Public Administration in American Society Students will be required to complete a concise, well-articulated essay that incorporates the Declaration of Independence, any article or amendment to the Constitution, or one of the Federalist Papers to concepts covered in the course, a historical speech as well can be used for said Essay.

Historical context is necessary. Essays should be between 5-7 pages in length, not including references, tables, graphs, etc.
Essays should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with standard one-inch margins.
All references should be cited according to the American Psychology Association (APA) (6th ed.) style in PAD 3003 Public Administration in American Society
Students will be required to complete a concise, well-articulated essay that incorporates the Declaration of Independence, any article or amendment to the Constitution, or one of the Federalist Papers to concepts covered in the course, a historical speech as well can be used for said Essay. Historical context is necessary.
Essays should be between 5-7 pages in length, not including references, tables, graphs, etc. Essays should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with standard one-inch margins.
All references should be cited according to the American Psychology Association (APA) (6th ed.) style in an author-date format with a separate reference section located at the end of the essay. It is highly recommended that you consult the citation guides provided online (
Sample outline:
Introduction ñ explain the content of the document and give a historical context (what was going on in the U.S. when it was written); list and briefly define the concept you are going to relate to the document
Class Concept 1 (i.e., ethics) ñ go into a deeper explanation of the concept; point out parts of the document where this concept is addressed (use quotes if you want, but not extensively, and make sure you cite them)
Class Concept 2 (i.e., motivation) ñ same as above
Class Concept 3 (i.e., organizational culture) ñ same as above
Conclusion – recap why you chose the concepts you did (no 1st person, though); recap historical implications of the document, and the specific implications of the concepts you chose.
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