes the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The oral presentation and the other protocols provided as the basis of the research work requires more cognitive frameworks to present constructive and validated data. The intractable domains are also difficult to establish as the research relies on limited primary data. To assess the validity of the primary data I would require the questionnaires that were used to compile the research report (Straub, Boudreau & Gefen, 2004).

The non-theoretical work which bases its findings on the primary descriptive data would provide a basis for predictive validity. The predictive validity predicts outcomes for given variables but its conceptual meaning applies to the constructs antecedents and ramifications which are collaborated with the content validity. The research work can only be validated by confirming the constructs relationship with other research work from well established research streams. The article confirms that the validity of scientific that is based on positivist science needs based not only on highly biased observations but also on a series of random anecdotes that tests the intellectual constructs of the research presented. The article requires the rigor of intelligent, careful and thoughtful collection of primary data (Carrier et al, 1990).

The best description of my potential doctoral study is the exploratory that specifically probe the areas in HRM that are not well understood like valuation of human resources as a key element of a company’s capital structure.

Carrier, M. R., A. T. Dalessio, and S. H. Brown (1990). “Correspondence between Estimates of Content and Criterion-Related Validity Values,” Personnel Psychology (43) 1 (spring), pp. 85-100.

Klein, T. and Olbrecht, M. (2011) Triangulation of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Panel Peer Review Research, International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 2, Issue 2, June, pg 345 -348.

Szajna, B. (1994) “Software Evaluation and Choice: Predictive Validation of the Technology Acceptance Instrument,” MIS Quarterly (17) 3, pp. 319-324.

Straub, D.,  & Boudreau, M., & Gefen, D. (2004) Validation Guidelines for Positivist Research, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol 13, pg 380 – 427.

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