John Milton Paradise Lost Methodology Thesis

John Milton Paradise Lost Methodology Thesis Paragraph 200-250 words explaining how you’re going to prove your thesis scope of text/corpus (how much text you’re using for your thesis

John Milton Paradise Lost Methodology Thesis
John Milton Paradise Lost Methodology Thesis

What are you going to look at specifically in your texts

Secondary sources (how you search them/ what kind of articles essay are you looking at

Write an excellent thesis consisting of 50 words about A theme in John Milton‘s Paradise lost, a theme or something you’re trying to prove from the poem, the rest 200 words are how you’re going to prove it basically ( after looking at these instructions please tell me what theme you’re willing to write about)

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Learning Theories Thesis Statement Paper

Learning Theories Thesis Statement
Learning Theories Thesis Statement

Learning Theories Thesis Statement

Behaviorist, Cognitive, Humanist, Social, Constructivism, or another learning theory that is applicable to learning/training employees in an industrial or blue collar industry in regards to work practices and safe work behaviour.

Concise thesis statement in the first paragraph.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Thesis on Jamie Hernandez’s Wigwam Bam

Thesis on Jamie Hernandez's Wigwam Bam
Thesis on Jamie Hernandez’s Wigwam Bam

Thesis on Jamie Hernandez’s Wigwam Bam Graphic Novel

Prompt: In “Wigwam Bam,” Hopey is the subject of a missing persons orange juice carton campaign which asks: “Have you seen me?” Yet, unlike Maggie, Hopey is present throughout the narrative. How does Hernandez use the idea of absence and presence to illustrate the characters and relationship of these two women?

You must produce an argument about this graphic novel, and you must state that argument in a thesis statement at the beginning of your essay. You are ONLY allowed to use the graphic novel “Wigwam Bam” as a source for this paper.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Violence and bullying in school Essay Paper

Violence and bullying in school
Violence and bullying in school

Violence and bullying in school

What if violence and/or bullying could be stopped in our schools?

Assignment: You are to choose and analyze an essay/article that addresses school violence or bullying. After choosing an essay, you are then to write a 5-6 page critical analysis based on Toulmin logic in which you both support and refute the author’s claims on the issue.

In addition to the essay you are analyzing, you must synthesize factual, researched, documented sources into your paper with peer reviewed sources. These sources should

look at both sides of the issue and include evidence from both.

Your essay should meet the following Requirements:

  1. The essay should contain a thesis that states the writer’s stance on the issue and whether you agree or disagree with the claim.
  2. The essay should contain a full introduction with some background on the article/essay you Choose.
  3. The essay should contain a strong argument with support from at least five legitimate sources to substantiate your claim. Your original essay may count as one of those sources.
  4. Your essay should contain at least five in-text citations (one for each source).
  5. The essay should include all components of Toulmin logic: claim, grounds, warrant, backing, qualifiers, and rebuttals.
  6. The essay should contain a conclusion that sums up your stance and restates the thesis.
  7. The essay should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
  8. The essay should be told from the third person point of view. You may have a tendency to want to use the first person point of view in this essay, but you can still incorporate your ideas and thoughts without overtly using I and me in the essay.
  9. You can address any subcategory within this topic, including, but not limited to school shootings, cyberbullying, violence, in-person bullying, or other issues that are facing high schools and colleges.
  10. The goal of this assignment is to gain support and/or refute the claim of the original source that you choose. This is an analysis, not an essay designed to solve the problem of school violence. Your goal is to simply take a stance on the original author’s claim and go after it.
  11. The essay should contain the name of the author and the article in the thesis statement, as well as your stance on it.

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Element of Tragedy Essay Assignment

Element of Tragedy
Element of Tragedy

Element of Tragedy

THIS IS AN ESSAY OUTLINE… NOT AN ESSAY (I ATTACHED THE FORMAT TO BE USED). File should be called Lesson 5 Outline (Also this is worth 12% of my final mark). Thank you!


Choose one element that you notice in three of these four major texts (Agamemnon, Hamlet, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and John F. Kennedy’s Secret Society Speech).

I would like to use elements of Tragedy.

Must have:

  • a clear thesis statement
  • at least three body paragraphs outlined

supporting points in body paragraphs that are specific and detailed

supporting points in body paragraphs that are detailed, accurate and connected to the thesis

It should be a clearly organized outline

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Brainstorm a thesis statement for your Coursework

Brainstorm a thesis statement
   Brainstorm a thesis statement

Brainstorm a thesis statement

The purpose of this project is to use a writing process to develop a successful college paper.

Day 1: Brainstorm a thesis statement for your paper. What question are you going to answer in your paper? Keep brainstorming until you feel good about it. Then show it to your teacher or writing tutor. Get suggestions before you move ahead.

Day 2: Draft your paper. To support your thesis, use the data you have already collected. Take your draft to your teacher or to a writing tutor. Ask them to review it with you and make suggestions.

Day 3: Revise your draft. Take into account suggestions from your collaborators.

Day 4: Edit and proofread your paper. Fix problems, clear things up, proofread using spelling and grammar check.

Day 5: Record your impressions of these experiences. How did it go? What did you learn about the writing process? What worked well for you? What questions do you have?

– You need to explain day’s activity with enough details. Don’t forget this is an experiment that can change your writing process and become your one good habit.

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Thesis Statement

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Thesis Statement 3 page essay discussing the following theme: LOYALTY Your THESIS STATEMENT should be essentially a THEME statement.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Thesis Statement
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Thesis Statement

What do you believe about the theme given what we’ve read in The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar?

Your task is to discuss AND analyze your understanding of the theme as in-depth as possible.

Focus on the aspect of the theme of loyalty you think is most interesting. (Essay prompts for theme loyalty listed below,) MUST include 2 quotes from the play to SUPPORT your analysis. You will also read articles on the theme of loyalty from the real modern world and incorporate at least two quotes from your reading into your essay. Remember articles need to be from reputable sources.

You should compile works cited a page that includes a citation for the play from the book. And citations for the articles you use.

LOYALTY- Loyalty is shown in many different aspects throughout the play. What type of loyalty is presented as the strongest and most pure?

Packaging Materials Comparison Thesis Statement

Packaging Materials Comparison Thesis Statement compare and contrast the advantages and

Packaging Materials Comparison Thesis Statement
Packaging Materials Comparison Thesis Statement

disadvantages of a paper-based the shipping container, a wood-based shipping container and a plastic-based a shipping container for use as a distribution package (a non-retail shipping package). You must consider the entire supply chain in your response. Start with a thesis statement, Choose three main points to support your idea, Explain the three points in separate paragraphs, at least 3 references. This review article was prompted by a remarkable growth in the number of scientific publications dealing with the use of nanocellulose (especially nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), and bacterial cellulose (BC)) to enhance the barrier properties and other performance attributes of new generations of packaging products.

Assembly and hash function Assignment

Assembly and hash function
Assembly and hash function

Assembly and hash function

Assembly and hash function

Write a program in 32-bit x86 Assembly language that asks the user to enter a password to login. The password is accepted into a string and it is processed through a hashing function and then encrypted as below. After encryption, it is compared with the stored correct password in the program. The stored password is already hashed and encrypted as per the scheme below therefore if the user has not entered the correct password, it will not match and your program will give a warning. After three warnings, the program terminates denying the login otherwise it displays welcome message to the user.

Hash function: add ASCII codes of all the characters of the password string and then apply modulo 313 to the sum. The remainder is the hash code.

Encryption Scheme: Rotate right the hash code by 2 bits then perform XOR with the key. Key is selected as 217.

Source code from .asm file should be copied here.

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Who is Ruslan Sokolovsky Thesis Statement

Who is Ruslan Sokolovsky Thesis Statement Why is he not allowed to play Pokémon go in an orthodox church?

Who is Ruslan Sokolovsky Thesis Statement
Who is Ruslan Sokolovsky Thesis Statement

Please come up with a title for your paper. Make your title as precise and descriptive as
2. Make sure your paper begins with a specific thesis statement that puts forth a particular,
Focused argument. The remainder of your paper should develop this argument through the
use of evidence, citations, and examples from primary material.
3. Your paper needs to be 5 – 7 pages long, double-spaced, in a 12-point font with 1-inch
4. When you do cite/consult anything, be sure to give a full and proper citation (this also refers
to any internet sources, interviews, or reviews).