An history from the Famine to the civil war

An history from the Famine to the civil war

An history from the Famine to the civil war

FAMINE TO CIVIL WAR: AN IRISH SAGA - Kindle edition by Raymond, R.W..  Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
An history from the Famine to the civil war

Write an history from the Famine to the civil war by quoting the plays and films which are dealt with as ‘case studies’ in the course.

The effect of war and famine concern people, for without people there can be no famine. Vulnerability to famine is a product
of an on going system.

System concept is therefore a useful approach to be used in understanding how and the extend to which society
becomes vulnerable to risks of these disasters.
Mariam (1986) developed a conceptual framework in explaining various ways by which society becomes vulnerable to famine.

An history from the Famine to the civil war

She emphasised that, the peasant world has two principal relationships with nature and political and socio-economic subsystems. Thus,
one set of relationship binds the peasant to the natural conditions which is characterised by an almost total dependence of the peasant
on nature. This dependence may yield benefit as well as risk………….

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Measures to Prevent Terrorism and Civil Rights

Measures to Prevent Terrorism and Civil Rights Do measures to prevent terrorism unintentionally step on civil rights and make countries more unsafe?

Measures to Prevent Terrorism and Civil Rights
Measures to Prevent Terrorism and Civil Rights

Introduction: Statement of the problem with background information

Outline of the paper by bullet points

Body: Presentation of the researched results with analysis and proof;

Opinions/conclusions drawn from research

Conclusion: Summarization of the most important points

Citations: MLA Citation style


Double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman Font

7-10 pages (not including title/citation pages).

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Crisis in Iraq Research Evaluation Paper

Crisis in Iraq Research Evaluation Paper This paper will involve research and evaluation of research. It will combine your opinions and arguments with the opinions from at least five articles on the issue that you have chosen.

Crisis in Iraq Research Evaluation Paper
Crisis in Iraq Research Evaluation Paper

At least three of these articles have to be opinion/argument articles (i.e. containing the author’s position on one side or the other, not just facts). Also, all of your articles have to have an author (blogs, chain letters, or Wikipedia are not acceptable sources). Best sources: Library resources or sites associated with universities or major newspapers. Tip: you can add “scholarly article” to the keyword if you use Google or other search engines on the web. Do not use articles that ask for any money. The library provides its own search engine with plenty of articles on a great variety of topics (so go to “Library” on the STC website, go to “Articles” and you will see several options. EBSCO is a good one.

Crisis in Iraq Research Evaluation Paper

I want your paper to contain a DEBATE between two sides of the issue. You will present the sides and explain where the authors stand in your paper ñ major points and how they’re supported ñ from the articles, and agree or disagree with each point you bring up from their texts. Finally, you will choose one side based on which arguments you agree with the most. You should make the comparison between the arguments obvious: are the articles that are on one side very similar or have differences? Is the opposing argument more, or less valid? Why?

Crisis in Iraq Research Evaluation Paper

YOUR argument that evaluates the four articles that you picked should be clear from the beginning, but then elaborated in a dialogue with the 4 articles. It should be clear, however, what YOUR voice and your opinions are in relation to the sources. Do not simply paraphrase or summarize someone else’s point without mentioning whose opinion that is, if it’s not your point, because that would mean you’re plagiarizing. Always distinguish between their points and yours, with signals such as in his opinion, ìI agree because, or his point makes sense because, or I think a flaw in this argument is. You can give your own examples, to show how you relate to the issue or not.

When you discuss a source that contains facts, explain the meaning of those facts and use them to help make your point. Make them relevant to your position.

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Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War

Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War/ Declaration of Cause/

Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War
Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War
  1. View/watch video #10, The Coming of the Civil War. Be sure to take notes while viewing the video.
  2. Next, read the Confederate States of America – Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union and Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861, the selected articles. In your essay, you will provide an analysis and your inference regarding the causes of the war from the northern and southern perspective. [Inference: the act of reasoning from factual knowledge].

Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War Formatting Requirements

  1. Type your essay response;
  2. 1-inch margins;
  3. 12-point type; double-spaced;
  4. type your name in the top left corner and use page numbers;
  5. Use proper citation (endnotes; footnotes–no need for works cited or bibliography page).
  6. Upload or copy and paste this assignment to the Unit IV assignment link within this module.

Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War Sources


Source 1;


For source 2 read the following sections that pertain to “slavery”;

Article I Section 9 – #4

Article IV Section 2 – #1 and #3

Article IV Section 3 – #3

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Defeat of Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001

Defeat of Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001 why did the defeat of the Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001 not end the war there? How did the attacks of September 11, 2001, change American attitudes toward immigration?

Defeat of Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001
Defeat of Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001

Why did the defeat of the Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001 not end the war there? !!!!

How did the attacks of September 11, 2001, change American attitudes toward immigration? Afghanistan War, international conflict in Afghanistan beginning in 2001 that was triggered by the September 11 attacks and consisted of three phases.

Defeat of Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001

The first phase—toppling the Taliban (the ultraconservative political and religious faction that ruled Afghanistan and provided sanctuary for al-Qaeda, perpetrators of the September 11 attacks)—was brief, lasting just two months.

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The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County What Would You Do?

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County
The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County

You have just been hired as an intern at a local non-profit organization that provides health services in low-income neighborhoods. Increasingly, the community you serve has been asking questions about the rise in opioid deaths in North Carolina and Guilford County.

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County

Your supervisor wants to begin partnering with local efforts to address the community’s questions, but they need to know more details before they begin reaching out. Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report on activity in Guilford County over the last year regarding the opioid crisis.

The purpose of this assignment is to test your health literacy skills and your ability to translate complex health information into more usable content for a general audience. In preparing a report, you will need to research and build your content. You will also need to think about formatting and how you will translate your research into a final document.

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County Building the Content

Your supervisor shares a press release from the NC Governor’s office as a starting point. The press release has some 2005 compared with 2015 data. (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.

They ask you for the following information:

Is there any more recent data? What do we know about the problem in 2018?

Is there any city-level information? Is the problem worse in Greensboro or High Point?

What are the major newspapers and tv stations in the area saying about it?

What are the City and County governments saying about it?

What are the colleges and universities in the area saying about it?

Are there any major partnerships or programs that have emerged to address the problem?

Who are some of the key contact people?

What resources can we connect our community to?

Are there any recommended communication strategies that we can adopt?

Are there other model programs out there (in other communities) that we can learn from?

You will need to consult multiple sources to gather this information, and you will need to include web links to everything that you find. Your supervisor would also like you to include any infographics or other quick-reference guides as attachments to your report.

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County  Preparing the Report

Reports are useful in that they provide synthesized information in a few short pages. They rely on the good organization of information, quick readability, and strategic headers. In other words, you can’t simply copy & paste the 10 questions into a Word Document and quickly answer them. Here’s a quick link to some suggestions on how to prepare a report: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Here are some examples of headers or sections that you might use to organize your report:

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County Key Resources for Communities

These are just examples – you should come up with your own way of organizing. It’s ok to use these examples, but you’ll likely need more than two categories of information (more like 5-7).

As you finalize your report, think carefully about the readability. You don’t want huge paragraphs of information that are difficult to reference quickly. You want short paragraphs and sentences, full-sentence bullet-points, graphs & tables, and other easy ways to reference information quickly. If you’re looking for an A on this assignment, these are the kinds of details that will get you there.

The Scope of the Opioid Crisis in Guilford County  A Final Note

Always include a reference for your sources. In this case, I’m not looking for APA style. I’m looking for weblinks to good information from credible sources. If you borrow any information – a statistic, a table or graph, an infographic, etc. – you must provide a link to that information.

Your report should be 2-3 pages in length plus attachments and references/weblinks. Use a basic 12-point font and single-space the document. Include the following information as the header for your assignment:

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History of Civilization II Discussion

History of Civilization II Discussion

Questions 1. To what extent did the age of European expansion impact the Chinese? Who benefited more from this seaborne interaction? Explain, with examples.

2. Compare and contrast the governmental systems of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Why were the British colonists of North America more inclined toward independence than their Spanish American counterparts? Explain, with examples. The second civilization, introduced by

History of Civilization II Discussion
History of Civilization II Discussion

writing, began with a change in the nature of religious worship which took place in the 1st millennium B.C. Primitive religions, one may recall, typically include rituals intended to increase the fertility of agriculture. They acknowledge and feed a community’s ancestral spirits. They may involve animal or even human sacrifice as a means of pleasing the gods.

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Civil War known as Reconstruction

Civil War known as Reconstruction In our first assignment we will explore the period following the Civil War known as Reconstruction. Begin the assignment by going to the Mini-lecture on Reconstruction provided below.

Civil War known as Reconstruction
Civil War known as Reconstruction

Take time to read the Mini-lecture, and then read the assignment listed on that page. Note that you do not need to read the hyperlinks within the essay itself. However, make sure to do the

appropriate readings from the Internet links and text that are at the end of the lecture. Then go to the Discussion Board to discuss questions and ideas on your studies. Finally, write a one to three-page paper covering the questions I have listed, using the paper to show your knowledge of the readings. Try to include a balance of your own thoughts combined with specific examples from your studies.

Civil War known as Reconstruction

Consider the situation facing President Abraham Lincoln and the American people at the end of the Civil War in April of 1865. Eleven states and 5.5 million white southerners had detested Lincoln and the Republican party so much that they attempted to leave the United States and form their own country. The ensuing Civil War led to some 620,000 deaths. As a result of this death toll, it is estimated that there were seven women for every four men in the United States in Much of the southern population was literally starving to death as the war concluded. In addition, with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, the practice of slavery was finally officially abolished. This meant that there were about 4 million people who had been held in slavery all their lives that were now free. These Americans had been denied virtually every important right one could think of and most were illiterate with little concept of American governmental systems. How do you make the country whole again? This is the question of Reconstruction.

The process came down to two fundamental issues. How should the southern states be brought back into the United States and how should former slaves be brought into freedom? We will never know how Abraham Lincoln would have really dealt with these problems as he was assassinated in April 1865. Ironically, the man that was now brought to the presidency, Andrew Johnson, was a southerner and a Democrat. This began a struggle between Johnson and the Republican Congress over who should provide leadership in reconstructing the country, with Congress eventually taking charge with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Reconstruction Acts of 1867.

Put yourself in a former slave’s position. You and your family have worked on a cotton plantation all your life and someone finally tells you that you are no longer enslaved. What would you do?

What would you hope for? Most, like most Americans in this time period, wanted economic independence in the form of a small farm. The motto “forty acres and a mule” reflects the aspirations of many former slaves in the Reconstruction era. Access to education and freedom of religion are also important and these are largely successfully secured through a combination of community work and government assistance. However, economic security and legal and political rights remain as problems that will only be somewhat addressed by Reconstruction.

It is said that the sign of a good compromise is when no one is fully satisfied. This might be said about Reconstruction. When reading your text, make sure to read about sharecropping and crop lien farming and the precarious economic position that many southerners, both black and white, find themselves in during the postwar years. Also, read about the Ku Klux Klan and other forms of white resistance that work against political and legal equality and economic opportunity for emancipated Americans. Finally, read about the Election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 in your text, which was one of the most controversial presidential elections in US history, where the Republican party ultimately gives up on Reconstruction and the idea that the federal government has a responsibility to assist an oppressed minority in attaining its rights. At the conclusion of Reconstruction in 1877 many southern African Americans will find themselves in situations that are not entirely different from the circumstances they faced before the Thirteenth Amendment. It will take almost one hundred more years before southern African Americans and the federal government will embark on a second Reconstruction in the form of the civil rights movement.

Reading: Oakes, Chapter 15 (focus on Reconstruction) or Chapter 15 of The American Yawp, Assignment links (see below)

Read the information in Chapters 15 and then compare it with the testimony of a South Carolina freedman. ( Also, read a letter documenting events in Maryland during Reconstruction ( Then, consider the following questions. when you respond to the questions, don’t write your responses in the form of a study sheet, but instead, try to create a holistic essay that features an introduction and conclusion that ties the information and studies together. Just use these questions for ideas on what to discuss.

Do not use unassigned books or web sites for information in this essay.

1) What was Reconstruction and what were some of its goals?

2) How did President Johnson’s views on Reconstruction differ from Republicans in Congress?

3) What were some of the problems in implementing Reconstruction?

4) What were some of the problems facing the freedmen?

5) What were the aspirations of the freedmen? Do you think they were largely met by Reconstruction?

6) What were some of the important outcomes of Reconstruction? How should we evaluate that era?

Main Features of Chinese Civilization

Main Features of Chinese Civilization 1) Compare the main features of Chinese civilization from about 1000 to about 1500 CE to your choice of either the MesoAmerican (such as the Aztec) OR Andean civilizations (such as the Inca) in the Americas during approximately the same time period. How do you explain the similarities and differences?

Main Features of Chinese Civilization
Main Features of Chinese Civilization

2) “There are several important similarities and differences when comparing the role and impact of Islam in India to the role and impact of Islam in Africa.” Explain.

3) How did the Mongols change the world—or did they?

*For each question, do the following

Aim for at least 500 but no more than about 1000 words. If you like, you can prepare your actual essay answers in advance and then paste your answer into the assignment but this is not necessary or mandatory.

Write a formal, well-organized essay that includes:

–an introduction with a thesis or interpretive statement;

–well-constructed paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details;

–evidence from a variety of times and cultures;

–evidence from a variety of course materials (video lectures, readings, forum interactions, etc);

–a conclusion that wraps up the main issues.              Think about whether you would like to include “categories of analysis” (such as political, social, etc) in your answers.                                                                             You might also raise the problem of sources (primary vs. secondary, etc.) in relation to your topic.                Try to synthesize diverse and divergent evidence into a comprehensive and insightful vision of the issues.

Your task is to weigh the evidence and arrive at reasoned conclusions. You are a judge examining all the possible evidence from a variety of perspectives, not a lawyer arguing a case from only one point of view.

History on Colonial and Revolutionary America

History on Colonial and Revolutionary America Of these six topics, you will be answering THREE, one from each section, with each response consisting of two paragraphs

History on Colonial and Revolutionary America
History on Colonial and Revolutionary America

(Each at the very least four sentences), in which you must address both components of the question, with arguments that must be based on specific ideas and concepts from the course. There is no correct opinion on where you place your emphasis, but you must have some foundation of support from your broader discussion. If you borrow language or specific ideas from sources, be it lectures, your textbooks, or the internet, you MUST include in-text citations, otherwise, you will receive a ZERO on that answer, and badly damage your final grade.

Below are the six possible questions. Answer all three questions in one file submitted in Blackboard. Please indicate by a number which question you are answering.

Section 1: Colonial & Revolutionary America. Answer ONE

1] In what ways were Britain’s North American colonies interconnected, socially, economically and politically, to a broader Atlantic community (including Europe, Africa, the Caribbean & etc.) in the eighteenth century? Which of these connections do you feel had the most impact on Colonial American society?

2] Was the American Revolution a “revolution”? And if so, for whom? (You should define what revolution means to you, and consider if/how different peoples benefited more or less from the political changes between the 1760s and 1780’s)

Section 2: Women & Minorities in America.

Answer ONE

3] How did the roles, rights, and opportunities for women change from the colonial period to the era of Reconstruction (ending in 1877)? Which of these changes do you feel represent the most significant improvement for the lives of American women? (Bear in mind women’s suffrage is not achieved until 1920)

4] What role did minorities (you may choose among ethnic/racial, religious or other minorities) play in the shaping of American institutions and culture from the mid-18th to the mid-19th century? What was the most significant contribution of one, or all, of these groups you addressed?

Section 3: American Politics & Society. Answer ONE

5] How did Americans’ attitudes towards democracy and political participation change from the era of the Early Republic (the 1780’s) to the Jacksonian Era (1820’s-40’s)? What do you feel was the most significant/indicative example of this change?

6] Discuss three ways/instances in which conflicts between Democrats and Whigs/Republicans over the purpose, functions and/or authority of the Federal Government contributed to the Civil War. You may discuss any movement/event/law/court case & etc in the period between 1850-1861. How do the instances you discussed undermine (if at all) the argument that the Civil War was largely caused by a conflict over “states’ rights”?